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Show TEST RUN, Dugway. Proving Ground, Friday, November 26, 1965 History Group Plans on Local Chapter A drive to unite more than 30 reridenti of Tooele and Grants villa, and other Tooele County InfliH , into a formally organized chapter of the Utah State Historical Society was under way, Wednesday in Tooele. THE DRIVE is being spearheaded by Rosdyn (Mis. Don R.) Phillips, an enthusiastic member who has participated in a number of historical "treks" sponsored by the Society and who thinks other Tooeleans ought to know about the rich rewards in enjoyment, and historical lose, to be derived from such trips. An excellent nucleus for a local chapter of the Society already eidsts here, Mrs. Phillips observes, naming among the Tooeleans who hold membership, at a .cost of only $5 a year, the folState-support- ed lowing: J. Sterling Anderson, Dr. T. M. Aldous, Mis. Ada F. Bisaegger, Dr. and Mrs. John L-- Burgoyne, Joel Dunn, Mrs. E.- M. Grimm, - and bar in the it Rosefyu Fhillip. that wwmhnship Knnald Olivarez, agree ' Utah State Historical for only a modest Sadaty Mfi rich rewards to 5 s year foe. LaitTwo Dayi Hum. Fri. AMERICAN Van-Otte- INTERNATIONAL - Starts Sat. RITZ NqeTgrjHRiNcc oP PVQSY&A'fV' MLLnjC3Csd TOW WfiY 1 Miaul Mm ! JMBKNS - WASHINGTON (ANF) Army Aviation was reviewed by General Harold K. Johnson, Army Chief of Staff, in remarks delivered at the Seventh Annual Honors Luncheon of the Army Aviation Association of America here. The General said: . . . I think that everyone here recognizes that it has been a year of enormous progress. I don't believe that any other year in the history of Army Aviation has seen quite so much progress. In the first place we have deployed a large number of aviation units to Vietnam, and they are demonstrating every day just how effectively aviation can contribute to the mission of the Army. . . . Second, the first Airmobile division came into being this year, and has been deployed to Vietnam. "...We have every expectation that the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) will meet, and hopefully will exceed, the confidence that wa have in tint organisation. "... I think that aviators can take a great deal of aatis-- f action in their performance record during this past year. . . . Finally, we have a year of opportunity ahead of us. We have a year in which we have a great many challenges to meet I have no doubt in my mind that we will meet them together, but it is going to take a united effort on the part of all of us. (ANF) - - 1 Hunting With A Camera 882-358- Just before a North African was begun, the commandshouted: The enemy officer ing is coming men. Were outnumbered 4 to one, so do your stuff. Joe, a Tennessee mountaineer, began to blaze away, but in about 5 minutes he stopped and leaned his rifle against a rock. Whats the matter? asked his officer. Well, I got my 4, replied Joe. battle UT UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS THROUGH PAYROLL SAVINGS - - HQWARDHORIBS rumor n, Army Aviation Review such treks this past year. CM May 22 die and Ronald were among a group who visited Ft Douglas and Red Butte Canyon, and on Oct 29 they participated in the Colden Spike ceremonies. IT. DOUGLAS named after Stephen Douglas, President Abraham Lincolns scholarly dewas founded bating opponent in 1882 by Gen. Patrick Connor. It is replete with historical interest. If a local chapter is successfully organized. Mis. Phillips said, meetings and treks will be featured here, and invitations will be sent to authors and historians to visit. Typical of Society speakers, on past occasions, are Dr. C, Gregory Crampton, author of- the highly acclaimed magnificently illustrated volume Standing Up Country, Olive Burt, noted childien-stor- y Juanita writer; Brooks, famed for her researches into die life of John Doyle Lee; Ranch Kimball, well known humorist, and many others. Those interested in forming a Tooele chapter are invited to contact Mrs. Phillips at well-know- EMUHDiras COLOR J2L. 1 F. Chilean Halladay, State Senator Ernest G. Mantes, Mis. Mildred Mercer, James Kelly Oli verson, Mrs. Nellie M. Paidick, Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Phillips, Miss Carol Lee Smith, Allan Speirs, Mis. Emily Staples, Kenneth Mrs. Boyd Blanfoom, Lee Frandsen, Hampton C. Godbe, and Lowell S. Watson. SOCIETY MEMBERS receive four times a year, a beautifully edited and printed journal containing illustrated articles on Utah. The Quarterly eariy-da-y makes an interesting, useful addition to anyones libraiy, Mrs. Phillips declares. The Society also sponsors vafearious kinds of n historians and turing authors as speakers, and annually conducts treks for those who wish to go to historical sites of various kinds, with experts explaining meanings not visible to foe uninitiated. Mrs. Phillips, accompanied by Mr. Phillips or by her grandson, Ronald CMiverez, went on two fijYour ; Sha,p-shootin- Army filakes Vital Contribution To America's Space Program 3 the Easy Way Dollars By Ogden Kraut Many exciting adventures with the camera can be found oilb side the house as well as within. Animal photography, both taitie animals and wild is a fascinating modem sport Your Safari may not need be any further than your back yard. Plenty of legal, game can be found everywhere. You may not encounter a MounC ah tain Lion, such as this one, however the domestic Tom-ca- t prove to be very worthy game. Armed with a variety of closeup and telephoto lenses, you can be prepared for every kind of game. There is much tif'be shot in the animal, fowl, and reptile kingdoms. And, ooce'yOu spot your quarry, you can have the pleasure of shooting it maify, many 'times. The distance, the angle, and the lighting makes every shot exciting Hunting with a camera is a true sport. Not only is it a teft of skill, but also a great source of (wide. The results of this typp of hunting will not provide a large hairy head to protrude frtim your living room wall, but the pictures in your album will provide as much satisfaction. g Plan for some animal pictures in the near future. with your camera adds art to sport in the quest for game. With a camera in your hand, every animal is in open season. - WASHINGTON (AJ4F) The U. S. space programs upcoming of the GEMINI 6 and 7 orbital 'flights and the rendezvous in space will mark a major. contribution to our race for the stars. , step in the Armys Since the first United States satellite soared into orbit in 1958 and the first radar contact ' waa made with the moon, the Army has been sharing its skills and facilities with our pare scientists. Army experts have been working in dozens of fields such as personnel, construe- - ; tion, transportation, planning, materiel resources, and research, in recent months, the Ar- rapid temperature . changea my has conducted a global between 250 degrees study of emergency landing and minus 90 degrees. areas for both the GEMINI Tasty meals and snacks and APOLLO programa, takfor the long, tiring trips en part in through space are other Natick specialties. Specially prerecovery missions for MERserved and packaged, they good daal as onr car CURY and GEMINI , apace " IhtHranot- -a State are crumb-fre- e and ' highly hots, and provided hospital nutritive. Farm Homeowners and medical personnel at key In addition to studies of poiicy.CailiiM today! locations during each launchlunar mobility and base development requirements, fuing. Lee Durrani ture Army space projects of334 s: Fairlane;, During FY 1965, Army also include helicopter transTocele ficers, enlisted men, and ciportation for APOLLO spacevilian personnel filled 1,800 craft Lunar Excursion Mod8471 ule Adapters. National the in positions STATS FASH Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), white twin-launchi- r SliMWf Con Class Adis Air is TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES I ceota per word 'Regular (light type) IScenta per word Business Firms (heavy type) inch (monthly rates) ' M cents per issue p SUB pdr tech -- over one inch (monthly rotes) (I N per tech Display Ada Bulletin, all classified advertisements LEVEL house for. sale -bedrooms, spacious kitchen and living room, air conditioned, outside entrance to basement. Urge fenced 9 back yard. Call a.m. to 3,30 p.m. o Dec. 17 paper ALLC!aS5IITEDS wil be Included In the TEST RUN, a newenapef dii :ributed to 1,M Dugway Proving Ground residents and workers, twice monthly, without additional DESuNE for cleteifled ada b 11 a.m., day of from $495. CRI N. Main. house for sale-- 3 NEW Spinet Piano. $305. Ph. bedroom, enclosed carport, covered patio, air condition. ed. 818,850. Ph. - Rickenbacker elec o Dec. 10 FOR SALE trie guitar with amplifier-Ph- . 882-261- 4. 883-131- 9. & .. POE ELKS No. 10n lags Second and FonrthTnes day at I p.aa. 11 N. Main. ORDER OF MOOSE LOYAL NO. 2001 MEETINGS WED. I p.m. SSI E. UTAH AVE. W. K. Phillips, Secretary CRI 083-10- 02 tOCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. II, FAAM MEETS 1st and 3rd TUES. OF EACH MONTH 7:M p.m. AT THE FRATERNAL HALL CRJ AUCTIONEER Stephen G. Bunn complete auction service. Clubs and charity auction free. Phone P-t- (82-280- c Nov. 30 FOR SALE - price re- FOR SALE - Kenmere Washer. duced. Beautifully landscaped Runs fine. S30 W. Vine St. w-P4S40 carpeting, intercom, air conditioned, fenced back yard 626 N. Brook Ave. Call WILL PAY CASH between 5 and 7 p.m. FOR LIVESTOCK for appointment. Will also Order, Buy, Tranafer or trade Livestock. Ph 0. o Dec. 17 HOME ; P-t- CAR POOL SEWING REPAIR-AI- T makes. Dealers in Pfaff Sewing Machines. Hemstitching. Gillespies Sewing Machine Center. 201 So. 1st Wert. CRI Tooele. Ph. 082-000- 882-11- 882 882-48- Engi- neers supplied of construction work. The astronauts silvery space suits, symbols of our space pioneers, have been developed and tested at the U. S. Armys Natick, Mass., Laboratories. Special suite for the apace vehicle service personnel have also been created at Natick; used in environmental test chambers and areas of extreme culil, they will protect a man from 2274 FROM S189JS to 8480. COPES Radio Fm Call Open CRI RADIO TV SERVICE - TV - Hi Fi - Stereo Am - Two Way CB FURNISHED APARTMENTS; two and three room. New CRI until 0 p.m. kitchens, and appliances, including electric ranges, automatic gas heat, air condition.ELECTRIC IRON REPAIRING ed. Large recreation area. All makes. Steam Irena dean Rates start at $75 per month ed and repaired. Elmer M AMPLIFIER and Kay guitar. o 30 with all utilities furnished.: West Vine. . Rent by day, week, month or. year. Linen service available. football shoes DRAPERIES Ready Made or BOOTS Western Apartment Motel. WHY PAY RENT? When for SKI All fabrics custom built. Skill table, Lionel 864 pool month only ycucan per 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. Gordon Fur modern designs. 4x1 on Set and train bedroom 2 track, own this clean CRI CRI S. Main. 80 niture. chair. Folding High home, with built-inpaneled Knel. carfoed. 8824243. Ph. walb, new aluminum aiding, EXCITING CONTEMPORARY' P4348 TOOELE TRAILER SUPPLY garage. New Spacious -Furnaces - water heaters 2 Bedroom Apts. 7x8"" ft!"Gooi ewer hose - heat topes. L.P f DOORref. garage range, Carpets, drapes, handb ynur Insurance needs. . condition. 181 w. 3rd So. ar- 88. 421 N. 2nd West. 882-31Some Air Cond. . 1079 No. 14. ' 0 8824160. Ph. for Unfurnished or Furnish Phone . 280 North First East Action Washington (AFPS) 8, Evenings: after 4joclock. CRI HAVE your insurance rates is underway to determine proBARLEY for sale. Dennis Hate gone up? Check our low cedures for payment of cash awards MOBILE HOME for sate two-LOOK Pedersen Insurance to service personnel whose sugrates. : 1058 Chambedroom, 10x45, MARK IV APARTMENTS 0824572. Agency. Call built-inGE MANGLE for sale s, pion. gestions, inventions or scientific 2 bedrooms, carpets, In3rd St. Ph. achievements benefit the govem-furnished or unfurnished. OLD WATKINS TIME.LINAr ment. FOR SALE - 50x10x3 bedroom dividual heat. MENT biggest seller in the' trailer house with awning. REASONABLY PRICED The services' are awaiting Deworld.. Parley Savage, 182 $3500. See at Jay Hates TrailVEHICLES FOR SALE Close to churchs, schools aid of Defense instructions S. First Wert.. 8844803. partment er Court or call shopping center. 3550 South before putting programs into efP4346 in low. 1904 IV Court SALE FOR (2900 Rest) Mark INSTRUCTION fect During foe interim, howC49 factory air, Like mileage, Granger, trail1062 Marlett FOR SALE new. 404 S. 380 W. ever, persons may qualify for foe er on lot 61 Ire 132 ft. in cash award. FOR RENT - new 3 rocm fur Grantsville. $5,200. Ph. RECENTLY enacted legislanished apt. 33 W. 3rd North 8-30 P P43-2- 5 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - 1957 Dodge Se- -' NT tion calls for cash payments from Excellent i dan. Custom royal. appropriated funds similar to the BY OWNER - 3 year old, condition. Lew mileage. Ph. brick home, large ' program provided Civil Service THREE room apt. for rent., stove, dishkitchen,' built-i- n personnel. frig, and stove included. Ph. washer, air conditioner and 1051 OLDSMOB1LE. Good conThe Army is preparing a dition. 875. Call disposal, utility room, ww to the existing combined change drapes, 2 firecarpeting, and unified (civilian and miliwindows. and storm 3 bedtiGoom HOUSE FOR SALE places, tary) program when the DOD Full basement, large patio, ' FOR SALE - 1902 Dodge Lanrooms, enclosed carport; cov' Weatlat.Ne. is given. lawns. Attached double garcer station wagon. One ownered patio recreation room, $18,500. $1,000 down, er. New tires, included. Si'w CERAMIC CLASSES everyday, air conditioned. 815,650. Ph. age. Navy officials say the program o month. FHA. Ph. 8105 Dec. 10 tires. See at 114 So. 5th St 14 p.m. Green wear, glazes, has been announced to all comor call all supplies custom fire big. mands and specific information, 1 NEED someone to share my 1M N. Main. Ph. rules and background, will be ex7 office with me at 56 North FOR SALE - 3 year old home 1052 CHEV pickup. 4 speed, 0- -' 8844965. plained in a Secretary of the Navy sate rent. or Call for UUh. Main SL, Tooele, Ph p43 cyl. instruction. Collect L. Ronald Kingsbury THE AIR Force has drafted Salt Lake City, Utah FOR THE TEENAGER or FOR LEASE CRI VERY reasonable home, a manual suggesting methods for second family car. 1059 Chev You complete it iy New tires, radio, SERVICE STATION end Cafe. administering the program. The Impala. down payment. 5844905. for 165 North heater run, and drives good. FURNISHED Hiway 4040 west of Grants-vill- manual has been sent to major for. sale or will trade for Couple preferred. Ph. commands for recommendations. Main. livestock. or A 30 per cent military particiFOR RENT - new, fomiahed 8300 1050 PONTIAC pation gpal has been established Chieftain, Call FOR LEASE- - beer tavern in apt. Nc children. cash. See at 370 So. 320 W. by the Air Force for FY68. 3 0044. room apt Grantsville, P4348 Street Ideal business for am rent. bitioua couple. Cell 8824766 for FURNISHED apt. P40 after 5 p.m. Make offer. FOR SALE - 51 Green Chevro-- 1 Most for coats come from the Pd to Ncv. Ph. 8524307. let, male animal. 882-206- IbiiNf Beolly 882-430- 2. P-t- m Konmun P-t- 884-864- 0. 9-- . ft DD3 TTC3B DDAK1CX... 9-- E, s, e -- P-t- For Dugway Employe Suggestion Pay Ways To Be Set and Military Personnel 883-45- LIKE to join carpool Lake City, 4th South, Oth Ease Leave Tooele at a.m. Leave Salt Lake 0:30 3. at 2:30 p.m. Call r civilian and military personnel at Dugway. A plan has been developed permitting the deliv- t First Security Bank checking account means im nediate money in the bank on pay day for - 082-40- A A a N. 882-45- P-2- 884-864- 6. 882-420- 3. ItoOULD Salt $ OsOIV 882-006- 883-358- ). es after-aplash-do- the Army Corps of WHITE SEWING CENTER TOOELE' MERC CO. w 881-18- FBA MEETING let and 3rd FRIDAYS at 7 P.M. r o Dec. 19 i MACHINE P-t- 882-172- 0. SPECIAL NOTICE y 884-50- Spinet pianos Parkers Music 58 TRI-LEVE- L publfca- - boardini KENNELS cents small breed dgs. Heated. day. SAGE NEW ' Wurlitzer p-t- - P-t- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 80-414- 5. 883-43- P-t- 883-151- 9, reaponefole P ROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE Expert rug and upholstery cleaning. Wall washing. Guar anteed. Reasonable. Free or Call o Nov. 30 UNTIL. JUNE 1. Lawn mowers precision shar-' pened. All makes;-- Smell n-cciaaora, Saws, gine repair. Cal Far-- . knives sharpened. rfagton, 287 Marviata Lane, o Full time. May 30 . ed . SERVICES FREE PICKUP 3 behind-the-scen- IPuir Slliiiiig AND DELIVERY TRI -- AN ERROR In u classified ad riumte be reported immetor one incorrect Inser- The h diately. m i IN are a , e for consecutive Insertions dy, teNTHLY RATES are with business firms and Indlvldu-Except and ah who HMtetaln open accounts with the Transcript CASH Tps Dim long-await- M ery of your pay check to the First Security Bank on Base each pay day with credit to your account immediately! u 208-150- 3. When you pay by check you keep an accurate record of your expenses, making the tedious task of balancing your budget simple and easy. 882-205- 2. WOMEN WORK WANT QQMCflNO -7 884-50- DRESSMAKING and all types Ph. doll clcthei made. Yates. Mrs. 882-387- 7. Ironing Service is Will pick up and dea week, all 7 days round - anytime. Fast, p40 service. HAMMONDS back. liver year good 882-005- 7. 'Wa 882-160- 8. . sours srun Your cancelled checks become your legal ceipt or proof of payment. 882-432- 1. Open your account today Regular or Check way plana AND FOUND LOOT 882-121- 0. large tan eolerpup, with white markings on chert and feet. Black color on face ears and tail. Ana-we- n to Tippy. Reward. LOST 882-286- 2. P4S P-t- V 882-055- 3. 882-498- 1. 1N7-076- 1. 882-152- 0. 20-in- ch red bike. P40 - girls brown rimmed 1 glasses. Ph. 1824735. FOUND P-2- K y. is S! -- . LOST - boys Call you valuable time and money. c. 884-503- 9. M-to-n. choose either and request your psy check to be sent directly to the Base Bank in the Post Exchange. Itll aave 882-210- 5. .'4-- . re- 884-550- go-ahe- . NAME AND ADDRESS near-finishe- d. 882-14- 38 i 882-380- 7. FIRST SECURITY BANK Mwbr Fidiril 882-463- 8. r, FREE on each chuck a. 882-206- 0. PRINTED Pad Eachant SyiUnf t fciwnca Cerperafiwi Dugway Oraviag Ground l: V K h |