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Show August 5, The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Page Three Gear Frank a. Dinner Party , Eureka wait hostess apjioiiiled din-:- il )ht home on 1:inI veiling. honoring Mr. Frank jrliishtrully Mr P1 Wedding Plans Made For Friday, August Mr. slid Mr. Jeril Carlson the eiigageineiit lllui eolu- mg iiiiirruige of their daughter. Till Ida Ijiltiir, to Win. Kant wood, Noli of lieryl Eastwood of tin city. The marriage will lie performed, Friday, August 12, ul 1 o'clork p. m. by IliKliop Alonzo Snuilxt rom. at the Iiii'Inoii home in Eureka. H:vn't. formerly were Jul'inson. Cover -- sd r sixteen KUfstM. " wrVid at 7I,,vl,K'k were whifh wuh tuaU-fulltab! summer ralrJ i" beautiful Happenings Ell-M- furnished th. evening priwH were won liy VUarguri't Kreethy. Mr. Ihx Small Town Club mU Mi" Ctcil WltawiH,Thie attending were the guest 1ra. Haynes. Mr. Miir-- , pnH'thv, Mrs. Charlm - Enjoys Card Party Mix lx ulna Goodrich was hostess to the Small Town nub at the home of her uiretits. Mr. ami Mrs. Ekloff, Mrs. Ann m lirrtrmle Church, Mrs. lav Goodrich Miss Gloria Gear, .Tjsu-- Sullivan. Mr. John Cof- ilr Krii nk Higgle, (Geneva jUnnsuni Miss tVcil Wilson of Mrs. Wm. Maugh Whwleri of Magna. i, of Trovo. R.X Hickman SUhT Wight. Nilson, Mrs. Karlean Deon Ferguson and ,gr. jjs.Marva Curbridge. were Mrs. Grin. IV mini entertained CIiix (hr members of the Hub last Wrdm-sduy- . Siit ' A plriisant evening w:i eiit in sewing mid delicious ii lent were served to Mrs. Edna Jasper, Mrs. Gail Drusnell, Mrs. M nbel Dnissell, Mrs. Lama Franks, Blanche Beek, Mrs. Alliene FarMrs. IU Mae Franks. and Mrs. rell. Mrs. Elva Webb. Mrs. Hilda LD.S. hospital. Flurenee Putts. Webb. Mrs. Esther Nielsen. Mrs. LiRue Bauer of Elberta and to mentioned above. those Cards And Lunch The guest of honor reenvrd Enjoyed At Club many lovely gift Mrs. Mrs. pot-luc- and prize. Club re Meet At Social The ained home An dub was Just-a-Mc- re entert- Tuesday evening at the of Mrs. Maxine Sehow. was enjoyed was served to the following: Mrs. Faye Wall, Mm Delores Robinson, Mrs. Sadie Wiit, Mrs. Madge Burraston. Mrs. Alliene Farren. Mrs. Grace Chaia ms and special guests Mrs. Gourley and Miss Mary Oour-VCe-M- y. Fint prize was won by Mrs. 2nd prize by Mr. Warr. Chatwin, uid Mrs. Wall, Judy Rae Honored Mm ained all-cu- CHANNEL SWIMMER . . . bliss old FVrlcjr May France, hi;rh school sophomore, will at I vnpt to swim the English chan r.- -I this summer. t. Charles Fox Is Given Party Greenhalgh On Birthday Howard Greenhalgh entert- st a children's party last Tmday afternoon, in honor of the tih birthday of her daughter. Judy Rae. The little guests afternoon playing spent a happy games and en- ding music and delicious party were served to the f'dlowing: Linda Farren. Sheila Nta Pat Giles, Barbara Boswell, Mihlnil and Lyman Uavis returned home on Sat unlay, after a vacation spent in Ogden at the home of their sister and bro- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley drove Hegstrom. The llegstroms and Mildred and Lyman to Eun-ka- . on Sunday the group drove to Tod Park in Tism-Ii- . and spent the day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Kirk. Mrs. Kirk is the former Bet tv Davis. Mrs. Lynn Vest a birthday party afternoon in honor of son. Charles Fox. Games of interest wen played during the afternoon to keep the young folks happy, and delicious n'freshnients wen served. The dining table was decorated with summer flowers, and a lovely birthday rake formed the eenter-piee- ' Jimmy Lunches Served All Day j of Hpiiiui.li ther-in-la- Meat Pies, llome-iiiad- o aim Pie, Cake, Salad, Drinks, (Choice of tea or coffee) jnimirwimBF 1 LUMBER JACK SYRUP f EVAPORATED KSA HOMOCINIZID pt. 8 oz. Imltle MILK VARNEY CATSUP 2 r- OYALTINE ln-- r in HM.iiiiimsiMHllllMllllllliaiU1IIISIIHIiailB BRAND LIME VAN CAMPS SARDINES BARBECUE BF.PK. Oscar Mayer New Business SALAD DRESSING ,t:A GRAPE JUICE HIGH CALCIUM LIMB information on the establishing and operating a sawmill, or facts m world trad1 in cocoa? The It. S Department of Com- Specialize in Iliffh Calcium Chemical merce field service, fertilizers o plastering Mr. Matilda Haight of tang Be.uh. Calif , spent the past two ine her daughter andil weeks to sin.ill business. Prices of the publication from 15 to 75 ents. Mr and (' Mrs Salt Lake City (in Tue. lay of la week Mrs nr.d i H.iuht Mrs Lvii.t-bI ,.; Jr. lit t ,fii l,d a family ' 5' in Hall iJihe Cdy "f Hi' I lionias iKo,s il.'XL. n lent., which was b Id ul Fa.ric.ont Pari , Plant: Saddle, Utah s yr, H;i:i:l:t Will duiiglit. r ir. tagan. in: tii-- run Model 40. Serml on. b. nation stiovel and pood rondilion. UMd. NORTHWEST Livingston MINING CO. 508. FOR SALE Vi-.- vn-in-la- CHIEF CONSOLIDATED room Federal bldg, ran give you the most rerent h:t chat on these and other subjects. A series .m operating and establishing" now lists 59 puhL'at ions of Interest Hydrate for Mills and Smelters lioiMi' in vis-.- t I. l.it aimtluri fitmii-- ; (alifornia 6 HOSTESS COOKIES Is Now Available CIIIKF RKANI) No. .'(110 li.ig:mi :;5 e.rm. Hil.'amm Diesel nw. ii.it.ib:e lruk Hvter I""" lb Fork-lif- t dri-v- !ri si sip. ei completely nvi t!: priced to sell. tit and Supply I r E't i Ciec.pi y .Mil W. 7th So. Salt Afic.i Like City Pl.one with i Ml lom-m- " 12 u, oz. tin IBOMBtES SPAM Information On At a minimum roat. the government will furnish you with the latest information on operating a flower shop. And if this particular business isn't to your taste, how about ,,val can 24 mtbtr tvtryfrr m -- Dooly Huildinjr SMCiul Fork. VETS DOGFOOI) 3 cans 25c Pal-gleis- h. CHIEF In Memorial Building un.ler-operati- I imwmmuiinmsiimiitiiiiiwHumiii (ladles of Mctliodlnl Cliiiroh) Sandstrom hone. Tuesday evening the Sandstrom's and their visitor enjoyed a picnic supper in the par. and Hy-pa- By Saturday W.S.C.S. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiedeniiinn. Mrs. Hulon Nielsen and win. Mas- t.-- r Gary Ni.ls.in and Mrs. Ann? Shields of South Jordan viKit.nl liunng the week at the Bishop Lorenzo Sandstrom home and the Carl Mrs. Georg, F. Foraey Midshipman Jay R. Buys. USNA Pete The small fry present were Jim- went a major on Mon- - wm of Mr. and Mrs. Jomph H Kwpf, Charles Fox, David Butch my mid Pete Kropf. Honald ami dav at the L.D.S. hospital in Salt Buys of Euroka. Utah, has enroll.nl Bauer, Ralph, Donna and Donald Bobbie Weaver. Carol and Linda for the summer indoctrination Greenhalgh. Bray. Karon Wileox. Mae course at the Naval Acaibniy, Show, alt it. tarry Ewell. Annapolis, Md. with the class of Mr. and Mrs. Honald Miller and Lyn Fox and the guest of honor. 1953. Priz. winners for the afternoon J1" (Iregory. returned to their Mr. and Mrs. ta Mar Sudw.nks hne in San Gabriel. Cal., after a wen Jimmy Kropf. Karen Wilof Fillinor.1. Utah are prou.l parfleawnt vacation spent at the cox and Carol Bray. ents of a baby buy. born July 18th of Mrs. Miller's parent. JJW at the Fillmore hospital. Mrs. Sud nd Mrs. John Th. Wm. Paxman family spent weeks was formerly Miss June Phipps. Other visitors at thi1 last weekenil visiting in Murray Franks. Phipps hne on Saturday evening and and Sait take Their .laughter. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Jack Hail and Mr. Peggy, who has hern visiting her Christensen of Hebor. aunt and mit I. Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. spending n vacation at I as Vegas, B. Dumas for the past several Ncv. I Hr and Mr. Earl Potts and weeks, relumed home with her 'uShter. Sheila were in Ogden parents. Mrs. Nora MeCormark spent "V the weekend with Mrs. Paxman roorts that thnn weeks at tan Angeles. Calif., visiting relive. guest of Mr. and Mm. Janies Nor parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Anman and Mr. und Mrs. James derson. formerly of Mammoth. Hra Vrtla Allred of Salt Lake weii wishing they were home Blackett. ty was in town on to enjoy the exiling breezes Sunday alien- business matters. of Tintic. Peay, dub "Min al t e. The Friendly entertained at the home of Ad:i (berry on Tuesday .veiling.! Cnnls were enjoyed and prizes er ut ar John Workman. secial invcli-- 1 gator on tin Hall Like City police ' force, has Ihcii visiting the past lew days ul the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.iroiu Workman. The little daughter. Joyce Ann. of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sandatrwm of Provo, and of Mr. and Mrs. grand-daughtCarl Siindslmm f Eureka is in the Utah Valley hospital recovering from a dose of aiisoning. A neighbor of tin Sandstrom had sprayed hia tomato plants with arsenic of lend and the following day the neighbors little boy and Jnvee Ann were found eating th.1 leaves of the tomato plant. Thi' hos-jiityoungsters were rushed to the of action the where prompt the hospital starf was reKjtonsibh for saving the little folks lives. The ta Jolla Club un-- t lit the home of Mrs. Marion Nash last Wiilm-sdiiAn evening evening. of cards was enjoyed and first prize was won by Mrs. Margaret ' Greenhalgh. honor prize hy Mrs. Ilia Clement, all-cby Mrs. Naomi Cushing, and eonsolation by Mrs. Irma Gourley. A tasty lunch was served to those named and to Mrs. Gladys Dean. Mrs. Sylvia Childs. Mrs. Anna Franks ami the special guest. Mrs. Hull) Wahlquist. evening of cards ind a delicious lunch mem- Isn-bcl- I the business meeting, and tasty ref- pic.n-nt-e- 1 List Friday evening. July 2J, a to irty of Eureka folks drove Elberta and surprised Mr. Grace lteck on her birthday. An enjoyable evening was lent playing cards and Mrs. Heck won first prize and Mrs. Valeria Bauer of Elberta won the house prize. k A supper was served at the conclusion of cards to Mr. Wednesday Meet ,anb were enjoyed of tumor was were won by Mrs. Naomi Cushing. high wore, Mrs. Venice West-- ! man, 2nd. Mrs. Villie Tinder, nil-- 1 cut. and consolation hy Mrs. A. E. Tucket I. A tasty lunch was served to tales. Sliuniia anil Gourley, Assisting Mrs. Newman wen those named anil to Mrs. Gertrude Johnson. Virgina Iee. Marguerite Sun.l-stro- Hiinmfiii. Mrs. Jeunine Krisliy and Mrs. Beverly Tinder, liethea Mrs Christensen. Wahlipnst ami Joan Cuslung. Mrs. tavon Walker anil Miss Waymiu Week-en- d Ward of Salt take City were also visitors nt the home present and gav. the hostess a of Mr. Hiid Mrs. K. L. Garity were' iielping hand Mrs. Garitys luol 1st and slater, Mra. Alma Beck ami daughter, Miss AIiiiii lteck, Mr. und Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Andrew wer INik and children of in Salt Like City Wednesday visit- Tom Mr. and Mrs. John Ibiriek mill ami ing their daughter, Mrs. Giurge children, Linda and Johnny of Halt to the Lake, and Misa Sherrie lam Lirscn Fnrsey, who is eoiifim t. Friends Surprise Elberta Resident Super Chix At July 20th. with Mrs. Edith O'Rourke and Mrs. Marjorie White-yg- d u comniittee members for raffle Cnslletnn, Kiekie Thomas. the evening's entertainment Casth-loand and prizi's were won by Mrs. Jo-- I Lynn Ohorn, George and Kay. Teddy and first raffle, Buys, Vieki Ann's guests wen Helen Mrs. John Bowden won the Olvirn. Sbauiia Thomas. Hounie Mrs. Walter Frunke, hostess for Binl. Nick! Castleton. Evan Kay. the evening, served a tasty lunch. Kent Ohorn. Nancy Friaby, Kent and Kay Cushing, Brenda Kay, all-ell- gm-s- t Ger-jtrud- j Tintic Distric Indies Auxiliary S.i 23 held their regular meeting Wed-ol- y. g the Miners Union Hall on served. reshment winners Prise O'Rourke, first prize, and Whitehead, won consolation ' ' j -, with a lovely gift by the I.imla H.ie's friends helping her celebrate her birthday were Sharon bers. tair.1. Margaret Mellor, Billy Halea, Hlfhlird Slaplry. Xnney Mrs. Ada Cherry Is Bird, Ann Huberts, Janette Hose, Bobbie Ferguson, Paul Cushing, Friendly 600 Hostess Lidy Elks held their ngu- e Handle, lar meeting Tuesilny evening in Byron Childs. Tommy .loan Ann Hannifin, Kipling. ! rooms Canls pro-the Elks Club BUBDOWX . . . Shirley May Frances, Id, Somerset, Mass., high school girl, who will try to swim the English channel this summer, receives rnbdown in grease from her father, Walter France, former distance swimmer, and her coach, Harry Bondakin, aa the pro pares for n practice swim from the Battery to Coney Island. No. 23 Meeting evening. Following 1 The Regular Meeting - Aux. Regular i vidisl Mrs. T.D.L ; i The Frank1. Mrs. Maud Gourley, gri. Elsa- i n. Lady Elks Hold Tarty refreshments were served Mrs. Clnm Jerman, o members. F.liza-yt- o Jin. Mvrtle Theriault, Mrs. . . . ' ' t- S nil-cu- Hll-Cl- : I ; Mrs. Goodrich, ami special guests, Mr. anl Mrs. Edward ( loodrieh. Mis lleriuni won high score. Mrs. I'eriiim, consol.it ion and Mrs. Stubblefield, Spent spent a pleasant Th,. nine at the home of Mrs. Helen jtasni last Thursday, July 28. Brill"? rumished the evenings tiertiSn uml Mrs. Deon Ferguson wn first prize. and Mrs. Elizabeth . ' ld For Birthdays last Mr Maxine Stubblefield. Mr. ami Mrs. Hubert How ley. Mrs. Myrtle Howley, Mrs. Leo Gnvn. Mr. and Elite club Frank.-- Iliv. r ('arils providiii tin1 i vciuug's and delicious refreshments were stiicd to members Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P mini. Evening Pleasant in Sili.-- Thursday evening. SEE. Bite Club I Daughters Have Double Party Bech-(e-iievie- ve Anderson. Mi . I (Hid Sulli-'TsIi- . NgW AlTIVcl Mr. and Mm. Don McArthur of Salt take City are rejoicing over the birth of a baby son, born Monday, July 25, at the Holy Cross hospital. The couple have one other child, a daughter, Jeri. Club Birthday Mm. McArthur Is the former Met On Monday j Mary Margaret Sullivan, fomer resident of Eureka. members Birt The Inlay ('lull griun 1 vi ntuts are Mr. were entertained Monday veiling andProud Airs. Jerry Sullivan of Park nt (lie hoine of Ada Cherry, Inm and happy great grandmother ormg Mrs. Margaret Brady on her City is Mrs. J. I). Sullivan of this city. birthday. An evening of enrds was enjoy-ed. n ml prizes won by Mrs. Vilhe List Thursday evening Mm. Elva Mrs. Arvid Newman entertained Tinder, first and Mrs. Villein Liv-a- t Webb and family, Mrs. Alliene a double birthday party. Mon- - ingston. t Fallen and children and Mrs. HilAt tile conclusion of (he card da Weldi drove to the City Park day afternoon. August 1. honoring and enjoyed an outing and picnic. her two daughters, Linda Hue and game, a lovely eiiiidie-hgh- l supVieki Ann. per was served. With tile Ini'tlldav Liter ill tin1 evening the group Games weie played, sonu very cake used iis liu eentei pave tor returned to Eureka and sNnt the rest of the ceiling Ht the home uiee presents given, and ileheuuis tin at tract ie table. refreshments wee served to lls Those allcmling oilier lli.m tl.osi of Mra. Hihlii Webb, where Mra. The guests won 'riai'ieil wire Mn K:i!li Galley, Wayne Beck joined I lietn and .arsis young folks. A midnight polpresented with interesting favors, .Mrs. Eva .lamesoi., Mr.. N oui.i wen cnioyed ami that all important birthday Cushing, Mis. Isaln-llCiislur.g, lack siipHr was Hcrvcd and cncake formed the eenler of nttrae-tio- land Mis. Polina Paxiuan. joyed by all. mwiIi" Rmsn 2 1 "f,fh 1,11 oz. celo bag 45 39( LUNCH MEATS Assorted cut. For quick meals LINK SAUSAGE 53c lb 1 lb. I 'kg. All Pork 53c lb POT ROAST Uun A grade Steer Reef. 17c lb FRANKS and Meaty Plump msrjjasi iitfPB StrawlH'rrics Watermelons Dananas 32c cup Ic lb. 19c lb. 2 bu. 15c Reetgreens Spuds red bliss I 10 lb. 39c Wax & Green Deans 2 lli. 25c k ijfj'iZV Earadfles DELIVERY TUBS. AND SAT. PHONES 179 ISO ) V yl r t . |