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Show JVlTu, ;B , I r -- April 29. UH SOLD -- AT A LOSSIFnECESSADTUOUDOmnGTOi? Cbqrton C.NlaSaSiil preetdent feXAMlNKDISPLAY Society, and Rolana ltoten- examine an exhibit which win een, eecretary-treaiurebe placed In groupi rimer thla weekend. The CMm Photo of the Cache Geological r, - 14 CUBIC FOOT AND UP OUR BEST SUPER DELUXE Tha Cache -- to rfiH He nuaTRock and Mineral ahow to be held In Mm old Logan City office building, ISO No. llam Street, Logan, Utah, on Saturday, May L from 8 a.m. to 7 pan. and Sunday, May 2, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be many of Intereet to everyone. Roche can become rA thing of beauty and FREE LDOOR-FR- 08T 1HR0UGH0UT. 8UGRT FREIGHT DAMAGE - loom REGULAR MMI tag over Into Bxtgham CRy for good measure. an There' will be free rock -L- Bs-pla- IQUIDATION PRICE yi tend, also a prise for the best guese oh the bottle of poBrimd atones which wffl oe on display. Members of too Golden Spike Rock dub of Ogdon are also bringing many flat OOU0OBOM wO WUWIi Flan to ritand, bring tha v our tender and ; Invite tfali to greet hobby forever1 toau event the great outdoors, rare tricks mother nature CUb officers are Clayton. flndi time to deposit In her C. Nielsen, Prerids nt; Clarke, Vice President rare cruet often Anna. f .He fflECI NAUGAHTDE8 EARLY AMERICAN REVERE -- REG. 9MMI EARLY AMERICAN REVERE FLORAL REG. Oe-w- dl $134X3 ONLY REG. SUM! Petrified woods, afetee of aU Orion and design. Jade which were fair jewels lor $219X3 ho MJC M . MlMItUilJ W.T. ' Him EIODEDn SEAT Contomporary orim Dim REG. HN. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER S1S9.0 $mx3 Tough Nlyeu - TRUE FREEZER 71-L- g Omer-BE- G. - REFRIGERATOR God, Jasper, varldte, florescent atones m all their rainbow glory and many more ran end polished tonea awwM your, visit and inspectkm. The dub Is compoeed of approximately SO representing 'practically ery community In Cadm Valley, with Preston on the North to Hyrum and Waila-vffl- e on the eouffi and eplll- - U CUBIC FOOT i and Roland Mortensen, and Treasurer. See-rriar- y , GO SWIMMING ; TRENTON Mix. Wanda Andrew took a group of glrii swimming at Sky View an Saturday afternoon In honor of herdaughter ChrlstTs birthday. They later returned to the Andrew home for lanch- - - Christl, Darlene Sparkman, Kattqr Sgackman, Beth Smith, Humphreys, CtorieLe Spaceman, FtoyJenn and Jill Andrew. Knpfer Le-Ai- m A REAL MONEY SAVER w .A.v NOW ONLY - 2-D- M SET SPECIALS OctalEver . --. no WESTINGHOUSE CHEST COIimilATIOn oor IS FT. FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR REG. SMSJI - - i : 8UGHT DAMAGE HUGE CAPACITY - NOW ONLY .r' BIG XL CU. FOOT , PLACES SECOND jtador High student, poeea adth the him second wot in the USU Science $ , ;'.'v The CtUxen Photo Junior IHnh Stadoni Plscos SccondlnUSUSdoncb Fair V LARGE OVEN. STORAGE DRAWERS 1 INI SURFACE HEATS ON ALL REAL BUY i i - ; - - FhUip Rasmussen, Clark-- , won second place hi W.T. I I the Northern Utah Kagkmal Sdence Frir held at Utah University . April iU and 17. Philip is a studi at tha Lewiston Junior Hfch School nil (he only Jtador High School student ln toe northern part of the district to enter. .There were, how-1- 2 other entrants in this Arid. Phillip's project "Fiber Optics, they are operated and why fi "why UNITS-- A be ueadHe NOW ONLY W.T. MAKES t J' (Q) Cubic Foot DEFDIGEDATOD A I f, I I DENT. INSIDE FULLY BRAND NEW REG. IUUI - u NOW ONLY 30 RANGE . , I . .S "I- WITH IMI HEAT SPEEDS Jd 3N, IDAHO A - r . t . ' - PHONE 4 SURFACE LARGE OVEN v . 852-018- 0 - - UNITS I STOR AGE DRAWER REG.. MIMS. . j "f NOW ONLY ; - - I eriribtt tended projector lens, fiber! optic dement, g tape j and acraan. ms is toe second yefo m rnup ns vmnnmmk In toe Science Vwr wmchta: sponsored tar the Utah AcaB-- l emy of Briencee, Arte and;''': Letters. He is aim actlvo school attain, being athletic and eacwtanr ref. the Bon League, While at too taritafldd Jtador High Schod he was home room He Is a teacher hi the Ctarkshm and has bean secretary of the Deacons quorum and a home teacher. PhUto la the son of Mr.; and Mrs. PhUto Rasmussen of Oarkston. He has two : listen, Rebecca Sue, an ri-ementary school teacher at Bountiful, and Marilyn, student at the University of. Utah, in nursbig. ; i . falloy' s Largest Volume Appliance : Dealer ii . - ...- - I it and handpd out sheets to who visited Me j (Continued from page 1) Churches, Ctty Council, and others have pledged thdr hill support of tms conunit-- s. "We are asking all dt-t- o cleancooperate ing their own yards and streets, removing rid and useless machinery from their preirises, tearing down unsightly and useless buildings, 'i removing dead trees and clearing away any object Tm Lato Ts CtesUr that may destroy beauty' The eiders quorums have Cheerful om consented to give heto in FOR RENT bedroom apartment oh tearing down rid buildings for a nominal fee. Contact ground floor with pnvm Jttst ndeearah the quorum president or ed, In pleasant nelAbor-im- . Mayor Plant. The County Phone Extension Service has offer hood, dose to ed heg in making plans for improvements. The School One Class Board has agreed to support TOR SALE Cttiien shortwave radio h any project on school pro accessories. Call ty. With this united e! between 9 a.m. and 4:Mt much may be accomplished if we all do our best," ,f Mr. p.m. Monday through FW w.fcu Bair concluded. day. I ) GUARANTEED 'V tf pro- - 00 Q0000m0v jQtf all of Us experi-an- d also presented DAMAGED ABOVE COST W.T. I FREEZER. WITH BIG SEPARATE 8ee Beet Vatoe Yen'S DELUXE i 1 1 ' ' ; 852-18-11 I ' a K A |