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Show October 30, 1964 LDS THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER genealogy workshop set A special genealogical workshop to give individual assistance with personal research problems will be held on the first Sunday of each month, beginning Nov. 1, in the Brigham Young University Library, it was announced today by Dr. S. Lyman Tyler, director of Libraries. The workshops will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Specialists in family research in various parts of Europe and America will be available to give assistance. Researchers are expected to learn fnudamentals in their individual LDS wards, Dr. Tyler said. The more difficult problems may be brought to these monthly meetings where specialists can be consulted. Sandwiches are at their Elect tTIhiese Men to Cteep Year Weice in oveirnmenS fla- vorful best when the fillings are generous, have a bit of moisture without being wet, 'and are spread clear to the edge of the bread. A half teaspoon of cream of tartar in the water in the bottom of a double boiler will keep the water from boiling over and help remove tarnish. could be cut-of-f Your birthright your voice in government men who or greatly reduced without this team of freedom-lovin- g continue to fight for representative government. The opponents of 64 seek to limit your freedom and expand their own power. G. Douglas Taylor Mitchell Melich A. Pratt Kesler Governor Attorney General Secretary of State RE-ELE- Page Three Robt. J. Edwards state Atdftor CT CLAUDE R. C. R. Lomax Dale W. James Tooele 145 E. 2nd N., Nephi LOMAX Republican L Contrary to the known wishes of our people, Utah Democrats in their platform pledged to repeal Utahs hard won Right to Work Lawt that would impose compulsory unionism. 2. Contrary to the known wishes of our people, the 1964 Utah Democrats platform pledges to surrender to the federal government the financial . Candidate for responsibility for maintenance and operation of Utahs public schools. 8. Contrary to the known wishes of our people, the Utah Democrats debt you and your children will be obit platform pledges long-tergated to pay. 4. Unlike their opponents, your Republican team is committed to vote with the people, not against them. As your board of examiners, Melich, Kesler and Taylor will give Utah Progress with Economy. 6. Your state tax money is spent by the men you send to the legislature. To a man, your Republican candidates are committed to Progress m STATE REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE A legislator with experience who will continue to look for the progress of Juab County under a balanced economy. KNOWLEDGE Knowledge concerning the many problems that face the coming session of the legislature, i.e. education, taxes, reapportionment, farming, cattle industry, business, labor and industry. with Economy. Your choice in 64: Maximum Freedom with Limited Government or Maximum Government with Limited Freedom For You and Utah DEDICATION A dedication deep enough to work hard enough to help solve these many problems. RESPECT respect of other legislators and leaders throughout the state. Enjoys the Pd. Pol. Adv. Pakl by Republican State Central Committee Ray M. Child, chairman |