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Show Eurekan's son dies in Oregon Floyd E. Stewart, 45, son of Earl Stewart of Eureka, died in a Salem, Oregon, hospital last Friday after a short ill- ness. lie was born August Vol. 61 - 6, 1918, in Salt Lake City, to Earl and Jane Barker Stewart. He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. He was a veteran of World War II. Survivors include his father, Eureka; sisters, Mrs. Malcolm (Faye) Jolley, Santaquin; Mrs. Gail Finch, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Ruby Averett, Mrs. Mer-len- e Erickson, both of Tooele. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 1:00 p.m., in the Keith Jolley Mortuary in Payson. Friends may .call prior to the services. Burial will be in the Salem City Cemetery. o Graduates from radar school Carl Peterson was graduated on Oct. 4, from Radar Design School of Engineering of Federal Aviation School in Oklahoma City. He is now taking a four weeks schooling in Radar Link R M L -- TIR. Mi-crocoa- ne He finished the first school with an 83 average and was fifth highest in his class in the Oklahoma City Class. He has been in Oklahoma for the past several months, and his wife and young son, Scott, are with him. They expect to be back home in the next few w'eeks according to word received by Mrs. Petersons parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Laird. AH is in readiness for the annual Halloween Party, which will be held Thursday, Oct. 31, in the Tfntic High School gym. The entertainment for the and elementary school children will begin at 6:30 The elementary p.m. teachers will have charge of students from Kindergarten up through the 6th grade, and the PTA will provide chaperones children. Affor the ter cavorting around the dance floor for awhile, the school children w'ill go to their respective class rooms, where the teachers will suprvise the entertainment for the children. It will add enjoyment for all if the youngsters come in costume. At 7:30 the and elementary children will meet in the lunch room, where refreshments will be served by Mrs. Margaret K. Gourley, the PTA Room Mothers. 79, a resident for 65 years, Supt. Blight will be in died in a Payson Hospital, Satcharge of the activities for the urday at 12:30 p.m., after a younger group. The entertainment for the heart attack. She was born July 19, 1884, older students, junior and senior high school group will bein England, a daughter of Joseph and Margaret Hinson gin at 8:30 p.m. They will have Knotts. She was married to to go through the Spook House Robert Gourley, April 18, 1907, to enter the dance hall. This in Provo. He died March 1944. part of the entertainment will She came to America with her be under direction of the Senior Class members. At 10:00 family in 1886, and has resided in Eureka since 1898. She p.m. the PTA Room Mothers was a member of the LDS will serve them refreshments in the lunch room. More danChurch. are sons and cing will round out an evening Surviving daughters: Robert L., Spanish of fun and entertainment. Mrs. Principal LaVon Chappell Fork; LeRoy, Floyd, o c S will h w, supervise the activites of Wellings (Maxine) older group, and every-thn- g the of Mrs. Wayne (Marcella) Champoints to an evening of bers, Mrs. Mark (Bernice) for the school pupils. fun Mrs. all of good Eureka; Taylor, SanWilliam (Mary) Snyder, dy; granddaughter, whom she Lairds hosts at reared, Mrs. Vernon (Judy) dinner Jones, Salt Lake City; 20 family grandchildren; 20 great grandMr. and Mrs. Hamilton children; brother and sisters: Laird were hosts at a family George, Spanish Fork; Mrs. dinner last Sunday afternoon. Annie Clark, Salt Lake City; Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Rogers, Bremerton, Arlo Broderick and family of Washington. Sacramento, Calif.; Mr. A. Funeral services were held L. Broderick, Delta; Mr. and Wednesday at 11:00 a.m., in Mrs. Max Kay daughters of the Eureka LDS Ward Chapel, Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Ladd with Duane Garbett conductBroderick and son of Roy; Mr. in Goshen Burial the and Mrs. Jerry Paxton of Salt w'as ing. Lake City; Dean Broderick of City Cemetery. Orem; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Relatives here for the services were Mrs. Jack Lucas, Mr. Gourley. and Mrs. Dewey Robinson, The folks arMrs. Lucille Christensen, Netrived on Saturday and the men tie Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Gary folks joined the deer hunt. Six Redmond, Mrs. Mary Gress-madeer were bagged during the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bar-lofirst day of the hunt. They Mr. and Mrs. Art hunted in Barkers Canyon in the West Tintic Mountains. pre-scho- ol pre-scho- ol Margaret Gourley services held A group of peddlers wagons which frequented the Tintic area in early days of the city. For other features such as this read the special mining edition commemorating the centennial of mining in the. state of Utah. 100-ye- ar Quarterly conference October 26, 27 Eurekan escapes LDS Stake for Santaquin-Tinti- c with minor hurts Three prominent auxiliary organization leaders of the LDS Church, Salt Lake City, will attend quarterly conference of the Santaquin-Tinti- c Stake Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27 in Santaquin. They are Hazel F. Young, a member of the Sunday School General Board; Ardean Watts and Caroline E. Miner, representing the Young Mens and Young Womens Mutual Improvement Associations of the Church. General sessions of the conference will be conducted Sunday at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. by Stake President Carl A. Patten, Elberta. The Junior Sunday School (Course 5) will furnish the special singing for Sunday morning session and the stake Youth Chorus will sing for the afternoon session. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who called on mo when 1 was in the hospital, and for the many cards and letters, nnd for the lovely flowers. Their thoughtfulness was appreciated very much. Elmer Ryan nnd family Cairo, with a population of more than three million, is Africa's largest city. The MIA Youth Conference will be held on Sunday evening. Saturday meetings Saturday afternoon and evening sessions for both MIA and Sunday School executives will be held. At 6:30 a meeting will be held for all Sunday School workers of the stake. Members of the stake presidency, hign council, mission presidency and bishoprics of each ward alto should be in attendance. Hazel F.' Young is a former teacher, principal, and supervisor in the elementary schools of Provo, Utah. She is now on the faculty, College of Educa- Kay Colovich, son of Mr. and Ted Colovich, escaped serious injury last Sunday night at 11:30 p.m., on Highway 91, just south of Provo, when his car was caught between two other cars, A motorist tried to pass Kays car, and had to pull in sharply in front of Kay to avoid striking an oncoming car. Kays car slid into the rear of the car, and another car directly behind him slammed into the rear of his car. Extensive damage was done to his car. Kay was taken to the Payson Hospital, where he was confined for observaHe was retion nnd on leased Tuesday. Kays friends arc sorry about the accident, but are happy he was not seriously injured. Mrs. pre-scho- ol out-of-to- n, w, X-Ra- ys. tion, Brigham Young University, where she works with prospective teachers. Elder Watts is prominent in Salt Lake City and Utah music circles. He is a pianist and conductor. His bachelors de- gree was earned at Brigham Young University and he received his master of music degree from the University of Utah, where he now serves on the faculty. Mrs. Miner served as a Relief Society teacher for ten years. She has worked on the general board of the YWMIA since 1953. She is an English teacher at a Salt Lake City high school and is the mother of eight children. 31 rs. Helen O'Hare of Grand Junction. Colo., spent a few days hero last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coffey. She left Saturday for Payson, where she will visit for a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Hcbcr Joones. 3Ir. nnd 3Irs. 3Inrtin Fennell left Tuesday morning for Las Vegas, where they will visit family members, Mr. and Mrs. Brig Atherley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fennell nnd Mrs. Francis Fennell and other relatives. Eureka Reporter Special 100 Years of Mining Edition Use this coupon for ordering extra copies of the Eureka Reporter 100 years of mining edition which will Include pictures, stories and facts of yesterday Eureka. Price 25c per copy. Copies will lte mailed free upon reguest anywhere in the United States. ame ....................................................... Address .. ...... .. ..... . .. .............. .. .. ... . ..... ............. a........................................ State City No. of Copies Amount Enclosed (Special will bo available October 25, 19G3) |