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Show i TEST RUN, bugway Proving Ground, Friday, Oct. 22, 1965 Even the Tooele District schools will be closed this Friday, October 22, as part of the annual deer hunting season! In past years, absenteeism has been so high on the day prior to firing of the opening in this case the seaguns sons opening is Saturday, Octhat the school tober 23 board decided it might just as well give in, and join the crowd by declaring time 'off. - - Promotion Policy CRAFT SHOP - Part of a recent troop training was a visit to the Post Craft Shop. FFC William Fegan (left) explains to Sp5 Ride Houlberg and Private Pauley some of the methods involved in making a rifle housing. Mike Masoian is head of the Craft Shop activity. (U.S. Army Photo) RITZ Ends We DARE LEE ROY CiSTlS The Army has awarded a contract totalling nearly a n dollars to the Western Electric Company for missile continued development and testing of the NIKE-is the defense system during the next 12 months. NIKE-missile system in advanced development only by the United States. X X The U. S. Armys M11S Armored Personnel Carrier is being completely manufactured and assembled in Italy for use by the Italian Army. The work marks the final phase PETH CUSHW6 uUr.Terrof P3T now Sunday the One You Are Waiting to See of a U. Security program begun in 1963. At the outset all parts were made in the United States and only the assembly was done in Italy; there has been a gradual changeover to Italian manufacture of the parts. The Italians will spend a total of 30 million on American-mad-e engines, transmissions, and aluminum plate venture. in the cooperative NATO-oriente- d WHAT WAS HARLOW REALLY LIKE? She was the glittering, glamorous, most desired woman in the world . . . the star who didnt know when to stop! JOSEPH E. LEVINE presents The first Silver Star to be awarded to a Vietnam combat veteran while a patient at Walter Reed General Hospital has been pinned on 1st Lt. Bradley J. Snyder of Baltimore, Md. Lt. Snyder earned his citation of "conspicuous gallantry y in action for a battle in which he rallied the Vietnamese Army unit he was advising though he was seriously CARROLL BAKER Ttomicaiir e pmmnr cm BARRUS le The Army will be assigned 28,400 men drafted under a 86,450 Selective Service System quota from the Department of Defense for the month of November. The balance of the Armys 88,300 November procurement of enlisted men with no prior military experience will be provided through recruitment In addition, the Army will receive nearly 1,000 of the more than 1,500 physicians to be called to active duty beginning in January, 1966. Saturday Night You to See It! tmwouM two-da- wounded. HARLOW BUICK-PLYMOUT- H Announces a FANTASTIC SALE on 1 965 Buicks, Plymouths and International Scouts 1 NEW '65 BUICK Skylark NEW was 3684. 1 2 225 Many extras - NEW 65 VALIANT 4-d- r. w 312.05 Only 2052.95 YOU SAVE r. Was 2581.25 YOU SAVE Only 405.15 '65 2176.10 extras Cpe., Was 4624.73 YOU SAVE 1001.15 Only 3621.58 BUICK WILDCAT Convertible, 325 engine, p.s. p.b., wsw, dual exhaust, safety group - many more! Factory list 4530. 1 7 NEW 65 BUICK Wildcat Sports eng.-ws- 4-d- was 2365.00 Only 3003.01 Auto. wsw, 65 VALIANT 681.09 YOU SAVE YOU SAVE Just in time for deer hunters! Warn hubs, winch, heater, & many other extras. Hunters bargain! Scout 80, Walk-thr- u cab, warn hubs, All travel full-leng- th much 3397.00 2589.92 Only 2379.53 new Cars carry 1 00 Factory Warranty. REMEMBER: $10 down and your secured credit delivers any new or used car in our inventory! Dugway Federal Credit Unlen Plume: MU Big game tags issued for the 1965 deer season are attached to ( the license and at the time the animal is killed, the hunter has only to detach the tag, remove the month and day of kill and whether the animal was a buck or One deer of either sex may be taken oo the regular big game or combination license over the entire state, except Herd Unit 11,. which is buck only, all other areas are open to taking deer of either sex. Dear must be tagged at place of kill and before being transported. Tagy must be properly punched to indicate the month and day of the k?ll and sex of die animal. It is unlawful for any locker plant or storage plant owner or employee to receive any game animal for processing or storage unless the animal is legally tagged. It is against die law for any hunter to cany in or on any vehicle any firearm which has live ammunition in the firing chamber. Any person carelessly or negji-genwounding or killing another person while on a hunting trip shall be subject to die loss of hunting privileges for a period of five years. Hunters also were urged to care for their game properly in the field if they expect good meat when they 'gft home. Department spokesmen noted that game meat is often ruined by improper field care. Hie closer hunters can come to packing house methods afield, the better their game will taste on the dinner table. Failure to cool game property before transporting, hauling it in places where it cant stay cool, dy am TOOELE BULLETIN Offers its Readers Beautiful, full color wall size ; MAPS Rand-McNal- ly WORLD & U.S.A. - For a limited time only... 5 2 1.00 Originally $3.00 each giant-siz- 52 x 34 ed Come In or send for these Beautiful Maps TODAY! Don't delay! Clip out the coupon order blarik and send for your maps today. No $ limit on quantity - but hurry! This bargain offer will be available for a limited time only. (For maps that are mailed, include 20$ for postage and handling.) t If repaid in 14 ent dip tha total Sets available at newspaper, 58 N. Main, Tooele BUICK-PLYMOUT- prompt, coartniM striricn! Enclosed Is $ for sets of Maps U.S.A. - $1.00 per set. (Include 20$ for postage and handling.) LOANS UP TO $2501 NAME Rand-McNa- lly 83 N. Main St. Phone 882-287- 4 - Worid (Please Print Plainly) NAT; ON'AT! I STREET CITY ZONE STATE of Tooafo H - 83i. FInm tot M bn FINANCE COMPANY BARRUS 38 inches The famous Cosmopolitan World Map shows all countries of the world in contrast colors. Air and water routes, plus thousands of cities, rivers and islands; also time zones and exact mileage distances between major ports. top and more. Should be 2881.61 Credit union members work, loan and save together, not for profit, not for charity, but for mutual sorvico. ! (R.-Neb- Only 3431.88 NEW '65 SCOUT 80 Only POVERTY AND CRIME-- It has been argued for many years that poverty and unemployment are the basic causes of crime, says Sen. Carl Cur.) tis "yet crime rates have increased as the federal government has spent more money for welfare programs-;- on the theory they will elimi-- 1 nate poverty and crime. From 1933 to 1963, the population of the United States increased 50 per cent; crime rates increase 1,231 per cent and government ' spending, about half of which has been used for welfare programs, was hiked 1,215 per cent. 1098.29 NEW '65 SCOUT Pickup list Throughout Tooele County hunt ' ers, young and old, were putting finishing touches Thursday on causes of gamey flavored meat, The following procedure was equipment, and firing last 'founds in target practice in preparation recommended for caring for deer for the annual deer hunting sea- - in the field: . son, opening Saturday morning, 1. The animal diould be clean- ' Ort- - 23. ed and dressed immediately after State Fish and Game Director the kill is made. Harold S. Crane warned hunters that all big game regulations will once again be rigorously enforced. There can be no excuse for improperly tagged or failure to tag big game animals, Mr. Crane said We fool tagging regulations have been amply stressed in past years so each hunter diould be well aware- - that game animals must be tagged at the place of kill and before being transport- - quarter-billio- mmm ORSfSftCR WASHINGTON (ANF) A new enlisted promotion system will bis proposed by Lt Gen. James K. Woolnough, the Armys DCSPER, at the Sergeant! Major Personnel Conference here on October 25th. Credit unions are an unusual and different type of organization. Their mission is to teach the prudent use of credit so that credit fulfills the family need and they teach that regular thrift habits provide family security. is . , This unique organization primarily Merited in helping The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: Deer Season Lures Throng Gose for Deer Hunting anti-missi- W Tooele Nimrod s Await Hunt Schools Will All commanders have been reminded of their obligation to maintain the Army's "credit rating" by taking steps to v prevent their men from going into debt beyond their means '.'and to counsel those men who are deep in debt. With the laid of the Legal Affairs Officer the commander can often 'cushion the financial impact of sudden PCS, expensive TDY, -- ,'and high living coats, and arrange a suitable agreement , between the debtor and his civilian creditor. In the case of negligent debtors who bring discredit to the Army, commanders should eliminate them from the service. (ANF) diould be mal should be placed or hung i 2 All blood and before uch, manner that air can circu- animal the washed from late freely around it. lrarporting it home. Water won't drain allowed to if hurt the meat jgyb we were pretty poor in off. the old days, but at least dime 3. Meat diould be cooled before didnt have to use layaway home. The am- - lunt ; being transported 13 South Main Phono: 882-158- 8 Strict Send to Tooele Bulletin, P.0. Box 390, Tooele, Utah & j |