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Show November 5, 1918 The Eureka (Utah Mrs. Thomas Given : A Good Cook and Neighbor... Surprise Party P" ,Ti m7 Mi,rr Ti.iii;w am-- on I1"1 n. ! Ee ut . j Kami-strum- a Club Club Hostess ' Given Party CARD TARTY am't forget the Columbia Carl Knotts, smi of Mr. and Mrs. Lodge card party which Glen Knotts entertained at a Hallowe'en purty at his home mi will be hel dNov. 5 in the I.O.O.F Friday afternoon. Hall. Prizes and refreshments. Games provided the afternoon's A bazaar will also be held in entertainment with prizes going to Michael I .lie, David connection with this card party. Coreoinn, Gary Yamashita and Hetty Will- -' iams. Prizes for best eosl times; went to Rose Ann and Toni Fer-- ; ris Delightful refreshments were served to those mentioned ubove and to Ray Rrudy Julia Ann Cartwright. Jeanine Webber. Michael and Howard Ross, Danny and l'at I .liras, Julian Sanderson and Ionise King. FROSTED MALTS Ite-bek- ah Group "500" Enjoys Mrs. Clara Jerman entertained the Felix club at her home on last Wednesday evening. Cards were enjoyed and delightful refreshments served to Sirs. Thelma Griggs, Sirs. Dcun Ferguson, Mrs. Helen Brown, Sirs. Ella Hannifin, Sirs. Stargaret Cronin, Sira. Siauit Gourley, and the speelal guests, Sirs. Virginia Sfan-so- n and Misa Gloria Gear, First prize wss won by Sirs Thelma Griggs and aecond prize by Sirs. Demi Ferguson. Pinochle Club Group Entertained Sirs. Dora Randle pleamntly entertained the memhera of On InuM-hlelub at her luuue on trude Hannifin. Thursday evening. The evening wss spent playing Birthday Party piniM'hle and a delicioua luncheon waa served to Sirs. Venire Given Daughter Sirs. Stse Slsrkham, Sirs Jean Rowe, Sirs. Vivian Kranka, entertained Mrs. Jerry Kennedy Sirs. Ellen Handle, Sirs. Effie Hell at a birthday party Sunday af- and Sirs. Virginia Randle ternoon in honor of her daughter, Prize winners were Sira. Naney. high score, Sira. Slnrkhani, Tile young people were treated and Sirs. Rowe, consolation. Eureka to a theatre party at and then returned to Nancys home In Mammoth and enjoyed Twins Honored an hour playing games. At Dinner Party Mrs. Kennedy served delightful party refreshments to Mary CroSir. and Sira. A. SI. ilium enternin. Ann Roberts. Janet Rose, tained at a dinner party on last lYte Gillispie, Chriss and Helen Thursday evening, in honor of Sorenson, Terry Carter, Hobby their 3 year old twins, Sternil and Erlekson, Paulette and Max Sor- Staiirine. enson, Alan Millie and the honored Those enjoying the evening were guest. Mrs. Albert ltoss and son, Albert, Sir. and Sirs. Glen Ross and son, Hilly, Stisa Ruth Potts, Sliss Cor- Saturday Nite . , e Sud-week- s, Hud-week- s, The members of the k Hallowe'en club held a party at the home of Mrs. Grace Chat win on Friday evening of last week. "MM" was the evening's diversion and the costumes added to the merriment of the evening. Mrs. Sledge Hurraston won the prize for the beet eoatume and Mra. Alliene Farrrn won a prize for the funniest one. ITise winners for cards were Mra Faye Wall, 1st and Mra. Orace Chatwln, rut. The pot-lur- k refreshments proved to be very tasty and were enjoyed by those mentioned above and Sira. Slsxine Sehnw, Mrs. Valine Livingston, Sira Ruth Gatley, Mra Delores Robinson, Sira. Sadie W'arr, Sira Alice leart, Sira. Donna Paxman, Sirs Vrva Nsef and Sirs. Slarrrlla Chambera Juat-a-Me- O Mammoth Girls re Pot-Luc- cine Cushing, and tlie Ross' three other children, Slichaet, Howard and Glen, and the honoml gursta Slerrill and Slaurine. m nil-c- Sporting Goods o Mr. Clara Jerman Is The Friendly MW" club staged a real old fashioned Hallowe'en parly at the home of Mrs. Villie Tinder on Wednesday of last week. Prize for the best costume went to Mra. Idena Gunderson. The evening was spent playing cards and prizes were won by Mrs. J ranine Johnson, 1st, Mrs. Louise Fnaby. 2nd, Mrs. Idena and Mra. Ila Gunderson, all-cSutherland, consolation. refreshments were Delightful served with the table decorated In the "spook" colors. Favors. caw and noise makers added to the enjoyment of the evening. Attending the party were those mentioned above and Mrs. Ada Cherry, Mrs. Naomi Cushing, Mra Venice Westman and Mrs. Ger- i.r - Variety of flavors Page Three Friendly "500" Club Entertained evening. wan car- rJ.hr Vall,W",i; A TaNTAQUIN wedding rt. ,hV lBb,e lb. and r,,ri'sliihcnt) were furn- eeption was held Thuraduy, Nov. Pct-raoA Inrge "i"1 ni,,,lb4 for Adella Hiatt and Oran hirthb Adella la the daughter wrvwl us a center- f,r 1 litKl,'rull' deeorate.l of Mr. and Mra. F. 8. Hiatt of la the aon of Oran and poyiirm The evening was np.-n- t m s.hii.1 MH. Julia reteraon of Santaquin. that and playing gaun-Nwere Nov 4 married Pnzea Pie couple the reception was were won by tienevieve S.ind.-r-- ' at Payaon and Park-Second ward held at the ,',siry Thomas and Mamie wirthlin. churclMn The members Mrs presented Thomas with a lovtiy Kift. Covers were laid for Mrs Gene-- i vieve Sanderson, Mrs. (Ylrstia Thompson. Mrs. Thelma ltoss, Mrs. .Marjorie Thomas, Mrs. Ella Miss Mamie Wirthlm. Miss TO MEET AI'X. N l.iIO The American Legion Auxiliary Freida Ohlson, Mrs. Eloris Caalle-to- n and the honored guest, will hold their regular meeting Monday. Nov. 8. at 8 o'clock, in Carl Knotts the Memorial BuUding. Coming Events - SOCDOC J The Hewing club Newlyweds For - CLk cfnd tSociat ftciitunz i, Reception Given Reporter AUTHOR IZID RANDirS MARKET Phone 180 liporf Walker Servlet with " Geeelee Maytag Part Club Entertained I At "Spook" Party Mrs. Sarah Clements entertained the Saturday Nile club at her home on Oct. 30. Mrs. Ruby Bigler One of tin most successful ICE CREAM "spook parties" held during the! past week end was the one given Made while you watch Girls of Mam-- ! ' by the Teen-Ag- e moth. The party was given in the Recreation hall of the L.D.S Church. The spook alley through which the guests had to enter put SANDWICHES them in the proper mood to thoroughly enjoy the evening. all kinds Games furnished the evening's1 enjoyment, and all guests cnnie in Darfe Pudding Hallowe'en eoatume. Tasty re-- 1 2 c. freshments were served to Marion j 1 c. chopped suet. pinch salt sugar CONFECTIONS Elaine Merle Larson, Gillispie, Erickson, Louise Rostrum, Joanj c. sour milk Sorenson of Mammoth and La-- 1 1 Hodil tbp. rae Eden. Peggy Paxman, Xelda 1 lb. dates Mc-Lou Rosalie and Child. j Mary FLOWERS 1 c. chopped nuts Neil and Beverly Bell of Eureka. c. flour 31; For ALL Occasions Alvin 1 Jerry Elton, Jimmy Lunt. Sorenvanilla tap. Johnson, Boyd Larson, Bill Mix sugar and salt with son and Joe Wahlberg of Mam- fork. suet, Add eggs slightly beaten, moth. flour, dates and nuts. Dissolve soda in a littk hot water, add Carol Wcstburg was up from to other Steam in the B. Y. U. visiting her grand- pound cansingredients. 2 hours. Remove CleA. parent. Mr. and Mrs. T. lids from can at once until pudding ment. is cold. They can be reheated at any time. Serve with whipped cream or a pudding sauce. PRE The above recipe is rather timely, with the holidays not so far HOLIDAY distant, and with steamed pudding a favorite with so many people. Mrs Bigler is considered an exceptionally fine conk and la called upon many timds for some one of her favorite recipes. She has been a resident of Tin-tiDistrict for many years, hav MUST MAKE WAY FOR CHRISTMAS . . ing resided in Silver City for several years before taking up resiAll Priced For Real Money Saving For You! dence in Eureka. She has made her home here for the past seven teen years. Her family of one 10 Pairs 11 Pair son and 5 daughters, are well known in Eureka. The son, Mac Ladies & Children's CANVAS SHOES Bigler and daughter, Mrs. Effie are the only ones living In Bell OVERSHOES Its The Season o Cants providid the evening's entertainment mid prize winners were Mrs I Harrington, first, and Mra. Hilda Webb, house prize. A delicious luiiehron was served to the prize winners and Mrs. o Thin year I'tah will pay in taxes "WHERE s For Date Pudding I ENJOY YOURSELF - $2.ri0.-000,00- 0 - - FRIENDS MEET at the Mayme Maxwell, Mrs. Olive Carlson, Mrs. Pearl ltunnells, Mra. Rose 1hippn, and the special guest, Mrs. Velma Wcstburg of Mojave, Calif., daughter of Mr. anil Mra. Clement. SILVER CLUB j o ; MALI SHOP THE Lowest Priced Car With Fluid Drive PENNEY'S CLEAR Odd - 1.00 Sizes Yards SHELF OIL CLOTH SO Reduced to, Yard 12 AWAY Pairs 23 HOYS CORO PANTS 10e at OXFORDS ARCH SHOES Priced to Clear Now ily. Pairs Ladies 6 Pair - Real Saving Children's JUST RECEIVED Eureka at the present time. After raising a family of six, It would seem rather hard to keep busy, but Mrs. Bigler takes an artive part In community affairs and being a good neighbor. She is also very active- in her church affairs, and in this way seldom, If ever, does time hang heavily on her hands. Try the above recipe for a Thanksgiving treat for your fam- Boys, Mens, Womens Blue Bird Class At Hallowe'en Fete 5.00 ... 12 Gauge ! NYLON HOSE Newest la,r Fall Colors 15 Pair Ladies HOUSE SUPPERS Now only 2.00 only Men's DRESS SHIRTS 12 Large Sizes, O AA white, colored fcinUw 1 LOT SATEENS SI.IPCLOTII Reduced to, Yard 50c EUREKA j i 98c Men's IiOng Sleeve POLO SHIRTS Small, Med., 50c Large Greatly Reduced! HEAVY DRAPERY Rose, Blue, Yard 1.50 DODGE FEATURES Virginia Ie. daughter and Mrs. Wilson Lee. entertained the members of the Bluebird rlass at a Hallowe'en party at her home on Friday evening, Delightful refreshments were served by the hostess to Julc Carlof Mr. son, Charlene Bird. Marie Stapley. Sax. Lyn-- i IVggy Wilcox. Jeanine ette Dean, and the elass teacher. Mrs. Villie Tinder. ll'll'.'iM 'IM 4 piU,l,.H',IIMIH,:iiIHIii ' USED CARS a gyrel Held Drive Safety Kin Wheels YGur car dollars Talk Big 1938 FORD V-- 8 New Paint Job Good Tires Chair-Heig- . . Seats ht fleeting Fewer Hydraulic Safa-Cao- rd greater dependability lower cost maintenance. Yes, . . . There's no better time than now to learn first hand just how much Dodge gives you for your money today. Cherk the many Dodge features that mean easier riding and driving . . . longer to miss! Ceil Why not drop around at your Dodge dealer's and see for yourself how big dollar talks when you your nrw-ca- r talk Dodge! Hype Id there's a mighty big story in Dodge a story that'a too big mine today ... Trank "fesy-lift- " like what you see when you take a Dodge. look at today's big feature-rich Good Motor Hetchkiss Drhra WHEN YOU TALK DODGE engine life . liras aa Sapar-Cnbi- If you've an eye lor solid value, youll $650"" 50 Yards AT NO EXTRA COST "Hesb-Peiat- STORE 40c Irani Springs Rear Axle Safely Steel lady Airplane Type Hydra elk Shack Ahserhsn GOSHEN MOTOR COMPANY GEORGE W.FORSEY COMPANY GOSHEN !!( 'll. HU Main Street lid lady " STRIPED TICKING Yard I rakes Eureka, Utah |