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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER July 17, 1964 Page Throe OanEimain, Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Pete) Gillespie are the proud parents of a baby boy, bom Tuesday morning in a Payson hospital. The little boy weighed ' six pounds 13 ounces. New mother' la the former Nadine Benning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benning of Payson. Other 'pleased grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gillespie of Eureka. IDS Church service Eureka Ward Sunday evening services at the Eureka LDS Ward were conducted by Dwain Garbett. The music was by Mayme Wirthlin at the organ and Wanda Colovich, chorister. The invocation was given by William Thompson. The Elden Lovell family was admitted aa members into the ward. Stephen Lovell was sustained as a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood. Ann Garbett was sustained as a conductor in the Senior Sunday School. Talkrf were given by James Lunt, Mrs. LaFawn Lovell, Paul Fawson and Justin Lamb of Santaquin, who represented the Stake High Council. A piano solo was given by Janet Brady. Benediction was by Verl Phillips. Methodist Church services Frank Bowman, lay speaker from Tooele, will conduct the Sunday services at the Eureka Methodist Church. Sunday School will be at the regular hour, 10:00 a.m., preceding the church service at am. 11:00 Former Eureka couple married in Salt Lake LDS Temple rites Of interest to many Eurek-an- s is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Paloma Madsen - and Milo Larsen of Provo. Parents of the bride Y!w& YloUs . . Miss Carolee Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rose of Mammoth, returned home on Monday, from the Payson Hospital, where she had been confined for the pest week. She has been seriously 111 from the effects of a bite of a black widow spider. She is somewhat improved and her friends and the friends of her parents are wishing her continued improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roybal and children of Kearns, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Am are Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Madsen and Mr. and Mrs. Max Larsen of Provo, formerly of Eureka. 'The marriage was solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on Thursday, July 9. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Gillespie of Salt Lake areannounc-in- g the birth of a baby boy, bom July 3, in the Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Florence Gillespie of Eureka is the paternal grandmother. Mrs. Rowanna Hansen of Eureka, aunt of the groom, accompanied them through the temple. A newcomer at the Fred After the v ceremony, the "Garbett home is a welcome newlyweds were honored at a baby boy bom Monday, July luncheon in Holladay. Hosting 13, In a Payson hospital. The the luncheon was an aunt and little son weighed seven uncle of the groom, Mr. and pounds, six ounces, and will Mrs. Harold Drage. The lunchbe named Fred Lynn. He has eon was served on the patio at a little 3 year oldsister, who their home. is happy to have a playmate. An evening reception furPaternal grandparents are Mr. ther honored the young .couple and Mrs. David Garbett, Sr., at he home of the brides par- and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Glen Long ens, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Madsen in Provo. of Eureka. Great grandparents Mrs. Hansen attended the are Mr. and Mrs. Grant Baxluncheon and the reception for ter of Ogden and William Huff of Spanish Fork. the couple. v fiU Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Las Vegas, Nev., spent a few days here last week, visiting. friends. They were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ehard Snell. Other recent house guests at the Snell home were Mrs. . Mary Rice and son, Earl of Blackfoot, Idaho. Mrs. Rice will be remembered as the former Mrs. Peter Peterson. . Giles Is in the Payson Hospital, where she is Mrs. Jerry receiving medical treatment. Friends are wishing .her the best in the way of a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Loriin Thompson are spending a few days in Richfield, with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Thompson. JUmiRITIS-RIIEUMATI- Sn Do 'claims and double talk make you doubt you can get any relief from arthritic and rheumatic pains? Get 100 STANBACK tablets or 30 STANBACK powders, use as directed. If you do not get relief, return the unused part and your purchase price will be refunded. Stanback Company, Salisbury, N. C McNeil. Eldon Nicholson and of Tooele, were in Eufamily reka last Sunday. Rey. Nicholson and family attended the church annual outing held in Rev. Santaquin Canyon. He also conducted the church service preceding the day's festivities. Bridge Club Mrs. Minnie Painter was the hostess to the Bridge Club at her home on Thursday evening of last week. At the conclusion of the card games the hostess served tasty refreshments to members, Mrs. Roy Gourley, Mrs. Dell Hales, Mrs. FYank Peart, CARD OF APPRECIATION The Mammoth Fire Department wishes to extend their thanks and appreciation to the Eureka Fire Department, and an those who assisted In fighting the fire Mammoth last FHday morning. .They also wish to express their sincere thanks - to the neighbors who helped to carry out the furniture in a house owned by Mrs. Oscar Erickson. The prompt response of the Eureka Fire Department was especially appreciated. Oscar Erickson Chief Mammoth VoL Fire Dept. In Miss Chyrle Hitt of Ogden, is spending the week here with Miss Marlorie Randle at the Leslie Randle home. The young ladies are class mates at the Utah State University in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. James Toone of Reno, Nevada, spent a few days in Mammoth this week. They came to Utah to attend funeral services for her father, Earl F. Spencer, who was buried Thursday in Payson. VMEN t. .V- - 78 West Center Provo Mrs. Ted Johnson, Mrs. Alliene Farren and special guests, Mrs. Darrell Franks and Mrs. Floyd Evans. High score was won by Mrs. Clements, cut by Mrs. Gourley, honor prize, Mrs. Franks and consolation, Mrs. Farren. Summer semi-annu- al i Modern Mrs. members of the Modern Mrs. Club drove to Payson last Wednesday evening, where they enjoyed a movie. Later they returned to Eureka for refreshments at a local cafe. Those making the trip were Mrs. .Curtis Butler, Mrs. Ray Badertscher, Mrs. Joseph Bernini, Mrs. James Muth, Mrs. Darrell Franks and Mrs. Jerald Drus8elL Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Badertscher were hostesses for the CLEARANCE Several evening. CHMIQE-OF-UF- E doos it (ill you with terror ...frighten you? READ HOW COUNTIES! ip HOOVER HAVE FOUND REDUCTIONS QD ft 1) luiiiiiiniimniHiiiiiiiiiinmuiiiiiiiiiiiimuuHiimiiiiiiiig THE WAY TO OVERCOME CHAH0&0F4JFE FEARS Have you reached that time of life when your body experiences strange new sensations when one minute you feel enveloped in hot flushes and the next are clammy, cold, drained of energy, nervous, irritable? Are you in an agony of fear? Tbo troubled to be a good wife and mother? Don't Sport Jackets and Slacks. Sport Shirts gmth msdfcfne with th B 3 i Dress Shirts, Straw Hats, Ties. 3 E iinnimiiiiiinininiiimmiinmnimmiiiiimiiiiiiiimiimiiimiiifflNmminmiMmiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiimiiiiiiiiiitiR just suffer from the suffocating hot flashes, the sudden waves of weakness, the nervous tension that all too frequently come with the change when relief can be had. Tht Kuppenheimer and Bruce Douglas Suits, vitamins. gntk name LYDIA E. FINKHAM |