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Show li,J Aut The Kureka (I'lahi Ucpuric Mortal Eiumtii of i , Page Three Club Member Is Feted on Birthday yjirlL... all-cu- Mr. and Mrs. lloh Robinson arc tlic proud parents of a baby daughter. horn July 22, in the Holy Ciuhs hospital in Suit Lake City The new lit tk daughter tipied at 7 lbs. 2 os. anl will Susan Ismise. New mother is the former Miss Getty Nash, and grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Floyd Nash and Mr. and Mra. Wesley Robinson. tlu-m'Hl- t. s SvMr j r , ror-ivdi- e nus-hud- s , Club News The Pin and Needle club held a meeting ml the home of Nancy Gird on Friday, July 26. Some of the girls worked on pajamas while others sewed on their dresses. At Uie close of the work period, refreshments were served to members. Sylvia Sutherland. Joyce Gray, Yvonne Maxflcld, Linda Newman, Nancy Gird and Mrs. 4-- H Maxfield. The Pin and Needle club held Mr. Noell Payne of two meetings a week, and the Kearns are the parents of a baby second meeting of Uie week was boy horn Monday, July 28, at a held at the home of Yvonne The i Win: Treloar and Mr. Mis Nira GallaWHv'wH8 well Sr.. maid and she wore a navy WuelLm Ralph JjMrt. Hoy. JahMd prominent residents of gabardine suit, and pinned a sage of pink to her shmil-- ' Eureka. enter- - der. Before the wedding party Mont Hansen perfomu-- Mu- - dut- d Use thurch. rn " i of Iwat man. playec Immediately following the wedding a reception in the Memorial Connie Cherry Given Building honored the young- couple. Social Mrs. Treloar greeted guests in Going Away" a gown of navy Mue laee. which ur and Mrs. J. J. Cherry enter-- 1 sho accented with a corsage of red rose buds. Mrs. Hopes, mother of uned Inst Saturday evening at . gouig-awa-y party for their the groom, selected a lm wn and j.Mgtser. Connie. An evening of white print crepe dress. Her mr-nr-- e and chit-ch- at sage was of gold rose buds. dancing A very fine program was presenunde a pleasant evening for everyoted with Rev. Corlctt acting as a ne present. Friends called during the even-n- g clever and highly entertaining to wish Connie Bon Voyage. master of ceremonies. The proX buffet lunch was served during gram follows: two vocal numbers the evening. by Miss Dianne Walker, a vocal left Salt Lake City on duet by Miss Lila Cherrv and Miss piie with Mrs. El'va Bonner gbnday, July 28. Her destination Walker, unknown after she reaches accompanying both numbers; Germany. She will arrive in Ger- cornet solo by James Anderson many about the 15th of August. vocal solo by Earl Potts, with Mrs. Harry Yamashita accompanying, and a clever reading by Mra.Cor-lettVisitors Surprise H Pin and Nerdln Club Mrs. Ivan t'liristensen was hostess to members of the Birthday dub at her home on Wednesday evening The party honored Mrs. L. W. ltrady on the occasion of her Inil Inlay. ".'nkr provided the evening's Judy Greenhalgh diversion, and prise winners were Gets Birthday Party !Mra. Grady, 1st; Mra. Heber Cushing. Mrs. Howard :i..ai,.iig, ,ntfr-taine- d Club members presented the cluldo-na at party lust honored guest with a beautiful Saturday afternoon lioimnng her gift. Mrs. Cbrlatrnsen served a dainty daughter, Judy, on her !th birth-da- y lunch, with table decorations caranniversary. and pink color Judy a guests wen- - kept busv ried out in the blue with a lovely birthday to playing games and listening Uie radio. Mra. Greenhalgh nerved cake used as a centerpiece. Tliose attending other than the tasty party refreshments, complete with a beautiful h.rlh lay cake to ones mentioned above were Mra. Barbara and Gaiy ltoswell, Patty Wm. Gasman, Mrs. Cecil LivingJanice Johnson, Slianna ston. Mra. Ted Colovlch, Mrs. J. J. Giles, I. Klnu-Jariihaon of Ryan. Sheila Potts, Joan Torrlsl, Cherry, Mrs.- Martin Fennell and and Mrs. Grant Jacob-Kr- i Carol Lee Bigler. Kenny iilume, Mrs. Ruth Gatley. cll ('lark of Spring- Ralph. Donna and Mona id Close to 37.000.000 persons -alsiut a third of all the grown-up- s in the XJ. 8. rerelve government check. Rep. Ralph W. Gwinn toll' . . . the House of Representatives recently. He said there are nearly 8,000.000 federal, state and kcal government ampkiyeea getting paid out of tax money. Other large groups inrlude those receiving aid under public assistance programs, thorn rereiving aid under social security, veterans, and fanners. Eureka Couple Exchange Vows in Double Ring Rites; Honored at Lovely Reception in Memorial Building 4-- Mi. and Ma-flel- Salt Lake hospital. couple have two other children, a son and a daughter. Mrs. Payne la the former Misa Geraldine Potts a former resident of Eureka and Silver City. - d on Wednesday, July 20. The girls again worked on their various projects and refreshments were served to the members In at- tendance. Linda Newman. Reporter. Wed Recently . ! Budget Director timated that the number ployecs on the Federal will increase to 2.700,000 end of 1952 or early 1953. pared with 2.537.000 as February. has esof ein-- j payroll by the as comof last . . . Espertmeatal FD-Zwas designed U rllmlnaU enemy greuad leaUUalleaa a! fraetiee af east ef a Jai fighter. BABY BOMBER "Matrimony puts an end to more necking than all the park police." Wilsoi FJarl , Uife-biste- S, r, , e. Eureka Residents Hannah Un. Refreshments were served, with Mrs. Dee Clement, members of the was club and Mrs. Floyd Nash in Sampson 4-- H plfuantly surprised last Thursday evening by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Alben Enlund of Califo- charge. Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Ruby) Smith of San Diego; Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson of San Phil (Yillie) mired bv everyone. Mrs. Dewey Robinson and Mrs. Harold Chatwin were in charge of the gift room. Dancing was enjoyed with the Sherni Ivelesa orchestra furnishing the music. About 200 guests called during the evening to extend best wishes to the newlyweds. After the reception the young couple left on a honeymoon trip to Yellowstone Park and the North-dent- s west. I'pon their return thev will make a home in Eureka, New Mrs. Hopes is a graduate St. Mary s of the Wasatch in rnia, and Mrs. Clarence and Mra. Nora Kronman of Salt Lake City. They also visaed with Mr. and Mra. Bert Fer-puo- n and Mr. and Mra. Alford Fhmrisco; Mr. pnhmd Pamela. Enlund family made their Hie Eureka for many years, by many and former resi- This was the first time the members of the Enlund family had bren together for about 15 years. home in and will be remembered of the residents i A beautifully' decorated wedding cake placed on a small serving table w is adthree-tiere- , i d values big 1 v Just to pilV off old debts tile bonds Americans have bought, our government is faced with hav-- j to dig up S02.00il.0ilil.00n in ling Jw- the next five years. 316.000.000,- non in the following five voars. 32 in the third five i years, and Sfi.ooo.onn.onn.nnn in the fourth five years. Sen. Byrd reports. Actually, these figures iTN ilont tell the whole storv. because Mrs. 1 7 i I &'i q; - .1- ' L - i j dont include SI thy owed to holders of non-m- Charles 7.000,0011.000 at these hot weather favorites Birthday Club Group At Yamashita Home Ferris ketahle Entertains Club and special bond issues. Jin cut your cooking time with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Hopes, nee Anne Treloar .1 . ... i CHIP Mrs. Charles Ferris was hostess to members of her card dub at her home on last Wednesday even- ing. Prize winners were Mra. Leot, nard Rvan. high score, Mrs. Ted Haynes, and Mra. Jim Kerris, consolation. Mrs. Ferris served a tasty lunch those named und to Mr. Wil- ford Redmond, Mrs. Eldon Childs, Ted Colovich. and sMclal guests, Mra. Heber Cushing and Members of the Birthday Club were entertained Tuesday evening! at the home of Mra. Harry Yam-- 1 The Veterans Administration is Mrs. asliita. The wrty honored in administrative overstaffing V" TOR VACATION This ache-- l work, and keening employee not Margaret Wilcox on Uie occasion oi Resort Airlines' hostesses justified by the workload, accordof her birthday anniversary. Various games provided the eve- Citizens the bv to j poised for flight in the familitestimony ing ar entertainment, and the lion-t- o Hoover the ning's formation of high-flyin- g for Committee Report was presented with a ored guest 3HU. But they're heading South, before a House committee. beautiful gift by the rlub mcm-Mr- s. unlike the birds, hers. Explanation the girls fly to a dainty The hostess served A study shows that the militarv xiplcrious Haiti, gay Cuba, and luncheon to members Mrs. Ismise for fiscal 1953 could be cut Mrs. Jim Ferris. budget Nassau on Resorts toy S6.565.000.000 without affecting Mrs. Faye Wall, Mrs. Ritchie. tour. Maxine Schow, Mrs. Alliene Far-re(kly amounts set aside for aircraft, Who said Mrs. Minnie Painter, Mrs they're not wise birds? ships, tanks, ordinance, or other Palmer. Mra. Margaret Lu ma- Club Diversions lone defense hard goods "heavy" 1 Mores Mrs. cas. Robinson, Mrs. terial. in and special guests. enterChat Rostrom Grace Clarence Mra. Smokey tained the members of her club Mrs. Dura Torrlsl and Mrs. Mau-A- n evening at her iven I nnn of California, Inquiry by Sen. Williams ofjon Wednesday Delaware revealed that the govern-- 1 jjome in Mammoth. ment had sustained a net loss of jot)" was the game diversion. ua,,i, llup-- and hi hint her of Spanish Fork aie more than $2,800,000,000 around anj the hostess served h delicious xrtlmi Mr. Marie wx days at Slrawts-rrS75 for every family in the I'nited .lunch to members States- - through mismanagement plan to do a hit of Berry. Mrs. James Toone. Sirs. Wir1. t li,-since 1.956 Dean Rose. Mrs. Gerry of in the disposal fifli.ivt, ships Mrs. Gerald Kennedy. Mrs. Ern. .. Carter. Mrs. Earl Lunt and J.ni"l l.miileiNon of Suit lain- - is the special guest. Mrs. Charles spell ling li.'- week with her giand-.nr..n!- Mi and Mrs. Nisi Muk- Then are 61 separate govern- - Warren, Mrs. Warren won first pnse. II. HI) ment printing nnd duplicating in San Mrs. Lunt 2nd and Mis. lierrv. plants in Washington. 23 t. Mr. and dr. JenaiN Tullis and Fwcisco, six in Denver. 16 in New cn : Salt Isike were Suniiav York, ami many other throughout cluldi home of Mr Tuliis' the country, says Rep Smith .f TheOf fact that gi,cxx at Die tile worlds 3H40.tMHI.000 scl.-000 lirnther-in-laMr. and gold production in 1951 went into Mis A Sanrlstnim. the evidence is that private hoard n return to the "Do you know wlm's talking in ll11(, jM rjH, d.t McIntyre and Mrs WALL standard. THE there now?" demanded a stranger Kntii it Watt left Friday for a vs- be- moment a for JOURNAL declares, STREET brikl. pausing ' Mrs Sun Vpillev hi1, n,u 'r.p people win amt hvjore a side tile farmer. "Or are you just nn Ann. vLetTi stop him Bowl daughter. tlrm Patience is 'piwer with going In?' summer months st and patience the mujherry lif!sr.ii;i,; i sirt. the f.-itH'iiunes silk. BOY-AK-DI- aghetti iimter . all-cu- T n, Says: K PLAVORFUL No. no.) Cans .) TOIL Pork & leans () 39 1 ! I IF ITS IIOKDKNS ITS COTTA UK COOIV s I : BORDENS SALAD DRESSING , ft - BORDENS CHATEAU CHEESE all-cu- JEU.0 Fl.AVOKS Pkjfs. ;) (TS. 57f ITS. 350 2 LIL PACKAGE $1.05 POTATO CHIPS Ti los 25c r I" fr r. j u-'- ed Good.. defter... 8est Afraid to start a trip on Frida Hu ITth? Act nail v, siys 1 it Nati'fLai S.tltt Council, fi arc killed or injured it. raffic accidents on it 1th for tin the 1'Ith than on Sa'md.i;.' ill'ic on Saturday is more imple reason that there tl.aii on Frit lay. tatitieal year-- 1 "Aeeideiit I'ael."". th1 s Id tl-jut ee:.! ceof iunih, w hi'.li i jii.'t "1 "ts u-- i lat Year fatal ir.otor 1 cel CRAl'E FRUIT ARIZONA .1 FOR 37f liEEF LIVER SAUSAGE " EXTRA SELECT COUNTRY STYLE GREEN CORN 1 25c KAILS (AIM NEW UTAH u: WHOLE SALMON SP.ARE IIEI OUT nuts 5c SUMMER SOUASII -- i 1 whiskey, too, there is good. ..better. ..and t. .la i'etl Satunlay., nil Sntdl'i t ! j ici : I . .Mm!. v.a aecidi'tit day ai.'l d' il.e fatal cent. IHC Hill AND Hill COMPANY, lOUISVIllC. AENTUCNt h I1!: eai Wedm-Mla- aifil'i:t. and Tia r Satuniay F00 '. I er cent cf 11 with iy jut ad per ceii; n:.d ThniMlav 11 ll : ' 1 ear for all motor ::isinir projierty veliiele aeei'le!'! 11' " r cent ociTirrine w tlaina.ue as well as injiii. it!; id per cnt. on that lay. Sunday wa ii'.'Xt wi!; ju-- WHISKEY KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON eeo!.l al.--" led the ii.elii'li vi:i.i.mv 2 I.!. !5r CirniRERS I'TAII mini; cui:i:n l!)c ItAWDLES MADtlKET DELIVERY TUESDAY & SATURDAY PHONE 179-18- 0 |