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Show GIFT M ZLIugway 1 Published for Dngvajr Proving Ground, Dngway, Utah rrsnscripCpl rebels. Uts ' ths psrtmmt of wro and in rt ta H t0Mrri Aranr. Opinions wvttsn hsrsia bjr puhltahor sad or advortissmsBts an rfg. The Zero Defects program which was put into effect at a "kickoff" ceremony Nov. 5 already has begun to make s major of Dugway employees. Zero Defects Co--. impact on the work-lif- e oroinator Mr. Harold Critchkrw said yesterday. anlGclS Credit Union Increases Investments 8TTlCfl ; The complexity of life . . . Veterans Day ' Nov. 11 was ' the developing uses of specs and celebrated at Dugway by renamthe population explosion demand 13 administrative, technical that we find ways to solve the ing and living areas in order to honor problems of safe living or perish Army veterans. CoL Ffcaser , TOE NAMES .were selected . GAIL CHRISTIANSON, chairfrom a list submitted by the hisman of the Council reported to torian of Edgewood Arsenal, Md. the group on die National FedThe name of the new NCO eral Safety Congress which wee area has been changed to housing held last month in Washington, Park in honor of ColoSt John D.C. nel Adrien St John. (Due to an He told the group that Presidie lest Test Rim omitted, dent Johnson was extremely an- error, the renaming of ft. John Park). xious far all federal agencies to The other areas which were work hard toward reaching die renamed ere: accidents their goal of reducing ABLE AREA was renamed by 30 per cent by 1970. Technical Center in honor Avery RoDugway Safety Director , of Brigadier Gen. Ray L. Avery. bert Alg and Thomas Lane of the . Baker Area was renamed BakDugway Safety Division, present- er Laboratory in memorial to ed a brief program relating to the Gen. Walter C. Baker. Maj. operation of testing safety pro-- , Carr Facility is die new name of and use die cedures, protective for Charlie Area in honor of Cut suits at the proving ground Gordon W. Carr, who was killed LUNCH AFTER die group . in airplane crash here April was taken on a tour of die Chemi1964. 7, cal storage area and given a DOG AREA was renamed briefing on aspects of safety op- Ditto Technical Center in honor eration in die field. of Brig. Gen. Rollo C. Ditto. The Utah Federal Safety CounEnglish Village is the- new cil meets every other month at name of what is now called Easy alternating loertions throughout Area, in honor of Brig Cen. Pud die state. X. English. Fries Park is the new name of Fox Area in memorial to Maj. Gen. Amos A. Fries. PETER AREA was renamed Buchanan Place in honor of Melvin D. Buchanan. The area now known as GenBy Lt. Clyde M. Hodge erals Hill and die road leading ' Special guests were welcomed to die hilltop were renamed a the Nov. 8 meeting of die Drive in honor of Colonel Dugway chapter of Toastmasters David Aimitage, who retired in KwA InteraationaL member 1982 as commanding officer of brought his wife or another guest Dugway Proving Ground. to the dinner meeting at die Officers Open Mess. Hale Barracks is the name of . Toastmaster far die evening whet is now the Sig MeCBR was Mr. Wayne Groenhalgh. He barracks in honor of Col. Donald first introduced Mr. Chet Brown H. Hale. TOE 5300 series barracks is who, as table topics chairmen, challenged each member present named Bullene Barracks in honor to council a high school student of Maj. Gen. Egbert F. Bullene. in a field of the speakers choice. The old NCO quarters is call: MR. GREENHALCH then ed Renneau Court in memorial to introduced Mr. Elden Brooks who ltySgt Charles H. Renneau. is workin g through his speaker The Dugway parade field is series end who presented talk named Brantley field in honor of on bowling and the American 2d Lt. Robert C. Brantley. Bowling Congress. Second speaker for die evening was Lieutenant David Vanon-ci- ni who making his second speech in the series posed the questions which have surrounded die development of atomic weapons. ' The speeches were evaluated by Win OHanlon and Mike Ma-soiand the total program was Final two shows of die year under die careful scrutiny of chief at Valley Music Hall in North evaluator, Robert Alg. Salt Lake ere the LeRoy Prinz j FOLLOWING TOE speeches, productions of Peter Pan starthe toastmaster Introduced die. ring Victor Buono and Ruta Lee, newly elected president Tom end die Phyllis Dilfer show. Peter Pan plays die week e Lane. Mr. Lane then introduced 5, Christmas, December in turn, Mr. OHanlon, first vice and with three seven matinee president; Mr. Masoian, 2nd vice president; secretare- - treasurer, evening performances. Lt Vanoncini; and sergeant at aUed by arms, Tony' Azzellio. Toastmaster meetings are held every other Monday. All members of die OOM are welcome and encouraged to join. i u - . Toastmasters Invite Talk - General Benjamin Pochyia. Each spoke Nov. 5 to 1500 Dugway Proving Ground employees at the Zero Defects Kickoff. (UA. Army Photo) ZERO DEFECTS MOMENTOS Dugway Commanding Officer Colonel Joseph J. Fraser,' Jr., (L) describes die Dugway Geode mementos which he presented to Mr. N. Dwayne i JrajnextoCoLFraseOMrJOexteJJjiviandIajor indoor Range ge - . Music Hall Sets Final Winter Shows . bo-for- 17-2- Day of Dedication Set For U.S. Soldiers Shopping Bus Set Up A special shoppers bus will , go to Tooele Dec. 10. The bus will leave Post Headquarters at 12J0 Friday after- noon and leave Tooele at 3:45 pm The schedule has been arranged so Dummy residents may leave their chflhen at the post nursery, shop during the afternoon and return by (upper time. Interested persons should call - Welfare and Morale before 4 p.m. Dec. 7 for hue wsarvetiow. . for three weeks. Ray Bolger, who was to have followed Gabel the week of No- vember 4, has cancelled due to illness. He is rescheduled for next season. THE TWO week period prior to Peter Pan had already been reserved for installation of the apparatus by which Ruta Lee, who plays Peter, will fly" in the show. Peter Pen" end Phyllis Diller conclude Valley Music Hall's Winter Bonus Season of shows produced by LeRoy Prinz. For ticket information, call 2954407. To Open Backwards Tomorrow? tell me thus, Sergeant, do Marksmanship training at Dug- is vour tie placed will Ground upon why pin begin way Proving nwnth full tut opMta. President Johnson has proclaimed Sun- - j Washington (AFPS) with the completion of the in-day, Nov. 28 as e day of dedication and prayer" honoring the men Military Person- 7 on in build- door smallbore rifle . end women of die Republic of Viet-Nathe United States and all dur' PanTscMeser, ifv00 ing 5809, CaptabT other countries who are risking their lives to bring about a if a defect mars day announced officer post training in the RVN. his work then he must remove this mrrrlr The President ro 1 pin, used as a has for the project Support X I that the United States remains the verra CPbeen received from many - post is in the rear end the back face ready .without condition for the thg international discussions that can the pin in the front end wear range will allow many orgaiiiza- lead to lasting peace." as symbol of his erring ways in its use. tions to join J PRESIDENT JOHNSON ex. The Junior NRA organized this a plained the purpose of die UnitT001 rifle and the summer, pistol post ed States in Viet-Nais to help mistake today, but my mtc and civilian and teems, military Secrere t0 Washington (AFPS) open the way for social justice members of the port will all be ection in place of unprovoked aggres- tary of Defense Robert S. McNa20 mr fanew to usethe encouraged mara has directed that sion end peace instead of war. I will suggest we do it. But not service personnel be exempt There can be no social jus- tody- - Because tomorrow I will for To complement instruction tice or economic progress witfa from duty assignment in tin Re-- new shooters cl? UP- - And to wear my and also insure the Li, out security from external attack I could not backwsrds Staff the end from tenor in the night," he hrort-fe- lt said. conversa- attended a smallbore coaches cli- The proclaiqatipn noted that ter areas nor in oversees assignMaster tween Sergesmt nic and First Lieutenant Clyde 00, in assisting the people of die RVN ments elsewhere, a defense spokes- M. Miller and the Editor of the marksnum- attended a Hodge to resist unprovoked aggression, man said. Run clinic at Fort Effective immediately, the ser- ship the United States end other naCalifornia. Old, 1 tions ere carrying on die honor- vices will caned or modity oris an-modern new The range desnow ed tradition of defending a peo- ders for any . tined for the RVN end divert them other example of the growing ples right to freedom. facilities o number of becoming Qa-NOV. 28 was set as a nation- -. to other appropriate assignments. lYXCClD available at Dugway, Captain On Feb. 1, ell in al day of remembrance, dedisaid. Schleser cated to those Americans who RVN will be reassigned to other By Helen F. Coffins ere committing their lives, blood pieces, according to service reAttendance at the Dugway 11 rti .,CTi.1 the defense of quirements. X Oil 1BX Gem and Mineral Society month OFFICIALS SAY the action the ly meetings has improved since the was taken to make assignment SOlOlCrS X OlQ the initiation of the new Early policies uniform throughout the Bird policy, according to the Defense Washington fAFPS) services. The initial recommendation came from the Marine Corps which adopted e similar policy Mtmce to pey tneir dMe of each during the Korean conflict at ' P011 until suits currently be- - meetin . It was that explained ' old personnel account for s small fore federal courts are resolved. The November program, secSuits ere underway testing pert of the service fences and it the ond in a series arranged by the constitutionality of poll taxes b not necessary to draw on them .in line with the Voting Rights vice president. for current RVN requirements. Jankus of Meteorology Division, Act of 1965. There era roughly 50,000 slides of fossils from the First Lieutenant James W. DyPersons failing to pay thb featured in the services, or about Department of the UniGeology er arrived at Dugway Proving 1.8 tax may be ineligible to vote in percent of the total force. of Arizona at Tucson. Cround Monday to begin assignversity EXACT NUMBERS currently the 1986 elections, it was explain- More than 80 color slides of min-- i ed duties in the Tech Systems Died. in the RVN are not available, Is same source were vision. Some other states require a era from the but estimates place the total at shown at the October session. Lt. Dyer; a 1963 graduate of less than one percent of the 148,-38- 0 poll tax, but service personnel All interested persons, guests Henderson State College, b e re exempt from payment in U.S. service personnel there. well as members, are urged as Officer end was lest Signal Corps The new policy was made fol- those states, an official said. to attend the Christmas meeting, assigned in the Republic of Korea. Service officials will voting e comprehensive review Lt. Dyer, hb wife, Jannelfe, lowing Wednesday, December 15, at of DOD military personnel as- not handle correspondence query- the Helm home, at 7:30 p.m. end children: Philip, 6, and Tonya officials conend local signment policies end RVN ing state Each of those attending b asked 2, will live at 183A E. Fifth. thb Individuals matter. cerning strength requirements. mineral specimen must initiate their own corres- to bring a for an exciting "Cift Exchange." pondence. - "Sr just-peac- " e . SftlfllPI'g "tVUCI 3 7 Banned from RVN Duty m t - "" BWmLS'neraon .... P"-Hlif- v - P100 m jOCK VIUD OClD OiOnoodBtfL .. which closes November 27, after which the theatre will be dark Advertising, hard work and increased interest in saving has jumped the asset investments of the Dugway credit union from 9922.406 to $302419 in leas than one year, Ben rhampinw, a member of die board of directors Simon need this week. hiring the last 10 months the credit union has avenged selling 1500 member sharel a month. THE PURPOSE of having a local credit union is to proride ' special services to local residents, Mr. Champion said. The credit union encourages Dugway reridents to make fang term investments in the credit union in order to not only earn die 4 end percent interest paid but to part id pete in the many services provided.. ' The credit union is willing to lend money to any Dugway rest-deas long as he purchases ' diaros which equal 10 per cent of the value of tne loan. A CHARGE of one per cent on the unpaid balanr is made each month until the loan is paid in full Then the borrower may cash in his shares if he wishes or continue drawing interest on them as long os he chooses to leave the money in the credit union, Mr. Champion said. We ere growing rapidly and wish to encourage many Dugway reridents to take pert in die benefits. . ." Mr. Champion said. nt . - an ZD Over Fifty Offices Reach 100 Goal Hie Utah Federal Safety Council net at Dugway lait Friday and reviewed plane for the implementation of the 1968 Minion Safety 70 program. The Council pledged help to any Federal agency which requeits aid in overcoming special safety problems. DUGWAY POST COMMANDER Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., opened die meeting with e greeting and a word about Dugway and me philosophy of safety. " CoL Fraser said he believes A that it is most important for the safety planners to keep abreast of today's rapidly expanding tech- - lltj if Dsportmsnt of the Dugway Moves Toward 100 Safety Meeting Pledges Aid 1) Friday. November 26, 1965 VoL No. 9, No. 10 sajorssmsat ty tho Bepaitmsnl of Araqr of ths products or ssrvioss advor- - u ID, By ... fl " r- SlflC OlllCCr Begins Duties . ) UoaIc As of early this week than 50 offices, divisions and contractors had. already readied 100 percent partid potion. Supervisors nave received evidence that die program does mean something to employees. . . and1 the program is not even a month old, he said. MR. CRITCHLOW said in the near future he would announce offices which had reached 100 percent and award diem sips to display. More man 1300 employees heard three speakers at tne pastwide "kickoff meeting in the hangar at Dugways Michael Army Airfield, deal with the history, inception, philosophy and problems of the ZD program. They were told mat the purpose of this program was to eliminate errors in every phase of die proving pound operation. THE SPEAKERS were Dexter Deris of Hercules Powder Company, Dwayne Cray from Martin Company and Maj. Gen. B. H. Pochyia, the commanding general of Fast Hnechuca, Arts. Mr. Dugway ZD Harold Critchlow has emphasised if diet the program win be a each Dugway employee con stop one mistake each week. Poet Commander Jooeph J. Fraser, Jr., said he believes the ZD program can do much to farther improve the and pro ductive ability scoge Dugway sue-cem- . Students (ive BlOOQ Washington (AFPS) - Secre- tary of Defense Robert S. Mc- Namara has voiced his deem appreciation" to the thousands of students and other groups crass the country, volunteering to give Mood as e gesture of Wpport for United States ser-vicemen fighting in the Republic of Viet-NaTO DATE students from nearly 60 colleges end universities have pledged to donate blood through die American Red Cross which has been designated to collect blood for the nations defense whenever necessary. The first collection was scheduled in early November on the University of Illinois (Urbane, Dl.) campus where student feeders enrolled more then 2,000 student volunteers. Although at the present time is our blood supply for Viet-Naadequate," Secretary McNamara explained, the Department of Defense does have requirements for blood which can be processed into globulin end albumin for treatment of shock." THESE TWO derivatives, un- -. like whole blood, cen be stored for long periods of time end ere m m DEXTER DAVIS, of Hercules Powder emphasized three aspects of tire ZD program which are vital to the successful implementation of the program the "kickoff", the continued awareness" of employees and die aspect of die program. All this must be done with full organization and cooperation of all supervisors on an levels.. Dwayne Grey, from the Martin Company in Orlando, Florida said the Zero Defects (program) puts the responsibility for performance squvely ou the shoulders of the individual! . .'not on the supervisor, not on the inspector, not on the watchdogs of management It makes each person Ms own severest critic. And it Mings beck something that his long been missing from the American industrial scene: Crafts- - - "sus-taine- r" MAjOR GENERAL B. H. Pochyia said the problems involved in implementing e ZD program in industry and implementing a ZD program at on Army proving pound ere very similar. . "Like Dugway, Fort Huachuca is a test Inrtalfetion whose end product is a test report. The major difference being that we are concerned with testing electronics communication equipment." PERFECTION IS to be strived toward in all areas of Dugway activity. st Every person b celled upon to team-u- p and add to the post wide effort to end mistakes. The 'Dugway ZD program is wMdl on-po- force in country at military instalfeHnaf and in civilian industry. C. E. added. he the RVN, It was noted that reserve supglobulin plies for have been particularly depleted as a result of the buildup in RVN. thb countrys military anti-hepati- tb P3ftV V At OOM the XTnfin Pay Raise Hits Checks Approximately 1000 federal .emplayeei at Dugway Doc. 3 (will receive an tacramad check because of the 3.6 per cent pay The party of the month at LXm. raise ip6Q tnae rraMMnc jono ny RelsIaasA Officers (Open Mess will be a hobo on Nov. 7. party. Next Fridays paycheck will The Personnel and AAnlnistra-tio- n be the first check in which the Directorate b sponsoring the pay increase he been inchsded. party. A supplement paycheck will be dress for the The evening b issued December 10 covering the Bum Dress or very informal. retroactive portion of dm pay for be the Prizes will given increase which dates from Octobest (or worst) individual costume ber 10. and for the trampiest couple. . |