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Show rage August The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Two figure it man nothin." I junt all out, ran you? Well air, We haw a burher up here who must be a dam good barber. Yea I know a fellow who come all the way from Kpring-- 1 ville, getH hte hair cut, ahave, shampoo, every week. lie's a dam n kv fellow alao. Well he should hHir cut cleaned up every week like that - I think too the ole barber in one of the bent, hut the ole boy didn t treat me junt right he went off on a vacation an' left me without a hair cut and shave for 12 whole days but i"1 of aonie money and he had a John when he got back but be- lieve it or not, he didnt pull a whisker. Everybody bums him he I (all him bmwn as Jay-hi- t. Chat there Is a very fine ole gentleman who seem to be a very close friend of Chat's. They always drink coffee togethe- r- this man is known as Andy stays round the Klka hall most day and night, He is just a little like the ole Son, little to say, never hear has him say nothin bnut anyone, no THE EUREKA REPORTER irni.isiii:i) at i;uri:ka, utah t:i:ki.v Printed by ,UtT CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY SruiNfivii.i.K, Utah (Hint inaltcr February 10, "Entered us office at Eureka, Utuli. under the Art of March Sulisriijjtioii In Advance, Icr 194H, i at tin i 3. 1S7!." l IUt Near, $UMlj I'cr IIarhisu.n C,i.nokk Julitur and Manage Nina. Rcfu,t,r n.IIOmm IIki-l- j Q.h-k- . DIIiSisG tUfU(nlAlii ADVERTISING national editorial , Special Hunt Elk SEATTLE AN MANClICO tit By Milford Johnson Forestry Aid You, or some like you, cause M per cent of all forest fires. Yes, you- the camper, hunter, fisherman, or tourist. You, the fanner, traveling salesman, log- -' who ger, rancher, cattleman, or railroad man. You, who live in or dose hy our forests and woodlands, work in them or close to them, who tramp or drive: through them. You set fire to the forests, through - . HOSTESSES VIE FOR CROWN . . , Social life In the nation'a capital rerelved a setback In the recent appointment of Mra. lerle Mesta, No. 1 party giver, as minister to Luxembourg. To fill the gap, leading Washington socialites are reported in a rare for the crown doffed by the lady minister. One of the more prominent aoelalites high In the race for the position as leader of Washingtons society Is Mrs. n Morris Cafrits, wife of a real estate ope rator. Here, she helps Vice Tresldent Alben W. party given on her estate. The vice president Barkley select his steak at a rerent elaborate swim-danseeina willing to leave the choice of the steak to her. well-know- Well folks, ce iSanor ,f property 1 i r dont know just how to express in words about this little lady, believe most people rail her Cathy' for short. I've known her for 'bout five years and folks in all my travel and all the people I have met, dont believe anyone ever had a better outlook on life than she. I see her four to five times daily, when I say Hi Clal, how are you? She answers, ".first fine Sam." always the same. V all should be pround to have a lady like this in our town. If more of ua could look at life as she. I reckon we would have a better Eureka. You all know we is gonna have a Big Free Dance Saturday night Aug. 6 at the Silver Gardens you all can't miss it, right next to the Silver Club. Yes sir. everybody is welcome and just darn good music and dancing and believe it or not, its FREE ain't that fine? But folks don't none of you forget. Just a few days ahead is that qi j' silver Jubilee, why sho, folks a big time for oh and all for one. HIM. fl .r hum ,,r '"Her sex J " aHov.T..: I1:,,h J'"1 ; Now folks, we have a very nice little lady who iH a clerk in one of our stores here. Has been rear-ing the public eighteen long yeara, here in Eureka, and Just how she can always meet her customers with a big brave smile. I don't know have known her five years, always the same. Some yeans I past am she was known as "Sandy." sun you all know her firm, her cheerful smile and she doesnt mind having a laugh now and then over a joke or two. TOK Set For The Hoard of Big rsnin,. sir. CHICAGO For Meadowville Area t-r- a irj9 BUrU mm wjU in thatIK."i;!riI,nval' ' date for thj d w v. . (' 'bi- - JtVy janie Department tt. aVESi ainl k til). lh t m(m. ,Jlllo thp lr,i;i m Jn thl, thul I1(J (i,k th(1 j.uiul Valley urea i.i ;..i b(Si.(, iin ,,k a" .J!" (f the regular l.u- -t opting ou-hElk Hunting 1'mt, im,.. K t(1 then th. .j,, ( , e p,.,.niitH will b,. valid on tk-i- t jjjvi, County Elk inimiis will ( Successful applicants i.,r the notified hy mail postin:i!ii,.1 at least fi days in advam-- oi date for the season. t.h plications for the mi permit may be made in m t!i,. and Gann Departim nt Room fiOft Atlas Biiild.ng. t 9:00 A.M. August 3 and .Vnu p.n August 10, 1919, or they n.av br mailed if not -t than 12:00 midnight, in i post-inark- el Au-m- 1919. If more applications the 20 permits ..utlinr,z.., a at 2:0u public drawing will be P.M., August 12, 1919, in tin Utah State Capitol Building and the permits issued to applicants wluwe names are drawn from a containing the names of nit ap. nr,-tha- hi-l- sheer carelessness or ignorance. ?days with h Spanish friend of mine, sunn. what I thought good friends You the camper, in haste to hit the trail, leave plica ills. who had just got married, and by doing them a favor. Shore is out. It dead it sure Thing wnthout Oh what a he wife . beautiful had. . making your campfire iut folks, I wouldn't want to go During the 194S fiscal vear Boy! I had done been In Ole Mex- through life like the ole Jew. He looks dead, but sometime later a breeze springs up ended June 30. Utah and its citico a lot of times before hut this tole his little izens received $l.ri, 404,670 from 43 boy at breakfast one pin' the editors of this paper, time I went down to the and fans a feeble spark to life. The breeze increases. or I anyone City mornin', He said, Son, when you else, don't gel bored at Market which is a separate Federal aid programs, in great big place, get home from school this afterThe sparks multiply. Charred chips of glowing bark my- funny ideas, but most of them well addition to $22, 983.274 paid by I sir. wanted bread, steaks and noon. come to the store as I want an- true, but not being able to do the Federal government in benneedles and leaves dead They intoe blown nearby. are aggs R"t the bread allright but to give you your first lesson in as used to, on account of different sure efits to veterans and ckIs of the fora II a had the time of time a buying business." So that afternoon this smolder, and the fire creeps for along National Guard activity. things, well sir, just thinking of steaks nlmost had to bellow like poor little home an hurried hoy by. which would be im- a hull to make the ole est floor, burning the smaller trees and rotten years gone guy under- on to the store. His father took . possible to write of all the differ- - ... Nearly 80.000 men and wnmr-fundy Rot my steaks, and him in to the store room and says, branches. Soon the floor of the forest is a sheet of cut classes of fnlks which have were placed in oh jobs by some to my, eggs buy trying met and dealt with some good Son, put all of them boxes up on Salvation Army the flame. This is a surface fire. International was was somethin' the As eggs each of which and some better. But the damdest the top other," in one vtar. under the counter and I didn't boy done. Then his father says, If the wind rises sharply this surface fire might lime I ever had meeting people, savvy Mexican well or sir, Spanish was sixteen yearn hack, my wife 'Take that ladder and get up by spring upward through the dry branches of smaller ami I was in Juarez. Mexico on our I just round not make the old the side of them then he had the I a even cackled like savvy. little boy go up the ladder then trees into the tops of the forest giants, starting a stayed there eleven lady hen, done everything I could think tep over in the boxes, then the ole of stands out kind that the crown fire, wipes great of, the only thing I didn t do was nian moved the ladder and says, squat on the floor and lay an egg, "Son. jump down in your father's tall timber. Well sir, I got disguested and 'bout arms." Well sir. when this poor half mad and started nut, met a little boy jumped, that darned You, the tourist, returning with your family affriend who talk EngSpanish are speedV':1 mn ter a grand tour of our parks and forests, stepped to one side. lish, he asked what was wrong, Well the jut little hoy hit the floor Ihe of heart cuts that a I when told him he through ing along highway just from head to foot and started crytook me hack to the ole lady an ing. said, "Fathe. the forest. Instead of stubbing out your cigar or cigdidn't you ffljnZJJlBHIi tole her what I wantixl then she catch me?" The why Sam and Helen Tolbert man ole says, unthinkarette in the ashtray on the dashboard, you sun gave me the home laugh (SEJEDCB Eureka. Utah "Son, this your first lesson folks you can guess how I felt but in business, being it wind window. The of the toss car out "Don't it nobod trust whips ingly fl!B!fPp easiest way to enroll in the Hnvway got my bread, steaks and Now folks, coundn't you all hate into a dry patch of weeds. The weeds ignite, and the of a like H eggs. I did have one H to go through life like school of experience is to bite" time. flames travel into low brush and small trees burning this don't believe I would. And on a chance to get something for You know folks, after dealing and have the reached has Soon it you forest, Irovo, Utah rapidly. with these people an' the negros too, the Big Book says, "Give no1 nothing. a so and started different kinda conflagration. kinds, many unwittingly wonder if it is true what we an Only 10 per cent of our forest fires are due to taught that (5ml Almighty is the father of us all, if he is, just can't natural causes such as lighting and spontaneous comfor my life, see how he can underand and bustion. The rest are started by you you. you stand all Hls kids talking to Him at one time, ran you. Yes, the three main causes of fires are men, women, Well that is that, then is noth and children. NET CHAMP . . . Wimbleton (EngI like more than fnlks ing d of this land of yours is forest land) tennis champion, Ted and making friends, meeting Almost for in my years have seen the time, land 630,000,000 acres. And every year in the United Schroeder, proudly displays the past more than once when a friend arho as won ha Crenshaw cup States over 200,000 fires burn and scar about 20.000,-00- 0 rives at New York's La Guardia could do more for you than money. Yes sir, it's an ole rayin', but oh acres. Think of it. More than a twentieth of our Field. Ted says hs is going right how true, when you do a friend a to to homo California te work, go woodland is burned and damaged every year. favor a heap a time, you loose at won several the trophies lit Electric trees are destroyed tournament. Each year enough the friend and favor likewise. Yes I Imw well know, as I have lost to supply the building needs of a city of over a quarsaw The timber million that ter of a people. goes up homes. in flames is enough to build 8f,000 trees each year Forest fires destroy enough pul-sito produce 2 Vi million tons of news-prin- t, enough to in the United States for 12 supply every newspaper months. The effects of forest fires are many. For they effect you directly or indirectly. Forest fires take their toll of wildlife. The forest is the home of the deer, the bear, the chipmunk, the squirrel, and many birds. The streams are the haven of trout. When fire strikes in the woods, it may travel so fast it outruns even the deer. Many are trapped and burned alive. Fish are suffocated by stream pollution from silt and debris. Even though these creatures survive, their nests and lairs are destroyed, and the grasses, nuts, and berries on which they live are gone. Forest fires often leave disfigured scars on the face of Americas beauty. Our recreational areas may Every homemaker can now javc many dollars every month and be ruined. Untouched by fire, the forest appeal to Is A remodeled schoolhouse Mrs. Mr. home Charles for and all. The great woods afford us escape and retreat Boswell of Lebanon, Ind., but it save time, too with an Electric Home Freezer. from the routine of our daily lives. You, the fisher- no longer resembles the school building in man, know and love each lonely fishing stream. You which country children years ago learned You save money because the camper, pitch your tent in the solitude of the for- their reading, 'riling and 'rilhnic-tiquantity purchases always result in est. You the tourist relax and dream here. You, the Extensive remodeling has savings. ou 11 find that freezing is quicker, cleaner and cooler health seeker, find strength in these woods. You, the transformed the abandoned strucwhich had stood neglected ture. hiker, pause on the trail to watch the sun set beyom on a corner of the Roswcll'si' than home canning-t- hat it saves time and work. And with an a far woodland. You may build a cabin or summer farm, into a includes a dwelling. It home in these woods and count the days until you can Electric Home Freezer you always have food on - by living room, with hand for unex- a picture window and a fireplace, return again. and oilier extra conveniences Then fire strikes that beauty may be gone forpcctcd guests and seasonal foods in every such as n sun deck on top of the r den. garage and a ever. The very spots you loved so well are raw am The old schoolhouse was high season. No wonder Electric Home Freezers The first ghastly eyesores. The cabin you had, and the haunts and t was take step in remodeling you knew, are nothing but memories. arc so popular. of? the roof and cut down the j - hom-yniiMi- ' full-tim- e QesdQehisd Qhitiffl) ed -- I v- . SA VE one-thir- $$$ OF FOOD saw-timb- With an er five-roo- At Home in Schoolhouse m ze 1 one-roo- m e. five-roo- m 12- 34-fo- ot second-floo- awkward-lookin- g. walls so th.it the original -ceiling could be droppcl to 8 : feet. Enough bucks weic saved to build the wing containing the fctftimnii SjaVi garage, the utilitv renin and the icmoicd won ,ilagt.l. In c den above the utility room. The new roof was luu'it at a lect mg new materials, such as t'a lower pitch than the schonlhnu-irod. As loofing the Boswells cho-- e sh.ngies V,.l to 1. 1.. I. it .ii.l i the s'o.il blend whvli harm n ' i. ginn wall tlu rut.il setting Color conoi the util. tv iin .n trast was achieved ly p.i II I. : i a . s.iW ot ENJOY YOURSELF WIIKKK FKIKXnS MKKT nt the iv.i-lcri.- tc.-ista-nt . SILVER CLUB die buck mi'.-wjI- fust of tin 'suipr-.'-ngl- ..n M-- t w!:'e inrodci ng little. M of the old s I ma! Dcaltri havt many models and sites for families of 2 lo 12. . l n: t'-- i: 'll lit c h ..ii n.il.-i.t- i : .n.o .'v : on t;-- . ;o.. . UTAH POWER t LIGHT CO INTERMOUNTAIN ELECTRICAL ASSOCIATION |