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Show UTAH UNIVERSITY DEC J PERIODICALS ZllUGWAY- Published for Dngwiy Proving Ground, Dogwij, Utah DPC Firemen mnA mom 90 General Pochyla Wish Everyone e A Xmas Friday, December 24, 1965 Vol. No. 9, No. 12 Er2!taL?5!! Published, by the Transcript-Bulleti- n pah- lishinf Company, Tooele, Utah, a privets firm, in no way connected with the PS- - New TECOM CG . No-Fir- to be OPggkUrM at an angle at least one Command Message 'i s J ,J i ( 4: ' Golf Snack Bar Now Operating The snack bar at the Dugway .after a fire which caused more than $2000 in damage Dec. 6. The snack bar was closed for seven days during remodeling. I Cabrey Honored To Retire Dec. 29 tics. Department of the Army; Faculty of the U.S. Army War College; U.S. Army Signal Training Center; and Deputy Director, Communications Electronics Di- rectorate, Office of the Joint Chiefs Mr. Ceoige J Cabrey was presented a of Staff in Washington, D.C. Department of the Prior to die USATECOM shift Army Certificate of Achievement Friday by Post Commander Colo-nJoseph J. Fraser, Jr., for exemplary service dining die period Ceneral Pochyla commanded the U.S. Army Electronic Proving of 12 March 1963 to 31 December 1965. Mr. Cabrey, Assistant Scien- Ground at Fort Huachuca, Aritific Director of Dugway Proving Chemical Co. In 1941 he xona. joined THERE HAS been no official Ground since 1980 is to retire Civil service and worked from hie 1941 to 1951 at Edgewood Arseposition here Dec. 29. word as to who will be assigned from THE CERTIFICATE cited Mr. nal, commander of USATECOM. Maryland, and from 1951 to Cabrey i initiative, leadership 1957 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal General Pochyla is acting as "P1? dedication to HE CAME to Dugway in 1957 commanding general until a per-and worked as Deputy Director J Jnd.telkT manent assignment is made. rigficant contribution and Director of flic Materiel Test General Pochyla was one of Directorate and also Director of the principal speakers at Dugway J iis in-- Technical 'k100 for the Zero Defects kickoff cere- - J Operations. becn AiUnt Scientific mony Nov. 5. Mr. Cabrey is a 1934 graduate Director in 1960 workinc under of St Josephs College in Fhfla- - Dr. Mortimer Rotbenberg. delphia w h e r e he majored in Mr. chemistry. Following graduation on, he attended Diesel Institute of him to Kentucky where he plans Technology where he pursued to work in the chemical producchemical engineering. tion industry. He also has two Fran 1934 to 1941, Mr. Ca- other married sons and a daughbrey worked as a chemical engi- ter, Kathleen, who is living in neer for Barrett Division of Allied Salt Lake City. el Pf0 comlt . GUjrtetmaa 1965 Holiday Greetings For The U. S. Army ; 1 Ti : the world, Christmas it a time for and renewed hope,, at me ore inspired with the univenal menage of pence and good Today, at almoit two thousand yean ago when the joyous newt wat fret proclaimed, Christmas expresses the yearning of me everywhere for peace, for freedom, for individual dignity. Many of you are serving far from home and your loved ones at outposts along the front ien of freedom. For those of you in Vietnam, this Christmas will be an especially hard one. But wherever you are serving, you may be proud in knowing that your achievements are contributing to the preservation of freedom. Our nation and free me in every corner of the world look upon yonr selfless service with a deep sense of gratitnde and pride. To all members of the United States Army, both military and civilian, and to your families, I extend my personal best wishes for a most Bleesed Christmas. As we enter the New Year, let us renew our faith i the ideals of this holy season and rekindlo our hope that the inspiring light of these ideals will prevail over the fortes of darkness and ultimately bring peace with freedom and dignity to all mankind. NSON HAROLD K. General, United States Army Chief of Staff oasimasiers Christmas of 1865 is observed throughout tho world, I wish to extend warmest greetings to all the men and women, military and civilian, of the Army, and to their families. The Christmae season is a tims to reaffirm that good will toward men and peace on earth are the highest aims of max-kin- d. Through your service you are making a major contribution toward reaching these goals. You deserve and are receiving the gratitude and support of your countrymen. Our nation is deeply committed to what President Johnson has called man's age-ol- d struggle for a better life and a world of peace. You may take justifiable pride and satisfaction in the part you are playing in reaching this great goal. Your efforts guarantee that freedom and the better life which accompanies it are enjoyed by hundreds of millions of your fellow men. Your performance of duty in posts at home and outposts abroad is extending the American tradition of service to the nation. With personal pride in your accomplishments, extend to each of you best wishes for the holiday season and the New Year. 11 Stanley R. Rekor Secretary of the Army Benefit Set January 20 For Band A group of Dugway residents will put on a benefit concert for the Dugway High School Band January 20 in the Post Chapel. The program will include several solos, duets and combined musical numbers. Those participating in the concert are: Mrs. Andrew Hereim, Duane Long, Glenn Boyd, Robert Dobson and Mp. Charmain Hatch, Admission is free, however those who attend are asked to make a contribution to the band uniform fund. The band needs only 500 more dollars to pay off the debt on the uniforms, DHS Band Director Ro- - bert Dobson said. A special Cost Reduction program was presented to Dugway employees Dec. 16 in conjunction with Cost Reduction Week observances throughout the country. DUGWAY POST Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., . told a gathering in the post theatre that the Cost Reduction pro- to our nation as and is paying, big dividends Tias Sm of paid, a free world, and to each one of us as a taxpayer. . pointed out that, althoui the Dugway goal had been increm- 1 ed more than four times over the 1984 goal, that the post had already attained 86 percent of the goal during the first quar-The Dugway Chapter of Toast- years ter of .the fiscal year. masters International met Dec. 6 the past history of in the Officers Open Mess and de- the Reviewing cost reduction program Col. bated the topic, Women are Lo- Fraser said that in Fiscal year 1964 gical Thinkers. the goal assigned to Dugway was TAKING THE affirmative side $98,000 and the post saved $205,-00-0 were team captain Mike Masoian, or 210 per cent of the goal. David Vanoncini and Devon Nay. IN FY 1965 the assigned goal Those debating this resolution was amount$240,000 and were team captain Chet Brown, ed to more than saving or 210 $70100 Tong Azzelio and Eldon Brooks. cent of the goal Toastmast erfor the evening was perIn FY 1965 the goal i $438,-00- 0. Robert Alg, Howard Brie key serv- -, first the quarter of ed as Table Topics Chairman. The this Through Dugway was able to reyear, table topics were passed by each port savings of $379,000 or 86 per Individual who, in turn, was re- cent of foe goal for the entire sponsible for naming a new topic. year, CoL Fraser said. Chief evaluator for the debate These savings appear (mail was Win OHanlen who had one of in relation to the total Departthe toughest jobs in determining ment of Defense savings of 4.6 which side presented the most lo- billion dollars last year. Neverthegical arguments. He called the con- less, they are most significant When test a draw stating in the thouswe realize that our effort producands of years of mans history this ed enough saving last year to subject has been debated over and more than equal each employee over again and to date it still has share of the nations total defense not been resolved." . ., he said. THE MEETINC was designed budget COL. FRASER said the Comto be one of the more humorous of mand appreciated the efforts of the schedule although all the anec- each person in helping save money dotes told were sworn to be true as well as meeting the Dugway by the team members. goal. The next scheduled meeting This year for the first time, CoL will be Jan. 10. Interested OOM Fraser said, fixed organizational members are invited to attend. goals have been set. We believe these goals to be realistic and that, through both individual and collective effort, all of these goals can be met. ACCOMPLISHMENTS so hr this year are very gratifying and are due, in part, to these typical submitted by era- suggestions we recognize today. ployees The following people were recognized by Col. Fraser and certificates were presented to diem for their money saving suggestions Rodney Hamilton, Keith Cook, Monte Bird and Auzro Hill. The program was concluded with two films concerning the Department of Army effort and the Defense Department effort in the field of Cost Reduction. - JOSEPH J. FRASER, JR. Colonel, CmlC Commanding - golf course has resumed operations . Col. Fraser Speaks Christmas 1965: greetings for a Happy Holiday Season. Whatever your position, whatever your assignment, you may look upon a year of faithful devotion to duty and application to the accomplidiment of die mission of this installation. As we begin the new year of 1988 let each of us at Dugway wiHniMi to do our best and work toward preserving freedom and equality for all in these troubled times. With the utmost confidence in each of you and in our future, Mrs. Fraser and 1 wish all Dugway personnel and their families a filled with joy and a New Year of happiness and continued peace. jg. I A ; - I wish to extend to each member of this command my sincere cend H ti euntlHif in thia nuhllgotlwi . by do BspaitmaiU of the of the products or servlcss adver Four Are Honored, inch above the original cut. The trees should rest in water. Do not place tree near hot pipes or fire- places. Do not use wax candles or any open flame decoration on Major General Benjamin H. Christmas trees. Pochyla has assumed command of Use only electrical lighting v Anny Test and Evalua-set- s that bear the Underwriters' tion Command replacing Major Laboratories label; check light James W. Sutherland Jr. sets for frayed or loose connections GENERAL POCHYLA was and broken sockets before using. in west, Texas, Nov. 16, Do not overload circuits by plug- - 190& He was graduated from Tex- ging too many cords into an out- - M A & M College in 1929 and let; use only 15 ampere fuses; turn commissioned a second lieutenant off all tree lighting when no one jn yje Cavaliy Reserve. Prior to ls around. No electric tree lights World War II, Ceneral Pochyla should contact branches or needles was employed as the Deputy Chief of die tree. Signal Officer on General Mac- decorative ' Arthur staff in the Pacific. Only flame-promaterials should be used. Since World War II, Ceneral Remove discarded wrapping Pochyhi has had Staff and Com- immediately. mand assignments with the fol- May we wish all of you a Merry y s Army Europe; Office Christmas . . . and no fires!, of the Chief Signal Officer, De- from your Fire Department. partment of the Army; Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff. Logis- - ii pW. . Saw the base of each Christ-- ! mas tree SII cial expression by the Department of tbs Army. The appearance or advertisements EPG Cost Reduction Week Every year, prior to Christinas and the week following New Yean a plague of fires rages throughout the country. Many of these fires result from the extra hazards existing during the holiday season. Careless acts that seem relatively unimportant at the time are the cause of many of these holiday fire tragedies. Some of the common origins of fires are smoking near trees and near decorations or piles of wrap- - f electric trains or Sings; toys operating under a Christ j mas tree; open flame candles cm i the tree or near combustible de-- 1 corations; and using electric light . sets with frayed wires and loose connections. Below are sime tips from your Fire Department which can be practiced both at home or here on the job. ' ' i .He $ Major Irby Joins CBR Colin K. Cup-til-l CUFTILL RECEIVES DPG AWARD-Capt- ain (L) receives a Dugway Proving Ground Certificate of Achievement from Post Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser Jr., during a special ceremony Dec. 10 in Col. Frasers office. Captain Cuptill was cited for meritorious service during the period 14 June 1963 to 13 December 1965. He served as commanding officer of the U. S. Army Meteorological Team (RDT&E Support) at Dugway. The Certificate signed by the Post Commander, cited Capt. Cuptill for, in part, his initiative, leadership abilities, exemplary dedication to duty, and administrative and logistical competence. UA : DEPT. IzRugwav C5CDC3 - 1CJ55 Army Photo Major Van L. Irby has assumed the duties of Director of administration in the CBR Weapons Orientation Course: HE REPLACES Maj. Edmund J. Steckler. Major Irby was last awigned to the U.S. Army Chemical Center at Fort McClellan, Alabama. He is a graduate of Mississippi State University with a BS in 1943. MAJOR IRBY and his wife, Mary, have four children, a married daughter, Cheryl, 20, two high school age girls Vikld, 17, and Len 15, and a son Gerald, 9. The Irbys have taken up residence at 521-- Bona fin Drive. B |