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Show wto REPORTER the , 'T,oedi Jay evening Fifty two Volume Wm. H. Treloar Has County Position Win. 11 Tivliiiir hug filed a a Net operating profits of $2:11,175 for the fit St six candidate for tin office of commissioner on months of 1952 wererepoited Wednesday by Chief two-mint- m M.Vi'mrPn' Consolidated aiming The firm's net smelter iha game period. P" -- Uut Kiu-h- S the company Sr., . ' vitr. employed as lMMikkeepi-(lining that li'nie bv the Chief Consolidated Mining Co. He is it member of the Kiwani jCluh. the Tintie Lodge N. 7n. B.P.O.E., and lias served as a member of the Eureka city coun- 1 il for four years. Former Eurekan Delegate to National Meet been on atrike because from a Social standpoint, the demands to union are impossible said. Fitch Mr. et,mine has 2ft Mr. anil Mrs. Hugh Atherley of Day celebration held Tb Pioneer Mammoth last Thursday was with UlUy successful affair, nod crowd attending. a Pnt Sunday in Eureka visiting a political circles for a number of with relatives and friends, years and was a State represents-- ; for four terms. She will be re-- 1 started with tive a miniature membered as the former Miss Nell The dayi festivities sunrise, i oalute atat1:30 p.m. oorade ',r- Elide - Nibton j returned j three-week- s va- followed by Haynes, sister of Ted Haynes of Thursday after a Minne-- . catirn in Eureka. spent Virginia, of afternoon program and an Mr. Jack made the trip to Chi- - sot a, where she was the guest of marts. with Mrs. Jack and they will her neiee and family. Mr. and Mrs. cago as were floats the for Prim visit relatives in Ohio before re- - Don Kimhall. Mrs. Nilson aecom-- 1 best for 1st pioneer foOowa: prize to their home in Salt Lake panied her sister and brother-in-- ! turning and won Penny float wu by Max. law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Storra of City. and Sorensen, 2nd prize by Trudy 'Bauer.. Mrs. Kimball is the former Ooria Maxfield; for moat artistic Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wirtlilin Frances Storra. , El-dfloat, lit prize Faye and Don sun Paul and of 'Cal..Sunnyvale, 2nd prize, Polly Sorenson; are visiting at the home of Mrs. bnc character. Lillian Elton; best Wm. Wirthlin. Mrs. Wirthlin will down. Cary Gillispie; bent bicycle spend a to Jerry Hansen. in Salt Lake visiting with relatives, All youngsters participating Mr. Wirthlin will remain in the parade were given a quarter and , Eureka for further visiting with ' , . (or entering. the Thal his mother and sisters. Miss Mamie !'' mmkinK Sports of all kinds were enja11 thal Ha ,nventor" wa! maih,np Wirthlin and Mrs. and Gerald Sander-the all and girls boys ' 'hoped it would be was evident-ioyed ottering were given some money, son. by the fact that mining companies with the prize winners getting all over the western section and nmtthing special. some of the foreign countries were A very fine program was prer ...m, .ai them in thiir imted u follows: opening prayer, Thurwtay and v.ited with his son ; Inai.hinrs ihiJh was family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry the invention og J. S. Finley and Xu Larsen; opening song, Wel-;n- d come to All", accompanist, Steele j Wall for a few days. He left Mon-Lus- t; B. Rovle of this city was Ann Roberta. ' day for Cedar City, where he will rElrired piano solo, and rated shipped to the Plulli- -vocal aolo, Xancv Kennedy; read-- ! with his daughter. Mrs. talah whi-- i p it was to lwIslands a,!(,n he al-- : Elt?n: r!"0 El0' r",yn; T?"r,n his v tllP Amrt.;(.an Mining o with so in San ku piano nn,; oprratinp in ,hat country. I , I l a- ' i I! Fr-.ne.- MeNeiln ir Dfckoon, 7 "r' Mcharii J accompanied Gcrrx who had charge the program wishes to extend thanki to all those who participat-- , td in the program and those in charge of the dlher events of the day wish to extend their thanks to all who helped in any way to rake the day a happy one for the Lelah Lunt of youngsters. st J:: "f MllJ"r'1 is -- s- ' Tax-so- District ami fix-- otheis ,y Will to Go - Primary Monday i n w-i- s r-- - i - arard ; .Ir.-f- x s r.-- - J jSE nd ' . Convention Harold J. Kemp of Balt take waa a dinner guest on Tuesday of thin week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lunt In Mammoth. Blight Kiwanians Enjoy Meet at Park; Report on Funds Mr, ami Mrs. TheiKlore (Ted I Smith and son, Edward of Park City were in town on Sunday visiting with Harold and Ethel Bren-tn- n and other friends. Mra. I. A. Dunn of Burbank, la the week visiting her spending The Kiwania member and their mother, Mra. Anna MeDonnel. Mra. the at a imrtners enjoyed meeting Dunn la the former Mlii Maureen rity park on Tuesday evening of Bigler. of thin week. The regular order buaineaa waa earned out, nnd a Mra. Ktliel left Thursk aiipper was nerved. Mi.gr. day for llhlea,Donnelly New York for an Giovannonl offered grace. extended stay. She will visit with Then menfolk enjoyed several a neiee, Mias Virginia Canfield for gam. a of horseshoe, and the liuliea the month of August, anil will then and the fire the camp enjoyed visit relatives in Rliiefleld, West community singing. Winning hon- Va. for a month or ho before rewere ors in the horseshoe gamea turning home. She accompanied Ken Spurrier Hnd Kent Kiddie. Mrs. Kolu-r- Canfield, who was The Kiwania members wish to to her home In the East after the that the to public qnnoun.T her husband. Maj. Canfiitd seeing and circus from derived the money off for Korea. to liot mounted the dog stand h J7H.07. MIhm-Joan and Jean McKenzie Next meeting will In- held on of Salt take are spending the ark. at the city Tuesday evening week at the Earl Lunt pot-lur- j - rth Mr. and Mrs. James tlidgley anil family were in Gosln'ti on Saturday attending wtal they jarfor-mi- . Rodeo fine port a nee. Mr. and .Mrs. IJoyil Randle and children, tommy and Diane, returned Monday evening after a 3000 mile trip, which took them to Mean Verde National Park In Colo., Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. El Paso, Texas, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Badertrher (Virginia Randle I. The Grand Canyon and Boulder Dam, where they enjoyed boating and awimmlng in the faniniw take. re- Mr. and Mrs. John It. Sax age and two children left on Turstlay for their home in Alexandria, Va., vacak a after tion visiting at the home of Mr. arol Mrs. Ralph Hopes. They came to I'tHh to attend the wedding of Mrs. Savage's brother. Ralph Hopea and Miss Anne TrHoar. Iwo-wee- man-ma- Jameson, B. C. John Jameson, Dee lament and John A. Ross. The yagates wives will accompany husbands to the convention v- - The convention will be held Cloyd August 7. 8. and 9. Highlight of the convention will Parade scheduled for Thurs-7- August 7 at 6:30 p.m. The pro-direct- 1 p.-,- t. lill'll F and 'lamilv. On nnrer Day they i.hK n trip Bnsht;,n. !in inj.iy( 8 (hl.m. ft th-Fi.rsi-- ' Ski-li- . ft nit-rril- . 1 .. i nt mg' men nn.l H hits TI-- . ;m I t..-- i .. .,i'i-- -' 1 Im-- I! - t'M A !..- - I : f Mr. I'li lit ell I and I Mi M: , MhIiii i Mis. t'a-lu ity. Tl SVn k; til ! t . Year of a baby rlv h. o fitw' J" Ff.v-is- n, nV,t" iv j j fu "I1' Pitrh T'I!V Mr, hr t Mrs. 1 1 ' ii 1 r,,mi'V Vl,,1Hti,nmg ,;, ats it' Th- - I. in "rr spending i ii Fir.diiv at Sun Vnl- lt I'.. t.e ur v, i 1 n h- - i.r.i SS v I . tl, I ' II : i..iv F l Ya-- K-- " lull ,i 'd ' : ' Mi- Ml ' I"' 'I l r.ii'i fotovnl'. l: n Gimt r of Mur-- r Siifulay piirstjt lit the ; t;i'a I! K tlie ,ini 1Bmy home in Eurekn. I ii. r Oigamst. Norma horirficr. Keiuietl: Spinner rela-tfvi- Hamilton Lairds Enjoy Hew York Trip; Attend Elk's Grand Lodge Convention sex-i-r- s - , n Mr. Don frxlg nn I Cnnp. in Eur-k- n nnd rliiMnr. an vtiifini: re-l- pi tor to moving to California t real: th1r hni,-Kim- - mil Mr. mill Mrs. Itols-r- l (be former Maxine tavip 'ii Sunday ViMting Mr. Rowes Atkinoii, n well known plane!. n. .V''M iif (ig!Ti veil hi town t 'i M i Is- Ni 11 l'.'iw Ba(e of Proxn is spending t (wu-vicvination in Eureka noil Mr Vern Never Mi. Don Jetton- : I ! : i 'ii ( wih M-Mr ' :i !Ja IIImid M Wm. Bate Visiting lit the mid t h'- -i Mi ,f Mis .l.tl.in's i , :i ! .ii lago r:iti .; I Mi tun k. Mr. mid Mrs. Warn, Kiebnioinl Wavne Ik Mr, Jet .n I" i tiv.ng iii iff,,i ted 1! ii. 1. t I'iM.ii .1 III) .la i n I'lovr and children of Snrrmnenfo Wild in N w on Snlimlav ill',- - Xisiling vrib ' Mi- - .1 to 'hd 'l.il-li'vis.'id with Mi Ii;d Ml- - D I !: ! x FhI'n itee nnd Dei k Imii e f ir ii Mr I ! nt t nVi;.,. I villas In ,t Me anl Mrs lleber ; I'li'--l to iihin del l'al km ,011. 'ho Ml'de N-- d Hht.--.i- i nii'l M: ' ing. nnd Mr niil Mi 11 n .Ii";,it ti lotii I. i a wit! Ie ie- mil" Mr Ri, t.,iiii,!,. '! ' M" . r f .idicd ,d '!!.! a t he foe, cr Miss V'.nl- lit Mis .1, (ton w ill be icincm- - numts-re.1.,: in 1 1 i ki'i.'in x" I; M mv ii i i Sl'ii ' Mi k i . ' r : . I .l hm M n i 'l i'l I Km '' i'' f'l'-- -- ! , I..i f.-- r M a . - M " I .d f in t T--- I i t1.-ti- S- t p. , .1 V , Hi .1, ! Ti-'li- pii--i- fit ti n,1 - -' d til- ill idd-- llt;.i-nt M i.1 'AV x. f - 'll I - w Mr and Mra. Koy My era of Denver. Colo . spent n few days during the week visiting Doyle Myer. and with of their friends. ;Mra. Win. Koliert s and daughter oda is Ilie funner June Yanmshilii. Ann, of Mammoth, drove to Salt Mi and Mis Il.m.iltoii U..il wsIi if of Ibis fylke Mondav nit rrnoon to visit ;Ty In-YiiiiiiiKliita Pnn.-k- . letulll.il l.oiue 'll Sat in d. IV ey. li- s i ity June will remembered by with Mr nml Mrs Miehnel :.!' Ildllitt the EJk ntiil relafix-ewith jiIso other my iifcl s ns she attended in New nrmv i esidi'lit i i.i.xentn-rGland lsiI-ilugti school while residing R'dei Tinte-Ki.n!tcd is Ml Land Mr. and Mr. John Phipps drove y..lk I. inTin- - taird nnd Knirhiinks ,.r ii. I.. N. 711 Tint Ia!ge Daniel. Cole Cnnx-oresort to bom- - over the southern attend a tcuninn of the Barnes lamilv. Alxiiit 2i:! member of the fai-.do!tindl thi reunion. , I 1 1 Mr"-'- ( Mi "" - Bn,I . par- - Helvi-rn'- 1 f'-- r M ! "nl Mr n'1,l an! Mrs Miss Eleanor Jackson of Salt le!t for their borne Inst week. Mrs take City waa in town over the ne Miss m for Dari, lldvein is the week-en- d visiting with her mother. Phipps. Mrs. Helen Jackson nnd other Max iM'iiedict imi sending Ml were Mra. Edward Tuekett of Denver, Colo. Mrs. A. E. Tuekett and Mrs. Henry Franks. I :iT j n T!,- - S;!v r J.ib t''n lli'. ldl .f Ai.;-- hedule.l b. II li:i lined UP ... ' ,. ailed !f f.i t.'i t path ..n Vugu;h! i"f. S..I, nt the in to'n foil yeai A'lgu-oil i (l; lei'd'.en at t!.e s'r.i;-- . hi- so ti tiltot"' Gitirl'-.x.'h tl;- sist-r- . I'd go.'iu :'i-.'Mrs. .".rd Hi t p.rn r.' it e i i! M i i' eid' t.Jix i"ti two children of tl n I, Dill I I'liiH1 tl.'-(.hv Old n ! glVll tin .el. nd t on ) hi' i ! It- i on at k ii Angus! 7 Iliirold Spencer have been r, .. who a few weeks f unit- '1'! atm" t a 'v r Hie cvi rt 'limkx ten ivci lv-!- - ,h, x': V't'Kb-v'- 7,' taisi-ii- ( - Ei:rl-.;- i i i V- til l 'iilix-a- l 'ii- - ' - i iv-:- i l w-ii- . ' - rei-,ve- ;i ! ; - . - i; Cancelled For This , . t!i- -- s eld. blit li.el i let since I'c.'i I. I W Silver Jubilee Is snv I . I. d I r f,,r (he type ef baJ t ,,'l Ml,r ike Atherley. nit AM tie- '"V; r Mr. and Mrs. Rrig I, be tigiu u;:d- -' - tl 'therW ienrne to her horn-- in f."'v tn "ii Sntiinlnv, after displiivir.g The ''t.-'nR th past two months with with thi!- g'li:1 A t i.:: p Th,.st. ii Mr, p. j. Fen- s ...., Mllr,I,,' n of Mr. Earl Pott on Monday afternoon nti-- l ! ' r'"' Ihl r. l: ,l.-:- -- Wg. ft, vA KmM Mr : toani still lulls Kiuvkn hiiiim Hast-luil- l thsnl jaim at tin Ifta! pari jiiltmjr, winninir tlifir 1V a St'DI'C t t11 2. ;,i,rge Forsev j(,aillt ( ilishtll, fMr Tlif pitching of Hill Kilt was euMmoliae. trilv v i. i Vr. and Mrs tburce ; children ' Svi- weie nling the g !'i l I.., l :. rsary of the !' ' and Mr Sxlws I!1 Vs S II I e.hl Mi I. k" nrs of n ge ,in-- l ' Three Games in a Row ing firement a lour through phint. It is exiwte.1 about IThmi firement nnd thrtr Fanners will attend the state tion virx. 1 Ii i or taken on Wxhop iuhI K W M wntkin the ': Mrs. II. K. Catl- F.irsev, Mrs Bar- Mis. Jerry Bassett.ij.il.l-i-V). e and Miss all i iiai.'s Mn Mi li.w I'.i.tv, M: Eureka Ball Team Wins school band will march parade and are being ajion- -' the Eureka Fire banquet members and tlicir retners win be held on Friday "aWK and sometime during the j , y.-ai- . guests at the home tam-heo- ojn-nin- ft'Bh D-p- Mr. ami Mra. John Phipps were in Tooele on Saturday attending funeral services for Grant Evans, a brother of Mra. Clara Phipiw. vu-.'- Ja J th de Mr. and Mra, Herbert Tower and daughter, Betty Jo. are home again after spending the past week varat inning in taa Angeles, where they visited with relatives. wel-com- , wni' Convention are L. K. PWrter. home in Mammoth. - Members of the Eureka Volun- Fire Department planning to the to Spanish Fork at week trip to attend the State te - 1 e-- , State To Send Children M.-I- g Firemen Parents Reminded I in five in California and one in - Alex t Utah, site at Silver City, recall, d an-other fatal accident which resulted " of Julian Sand. rs n To in the week in the where she to Then. lore Ath. i amithe ill.injmy claim for The principal her grandmother, Mrs. guest cr.-Icy in almost the identical spot on same the was that 'machine pH rents are once again reniin.l-- ; Ivan Webb, ,1Mhused in the heading where loading r.l that Summer Primary Is held , , " TIT' b ha"rt n M,'n,,iVH, Rt 10:30 Mix. Joseph Kropf and children i usa xerj dangeroua, projiwts will of Pay son spent Tuesday in Eur-- ; the f.Kitage by SO per cent none to wi.le at any point, with a !(nl1,,.tlHl nH the Trail aill.h eka visiting with Mr. and Mra. on the lower side 'f weave baskets; the will M.p Howard Greenhalgh. ..Er.niid'Vie her of reverse short curx-eand wus .im ka and the Zion Girla 1st and Mr. and Mrs. Jay hatterlon a stretch that wa, badly in need of 2&. are doing embroidery work turned Sunday after vacationing place.! i" P01"?,, wi1!!' r'VVn August 3 s Primal family work. l f in Yellowstone Park for n week and great l 'P A reunion of all former residents night will be held and the ofifeers ing. as in most of Kniglitsvillc was being plann.-dami teachers are requesting all Mis Maxine Mellor and Miss Tin- affair was to be held at Gen- - parents to be present and enjoy Joyce Gnrbett left Sunday for a; in laying the track andxxaitng of jkpa theOnprogram. e week's visit to Escalon. California. for ears. Inquines eonrermng the Mr (.lllp1 SldwrU of Npphii Tuesday, August 28, a nil r all from ' were louder will vb.it with relatives, heM nn! where they lie coming will a woman was frnnl.r Knightville meeting I11 wormof the committee in mothers are asked to come to C. E. Huish was again named of the reunion. A fine the meeting as nil article made will Isof the Utah Sportsman 'urge to waa mg during Summer Primary prHI11 planned at their annual nunt- - .IJ(t. dun. ir:. bathing and spoils on display. Sunday Serxlwi jtintjJ1ing. which was held- at Salt take ((f Sanament Sunday evening of the City. following tlu- annual state jjidics Auxiliary had nam-i- l the meeting held nt the Biglow of Ogden was reelected as A.n.iin to the State ward wan conducted president, G. L. Decker as f0(rtmg ns follows: presid.Tit. K. L. Ford, sit ret nr y: rnv,.n1(in (, w held at St. eken, nnd was on High;" C. H. Reiley, Jr.. J. G. Vincent and v,- - Rax Sorensen. Mrs. song, "Glory to Gsl sac- ,,,,. Mrs. John Morley. inviwation. riHrenee Ihmer; Mr. Huish directors. Frahk 1. Henndd. Mrs. D. rament .w,n was . D John Bogdan, aged 17 j, wiii . b i Jr . Mia. E. P. Sax. The xrisa instantly killed and his sister II. i n i e ; Eureka early education at St. Joseph's school. She attended St. Mary's Academy in Salt take City, and received her degree In education at Notre Dame College. Following her graduation from eoljege, she district taught school in Tintie taonard to to her marriage prior Davis. They resided in Eureka for several years following their marriage before locating in Nevada. Amelia's many friends in the District will be pleased to know tiint the stale of her conscience was such that she could qualify for a member of the school board That she will do a good Job, if elected, goes without saying. s - j . The Reporter takes this opportunity to rongratulate Mr. Blight on hia appointment. ar Ti e d. alii f John Bog.! in m.-in the western " inginstalled on in the Kun-kthe injury to Ida sister. Helen, on lion including and Mrs. Carl IJh; the highway adjacent to the lP paM riiti.(lf rZ grandparents. Fi'-lda- Mra. r Mrs. Davia reviewed her pkat and, with a clear conscience, filed term on the board, j for a four-yeThe Mra. Davis in question Is the former Miss Amelia Schlecht, a daughter of Airs. Annier Schlecht, now residing in Bouhk-- CKy, and the late Joseph Schlecht, a former prominent businessman of Eureka.a Mra. Davia lived In Eureka for number of years, and received her - rex-ers- O. E. Lodge. profit, or truat'. bile in which they were riding overturned on the highway near tin- - Tintie Mill at Silver City John Bogdan suffered a broken neck and died Instantly. Then- - were no eye witnessto the accident, but according to lapiity Sheriff A. T. Bigler who was at the scene of the accident a minutm later, it whs too e curx-emuch speed on the ( hi mother. Mis. .ihn Boehm. Sr., deb ased was : WT t: , - g ifist-iilin- Appointed following Item taken from a Boulder City newswer will be of intereat to many Kurekana. since the person In queatlon is a former and well remembered re l.k-nReading over the Nevada school code to see if she could qualify aa a candidate fur Uie achool board. Mrs. Amelia Davis, did a double take at Section 3 of Article XV of the State const it u tlon, which is included in the code as 'relative to education'. Tills section provides thHt No person who has fought a duel with deadly weapon, either within or beyond the boundriea of this state, or wlio has acted as a second, or knowingly conveyed a challenge, or aided or assisted in any manner in fighting a duel, shall be allaw-e- d to hold Bny office of honor, four Falomlnuu falling down the "glory bole" at the abandoned Colorado mine here two weeks ago. Mrs. Bonners young grandson, Mike, hua been quite roneerned oxer the plight of the valuable horses, and Insisted that hla mother find out Just how the horses fared. Naturally. Mrs. Bonner Is answering the letter immediately and enclosing the rllpping taken from the Eureka Reporter last week whlrh will probably set Mike's fears st rase when he finds out that the horses are fully recovered from their sad experience. Small xvorid did you say! take Mm. I iron Ferguson of Salt Thirty-on- e tUn released by Sam Stern. Fargo. N. II., newly elected Grand Exalted Itulcr of the Hcnexrolent and Protective Order of Klka. Mr. Plight la a past exalted ruler of Tintie tatge No. 711 at Eureka, Utah and haa been artive for a long time in State and local activlUea of the Elks Order. For two year he waa State Chairman for the Moat Valuable Student Oonlrat, aa conducted by the Elka National Foundation, and the paat year nerved on the Executive Committee of the Utah State Elka Aaaocialion. At the preaent time he in a trustee of Tintie Lodgei Mr. Blight ia well qualified to fill the very Important office to which he haa been appointed, and it goea without aaying that he will do an excellent Job In dincharging hla dutlea in ronneetion with the office. Thin ia a diatinct honor for Mr. Blight and for the local B. P. Tlu- - Stars and Stripes, a puper put out by the Army and suddenly notleed an item bended Eureka, Utah." Being a native daughter, naturally Mrs. MarAfees Interest was The article told of the the home of Mrs. Atherley's mother. Mrs. Laura Blight. H ;0n School Board The following lilt of news a good example of just how aniull our world la getting. Mr. Klva Manner re, fixed a letter from Tokyo from her daughter, Mra. Koliert Mae A fee on Wednesday in which she mentioned reading in the Salt take were Sunday guests at Successful Most Number 10c per Copy- - Alexander Might, Sn)H.'rintendent of the Tintie Sehool District, has been appointed District Deputy I ! rand Fxalted Ruler of Utah, according to informa i la Empire Mine, 5 ears; Eureka Lily. 3 ears; Mountain View, l car; Bar X and Kllerbeck, 1 car each; R. L. Clarity. 5 ears; Bullion Beck. 2 ears. Termed Mammoth -- Former Resident Files for Job Makes Paper In Tokyo, Japan Ore Shipments for Week of July 25 at Celebration and "p" has hern Eureka News Item rest- 37 past r Sy flJce June MM a "The prefits are the beat the ini fny j',Ktify rtiiniw weil in the previoim annual has experienced for many flrh $1,1 y ticket. Mr. Treiuar im l, nt of fi,r ttu- iH-e- receipts totaled s told OWN NEWSPAPER School Superintendent Appointed Elk District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Filed for High for Six Months New i HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR The Kureka (Utah) Reporter, Friday, August 1, 1S52 Con. Profits Total Chief YOUR ADVERTISING , 1 I -ik M "n !.. "' n-l- it - Im-.on- .' I- |