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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Page Two VBBnnRR5nDnm383SnilinB5E3En!ISBRE5n55IB5IBKA5SiB3S23B5SI3BS52Z5SS5RSSBEP New fEurrha ftpjmrtpr QHjrp Shannon Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell of Kemmer, Wyoming, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Allinson. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT EUREKA, UTAH Printed By ABT CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Sprtngvllle, Utah Entered as second-clas- s matter February 10, 1948, at the post office, Eureka, Utah, under the 'Act of March 3, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Randle and Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts spent the weekend at Schofield on a fUhiing trip. They report the fishing "not so good.' Subscription In Advance, Per Year, $4.00; Per Copy, 10c. MRS. BKLLB COFFEY Correspondent HARRISON CONOVER Publisher WOODROW WEIGHT Editor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hassell and boys of Orem were in town on Sunday, and were dinner' guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanks. Member: UTAH STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION WEEKLY NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES, INC. FOR SALE Legal Notices NEED' a good used car or truck? See Richard (Dick) Probate and Guardianship Notices Wheelock, Main Street Au- to Sales, across road from Post Office, Spanish 'Fork, Utah. A14 home, modem. Call Burtis Elliott, 44 South 200 East, Springville. 489-472- 6. J26tfc Sled Sun Skin in STOKER SLACK, use When you want the best Castle Gate. Washed, oiled and dust proof. Exclusive Dealer: AND LOT ALLINSON'S BILL COAL YARD Phone 4334040 LAIRDS MARKET Fresh Meats, Groo, Dairy Products and Produce. Frozen Foods at Delivery 8 Phone Tues.-Thurs.-S- 4SS-C8Q- YOU m BID ADVERTISEMENT Hie Tiintic District Board of Education, Eureka, Utah, invites interested general contractors to submit bids for work in remodeling and adding to school buildings in the district The work is to be let as a package and in general includes the following: New gymnasium floor, new built-u- p roofs on two buildiings, new cafeteria kitchen, new entrances, new floor and electrical work in shop, all at Eureka, and toilet and work room additions at Callao and Partoun. Plans may be obtained from JACKSON, SHARP A PINE-GAARCHITECTS, 457 South Third East, Salt Lake City, Utah, or at the school Board Offic in Eureka after 6, .July 1964. Bids are to be opened publically at Eureka, on July 16, 1964, at 7:00 pjn. R, porter, July CM GET RELIEF FROM Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burton are spending the week in California, with her sun and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Wagoner, at their home in Mt. View. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information Published in the Eureka July 17, 1964 Re- 10, 17, 1964. Mrs. Elizabeth Franke returned home Friday, after spending a few days in Salt Lake and in Bountiful with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rheem Franke. Mrs. Audrey Williams and son, Wade of Compton. Calif., are visiting here with her mother and brother, Mrs. Thomas Botterili and Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanks were in Orem on Saturday spending the day with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hassell. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Walker and her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jasperson and two boys of Payson, rpent last weekend fishing at Otter Creek. They report excellent fishing. flat-rolle- d steel operation starts at Geneva steel producing operations at U.S. Steels Geneva Works. A major portion of the project is complete and. the min already is producing hot rolled strip of improved quality to meet the demands o western, steel users. The steel finishing facilities at the Integrated Utah County mlU Include two new heavy-dut- y coilers and improving equipment for automatically controlling the gauge of sheets and plates during rolling. Hie two new coilers, now In operation, enable the plant to coil strip steel up to inch thick and 80 inches in width. Further modifications being made in the final phase of the program now under way, will permit closer control of finishing and coL:r.g temperatures. This, with the other work, will enable Geneva Works to produce the high quality product now being demanded in todays steel market Hot rolled steel sheets of quality now being produced at the mill arc used in operations for production of such consumer items as home water tanks, automobile parts, bathtubs and sinks. . Work has started on the final phase of additions to and d of improvements flat-rolle- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Berry. Dick Wheelock of Spanish Fork, formerly of Tintic, was back in town on Friday, on a business trip and visited with friends. Mrs. Curtis Butler and two daughters, Sandy and Barbara were in Nephi on Friday, viewing the Stampede Parade and visiting with Mrs. Butlers mother, Mrs. .Ada Randle. Miss Janette Hyde, who is employed in Salt Lake City, spent a few days here last week, visiting with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Hyde and other family members. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lunt and children of Lehi, were in Mammoth on Sunday, spending the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Erickson. Miss Rose Ann Ferris, who is employed in Salt Lake Ciy, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mayor and Mrs. Charles Ferris. . ALL 3-iN"r- PUPP08E criL Oils Everything Prevents Rust SECULAR OIL SPRAY cold-formi- Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch Relievos Pais For tha first timo science hai found-new healing eubaUnce with tho astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relievo pain without anrgery. In com after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Moat amazing of all remits were ao thorough that sufferers made astonishing statements like Piles have ceased to . be a problem!" The secret ii a new disheeling substance research covery of a world-famoinstitute. This substance is now avail-abin nppot itory or ointment form called Preparation fit. At all drug counters. . a (Bio-Dyn- e) us le ELECTRIC MOTOR Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orgil and two chVdren. Vaueesa and Blake, of Livermore, Calif., are spending their vacation here SWEAT HEADACHE PAIN OUT' 0.0 STANBACK gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, rheumatism. Because STANBACK ooo contains several medically-approveand prescribed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence Satisfaction guaranteed! Test ftmk add d Those sticky, fagged out days can be gone forever . . . when you air condition your home electrically. Air conditioning electrically is a good investment, too your home will have a higher resale value. In fact, some housing authorities predict that in a few years homes without air conditioning will be obsolete. Enjoy spring all summer. Air condition the proven way now ! electrically STANBACK gainst any preparation youve aver used 10 25 Fill 69 98 Cracks And Holes Better Handles His putty Hardens lib mod PLASTIC WOOtf The gsaubt -- Aooept No 8ubsUtuts. The incomparable Gillette STAINLESS STEEL BLADE - gives you mors superbly comfortabTTshaves per blade than apy other blade! 6 for 894 10 for $1.45 tfe not atm, return the die and unused blades to Tho Gillette 6, Moil., for a full refund lf you Kiser i after a swim, beer is a natural On a hoc summer day, a dip in a cool stream cin be wonderfully refreshing. Equally refreshing when yon're relaxing afterwards with friends is a hearty glass of beer. There's hardly another beverage around' that cuts what you do for fun as much as beer. Camping, hiking, or just lounging on a lawn chair beer brings to each just the right touch of extra good living. Your familiar glass of beer is also a pleasurable reminder that we live in a land of personal freedom-a- nd that our right to enjoy beer and ale, if we so desire, is just one, but an important one, of those personal freedoms. In Utah. ..beer goes with fan, with relaxation mono states mswns association, me. 360 Smrth Fifth Et,Stt Lake Gtjr.Utih ng o Air Condition Ono Room or Your intlro Houto Sloetrltally Tho Provon Way! Buy Now from Your Electric Dealer or Contractor UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. |