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Show August The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Pape Four PUZZLES GAMES STORIES PICTURES on a wagon, and one day when they were moved, my husband found all kinds of objects under the posts pop bottle caps, small sticks and pebbles and bones, which Inky had hid. Crossword Puzzle But one day in the fall Inky was missing; whether he took up with (Dont peek at answer!) the large flock of crows that gather A silhouette map of Arkansas at that time of the year, or was forms the base of this puzzle: killed by some hunter's gun, I never knew. Because I haven't seen Inky since. A True Story fly teum 9nky c pair of crowa ipring nested in some trees, near our bouse on our farm in Oklahoma. 1 decided I would like a young crow for a pet, because I had heard they could be taught to talk. So I wailed until the young ones were partly feathered, before taking one from the nest. 1 put the young crow in an empty rabbit hutch and named him Inky. His food was stale light bread soaked in sweet milk and some cottage cheese. When I walked up to the cage, I always called out, "Ili, Inky, Hi!" and he would open his mouth fur the fxid. Inky grew very fast and began to greet me with, "Hi, Hi," when I came near his cage. When he became strong enough to use his wings, I put him outside the cage, and he soon learned to fly a little. It was then I decided to carry him back to his own home and his parents, because he had begun to watch some baby chicks covetously, (llut, I should have had no fear there, bemuse later Inky got the flogging of his lire from two mother hens, when he attempted to get too near their babies.) One ufternoon I carried him back to the nest, thinking all was well for Inky. I thought he wi.uld be happy to get back with his parents, brothers and sisters. But the next morning as we were eating breakfast, I heard a loud "Cawing and saw four erows dipping down and fighting another crow, who was making slow progress in flying. The exhausted crow flew into the shelter of some cedar trees near the house. Going to investigate, I found Inky huddled in the cedars. He greeted me with a "Hi, Hi, then flew to my arm and continued to chatter and scold, as much ns to say, "You shouldn't have carried me away. . Jting T AST " 1 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 18 Easy Way Margaret Durst Corbett, teacher of eye education, says in her new book, "Help Yourself to Better Sight, that parents can help chil- 1 2 3 4 5 6 grain with the chickens, but still 10 12 13 15 expected and relished the bread and ehcese. Everytime I would step outside, he would see me and call, "Hi, Hi, and fly, lighting on my arm, shoulder or sometimes even on top of my head. When the other erows came near, Inky always flew to the th'ek foliage of the trees and hide, never giving out a murmur until the erows were out of sight. He sometimes would jabber like a baby trying to talk, crooking his r.cck and making comical expressions, but "Hi" was the only word he ever spoke clearly. He must have thought he was a chicken because he would sit on the edge of the feed bin joining the chicken house in the early morning and rankle exaetly like a hen. He would jabber happily when the fur the liens were turned out.-id- c hobby which Is lots of fun. There is very little cost to it, Two nicknames, the state flower, either perhaps not any. And you Arkansas city and a well-knocan start right away. It is sample Use the words here. hidden are collecting. and pictures to decipher them: Collect samples of what? ACROSS Lags behind False god Old English (ab.) Unit of weight Avenue (ab.) Transpose (ab.) Individual Rodents Rub out Social insects Arkansas capital Rock Smell Electrified particle Time limit (ab.) Roams Observe Poker stakes Hops kiln Sped Egyptian sun god TEXAS ONC LSTEP-- JAPRAIWE POG TOWN lOO MILES WIDE And J jERE is an DOWN dren's eyes by story telling. The stories develop habits of relaxation and this relaxation can be used to teach correct eye habits. INKY GOOkl LEARNED TO SIT ON MY ARM 250 MILES LOUG : PUZZLE ANSWERS 1 REBUS: ARKANSAS "Wonder State"; State"; ; Pine BlulT. C IN El. IDE CI.ir.I.'.TE ADAGE ETK CAPTIVITY, E DAY... CROSSWORD: day. jN'KY Form learned I wouldn't feed him the delicacies he loved unless he would sit on my arm. After eating what he wanted, he always took one more mouthful, hopped to the ground and proceeded to find a hiding place for the food. Sometimes he would choose an empty tin can, other times he would push the food unJNKY was satisfied to stay around der a stick, loose stone or even in in the mulberry and cedar trees, a clump of grass or weeds. Some fence posts were stacked near the house. He learned to cat sample collector has several dred items. They Include a midget box of salt only an Inch and a miniature package of j,ajj cough drops which looks just like a full-sipackage, which contains only two lozenges; tiny bu- Diamond Arkansas has a pleasant CLI- MATE, which forms the center of our diamond. The second word is "a note In Guidos scale, the third "to omit," the fifth "a proverb. and the sixth French for "sum- ttles of lotions, tonics, creams, mer. threads, yarns, screens, floor covC many, many dilli-rcu- t erings L I tilings. Stores of all sorts often give CI.I. TE away free samples of merchai.;l:-e- . A Emin a grocer you can get sample T cans or packages of new funds. E The druggist has wee jars of coRiddles smetics and small bars of soap. Read the ads for oilers of samples. a has 1. Who is it that always Most of them can be had f.:r a for on foot movements number of postcard. Some of them cost penny making money? few cents. a of only 2. What is the principal part To with, a box will serve begin a horse? As it 3. Why are the tallest people to hold your collection. grows, you will want a the laziest people? 4. What is that which is yours care. You can use a shallow box but is used by everyone else more partitioned oil with cardboard shelves. You might arrange the than by you? collect inn like merchandise in a a 5. What remedy is there for e. Any way you do it will be man who splits his sides with fi;n. laughter? ze El. A WILL EAT ABOUT lOO FOUNDS C? TISH EVERY One hun- Apple DIAMOND: -- erything from soup to nuts. "Bear bio.-sum- when Sample Collecting Is Good Hobby Today's Subject Is Arkansas PUZZLE PATCH 5, 1949 di.-;!a-y RIDDLES: 1 An Instructor of dancing. 2 The mane (main) part. 3 Because they lie longest in bed. 4 Your name. 5 He should run until he gets a stitch in them. rfUNATOH WEIGHING SEV hundred pounds CAN JUMP OYE R a SMALL BOAT WITH EASE. rt-r- d t Mr. ami Mr--till Phipps .r.idi P!i::es ivj Ms il was a thS. D. Colovieh ngl.-is ' delightful lime and the molhcracluh I'lii'ampnivnt to he I .i ' :i vaM, and the Holjv Cross In and other guests derided the girls Did and Stiiis' camp in ?'r, ail-- Mrs. P.ena'.d son. Gregory of San Gabriel, Cal is receiving li'c.kca! Mrs. Charley were very good rooks. r'it A: t!iir Smith ul.pprd and Mr. and Mrs. Win. JaiTett. th Friends will he happy these Weilne.-ilay- , I!, girls. chaperone the IVppy August. i . r. anil Mrs. Robert l'.irreit ai'ii to lie is stair. Those present ai the above meet1iU group will go to Ncphi Mr. ami Mrs Wi.i. T. Hodge of I. is Mr. an. Mrs. K.il tn- Pulilu-Sclat in ueik Colleen Commii Vegas. Jameson. were: Ihrre-d.iing Canyon and enjoy a Unite. .ire spending I! would P i rues of Provo. Mr. ami Mrs. apjiear that ho Betty Ann Baker. Mary Mrs. Ada in Kunk.i at II iward cumoing party. They will meet Iaxnuin, weeks vacation and Mr. an Mrs. broke a in the right side of Lila I and am Phipps All itirinherH of the various Earreii. Toni Ferris clulis of the country. other home of Mr. and Mrs. John the IIAnn. left last wets Mr !i'.s wa.: to l'.nv. taken Salt rliilis are planning to attend the We wish to express our appreciaCherry. Howe. Mr. Bu lge anil Mr. Howe nil v. Like Ab' for Cal., where tln-Wednesday In City ll the business lie morning held will which L-meeting. us Following I.ird for taking tion to ramp up an- half brut Inis. On Sunday the C : a last where and Thiirsdav rookies. ti a cat Kriomls of incut served Connie in.and Hive.the latter inou they punch hy to camp in his truck. Girls going specialist. Neplil Canyon purl made a trip to Bingham and The next meeting will lie held at groiip next week. Iriulm and Konie of to camp arc: Virginia , .leaun-- i week the Howes e ijnyc'1 a three i.ay ont.iiu. Mrs. an wishing him a speedy recovery. weeks. Like. Salt Next the mother will also attend the in' Sax. Lu-- Clement. Charlene Colleen l'uxman'a home on and Hodges will travel to Grand !. at 7 oclock. outing. Bint. Jill Johnson. .Iu!e Carlson, day Canyon, and will also visit Bryce SPECI l. MEETING lart of the group will lease on Mane Staplvy, I.ynette Dean and ami .ion's Canyons called was A will rest lease and the axvial meeting Wednesday, group leaders, Mrs. Ilia (lenient clulis on Wednesday for all Thursday when they are hoiking and Marion Nash. Mr. ami Mrs. Ronald Barker forward to three days of fnn ami names of the girls who to discuss camp preparations. The Lirry and Phyllis relaxation after the Nplendhl work (stoked breakfast wore . I canine Mrs. Izola Parker, County Home and children. Ann. of San Francisco are here rlulis the the directed Demonstration asTomplishisI hy Agent, during Sax. Virginia Le, Charlene Bird. for a month's visit at the home the pant few months. meeting and Mra. C. A. Carlson of Mrs. Parker's parents, Mr. and Mane Staplcy, I.ynette Dean, Jill was PEPPY PALS acting chairman. Mrs. Clan-neand Mr. Johnson, Julo and IjuI Clement. The pledge to the flag was given and Mrs. FrankGourley, The Peppy Pal of club enParker home at IIOMKMAKF.KS Ml the and tertained their mothers and guests by Angeline Bogdan, Tintic Junction. On August 1. the Homemakers hag pledge was given by Lila at a breakfast prepared hy memA glance at the new Fonl and youll agree with New Noel of home met at club the bers of the rluh last Saturday, Cherry. York's famous Fashion Academy Miss Helen of it certainly is Like was Salt demonstration Archibald. The Hopes A picture show on "Safety" was July 30. at the Memorial building. on week-enthe "Fashion Car of the Year! And its 100 "horse" French Toast. shown hy Mr. Spurrier. After the was in the town for the . Those attending were: Mrs. Le Mr. 8 Members attending were Ethel show the time wax turned over to visiting with her and 93 "horse Six set the fashion in power. Bird, Mrs. Krrd Johnson. Mrs. K. W,M lkl,,Ph Hopes. A. Sax. Mrs. t A. Carlson. Mrs. Mae Galley, Noel Archibald. Mar- Mrs. Iarker. She gave a very Ruth Wahlquist. Mrs. Dec Cle- garet Ann Alherlry and Marion interesting talk on Health, and Youll find Ford first in safety, too. Tta about our attendance at camp. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L-ment, Louise Richie.' flee Clement Sax. and and Goodrich were held Junior a Itonna, IIOMK FOOD daughter, I.HI for ( "lifeguard Body and 5 Green. Ejections and Walter frame make Ford 59 The Home Eood club met at Camp Council. Those elected were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goodrich more rigid. Big "1icture After breakfast was served the Windows give you more visibility. club girls entertained the group the homo of Connie Jailiesmi Tues- Nelda Chihls. chairman; Bethea drove out to Ekkers Ranch and the and enjoyed day with Mr. and Wahlquist. by singing the club song, and giv-a day at 7 o'clock p.m. for the ilans wtre made Mary Lui McNeil aaaec. and treas. Mrs. Duane Kkker and son. Mrs. ing their pledge. Everyone had Kkker Is the former Jean Gc News of f'iiNcws Noles Club 4-- H . - i v I pi ! Activities... Tii'-S'l.i- 4-- rm-on- . imi-i.- 1 1 I y i - tlici-tw- 1. 1 ll 1 , - l-- e - L-e- Tues-Augu- st I i 4-- e 4-- 4-- H ... d ... V-- pan-nts- heavy-gang- '"t cross-memb- e lmx-sects- ai n; 4-- I rich. Society . . ( . Mr. and Mrs. Rex Warr and family were in Ogden on Sunday. Monday nnd Tuesday visiting with Mrs. Warr's father. Pan Jolley, ni am! other relatives. Allen Sorensen. .Vvcnr-o- l I and Mrs Chi is Sorenson of at his1 Mammoth, is home following a tonsil operation, performed last Tliursay. July 2s hosts at a dinner party given at their home on last Sunday. Pin- Mrs. Sadie Hickman of Silver her guests were Mr. nnd Mrs, Don City is spending the summer; Jetton ami son. Roger, David Beck, Mrs. Bonnie Nielsen of Lvniing- months in Provo with a nephew ton. and Boh and Don Beck. ' Mr and Mrs. Kart Stewart re- turned home Sunday after a pleaCtRIl OF TIIXNKS sant vacation spent in Yellowstone' Wi wish to extend our sinPark. They wen accompanied to cere thank anil appivelntiun the Park by Mrs. Stewart's sis-- 1 to the ntuny friends unit neighter ami brother-in-law- . Mr. and1 bor who assisted in uny w Mrs Frank Freeman and daughter, our rerent hereaviticni. Carol Ann, of Lng Beach. The1 I'or the beautiful floral offerare still vncntioning and j ings, music. Mortis of isinsnlu-tlo- n did not return with the Stewarts and any other service renA highly enjoyable dered In mir behalf at this trip is reported bv tin Stewarts. time, we are indeed grateful. s-- Mr. Fn-mian- s Nlgnixl. Miss Ethel Morley and Mrs. Douglas Richards! and family. Marnanni and Ted,! Air and Air. El Gamble of Camerillo Heights. Cal., have' ami 'lr law mice Walker been visiting at the home Mrs and ion. Richard's sister and brother-in-laMr and Mrs. Curl Sandstrom. Tin Sandstroiua and their vis-itors spent Wedneadny nnd Thurs- - SEWING of all kind, drew nltrr-da- y or last in Salt Like! at ion. tailored and machine visiting at the home of Mr. and putting in zippers, Mrs Charles Millimnn Colleen etc. call Mrs. Ruth Wahlqulat. Siimlstroini. H. Mr. 'lr. You'll like the "feel" of that "Mill the "feel of those hiiinp-eraain- g Ship Ride "Hydra-Coi- l and "Para-I'leSpring ... the 35 easirr acting "M agir Action Brakes. Order note. ... x . i i Tate the wheeLtiy the new 1 hiitton-liohn- Mr. ii ml Mrs Joaenh Fennell and son. Craig, returned to their hmnei in California last Friday after a NEW Store building ready to mov e Into. Rest of location in Orrm. pleasant vaction spent with Mrs ir J. Fennell and Mrs A. T. Bigler, Write or ITtone Thus. L Kitnnd other relative. chen Orem. FORDW at your Ford Dealer's GOSHEN MOTOR COMPANY KOSIIGX, UTAH (fV AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE "FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR" pj.1 ) |