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Show Paffift-us- p Fix-u-p, anaMPy fix felt that it would takes patafrup, " up time in Franklin wunty month of pushing and assisrad the Preston Junior ting to get people to toe mood Chamber of Commerce Is go- of .the season. ; ing to do everything may cm And thare is nothing that to see that people kr just is needed more right now that. than come good cleaning, The Juirior Chamber of and fixing. There - pointing Commerce, under the leader- are also mhny homes that would be more valuable and president, have would be ' a bigger asset to an in Clean-up Month as their n they had a effort to get home owners, coat community and of paint a little rebusinessmen, farmers and, in work was done. fact everyone to take a good pair Qvic pride dictates that look at their property and see what ora be done to make ft this should be done and there isnt a better time of the year more attractive. to do tris than right now,11 Named as chairman of the Mr. Hodges said. Flx-u- p Paint-uClean-ucommittee of the Junior He also crid that toe leadChamber of Commerce was ers of the Preston Chamber Thane Hodges, past president of Commerce have offered to do everything possible to se of the organization. businessmen are enMr. Hodges said this week that the and that the Junior Chamber of couraged to paint up JoCommerce members will in seph Garner , nresident of toe gladly donate their Chamber of Commerce, said assisting local residents in this week that a drive will be cleaning up their property, or made by the Chamber of even paizmng up their pro Commerce to sea that fife is perty. He said that ff there is done. some dderly person in the community who dannotjaint Steal Edging Gssd his house, the Junior Cham-her of Commerce wffl simply the labor to get the Job.tome. ; Steri lawn edging can heto The members of the dub can you have a loveUer garden wield a; paint brush as good fids siuimer. . ; as many people and are ofPrimarily designed to keep fering their service to those turf arees from encroaching who may have some diffledt- - on flower, shrub 'and other y in getting the Job done, he borders, It can, with a Utile said. ingenuity, be uzed for a varHe also said' that arrange-usent- s iety of deowefive purposes. have been ;made Green on the mass side and through the dhr of Preston to brown on the son ride, corru have free trash pick up dur-th- e galvanized steel lawn first 10 rays of BSay. gated available to rolls of edging Hodges painted out that four, aix or eight Inches to n is a red service to toe width. It can be snipped Into residents of the dty in dean-to- g desired lengths with heavy- their yards and get- duty shears. ting rtd of dd trash and deSteel edging to eerier to inbris around toe yards. stall than other materials beThe clean-up- , paint-ucause you dont have to (Hga will really last trench. Just place toe edging 'ai where you want it and tap ft aSg.-jsffitoto the soil lessistur- of the Jun- dy metals orOthers, plasfics, would ior Chamber of Commerce bend under, such treatment It's Clean-u- p, : . says--. p, p, : ; f tw LANDSCAPING Howard Johnson, owner of the Plaza Motel, places a redwood lawn guard in the landscape of the motel The arrangement was designed a Lo-- . w A . gan landscape architect. v V The t- - ly Citizen-Phot- FoiTtoLsras i t - JP JUMJ 4 Vonr Hcdicino (Sheri . a uise mnr oimms ciejui-u-p . ; r 39 . April BED nonrn ' r i ,:1 . j v to 12ay I i . 31 ; lii 70UD PDIEIIDLY DQUGGISTS UABIlinGS b Ehe Sale,a Side Do -- p, Killers lark in every household watting to attack unsuspecting victims at These Killers? The poisons found In many, many everyday every chance. fix-mon- th ' household necessities. ... the possible danger cea It ca a bottle or Jar. v: The Victims? Small children not old enough to know or even the meaning of the word poison should they Do yon know that 12 ter years old or under? ... - At The Preston Citizen of the victims of poisons In the heme are children Do you know that last year 480 little people fat thS age group died from poisons which parents had not stored In fcrebty esder lock and key? . a( safe place, pr BETTER HOB1ES AND GARDENS BOOKS I ' - 4 ' , s HOUSE PIAHTS ; fo' r; I;,' s'y -- Vy: ,. i.- A. ; tJ.; ?tvi ' - dl te (:;'el.nar HANDY MAN'S BOOKS most effective way to Insure against poison accidents Is to such possible killers la a locked cabinet or chest Blake an Inspection ytetelt An id pote locked If they are not then It will be lf a child la year home dies because he was able to get hold of these home. DECORATING BOOK ataray? - - ..' . . ; . LANDSCAPE 4 :r'K-- , i 'v-'- .u.-'jt-r-- ' is" & ..' i jEnn' . kJ : ' ; s' i . 'ii . .. , A.'.Tv:' . Jf.t' !.: PBESTON -- : Hr 'I''. : vtsbt THE 0D PHONBCia 1 ; fV iL.kr Fiton, y Idaho . y . |