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Show October 30, 1964 THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Government biggest employer in Utah; state dependency increases Government has become the largest single force in the Utah economy. According to a study just completed by Utah Foundation, the private research agency, government is now the biggest employed in the state and also the largest single contributor to total personal income in Utah. At the same Survival gap widens among men and women The gap between the numbers of American men and women who live to older ages is widening sharply and will likely continue to widen for at least the next several decades, according to an Institute of Life Insurance analysis of Census Bureau projections. Besides the much greater improvement in mortality among women than among men during this century, other big factors behind this "survival gap" include World War II deaths and the steep drop in immigration during recent decades. The 1960 census of U.S. population showed 826 men for every 1,000 women at' all age levels of 65 and older. If pres- ent mortality trends continue until the year 2000, there may time Utahns spend more for taxes than for any other single item of personal expenditure, such as food, housing, one-four- th IDHE DSSIUES (HMOTIPAIBIE AWE) IDOE (CARTODDDMIES MORALITY IN GOVERNMENT or clothing. Governmental units in Utah now employ one out of every four persons working on nonfarm jobs in the state Foundation report continues. According to the latest data, there were 298,000 working in nonagricultural jobs in Utah, of which 73,500 were employed by some unit of government either Federal, state or local. In addition, the report points out that nearly of the total personal income .received by Utahns last year was derived directly from government sources. Federal state and local payments to Utahns in the form of wages, Page Seven MOSS WILKINSON MORALITY IS Wilkinson believes that vice, bribery and corruption should never touch public office. He would never vote to cover up Bobby Baker, Walter Jenkins, Bill Sol Estes. His legal background would prove an asset in the Senate in preventing cor- ruption in government. Tour towel can tell you if you are removing make-u- p thoroughly. If smudges of foundation or lipstick show on the towel give yourself, an- other treat or use a cleansing cream. soap-and-wa- ter Moss voted 8 times since May, 1964, to restrict, limit, or delay the Bobby Bakes investigation. He is quoted in the Salt Lake Tribune,' Sept. 20, 1964, as saying that duplicity and immorality are peripheral issues. He voted against the Williams amendment which would have prevented Baker from getting a government pension but would have returned to him his own pension contributions with interest. (For complete facts, see S. L. Tribune and Deseret News of Monday, Oct 26, 1964.) then be only 647 men for every 1,000 women at ages of 65 and older. This possible 18 drop would be due partly to the fact that, at most adult ages, the average gains in American life expectency since the beginning of this century run two to three times as high for women as for men. A "PERIPHERAL ISSUE" A MAJOR ISSUE. REAPPORTIONMENT CONTINUE BALANCED PLAN WILKINSON BELIEVES THAT THE STATE LEGISLATURES SHOULD CONTINUE TO BE APPORTIONED ON THE SAME GENERAL BALANCED PLAN AS THE NATIONAL CONGRESS. This has been his position from the first He opposes any plan which could put control of both houses in the counties. hands of our This is not in Utahs best interests. large-populati- on By Every FOR REAPPORTIONMENT In a letter to Frank G. Shelly, executive secretary, Utah State Farm Bureau, Sept 10, 1964, Mr. Moss stated his stand in favor of reapportionment of both houses of the legislature on a population basis only as recently ruled by the Supreme. Court This decision of the Supreme Court is the PLAN WHICH MOSS BACKED IN HIS LETTER TO SHELLEY and is a matter of record. Realizing his stand is unpopular, he is now trying to deny it for political purposes. Standard UTAH'S FUTURE t DALE Wilkinson became a nationally renowned lawyer as a result of his 17 years work and success in the famous Ute Indian cases. He will devote that same skill and energy to working for Utah in the U.S. Senate to ing business and industry to the state and to protect all of Utahs interests. VM. JAMES 1 Is Qualified for the credit. State Senator from Tooele and Juab Counties Native son and life-lon- Mr. Moss has voted for nearly all administration programs whether they would hurt Utah or not. Now unemployment industries are laying is up and missile off employees for lack of new contracts. Mosss only claim to success is in Reclamation projects for which Republicans have done the groundwork and helped the bills through both Senate and House. Moss has attempted to take all of the g resident of Senatorial District. Educated in Tooele County Schools and the University of Utah. City Manager and Engineer of Tooele City for over IS years. Tooele County Surveyor, four years. President Lions Club and active in many civic organiza- tions. Business activity and experiences include MANY IMPORTANT UTAH INDUSTRIES Sheep raising, farming, Manufacturing, Mining and Smelting, Engineering, Construction, Government, Motel and Apartment Operation, Salt and Chemical production. Active in church work. Father of seven children, two of whom are teaching school, two are In Utah State University and three are In local grade schools. 25 years in Boy Scout work at all levels Including District Chairman. DALE JAMES WILL MAKE AN IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROGRESS OF OUR GREAT STATE OF UTAH VOTE JAMES - Republican Candidate for State Senator - 13th Senatorial District Paid Political Advertisement by Candidate IMPORTS Wilkinson favors limiting red meat imports that are. working a hardship on Utahs livestock industry. He favors limiting U. S. foreign aid to build steel plants that compete against our American and Utah steel plants. According to the Farm Bureau, Mr. Mon voted 100 of the time against the interests of Utah farmers. During 6 yean in office, he voted over $11 billion in foreign aid. Some of tins has gone to build foreign steel plants that compete with our Utah steel industry. YOUR Kind of Man! Wilkinson worked for 13 years as a president of one of Utahs great universities. He is nationally acclaimed as a lawyer; a man who is dedicated to work for Utah; a fighter; one-dollar-a-y- ear man who a doer; a humanitarian; a loves Utah, her institutions and her people. More1 than anything else, hes YOUR kind of a man! self-ma- de VOTE FOR U. S. SENATOR - NOVEMBER Paid political advertisement by Volunteers for Wilkinson Lynn L. Wright, Juab County Chairman 3 |