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Show i is - jTIST Ill'N, Dujjway Prosing (Ground, Friday, DucenlxT 24, 1965 , Post Basketball Schedule ?HHC Leads sPost Play 17 Feb. 66: Civ vs Sig Met HQ & IIQ vs Med Det First Holf Jan. 66: HQ & HQ vs CBR MIA vs Med Det 11 powerful 1 leadiiiuirten Coin- f aiiy team downed the previously niulc(eated LDS MIA team 52 to 42 in a hard fought game last 'week. The win gives I II 1C first yilaoe in the Xis1 liasketlmll play. T Matthews and Nez Ixith scored IJ3 points for IIHC, while South-jjick and Thomas each scored 11 'for the MIA team. 1 THE CIVILIAN team defeat-tt- d CBR to stay close to the leaden with only one defeat, with an easy 71 to 39 victory. Colston and Shaw Ixith scored 19 points for the Civilian team. $ .The Hospital took an easy victory over the Sig Met team 57 to $15, with Willianks hitting for 19 A I 22 Feb. 66: CBR vs Sig Met MIA vs Civ 12 Jan. 66: Civ vs Sig Met IIQ & HQ Med Det 23 Feb. 66: HQ & HQ vs Sig Met Med Det vs Civ . 13 Jan. 66: CBR vs Sig Met MIA vs Civ w Jan. 66: HQ & HQ vs Sig Met Med Det vs Civ lea-Xg- ue 18 2 Mar. 66: HQ & HQ vs MIA Civ vs CBR 20 Jan. 66: Sig Met vs MIA Med Det vs CBR r'nts. IN the week MIA Jhad coasted to a 97 to 25 victory Tover Sig Met. HHC holds first place with MIA; Hospital and Civilians are .Xiose behind. 3 Mar. 66: Sig Met vs Med Det 25 Jan. 66: IIQ & HQ vs MIA Civ vs CBR Injuries Threaten Mustangs 26 Jan. 66: Sig Met vs Med Det HQ & IIQ vs CBR Second Half The Dugway High Mustangs dropped a return match with Wells High to even their season record at three wins and three loses, last Saturday night at Wells. Playing without the services of injured Mike Norton and Tom Brothers, the Mustangs never got untangled. TWO WEEKS ago the Mustangs had easily defeated the Wells team at Dugway in a game marred by several fights. In play the Mustangs hold wins over Wells, Lincoln, and South Summit. Dugway has lost to North Summit, Wasatch and Wells. Dugway got off to a fast start in play winning two in a row. However, the Mustangs dropped two in a row, on the road, when varsity coach Roy Ritchie was ill. THE TEAM defeated a good South Summit team, Dec. 14, but star Mike Norton injured his ankle in the game. Coach Ritchie said if the team stays healthy and plays up to their ability, Dugway will finish in league day well above the 500 mask. 27 Jan. 66: MIA vs Med Det Civ vs Sig Met ,'nie today! & r 1 Feb. 68: HQ fc HQ vs Med Det CBR vs Sig Met NEW OFFICERS Post Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel Glenn D. Lauby installed die new officers of the Women of the Chapel Dec. 8 at their monthly meeting. The Women are o r) Mrs. Wallace Luther, president; Mrs. Harold Harthun, first vice president; and Mrs. (U.S. Army Photo) Hodgon Hartley, second vice president. LEONARD HANSEN 49 S 1st East 882-3fo- 05 i STATE FARM 2, 1945: V. J. Day over Japan. Formal terms of surrender were signed by Japanese envoys on September ,Victi-r- .'fl 2 Feb. 68: MIA vs Civ HQ & HQ vs Sig Met fsilver proof.,. 3 Feb. 66: Met Det vs Civ CBR vs MIA board the USS Missouri anchor ed n Tokyo Bay, Japan. WlHALEi rJA5 h Fulu-leMt- FEATURE l(4 , AJRFORCl vy TtCHWICOUWJ TH cmnwYJOt fiyiw " i 25 YEARS Star-Spangl- RITZ Sat., Sun.' Mon. ed Security . Shes a Career 15 Feb. 66: Civ vs CBR Sig Met vs Med Det OP , POH AMERICANS 16 Feb. 66: HQ & HQ vs CBR MIA vs Med Det are her Specialty! Girl-Bach- elors Your holidays can be bigger, better, when your pockets jingle with extra cash. The season can be merrier when you have money to buy gifts, to travel, to clean up old bills. Get in the holiday spirit by visiting our office. Youre sure of a hearty welcome and fast, friendly service in speeding through your loan. Payments are easy . . , tailored to your budget. Come on in today! Let us help you live a little better, now. pre-seas- 10 Feb. 66: Med Det vs CBR HQ & IIQ vs MIA UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS A Universal! with Holiday Cash from NATIONAL pre-seas- 9 Feb. 66: HQ & HQ vs Civ Sig Met vs MIA ENDS FBI Special Matinee Fri. at 3 p.m aikneW Me better ff Mar. 68: Med Det vs CBR Sig Met vs MIA 1 19 Jan. 66: CBR vs MIA HQ ft HQ vs Civ t Lroea 24 Feb. 66: CBR vs MIA HQ & HQ vs Civ LOANS UP TO 82600 FINANCE COMPANY of Tooele 13 South ...... Street. Main Phone: 882-- 1 588 'sIMT S&ndraDee BoBBDaON rif you DcfiaiPOteoNi mir a NO quick, II PEClSlOfJ TWO DAYSthis ONLY Thursday & friday week-thes- e SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT and BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATESi 5 cents per word - Secular (light type) 10 cents pi .jrd - Btuincs Finns (heavy type) SO cents pc. Hue - up to one inch (monthly rata) 11.00 per inch - over one inch (monthly rate) U0 per inch - Dfaplay Ads special prices are our way of saying "merry Christmas" to our many friends and customers PROFESSIONAL BRICK HOME far sale - J5000 sq. NEW WURUTZER Spinet Pianos' SERVICE CLEANINC No. 56 Partuai Music. from $495. inside 14 baths, ft. CRI Expert rag and upholstery and outside fireplaces, large 00 ing. Wall washing. Guaranteed. ft by 180 ft. lot. Settlement CanReasonable. Free estimates. Call PIANO. $396. Phone SPINET NEW connection water yon Irrigation 30 or 8824145 and dure of water. $14,750 MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with no FFA approved. Ph. lch FRI ELFORS MFC. CupWrd FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY changes. Except with business films and Jndividualswho maintain UNTIL JUNE 1 36" high. 4 doors, 2 drawers, white open account! with the Traanipt aw' vertisements ara CASH IN ADVANCE. mowers precision sharpenfinish. $15.90: Toy Lawn veneer ash BUY FURNISHED 75i00 a month. Love AN ERROR in a ckwified ixl dmuM be. ed. All makes. Small engine reBoxes. 24" X 18" X 18". leatherly three bedroom. Print far down sharThe paper is rwponriblc far one Incorrect insertion only. Desk. 52 X 26 covered ette $1450: pair. Saws, scissors, knives or $300 cadi. Balance $10,150.00. a ALL CLASSIFIEDS wffl be included in the TEST RUN, a Cal Farrington, 287 X 30" high- - formica top. walnut pened Newly carpeted Nice furniture, Lane. Full Time. 875.00. See at drawer. 7 veneer. paper distributed to 2J106 Dugway Proving Ground redden ts and patio, fenced. Vacant, open 5244 o workers, twice monthly, without additional charge. 288 E. Main, Crantsville. Ilmne ' May 30 South 4780 Wart Hoffman. Abo of DEADLINE far chndfied ads if 11 publication. day fitddi hill five bedrooms basement, All SEWING MACHINE REPAIR ed. Two baths. $9500 a month SPECIAL NOTICE makes. Dealers in Pfaff. Net-ch-i FOR SALE complete set of Chilik-raf- t free furniture. 5090 Wert 5300 So. " and Elna. bulks, $30: Box's dark sport mot Sewing Machines, Eves. EM BPOE ELKS No. 1673 aieetiags FOR RENT and pants. Like new. Sie 18 to 18. hemstitching. Gillespies Sewing t Second and Fourth Tuenlays-aMachine Center. 261 So. 1st $10. Fh. 628 N. two FOR SALE split level at 8 pan. at 61 N. Main. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Hi. CIU 8824)861. Brook Ave. Fenced landscaped and three rooms. New kitchens, carpeted, air conditioned, inter I HAVE nice frame home. I will LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE and appliances, including elecor 6 Call' move on your foundation. $25(10. ELECTRIC IRON REPAIRING. All com, built-inNO. 2031 tric ranges, automatic gas heat, makes. Steam irons cleaned and contact at 166 E. Brook Ave. Complete financing. Doran Hunt MEET1NCS WED. 8 p.m. o air conditioned Large recreation Jan. 4 P 31 8823516 repaired. Elmers. 38 West Vine. 351 E. UTAH AVE. mo. at start Rate area. $75 per P to 30 W. K. Phillips, Secretary with all utilities famished Rent GAS WATER HEATERS $10 each; Phone CRI by day, week, month or year. Wash I resins $5; Gas ranges $5. DRAPERIES Ready Made or custom Linen service available. Wertcm Phone 8823516 built. All fabrics, nnxlvni design; ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE ' North Mold, 515 Apartment Gordons Furniture. 61) S. Mailk NO. 11, F&AM Main, Tooele. Fh. 8884)062. for leather belts GR1 MADE HAND AYS MEETS 1st and 3rd T1 FOR GREETINGS CRI o Dec. 23 sale. Jay Jordan. OF EACH MONTH, 7:uJ p.m. A TOOEIF TRAILER SUPPLY FurAT THE FRATERNAL HALL MERRY XMAS house. Modem. Ph. naces - water beaters - sewer US ALL CRI SMALL OF IN TIME far FROM JUST Christinas pile hose - heat tap's. L.P. gas. 42) AT HAINES REALTY lamps, 1595 and up. All styles. . N. 2nd West. Xu. 14. FBA MEETING 1st md 3rd FriCordons Furniture. 60 5 Main. 31 handle at 7 Insurance 10 our Let Dec. Agency days p.m ' vour Insurance needs. . EXCITING CONTEMPORARY HAVE VOUR insurance rales giayr 1 Phone ' TWO PAIR SKIS with piles. $9 each. NOTICE New Spacious 8824556 up? t.lieck our low rates. 8825560 Evenings: Call 2 Bedroom Apts. sen Agencv. NOTICE 1 Carpets, drapes, range, ref. THE OFFICE uf James li. Burton. Some Air Cond. FENDER GUITARS. Amps it Supplies i VEHICLES will lie closed until Jan. Salt Lake prices. 220 S. Main, or Furnished or Unfurnished ALL CHRISTMAS BAKING with In 4. 1986 Ilapy holiday call 260 North First East 6 1 or LRI s Watkins extracts ami spaces (m 1056 FORD pickup track. Excellent CRI 4 one and all. 7 after 4 oclock special now. Parle v Savage, 382 tires. Coed tunning condition. CRI KNIT CLOTHES for lUt fashion dolls r- 5 1st Wert. 4 Ph. cW 882-43- 03 882-961- 4. SYLVANIA 882-134- 3. ", CO.-Chi- 420 Exponent PORTABLE STEREO Mar-vist- a, s 4 4 884-509- - -- ELD-4463 ontr $1 5 4 95 882-242- 3. ' 4 882-118- s. P-t- . exponent 440 Haines Realty 191 North Main 882-108- PORTABLE STEREO P-- P-t- 884-504- 2 days only! $ o 882-139- 4 17995 882-401- Peder-Invirai- 882-439- 3. UM'MtX 882-35- 73 - 882-333- Sylvania Portables P-- 2 WILL IX) IRONING nr Iiinist cleaning P-- TV 2 Days only! $ 132 50 I NEW MOON Trailer House. 8'X40'. Beautiful interior. $1995 Call enth SAIF Middle 1958 Champion. Two 03 Call FOR noise-maker- SM.E-fiH- I 10X45 ted room. 882-12- P-t- o tress. 8IO. 21 Ph. 882-172- Dec. 24 Itnaik FOR v. SI.E . 882-133- brick veneer Inane. Full attached garage. veneer brick fur vile. Hume M-rouliase-meri- I Km P-t- 4 I P-- 2 882-381- 882-280- pio .- -n PAIR SKIS with poles. aaeurt COPES RADIO TV SERVICE . .f. Radio - T - Hi Fi - Stereo, Fil-- AM Two Wav (CB). 580 NiMih 1st Passt. 882-4- : Va. CRI J. P2124 SACE FOR SALE esc. cond. electric tar and amplifier. gui- 882-188- 9. JUST IJKK NEW Italic crib with 820. 4 EORCIIRISTM I fix a Hite mule pupiiv. Free. A PUPPY I mut-Ires- s. S-- (aill 882-M- ki KENNELS hoasdiag small 75 cents day. Heat- - bwd dap. ed. 2. auctioneer HAVE A idieasant (Jiristmas dinner. Pan (vadv. (Trail 882-41- 94 7. or 4 111. FOR SALE nkler hut perfect cixxlfc tii mi. Winter! ed. set np. air FOR RENT iNwhelnr ipmrters iiir ixfe $1250. 18 Tacoma Dr.. nr two iwrvaiv Alvi large three-naa- n P-Dec- - 28 Tourle. aid with gas heat. At Grunts-vill- P-t- ' Girls Ricvele. $15 1 882-313- auc- Stephen C. Bunn complete tion service. Ouhs and charity auction free. Ph- o Dec. 30 mat- FOR RENT smull 2 licilnaim luaiic. FOR SALE Black and white ShetC.aiplc. One child. land Pony. Cood with kids $125 o Dec. 24 HOUSE FOR RENT three laslrtamis. Ph. HY OWXER-lh- iw 24 . 850-1- 5 SNOW TIRES wir. lake vhai. tuln'less. ww. Ill. 882-217- FOR RENT - 8x35 trailer, naan frame Iiinim-fu2 car garage. Hit ir liUMHii-ut- Dec. o motor THREE QUARTER Ruin crib aial 882-047- 5 FOR i CUSHMAN 3 wheel scooter. $256 8820475 1960 SPECIAL NOTICES NEW YEARS EVE Ward Church. All married cwplc invited Hats, plenty uf fiaxi, a live orchestras. Plan now to attend. 882-282- 1 MOBILE HOMES 882-41- r HOMES FOR SAIF i ' P-- Call 882-118- DELUXE -- Superb Syl 19P39CN Delutt styled vania performance Surf Green cabinet Richly VHF UHF control panel Powerful 5" oval speaker. out front inund. Pnwer Stream chassis Sylvania Curtain timer' clock end delme PB 40 fiend . optional, extra A'to available in Char' coal Ebony 882-450- 882-158- PORTABLE 882-108- 884-50- 14 |