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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, November 26, 1965 C I CavAule Basketball Team Opening Dec. 3 The Armys first Drill Sergeant Assistant Course is underway at Fort Dix, N. J. The program will provide cadre personnel to meet the shortage of qualified instructors for training recruits. Personnel for the conns are selected from hasie training dames an the criterion of leadership potential; Individuals selected begin the course immediately after completing Advanced Individual Training. Grad nates will return to their original basic training hride for five cycles (4 weeks) after which they may attend the regular Drill Sergeant Coarse. 4 ' i J The 1965)ugway High basket ball team opens its season contest against linenln County high achool at Dugway, December 3 in the post gym. I Varsity Coach Roy Ritchie said he expects Dugway to be as kood as last yean dub. However the team will have to fight all the way to win in Region Five League play this season. and Jl BOTH GRANTSVILLE Joseph only lost one starter from last season . . . and they are going to be tough to beat Coach Ritchie said. Dugway has seven seniors on with three the starters back from last yean chib Dec. 3 IJncoh (H) which won 13 games while losDec. 4 Wells (H) ing only five. Dec. 10 Wasatch (A) j Coach . Ijfchie mid that this Dec. 11 North Summit (A) yean club will rebound better, Dec. 14 South Summit (H) and be better ball handlen than Dec. 17 Wells (A) lpst yean club. Dec. 22 St. Francis (H) ; THE MUSTANGS will depend Dec. 20 Alumni a' peat deal again this season on Jan. 7 Grantsville (A) defense. Jan. 8 Wasatch (H) ! Grantsville and St. Joe open Jan. 11 St Marks (A) league play Elec. 17, while Rig-wa-y Jan. 14 Tintic (H) starts league day Dec. 22 Jan. 21 St Joe (A) with a game against St. Francis. Jan. 28 Open date The Dugway varsity consists Feb. 4 St Francis (A) tjf Kelly Bearden, Dennis BearFeb. 8 Grantsville (H) den, Mike Norton, Dan Andrus, Feb. 11 Deaf School (H) Tom Brothers, Shirl Clarke, Gary , Feb. 18 Tintic (A) Lee, Lee Critchlow, Jim Myers, Feb. 25 St Masks (H) . Richard Broom, Craig Geeriings Mar. 4 St Joe (H) and Hal Hude. J with a non-leag- ue Dugway Basketball Schedule New Devices ! Can Automate Ititle Training FORT GORDON, Ga. Conferees at the ,(ANF) A r m y Training Centers Commanders Conference here got a look at some new wrinkles in rifle marksmanship training which use' automatic devices to pop up' targets for the proper length of time and then record the hits scored. ' The "Basic Rifle Msrks-mansh- ip (Trainilre) Range Programmer allows a range to preset any combination of trainfire targets; proper target activation and exposure time are automatic, as is a cease-fir- e horn which sounds if no hits are scored. , The "HR Count Printer eliminates the need for scorers in the pits of known ranges. Electronically recording each hit scored on a target, the device stores this information until the firer completes the exercise. Then it records the total card. h score onto officer (L-R- Gardner at the Si SCOUT CALENDAR Girl Scouts ) Jenny Elander, Susan Hartley and Sherri Schrier pMd a visit to Post Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., last Monday and presented him with a 1986 Gill Scout Calendar. The girls are pert of the active scouting program conducted at Dugway. Gill Scout calendars may be purchased from any Ciri Scout m 35 (U.S. Anny Photo) 5 MAVERICK QUEEN Maverick Queen Wosksnds starting this Fridayl Step, Look end UstM? A careful driver approached e railroad crossing. He stopped his car, looked carefully and listened All he hoard was the car crashing into his back fender. WHDH YOU CHOP HQRQI i Christmas Parade Starts on Saturday Tooeles Christmas lights will fill the evening next Saturday at 6 p.m., signalling dm start of dm annual Christmas parade with its concurrent festivities far the children. When dm lights go an the parade will start, marching from Third South St. down Main St to First North, then around dm . block, after which the parade will rad at Vine and Main Streets where dm Christmas tree stands. DECORATING OFtheChrist-ma- s tree b done annually by members of dm Lions Club as a community service. which will feaThe parade ture Santa Claus on his ded will have marching bands along with members of the Tooele City Police Force, Volunteer Fire Department, die Sheriffs Jeep quality frozen foods H-o- Morton or Banquet brand z. - tnd, and J IS IN THE OVEN COOKED IT IAST NICNi YOUR BREAKFAST ... I Fresh , a Me better P ......... 3 for and lean with a savory 14-o- bottle 6-o- GRAPE SAtA WESTERN 1 cans Royal Garnet, concentrated z. beef flavor i pants. Harvey LeFevre is the Parade Chairman. ON SATURDAY, free movies will be given for children, start- ing respectively at 10 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m. The children akn will receive free candy. Rosalind Phillips is directing this part of dm program. Also an Saturday, Santa will be at dm City Park for the children to see and to visit with. He. wfll stay there until 8 p.m. Christmas caroling wfll be a feature of Saturday evenings activities.' BRUCE EDWARDS, Chairman of dm Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants Committee, said most stores will remain open until 8 pjn. on Friday ana Saturday. a'data-punc- Live 882-J&0- DANCE Holiday Fun Ready to Go istance The following ad appeared in a' small-tow- n paper: The map who picked up my wallet on Main St was recognized. He is requested to return it. ! The next day this reply was published: "The recognized man who picked up your wallet requests the loser to call for it. LEONARD. HANSEN 49 S 1st Edit Temporary promotion of second lieutenants and warrant officers, W-- l, may now be handled by field commanders without referring recommendations to Department of the The reguArmy, according to newly published AR 824-10- 0. lation covers officers enioute to a new assignment or assigned to a student or medical holding detachment Security clearance procedures have also been simplified and provisions made for promoting individuals who are missing, captured, or detained as a result of hostile action. JUICE8r1 Di FAMILY-A- LL VEGETABLE o)3 240Z. FLORIDA BOTTLE FRESH TROPICANA QUALITY Moose-Mirr- or Keeps Roods Moose-Fre- e PBODD'D1 FORT RICHARDSON, Alaska (ANF) collisions have always been aproblem in this area, but with more than 500 such accidents occurring in the past five years, offi- -. cials began to search for a solution. The Post Engineers Game Management Agent reasoned Moose-automob- ile with Holiday Cash from NATIONAL that to-da- y! , LOANS UP TO 82600 . POO0C1QQ . offooei is I Phone: FLAVORS 46-O- Z. CANS 882-158- 8 0to - No. 303 cans Del Monte Cut GDEEN. DEANS Clover-swee- pure Rosemead brand t, 5 fir .................. S loaves. Long off 100-f- t. 12-o- z. roll and n: Ml Round Certifresh Northern Wax paper 2 OFF.. Pkg. of 75 Waxtex ...19 39 GALA TOWELS eeeeeeee 3 nils 90 TOILET TISSUE........ 2 ralt 27 SANDWICH DAGS.... 2 hr Jumbo size POUND PACKAGE Best quality ' s FRESH TODAY MED. GRADE "A" 2 doz. 1 pkg. Chocolate WAXTEK-- d, 1 99 SANDWICH DREAD.., 3 fir 09 5c 39 NESTLE'S MORSELS,. HONEY 18-o- z. The first liability policy to1 be written in America on an automobile was issued in 189& to Cilbert J.- Loomis, of West-fielN.J, according to the Insurance Information Institute. - Indian River Ruby Red y, size 14-o- moose deer-aut- o successfully ward-off- .. accidents? Now, wherever highways pass through areas of heavy-moospopulation, mirror- -' topped poles dot the roadsides. As the headlights of passing autos reflect in the mirrors, the beams of light are cast into the surrounding woodland. The inquisitive moose stare happily from the safety of the trees rather than hopping on the autos to investigate, as before. Juice-heav- qnAFEPniUD?- -- r. no 3 for JUNO'S PIZZA First Auto Policy FINANCE COMPANY 13 South Main Street GDfdgbCi are the largest members of the deer family. so why not adopt the devices used by many states to Your holidays can be bigger, better, when your pockets jingle with extra cash. Hie season can be merrier when you have money to buy gifts, to travel, to dean up old bills. Get in the holiday spirit by visiting our office. Youre sure of a hearty welcome and fast, friendly service in speeding through your loan. Payments are. easy . . . tailored to your budget Come on in Let us help you live a little better, now. k h Sweet, 79 I I roll-Nort- hern Aurora paper |