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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Oct. 22, 1965 js; , DOD Sets January 1st For Variable i Bonus Re-u- p WASHINGTON (ANF) reenlistment The variable bonus program, a part of the Military Pay Act of 1965, will go into effect on January 1, 1966, according to an announcement from the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Starting on that day, Army enlisted personnel designated as having a critical military skill will be entitled, upon their first reenlistment, to a bonus in addition to the amount currently .. . ' - V V 'V . . paid under existing regula- tions. , The amount of the bonus will vary with the critical value of the skill possessed by the individual. Specific skills will be designated as critical in detailed instructions to be issued by the Secretary's Office. Department of the Army directives for administering the program will also be published before the scheduled starting date. SPECIAL OFFER ! 7 Days Only ACHIEVEMENT AWARD - First Lieutenant Bernard Kosowild was presented a Dugway Proving Ground Certificate of Achievement Oct 8 in the Post Commanders Office. The award was presented by Port Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr. Lt. Kosowild was cited for his outstanding work as a chemical safety officer. He departed for Chicago, Illinois October 10. ' (UA Army Photo) Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 19 WHEEL BALANCE 4 Wheels, Including Weights Special Price of Hunt Season I 00 I The 'tell hunting seasons are upon us. Big game, upland game, and waterfowl will be legal tar-- j gets for the hunters gun during and for I the next several months I this array of game, well over 300, 000 hunters will be in the doors to enjoy these seasons. STOKER MOTOR CO. 44 300,000 In I I EAST 1ST NORTH The Department of Fish and Game today urged all hunters to observe the highest standards of hunting ethics in their quest for game this year. No one can condone imports- manlike conduct if we ere to con tinue to enjoy foe hunting privt leges long traditional in Utah. Hunters must watch their outdom manner as insurance to continued public hunting. Came is the property of all the but many of the hunting :amu are qj, private property, Hunting on such property is a privilege, not a right, and this privilege can be withdrawn by the people, TOUCHDOWN - Cary Lee, Dugway lefthalf dukes off South Summit tedder Number 15, behind foe fine of scrimmage and races 21 yards for Dugway s second touchdown last Friday. Dugway defeated South Summit 18 to 13. (U.& Army Photo) hmdowner. hunting license does not aufo 0rize trespass on private property. The Department urges ell hunters touhthe landowners permission fjt. DHS Wins Duel A QUICK REFERENCE OF LOCAL BUSINESSES AND SERVICES FURNITURE APPLIANCES AUTO REPAIR - PARTS Gordon's Furniture For Clar' s Auto Center Glass , MOHAWK CARPETS APPLIANCES SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG UNO AND TILE KELVINATOR kstallad - Froet fad Aignaisst - Abo laspsctisa Aid Bala oca REBUILT AND REGULATORS GENERATORS Rum PI 8. MAIN TOOELE M Satisfaction Center APPLIANCE DOCTOR Senridng All Makes Gas and Electric Appliances - Commercial Refrigeration Phone Mala 398 North 882-15- i 41 We Specialize in 882-457- 2 Parts For All Can SUDS PARTICIPATING SPORTS Tooele Bowl Rentals 21 West 1st North 882-059- 725 Nor Open Alleys Every Night M Dial 47 East Second North MOW 882-32- 04 BUY NOW - BUILD LATIB RICHARDS STREET, Open Weekdays 4 SALT LAKE CITY ALL 85 oed 53 Dial Call DUNN Roofing & Sales 270 Maple 882-342- 1 Open Saturday 9 a.m.-- 6 112-13- and 81 m Ea rrampl Delivery 1111 N. Main. Toooto First Security Bank checking account means immediate money in the bank on pay day for Oil Phono 112-31- (Oafi) civilian and military personnel at Dugway. A plan has been developed permitting the deliv- 112-31-35 ery of your pay check to the First Security Bank on Base each pay day with credit to your 17 Altar 5 pm account immediately! When you pay by check you keep an accurate record of your expenses, making the tedious task of balancing your budget simple and easy. UPHOLSTERY CUSTOM MADE ORECOVERING S RESTYLING O REPAIRINW OSL1P COVERS U DRAPERIES Bryan's Plumbing Heating GAS and ELECTUC APPLIANCES Sales and Service Export Installation Can SO MSI II N Main 112-22- Your cancelled checks become your legal ceipt or proof of payment Lmvs Name aad Addraaa sms W 79 Open your account today Regular or Checkway plans White Brother's Oil Co. Retail Service Wholesale Distributors FTBfTfiMCAL CONTRACTING i Uconsod Electrical Contractor Small or Large Jobs CAR BOO file PHIE i m CALL NORTH MAIN RADIO - STEREO - HI FI - TV k4 dtfSM- - QflEQit1 Pedersen Insurance FREE FIRST SECURITY BANK Real . Estate T 4INTED on ooch check 4 CUSTOM WORK GUARANTEED choose either you valuable time and id, NAME AND ADDy 7S WmI Pssch, 884-343- O 19 C62BP Q 883-14- fce&ain, Sewict Jwlenl 6fUU ' ' Phone Q5EO30 QggiEB re- .and request your pay check to be sent directly to the Base Bank in the Post Exchange. Itll save HEVKE PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FRIENDLY EFFICIENT SERVICE mg A Fuel Oils ZION'S 322-115- & 882-310- and Military Personnel 812-12-33 L Gillespio p.m. PLUMBING - WOK OUAIaNIHD, OVH 40 YiAU CWEIIINCf LEONARD HANSEN 49 S 1st East For Dugway Employsas FURNACE FUELS p.m. fme todayl C3AD3C1... UPHOLSTERING - RESTYLING Custom - Made Mattrassas - Any Sin or Kind Special Prices on Smglo Mattress and Box Spring Sots $38.90 up - let us give you a bid 3 or Phena Salt Lake 466-41- p.m.-- 6 812-03- McGreggor Spalding CM CRAMER MATTRESS CO. 2115 Golf Equipment NEED . Tiros A Tubas Phono Daily Schedules from Toaela to Taaala Army Depot Aad Tooele Smelter COAL -- Residential and Commercial Construction -Build oa Your Lot or Ours Call Ike at 8B2-340- 1 Note to Young Marrieds - Choice Building Lots Available Main Charter Service Anywhere Class Lessons $1.75 per hour Wilson fiidiss of vrtue Ska tha vriW af our am Insurance! Caataal MKOV al Tooele Workmans Bus Co. Tooele Golf Course Construction Company .... i STAIR FAIR TRANSPORTATION Air Conditioned 5 18-1- 3 With lest than two minutee to play Dugway punched over a touchdown to defeat South Summit 18 to 13 at foe port field iaat Friday. Dugway halfback Shirl Clarke raced eight yarda for a touchdown on a counter play with a minute and 30 aeconda showing on the clock. The Muatanga had led moat of the game jumping off to a 12 to 0 lead early in the game, but South Summit (cored once in the last three quarters to take foe lead with force minutes to play. Dennis Bearden recovered a fumble with about two minutes left and Dugway scored the winning tally a few plays later. Cary Lee scored the first Dug-way touchdown on an 11 yard end sweep in the first quarter. Shirl Clarke who scored the winning touchdown also scored cm a five yard run in foe second . OPEN NOW!. . L.' .a il Full Unconditional Tim Repairing Vulcanising Excellent Stock Satisfaction Center Shrubs . 35 ...... .... RED JONES TIRE SHOP SEE US FIRST Trees. . 112-11- TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR GOOD DEALS Tools Glass Batteries Auto Aecossorlos Shop Equipment Tooolo. Utah 175 North Main Phono A OS Humble for Distributors Bofintag Products Lubrication Tiros. Batteries. iPpon 6 am to IB pm daily A Sunday HwkkM FINE CARPETS Tooele Supply Co. ' II North Main SL Anti-TroM- O, GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 24 Hour Ssrvka - All Work Guarantaad PHONE Gillespie's Excel Service Team Standings: W L T P Wasatch 3 0 0 1000 N. Summit 3 0 1 1000 2 1 0 687. Dugway Crantsville 2 2 0 500 . 1 1 1 500 Morgan Park City 0 3 0 000 S. Summit 0 4 0 000 II North Main Mamter 112-35- Maral M SdiWl 72 J r PupaiH Building Inwranca Carpararian Dugway having Graund |