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Show I Trenton Primary Reorganized THE CITIZEN August 22, 1968 Californians Visit In Lewiston I Provo spent Saturday night hospital, the LDS Childrens TRENTON The Trenton Next day, they made a motor of Trenton are Mr. and hospital, and at a number of his parents. with Mrs LEWISTON Mr. and ni!lt. PrpsMlt tt'prn niehnn fast, held at the Chuck-A- visit currently ward Primary has been reor trip through Yellowstone Na Mrs. Elmer Kerr. Sunday Schools and sacrahu inrs. uraniu Lavne and Rama. """i ing their son and family, Mr. Jack Wavman of San Lewis-ment Wanwere meetings while they , Released and relatives tional friends Park. ganized. four children of Oeden. Mr. Many and Mrs. Marlow Butler, of Calif., are visiting in Mrs. Harold Hanson and there. were v t Anw m mm'h M. C. Mr. da and Mrs. Norvel Butler Caldwell, Ida. Andrew, Donna ion wiui Mrs. wyuu 14rgi jerry Layne anH daughter Gina of Sacramento, attended the wedding recep Rawla drew and Pauline S. Spadetner and ner nusoanu, mi. four children of Smithfield. Calif., are visiting at the home tion in Bountiful for Mr. and Mr niid Mrs. Martell birthdaV) a entertained at Mrs. Max Gilbert. man. Sustained were Melva inn Mr. and Mrs. Gene Austin and of her and Mrs. Leroy Jones. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hyde accompanied his dinner for their daughter La R. Cottle, Vera B. Becks tead, Overnieht wests of Mr. and three children of Weston and Reeder Karren. Mr. Hanson Aland velda H. Spademan. Mrs. Ralev Rogers of Lewis- the Allan Layne family of and two sons are spending a son, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney raine Sunday. Guests includ of Ogden, to Yellowso released was Ethel Rawlton Saturday night were Mr. Whittier. week in Ephraim with his Hyde ed Mr. and Mrs.. Larry Hone stone Park. ins as Sunday school chorister, and Mrs. Weldon Rogers of The J. W. Boman to and will come parents and family family of Sacramento, with Ethel A. Stevens sustainRaNea Rawlings spent the reunion was held Aug. 10 in Lewiston the last of the week Nampa, Ida., and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Soren-Mr. and and chorister Ida. ed as Arlene of Hansen, to take them back to Sacra weekend in Salt Lake City K, Eldon Conger uk Army Lwiston Sergeant second ward The annual Franklin County with the Mormoniers. The son, liary itawiings ana Griffin, assistant chorister, Crockett, son of Mr. and Mrs, On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. church with Val Glover act- mento. w uie public Eldon releaswas L. Crockett, Preston, Rogers were honored in the ing as emcee. Pitcher group sang at the Veterans Ann Bird, all of Logan. Sunday evening speakers al rair opens Dinner was Stanley and promises to be received ward sacrament meet- - served followed by a First ed in church were Wanda Andrew, Thursday second as the counselor the Commen Army program one of Vera Beckstead and Melva held in the biggest fairs ever dation Medal July 25 while ing prior to their leaving on and square dancingi with Mr Lewiston first ward YMMIA Cottle. Two musical numbers to the the county. According serving with the 2nd Armor a short term mission to the uiover as the caller. There in a recent sacrament meetcounty office, a ed Division at Ft. Hood, Tex. Southwest Indian Mission. were 65 in attendance. Haning, and piano and violin, were played record numberagent's of exhibits is dinner The sen was sustained to take his ana a- - Following the meeting, by Dale Kay Ann Picther, being recorded in Set. Crockett earned of the Mr. the family late many of the ward rtogers and Mrs. William A. Blair place. Mr. Hansen is the son Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mor for meritorious service was served at tne Weldon departments. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd tenson and Gladys Haws of Fair workers began enter during his last assignment In home to relatives, the Hansen of Lewiston and spent Au 3rd . motor took Lava a Hot Springs i Battery, Logan recently ing exhibits first thine Mon Headquarters the directitm of R"th his boyhood days in Lewiston. trip through Yellowstone Na day morning and representa Battalion of the 25th Infantry iMcGee Chambers and Carol He has recently purchased the tional Park. tives of the various Farm Division's 13th Artillery in ViWl mi. " liy etnam. ijaywu, Mr. and Mr. Ray Gillens Bureau centers Pot luck dinner Wallace Mallory farm and began build and family of served and the afternoon home and has returned to are happy over the arrival of ing then community booths. Assigned to Headquarters Boyd Hawes Mr. and Mrs. ray spent visiting. Peonle from Lewiston to make his home their fifth son, born last week Among the booths that were Battery, 1st Battalion of the Oeden. Lewis and family of ogden, Lewiston were Mr. with his wife and family. at the Logan hospital. The being constructed at the fair 2nd Armored Division's 16th Mr. Mrs. Dan Wayman and Mrs. attending Mrs. Leah Bright attended and Donald Blair and couple also has four daugh were those of at least two Artillery, Sgt Crockett en- and familv. also of Oeden, Mr the American Food Service Mr. Mrs. and family, Alan ters. political parties and many of tered the Army in November Lowell Fellows ana Blair and held in Las Vegas REG. $6.50 PER BUNDLE BELGIUM MADE Mr. and Mrs. Leon Daley the state and local candidates 1966 and completed basic and Mrs. son, Mr. and Mrs. Convention, Mrs. Rulon Fellows Rulon Lowe and their Mr. last week. and left Saturday for a vacation to were expected to be at the training at Ft. Lewis, Wash. daughMrs. LaRue Poulsen of and familv of Salt Lake City ter, Mrs. Donald Ralph and Anchorage, Alaska. They went booths sometime during the The sergeant Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sant W her Ida., is visiting relNampa, daughter Vickie of Logan. by car to Seattle, then board fair. graduated from Preston High Rrieham Citv. Mrs. Marie O in Lewiston and Frankatives Mrs. Ervin VanOrden and ed a jet for Alaska, Sen. Frank Church is ex School in 1963 and attended Roeers of Loean. Mr. and lin. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan pected to make an appearance Idaho State University, Poca Mrs. Bruce Brooks and Mr, her daughter, Mrs. Rodney Dahle and her family, spent hosted a wedding recep at the fair today between z tello. He was employed by and Mrs. Russell Brooks of FAIR VIEW BRIEFS in Salt Lake City tion honoring their daughter, pjn. and 5 p.m. Rep. George Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach, Saturday called who Others Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bodily visiting with Mrs. Bob Barton. Wanda, and John Tillotson, Hansen, who is seeking to un- Calif., before entering the Ar during the afternoon were Miss Sherrie Dahle remained son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin seat Sen. Church, is also ex my. accompanied their Mrs. William Brooks and fam- in Salt Lake to visit a friend, Dariel Seamons of Dayton, to Tillotson of Trenton, in the pected to be at the fair some His wife, Virginia, lives in ily of Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. ward cultural hall Friday eve time during the weekend. Lynette of Logan Sunday where they visAlbert Wood and family Long Beach, Calif. NEW 1 ited their daughter Luann, The of Mr. Other candidates expected and Mrs. ning. A large group of rela HarMrs. Mr. and family Pocatello, LDS is who tives and friends called to include State Rep. Darrell the in Bur-leVivian of Weaver hospital Lewiston LEWISTON BRIEFS and ry Badger and family ofH. B. visited their congratulate (he young cou Manning, Democrat, and State Mrs. parents and at- following an appendectomy. and Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griffeth Harrison and Mrs. Elaine tended the G. E. Weaver fam- They also called on Mr. and pie, who will make their home Rep. Orval Hansen, Republiin Trenton. can, both of whom are seek- and son of Rexburg came to Jessop of Lewiston. Mr. and ily reunion which was held at Mrs. Joseph Gailey and Zola Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mor ing the seat in Congress now Lewiston to visit with Mrs. Mrs. will enter the Deer Cliff Sunday, Aug. 11. Daines. HILLSIDE AND LEVEL LAND MODELS tenson of Trenton accompan held by Rep. George Hansen. Griff eth's parents, Mr. and missionRogers Guests at the home of Mr. home in Salt Lake They were Mr. and Mrs. Billy are Hatch Urven Mrs. and Weaver ied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Soren-soof A new feature of the fair Mrs. Floyd Morrison. Mr. and six children 26. on Aug. on a trip to Jackson, Wyo this year will be a locally pro- Griff eth returned to Rexburg City Ogden, Mrs. Roger (GenNiel) Lois, Donna, Karen and DonMr. and Mrs. Gerald Lun-da- Gardemann Mike Hauser of Filer spent duced Junior Rodeo which and Mrs. Griffeth spent the and four children na Gail Barnett of Huntington, and five children of Whit- of the .weekend with his aunt and will be sponsored by the First week in Lewiston, returning Palos Verdes. Calif., Dr. Calif., and Eric Olsen, also four for visited tier, Calif., Mrs. VarSelle Weaver and from California. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quorum of Elders from Clif- to Rexburg on Sunday. with their parents, Mr. and E. Atkinson of Trenton. Mrs ton. All boys and girls unfive children of Boise, Ida., Claire Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jorgen- days of Telford H. B. Violet Hauser of Filer and der 13 years of age or weigh- son and family enjoyed a four-da- y and Mrs. Mr. and and Mrs. Vivian visited Sunday with Lewiston. They will visit Mrs. Selma Atkinson of Clark-sto- n ing less than 100 pounds can Mrs. Gardemann Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bodily. trip to Bear Lake, Flam- Flaming Gorge and tour in Weaver. were Sunday dinner compete. Contestants may ing Gorge, Dinosaur National WAIVE INTEREST UNTIL SPRING Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Hyde Canada before returning to remained a week with her guests of the Atkinsons. parents. sign up at the county agent s Park, and visited in Salt Lake their home in California. and two daughters of Logan Miss Deaime Spackman of booth at the fair grounds. Mrs. Lloyd Elwood and Mrs. visited with Mr. and Mrs. City with the Elliott Jorgen-so- n Mr. and Mrs. Allan Layne Trenton, daughter of Mr. and The Franklin County Farm Elwood drove to Salt Merlin Rawlings Wednesday Elvira family. Downof and three daughters Mrs. Vaughan Spackman, has Bureau will again sponsor Lake City on Friday and went afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Kar-been have guests Calif., enrolled at Ricks College in their annual Fun Day at the ren of Lewiston motored 10 ey, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rawlfor two weeks at the home of through the temple with a fair. Rexburg. of Mrs. Elvira El back to their and Wyo., grandson attended the rally in Piney, Mrs. Big and Mr. ings parents, Mrs. Boyd Hulse and chil53 SO. 1st WEST PHONE 85M661 Salt Lake City to visit with C. Russ Layne. While they wood, Larry Didrickson, who Preston Friday night for Gov. dren of Buhl, Idaho, are visitand IDAHO married was that then: son and wife, and PRESTON, day, ernor George Wallace. were here, the family had a ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kerr of party in High Creek Monday attended the wedding break Leland T. Cottle. Mrs. Allen Stroud and Mr. Roger Dock and son Robert and daughters, Rebecca and of Salt Lake City were recent Jill, of Los Angeles are guests Mr. visitors of his parents, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of the late descendants The and Mrs. Louis Dock. Mrs. Stroud Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mer- Joseph Perry of .1816, first of Granville Barlow. Barlow. to Mrs. a is sister LDS the rill and children of Anaheim, this family to join of Salt Lake, Scott Rawlings Calif., visited here with his church, held a reunion at the a nephew of Mrs. Barlow, was brothers, Ervin and Virgil, Lions Park in Franklin Aug. also a guest at the Barlow and their families and also of the fam- - home. Descendants with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hyer and Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks ly came from far and near, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Burk of Cali of Wyoming, and family Hermistan, daho, Utah, DisOre., visited his brothers, fornia and New Mexico. There Lewiston attended the trict convention of World War John and Dave Sparks, re- were 70 members in I veterans which was held at cently. Lava Hot Springs on SaturThe Spackman family met A potluck lunch was served day. Delegates were present at the Trenton ward cultural which enjoyed, along from Malad, Montpelier, hall Saturday for a reunion. A with aeveryone short program. Also Gooding and Preston. good time was had by all a business meeting was held A potluck dinner was served those present and a genealogical report was n swimMr. and Mrs. Roland Plans were made for and the group enjoyed of Trenton accompan- given. ming and visiting. a reunion next year. ied 14 members of the Cache Valley branch of the descendants of the Mormon Battalion on a trip to pioneer historical points for a day's outing at the Silent City of Rocks in Idaho. YOUR Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Holt returned recently from a trip into Canada in company with CHOICE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ricks of Newdale, Ida. They visited OF Banff and Lake Louise, as well as many points of interest along the way. Mr. and Mrs. Le grand Reader were happy to hear Model ECH10C of the arrival of a new grandchild, a boy, born to Boyd OR and Linda Monson of Ogdert. This is the first grandson for the Readers. They have one granddaughter, child of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Reader of Model ECV10C THE OLD Bountiful. Mrs. Legrand HOW DO YOU LIKE THE WAY I SOUPED-UReader has gone to Ogden TRACTOR. HUH POPr to stay for a few days with their daughter and new baby. Pres. and Mrs. Clarence R. Andersen returned recently from a trip to Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 201 Kupfer and family went to Ammon, Ida., and remained overnight with her sister, Mr. 12' WITH PICK-UREEL, HAY CONDITIONand Mrs. S. Paul Chambers. ER, NEW PAINT, RECONDITIONED . m w a. County Fair Preston Nan Opens Today Given Medal r- -. La-Rai- 5K n BALER 2 der J" TWINE - NOW ONLY $6.15 son-in-la- r I AtllhltlllC VVUIMUIVO y, USED hl As Low As Dock-stad- er $1,500 - - STEADMAN IMPLEMENT Percys Hold Reunion HARVESTTIME FREEZER IF ra psfsnranTTPrfiw E sJLri Hlhlllnll'iFl YOU BUY FOR LESS - YOU CAN'T BUY THIS QUALITY eezers o, Mor-tenso- CHEST UPRIGHT P THUS WEEK'S SPECIAL $ WINDR0WER IH P Too Late To Classify AND READY TO GO. HELP WANTED Girl wanted, must be out of school, steady day work. 11 to 5. Only $2495.00 PHONE CALLS NO PLEASE. Apply Preston A EAST TEEMS WILL TRADE & W. German Short-ha- ir Three months Ross FOR SALE pups. old. Call Conlin. GRACE EQUIPMENT 852-252- 5. 16 ft. Trailer FOR SALE House. Excellent condition. Call ton FOR SALE 1965 Chev. Call pickup. or 852-138- 3 852-119- 7. FOR RENT at 17 747-375- 5. bedroom home East 2nd North. Call 2 O. Cox 55 425-391- - Holds np to 6 350 Lbs. Freezer Parts Warranty Food Spoilage Warranty system Phone Grace, Idaho FARMALL TRACTORS INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS McCORMICK FARM EQUIPMENT P. if i Fast-free- ze Company, Inc. 747-392- 2. IBifift CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES: air flow Super Storage door "Food-Guarbails d" shelves Zinc-plate- d Porcelain-enamele- d Interior JENSEN TV and APPLIANCE 20 NORTH STATE PRESTON, IDAHO PHONE 8524CU |