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Show ' .? . mt4 - ; , vu nTTi-- i vvrv-i if hi 4 v ! ' - - y I fh J' ',sr'" t " giN'f W mi UtalAprflM, tlorrixon Olios Held Deconlly .... B- . - - FRANKLIN Funeral were haM for Edward Fhy Morrison Friday in. th Franklin ward chapel under the direction of Bishop Floyd Robinaon and arranged by Lundqulat and Sons funeral home of Ogdon. Mr. Morrison was born July 87, 1807 at Dayton, Idaho to Thomas and Margaret Perkin Morrison. He has a sister, Ebora M. Durrant, of Franklin and a brother, John Earl Morrison of Willard. The music for the funeral Lyras furnished, by the singing mothera, directed byAda Wright, accompanied by Greed Robinaon who also e played the prelude end ser-vi- es I I FRAGRANCES- -- ' - I JUST LOVE SHEIL " . , si post-rod- iixo (SAREIG - OOnPEBUnc - DMmd 0JI 1BTL0N FRYING PAN I (Mversal JMm A. Morrison of Preston and Oryol DarranL The grays was dedicated by H. Bios AUTOMATIC TOAITEB pim NMd, Raymond Itarison, FeSi tea SSX) JW4 AH I - Idfcfdzd a Tu S DiesHonday I CANDIES DDED i., CLOSEOUT . -A- TOUCBOFLUXURY 4 .r - UALLETS i - HIGH QUALITY DOPP f i s wiHf ftlsn Maay Styles Littls Ambssssdon lib. (1245 . S lbs.4L8S from $5X3 Mother's Day MAY 9th i DODDLE BATE! .OHD fcr : r :ril" Alma Owen. U. died April SB of a heart attack In Honay- vlHe, Utah. He Is survived by widow, the former Estelle Pratt of Downey, and two brattiers, Erneet and Richard of Pns- - A, i OFF REG. to 900 grade school in the Eastsids schort dhtrict are achodulad to present a spring festival next FTkfoy unfor Loris Ship-lemusic supervisor of flw VISIT IN LOGAN Mrs. Edith SChofldd sal A fodiestrio, Mary Taggut fondly visited recently with t Glands Mr. and Mrs. Bill Christie? Moletta Roberts Bodfly, accompanied by Alta and family in Logan. Harrison rang. Other speakers wen President Jessop and Pnsldnt HoM. High coundlmen In attendance were Oarence Ander- son, Arid Benson, M. C. Gildistrict The festival win be present- bert, Joseph Day, Cliff Wiser, ed by flw third, fourth, fifth Roland Anderson, Lloyd Wm. Harrison, Frank and sixth grades' of the school district . Hon-ayri- It Honda Gifts t: Soma 800 sMfiits Mill . GAP V PlanFesllvul Lot rlitoB Lamb, Alan Smith and Grant Includfog students Stake deric, Stuart Flygsre. from Jefferson, Franklin and Richards and aniitgnt stake Whitney schools, dak, IindMy Rawflns were tt win start at 8 p.m. also In attwidance. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cottle and burial wfl ha in flw and family of Plain City cenwtery. Mr. Owen was bora August pent flw Easter week end , Funeral service! wfll be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. In UB4, fat Yorkshire, Ecg-lan- with Ms parents, Mr. and Hm. HoneyriUe ward chapd Mrs. Leland T. Portia. a is $4 Ul &Edo RtwJimh El-woo- d, MOTHER niih bra;... BAGS Its y, Almtkwn CURLER ACCESSORY Natf, Farts y, cr Sob Pries Ptas A Breath of Spnng will be tha theme of tha West FLAN FASHION SHOW ftuMf show which will ha hdd nait High School Homo Eoonomlci dopaxti Thursday fat the West Side High School The show wiO bo presented by tfae Juaion wad sanfon of tha boms soonomlci depart meat. They will model suits, dresses and formal. Refreshments win ha served. She wn modeling formal they made art TMn -Ctthan Photo MsrII, Nancy Galley and Janet Porter. Bid Ross Morrison, I . Gilt Doiflos dty Qnp ftsa f IX) Hany, tinny Iloro mam TVankHa Jiaek Byan and Dloc The flower ware and tha direction of flm -- - gode-- r with Fra Losra and Opal wauipud Tha Region sunk lal Barley was Mday Saturday. Robert Boo Marian LePayre, Mary Jane rank Prioat-laPraalon high ftnm PhankHn, participated. The girls with phmoaoloo and flw boys with flw band and taCSX) If Trina Qaaoar Accostorios hr the Tha ninm mi 20 cibat oft on : fia MX) If Dub iimo union Pltam OtlchAlilH Bex. WfJB ft-rtti- tiTfr ..The sparimn wan Fna CXC3 HIP MW FSUQTXFIf IXisFtctof HIP QTRSOTigUI SHI - Du Eaapa MB-dr- ed fix) fix) Dry nui i nut - M Bai.tM mm Rood Stochdalo and Oh My father accompanied by OHvanoo. The fondly Iprayer we given by Thomas mean thrksotti moan fotohct ,..C4X) races mmiEiiu R2crna ) - MS Cm anal Hub lUT-Ut- mm 3 OSL trio, Douglas CyrH Lows sang Sob Fobcrgo 1M Iho hallH rmscrsoip BY AMEBICAN ALWAYS JURY BIGHT GBEETING COMPANY Ftr III Bn ltfUmcg music..; I far n . JOHNSON Uo Afca Osto d Conpbta Sokrlod Candy by... O fTZdfcnca O Swoot's . 6 ; ' . ; j , Bauer's Bavarion lints , h d. .a I |