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Show Legal Notices iEureka 3R?jjnrtr Probate and Guardianship Notices PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT EUREKA, UTAH Printed By ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Sprlngvllle, Utah Consult County Clark or tho Rospoctiv Signors for Further Information NOTICE TO CREDITORS matter February 10, 1948, at the Entered as second-clas- s post office, Eureka, Utah, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription In Advance, Per Year, $4.00; Per Copy, MRS. BELLE COFFEY HARRISON CONOVER WOODROW WEIGHT I Estates Correspondent Publisher Editor NAUTAH STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION WEEKLY TIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES. INC. AD. 1965. Claims must be Rats: 5c par word; minimum 1.00. Rarun Rata: 50c (up to 5 lines). Ted Haynes returned home last Thursday after spending several days in the Payson Hospital, where he received medical treatment. Friends are wishing him continued Improvement. es Fresh Meats, Groe, Dairy Products and Produce. Proien Foods Delivery - Tues.-Thurs.-Phone 4S3-68- Sat 0S ANTED FENDER Guitars, Basses and amplifiers. Also various nonelectric guitars. All prices Herger Music, 158 So. 1st Dll West, Provo. Thomas Cranmer (1533) was the first Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ryan were in Salt Lake last Saturday for the University of Utah Homecoming parade and the State football Their daughter, Shanna, game. marched with the University Band, and performed with a marching group at the halftime at the game. Utah-Arizo- na 5, 20, 1964. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garity, Jr., and family of Orem, were in town on Saturday, spending the day with his mother, Mrs. Robert L. Garity. Other visitors on Sunday were Mrs. Ada Garity of Santaquin and her daughter, Mrs. Jeanine Carter of Payson. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo OWSCQ fiSSMSKI wm ostsm wm mss NiTIBR;GRWMS rajucocaos TEN5ROI a JOBS EDUCATION Establish a department to aid and bring industry to Utah. the Great Salt Lake boundary dispute to assist development of a chemical salt industry. 3- - Establish Utah as a source of cheap 1 -- 2-Se- ttle electrical power. our beryllium and oil shale elop deposits. a better tax climate through fair levies and passage of the Freeport Amendment. roads and tourist facilities for our state parks with a coordinated advertising campaign. 7- - Work for equitable transportation rates for ALL Utah products insuring that new rates helping one industry do not hurt another. . a University of Utah research center to develop our natural resources. constantly with labor ductive, healthy labor climate. Utahs major leaders. an appropriation large enough to cover our needs but responsibly acquired so that NO SEGMENT OF OUR ECONOMY HAS TO BEAR AN EXCESSIVE BURDEN. 3- - Provide salary increases and incentive pay for teachers. ld discouraging unfair restrictions. Institute immediate state aid for school buildings in districts which CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT So. 1 A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO- exemptions accrue to the POSING TO AMEND ARTI- benefit of the users of water so CLE XUL SECTION 2 OF THE pumped under such regulations CONSTITUTION OF THE as the legislature may prescribe. STATE OF UTAH, RELATING The taxes of the indigent poor TO AN AD VALOREM TAX may be remitted or abated at EXEMPTION: PROVIDING ffin tiniM and in nmh warnif THAT TANGIBLE PERSONAL as may be provided by law. The PROPERTY WHICH IS SHIP- legislature may provide for the PED BEYOND THE STATE exemption from taxation of OF UTAH WITHIN A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR MAY BE EXEMPTED FROM AD VALOREM TAX. Be it resolved by the Legisla- ture of the State of Utah, of all members elected to each of the two houses voting in favor thereof: Section L It ia proposed to amend Article XIII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read as follows: Section 2. All tangible property in the state, not exempt under the laws of the United States, or under this constitution, shall be taxed in proportion to its value, to be ascertained as provided by law. The property of the state, counties, eities, towns, school districts, municipal corporations and pub-li- e libraries, lots with the buildings thereon need exclusively for either religious wonhip or charitable purposes, and pi of burial not held or need for private or corporate benefit, shall be exempt from taxation. Tangible personal property present in Utah on January 1, m., which is held for sale or processing and which is shipped to final destination outside this state within 12 months may be doomed by law to have acquired no situs In Utah for purposes of ad valorem property taxation and may be exempted by law from such taxation, whether manufactured, processed or produced or otherwise originating within or without tho state. Water rights, ditches, canals, reservoirs, power plants, pumping plants, transmission linmL pipes and flumes owned and used by individuals or corporations for irrigating land within the state owned by such' individuals or corporations, or the individual members thereof. shall not be separately taxed so long ee they shall be owned ana used exclusively for such purposes. Power plants, power transmission lines end other property used for generating and delivering electrical power, s portion of which is usm for famishing power for pumping water for irrigation purposes on lands in the state of Utah, may be exempted from taxation to the extent that such property is used for such purposes. These two-thir- ds steads, and all household furnishings, furniture, and equipment need exclusively by the owner thereof at his place of abode in maintaining a home for himeelf and family. Property not to exceed 83.000 in value, owned by disabled persons who served in any war in the military service of the United States or of the state of Utah and by the unmarried widows and minor orphans of such disabled persons or of persons who while serving in the military service of the united States or the state of Utah were killed in action or died aa a result of such service may be exempted as the legislature may provide. Thu legislature shall provide by law for an annual tax ficient with other sources of revenue, to defray the estimated ordinary expenses of the state for each fiscal all provic a tax annually, sufficient to pay the annual interest and to pay the principal of euch debt, within twenty years from the final of the law creating the ssr Section 2. The secretary of state is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the dee-tor- e of the state of Utah at the next general election in the manner provided by law. Section 4. If adopted by the deeton of this state, this amendment shall take effect upon January 1, 1965. I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, Secretary of State of the State of Utah. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ia n tall, true and correct copy of the constitutional amendment proposed by the regular session of the Thirty-Fift- h Legislature, 1963, as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, this 29th day of August, 1964. LAMONT F. TORONTO Secretary of State (SEAL) cannot finance their own needs. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. 2 revenue allotments for books, supplies and equipment. and improve libraries. vocational training and pro- A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO ADD SECTION 32 TO ARTICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, RELATING TO TEMPORARY SUCCESSION TO THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF PUBLIC OFFICES IN PERIODS OF EMERGE NCY RESULTING FROM DISASTER CAUSED BY ENEMY ATTACK. Be it resolved by the legislature of the State of Utah, two-thirof all members elected to each of the two houses voting in favor there- and grams for the slow learner, the emotionally disturbed and the exceptional child. e a blueprint for planned growth of our educational long-rang- construction of buildings at universities and colleges. the Governors office with POLICY providing an OPEN-DOOtime each week for citizens to present R their views. 0 BSE GOVERNOR . (LEGAL NGTOICE 4- - 10-Cond- uct small business through programs encouraging expansion and 10-Bui- Submit a school bill to the 1965 Legislature with the agreed support of 1 -- system. and management to maintain a pro- pre- sented in accordance with the U.C.A. 53, provisions of and with proper verification as required therein. Signed BURTIS C. JAMESON LUCILLE J. BIGLER Administrators of estates of Charles Jameson and Alice B. Jameson, deceased Jointly administered. Published in the Eureka Reporter, Oct 30 Nov. 6, 13 and 75-9-- CLASSIFIEDS n snsissswwssni LAIICDS MARKET CHARLES of JAMESON, deceased, and ALICE B. JAMESON, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Udell R. Jensen, 125 North Main Street, NephJ, Utah, on or before the 30th day of January, 10c. Member: W October 30, 1964 THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Page Two Paid political advertisement by R. E. Winn, Nephl da of: Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Utah by adding Section 82. to read aa follows: Section 32. Notwithstanding any general or special provisions of the Constitution, the Legislature in order to insure continuity of state and load government operations in periods of emergency resulting from disaster caused by enemy attack shall have the power ana immediate duty (1) to provide for prompt and temporary succession to the powers and duties of public offices of whatever nature and whether filled by election or appointment, the incumbents of which may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties of such of fices, and (2) to adopt such measures as may be necessary ' and proper for insuring the con- tinuity of governmental operations including, but not limited to, the financing thereof, but subsections 1 and 2 of this section shall not permit the public officers so appointed to act on the measures so adopted to be in contravention of the Constitution ahd applicable law. Section 2. The secretary of state is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the State of Utah at the next general election in the manner provided by law. Section 3. If adopted by the electors of this state, this amendment shall take effect the first day of January, 1964. I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, Secretary of State of the State of Utah. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the constitutional amendment proposed by the regular session of the Thirty-Fift- h Legislature, 1963, as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, this 29th day of August. 1964. LAMONT F TORONTO Secretary of State (SEAL) |