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Show "'-- the reporter pnpnt'iuiva your calling in' YOUR ADVERTISING to your local dent before Tua-Jo- y correipon evening ik-n-u 'wu., HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER Volume Forty-Eig- ht Eureka, Friday, November 5, 194S Eureka, Mammolh Mother Of Juab fir Demiitmlio Ier 10e Copy- Forty-fiv- e Organ 1'iiiniiillra Plans Benefit Dies llnnpl At Eureka Home districts in pie three voting Eureka and that of Mammoth Democratic aupporting ev- candidate on the Democratic wket by a large majority with Number - Hit Ortf.iii - Mrs. Delilah Milliard Bowden S3, one of Eureka a oldest residents and niuthrr of Juab count v sheriff John M. Bowden, Option of Governor Herbert B. 'olfi than Lee he won at her home m was aomewhat i incident to age. Voting in Eureka in the atate aa Sli "as born Der. 17. 1864. that than ffrtvnt i in far M Ivernor waa whole Kngland. a daughter of the r of Moat lacemed. .lolui and M. Cehna Mullard. voting and to tin- - I'nitcd States inricta in the atate gave Lee a in Eureka at tin- age of 12 href niajority while She was married to William received 330, againat 370 caal r. jjaW. The incumbent. Cover-- r r . Bowden, in Idaho Shrines Col., June 21, 1880. They lived in the Herbert B. Maw, received 92 I oli.rado eoimnumty fur 10 Mammoth diatrict witei in the before miiving to Kunka in years ISSMi. and Lee 1". She was a member of the Meth-oiiivote for Harry S. Truman. ; church. urgent f the United Statea Surviving aie one daughter and core than doubled those given soli. Mrs. J. W White of Twin Lxnaa E. Dewey in Eureka and 1 nils. Ida., and John M. Bowden Mammoth. one in to five ru about of Eureka run- - j Funeral sc r vices were eondneted gurekaa Fred J. Milliman, won ..mt (or state senator, easily Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Eureka ' C Jwr hia Republican opponent Methodist church by Rev. C. M. a Johnson. Milliman garnered 580 Wilton. ties against Johnsons 130 in', Burial was in the Eureka ceme, and in Mammoth Milliman ,j. Bracken elected Governor tery under the direction of the 10. to Johnson of rtali mi Urpuhliran lirkrt. Fairbanks mortuary. Kceived Tintic residents are extending Oth? candidates and the total sincere sympathy to the family E""S,r.d State Senator . . . of Mrs. Bowden. giinnwth district are Hated first: total being Eureka And Mai iav. IS Ctunmillor oi llu 1.. I'liirt-L- i I). S. flmnli, mil al it liomc of Mr. nml Mrs. Kcnnelli Sj mirier oil Mon- ilav eteninj!, November I, mul linal iirniiideiiienls were 1 1 4 completed ' j and eonn-r- t Kiwanis Nominates; Hears Fine Talk loi-awa!- for the organ banquet to lie held Nov. 18. - The regular meeting of the EuKiWHnis club was held WedMrs. Thomas Handle. nesday. Las Randle anil Gene oimrn were Rninllc entertained guests. with musical selections, accompanied by Gene Olsirn. The nomination of officers was held ami the following officers were nominatt-d- : Alton II. Blake. Alexander Blight. Norman Oimrn, Italic Randle and L K. Spurrier were nominated for I A Vern Nevers. V. L president. Anderson. Rrcnnsn Hannifin for Nominees for the ImibM or directors an John Rowe. Forney, Fretl Milliman, Wil- son 1st. Harry Randle ami Dave reka , st i D-e- -9 Goshen Plans Gala Dr. Gordon Johnson! To Practice Here Home Coming Event Johnson of Salt Lake will be aaociated with Dr. Bailey in his offices in the GOSHEN The Big Gala Homecoming celebration for Goshen has been scheduled for Friday and Saturday, November 12 and 13 Mrs. Mary Thomas has been named as general chairman and the presidents of each church organization will be named as committee members. Events scheduled for the two day entertainment an aa follows: Friday - Banquet, 6:30 p. m.; A program of dramatics will follow and the night's celebration will be culminated by an auction sale. Booths of miscellaneous articles will be sold during the evening. Saturday Tile Ncbo Male Chorus will present a program at 8:00 p.m. and a public dance will follow. Refreshments will be available for the dancing crowd. Candidates running for the title of quern of the two day celebration are Mrs. Winona Okelbcr-ry- . Old Folks Committee; Mrs. Florence Jensen. O. N. O. Club; Miss Dorothy Steele, Sunday Miss Shirilcne School; Riley, M I. A.; Miss JoAnna Tnolson. Birthday Club; Mrs. Eileen Jensen. Literary Club; Mrs. Alice Powel-auRelief Society; Madge Kirk. Primary; Joan Sorenson, Girls and Mrs. Madge Christensen. Singing Mothers. s will be used to comAll L.D.S. chapel that new the plete is now under construction Dr. Gordon 0ty gt-fl- e Bits building. Dr. Johnson comes to Tintic well nmended. He has been prac-- j in Nephi for the past year. spent some time in the U. S. : TT. Accident lane ear Eureka atal To Two Fred J. Milliman were killed light plane into a low hill near ORE SHIPMENTS FOR twenty miles south of last 'a. Thursday morning WEEK ENDING OCT. 29 St. George men tly when their i Jeri-tbou- te 11:30. 34. and Chief Consolidated 46. Eureka Joseph Larkin. brother Darrell Albert Mor-- , Lilly 8. Yankee Consolidated 1. 43. occupants of the plane. Godiva 5. North Lilly 1. Eagle 0 nflight from St. George Bluebell 2, Gemini 4. Tintic StanSalt Lake. dard 4, R. L. Clarity 2 I silica I. C. Sherwood. Utah highway Mr. ami Mrs. Max Larson are officer, and Sheriff John of Juab county, both of the proud parents of a baby girl, m investigated the accident, born at the Payson hospital Octd that bad weather was the tober 31. .of the crash. They also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watt and that the plane was virtual-fanolishr- d and the two bodies Mrs. Steele Bailey were Salt Iake visitors on Tuesday. up. Conrad iCk va l Buon. stationed Seventeen members were present. and the evening waa an one, mpeciolly for Mr. Pelt, who has been confined to hia home for the pant several weeka. ier Resident at Provo, Ward Sets Funeral services for Keith Wall-be- r LDS visit Eureka Monday, Noveni-- ! 33. of Salt Lake, a e 15. Veterans and dependants of veterans of Eureka and vicinity resident of Eureka, who died Mon arc invited to call on Mr. Burton dy. were conducted Friday noon at 125 N. Main, Salt Lake City. A former resident of Price and Don't forget the L.D.S Bazaar Vernal, he had resided in Salt Lake to b held In the Recreation hall a City year. LD.S. of church on Novemthe Born in Eureka, Juab County, 12. ber Nov. 22. 1914, he waa a son of Lunch will he served starting at Arthur Noble (A N.) and Mary 11:30. Tandy will be aold during Ellen ll..bha Wallace. The Wallace family resided in the mum hour also, to give Ihe Eureka for many years, where schiNil youngsters a chance to buy Mr Wallai-a mortuary. some of Ihe good candy that Is Funeral services were held always aold at the Bazaar. The handwork rule and other Thursday. Burial was in Salt Iake Items will go on sale at 2 o'clock. t'it y cemetery. The Utah Eilucational Assixria- lion held its annual leadership selusil at Vernal. October 28. 29 Has Made Many Friends . . . and 30. An estimated 200 dele-' gates were present. The school was started Thursday. Oct. 28. with a banquet at the Khipire hall, with President Harold of the Tint all county Teach-Dr. era' Ascx'iatiun in charge. will ! one-tim- Bazaar Nov. J2 i I oM-ralc- i n, Hull-ing- er 1 Hawks and L. K. larmrnter were at the tianquet. Friday DEMONSTRATION AGENT and Saturday were spent in dis- APPOINTED FOR COUNTY eussion gnmps. Tlie groups were sH-aker- s intic Children Enjoy Annual Mrs. Izola J. Parker has been appointed home demonstration for Juab County. Mrs. Iarker will be remembered as Miss Izola Jensen, a former of llte instructor in theis Tintic high school. Mrs. Parker exceptionally well TO. in qualified to fill the position to which she lias been appointed nt IV Annual Hallowe'en Mirly lor all tlie tliiltlrrn Dislrii I was bold Saturday ciiint. October Tintii I li(b Sfltnol (Tyiiinasiiiin and Irani all reports the appearance of Eureka the day alter Hallowe'en. It Those in tin- serving line were: tic - huge success. Napkins. Peggy Sheldon; buns. A. Prty commenced at 6 p. m. M. Ross; hot dogs. Harry Randle; a Ml children from 1 to 13 Mayor Wilford Redid in the gymnasium and mustard. Alonzo mond; ketchup. a masquerade ball. The Samlstrom: cider. Bishop Cherry Joseph umt were colorful and an acNo actual Win. T. Matlne. count showed 218 dressed in and was made of the number of1 count Every child present re- hot dogs consumed by individual Prize, but first prize went people was made, but 45 pounds following: Little wrre served and twenty gallons of Larson, daughter of Mr. sweet cider dissppeansl. The Re-- ! Mrs. Glen Larson, who was porter has no verification for the a Negro mammy, following statement, hut one rnOther prize terprising claims he prize. lad wasi young rrs were; able to dispose of 12 hot 'Iocs and original costume (Seare-Georg- e the necessary cider to wash the; Mansnn; most same down. T iong neck lady), Jule The hoard of directors of Tintic 0: prettiest (Spanish lady). lfen Combs; host characters Toon Town wishes to thank all; r rouplei. John m the affair, and Bogdan and ' who participated Burke; a t character presents the following list as those be y tmt her Lsnib l Eileen and' who provided the money for lh" City ff Fnnrll; ugliest costume party:I. O.Kurvka s O. F. Lodge. V van. r, Jerry Rohinson. S. L. 'judges for the contest were: Cleaners. I. f liireh llnr-.-- V fes-n- d ,M- I - p In Tribute To Our - 1 d - . - - . charge. Mognn. S" iri-- sang a ly Rowir.a liirMi spoke IsstT Sheldon. St-u- .. pf0W6ll , aieiiii-parn- J Mis rj 110111160 j of K solo, r .faiin-Ko- m on t.vitv a in ; n th- - the mlult. E. Miller A an me h:activities ini spoke lineily ilngroup as did I.itrisreh llo-- , . ga-,. . . K-Iv mu III Sinn ii.aki r. .;EN(iI.-Snit Cnfe. Arthur Siioe-lia- s Cb:b II M HtM K li iIMOl Kiwanis Club. Entic s.,n ..f Mr and Mis Roy Lei services the At American Gi LIS pol.i. acdpt'd of r Barber Simp. Nash ii.,k t i fie la 111 Service V Sunday evening ral Randle's Iai Cd.' .iH the i a t" gion Auxiliary. A T. Thou. a- - of Kunka had' Will leave f. ,r the ini"n c K ;in-station. Furi'ka Wan I M 1 ""h i The o!iolu',l. Til. i barge if t'e - program. Service Tinl:c i.Mt- - ts Ouumi-rcia- l a N !q M-Mary Thomas! Te's :ir,i v Novel- be! 17 speak rs w n era' Ass'M'tation l , a faieiv!! ,i.:il jr-- i M'i or- Ti'onins A pi- I. is ): i Store. Andrew Rcvnl! 1i"l Tu.ik sGi was g.wn hy (ene S. tinK O ill,', 18 he "I will Ijola s'i'cll Chapter No , I i.ij-tona hy L Ti- -'c rii'lav. 711 P-- P eviti.ii:. tlc.s No. W ir-- i I.DS laslge hii ii c..;;. i. V- -i '' " Novel- I i e at 7 :1" p m t LtiirN-r- . Gnllnwav S n i I I ' , Flin'ka Srvic r .,T' of II.- w ;i r an and Ism II I i. I Rev HlVt'd ';;vanM1!' ! Giist.n Rt lie in week or the lurr.e.l l e Rllc-l e.ir!y w a S.im er. noni. P-- lle Coffev f;;1'" p:: i r .),. ..li - pi W.:i several days in I Mb sis i Cbrrrv. 1. ii Co I'lV-Joseph !;:!l t!;.ing r I -- ( ;;: s ares on a coni-I- . I' - I mil .11 1 er and f.iclit Co i Cl.i:.,i i v- - nvl pleasure trip. inf. ed 8. l.ii'T IsidtTintic ( ( V. M'!i'I-gion and A. M s.ii-i-ni- l.n-.e- s W'-l- - For Missionary Sentaquin Man Bags Freak Deer - Killing of a I Si-u'- h -- iu.-'io'- ; l I fj-...- ni - - sli 'n . - - i M-i.- -r : I h - S-i- M'-ej-.- N-- ; ' i- ib-e- three-leg- hunt was t Walt Morgan jMirted of Santaquui Walt is n of Sniilaqiiiii. hut resided in Tinlu-- imtil a few ynr ago His parent t sliij liv in Euxka .Morgan said Ml- nium.il during the im nt Eureka ward church. Kenneth Spurrier Is the chair-- t m s Norma Jameson ani chairman of the banquet, with the heads of the various organizations of the L. D. M. church in charge. The selling of tirkets will begin NovciiiImt K. anil a general canvas of the town will be made, mi get your ticketa early. Those In charge of ticket aalia are George Forsey, Gloria Gear, laiverne Bauer, Wanda Golovirh, Norma Jameson, and Kenneth Spurrier. We hope the townspeople will Join us In our efforts for this worthwhile projeet. . The program starting at 8 o'clock, following Ihe banquet, will be as follows: 'Teach Me To Pray." Eureka ward ladles Norma Jameson at the organ; milo by Kenneth 'Holy City Spurrier. Paul Stolz at the organ. Eugene ifalliday, eminent organist and KRL radio atation executive-- at Hammond organ console, will render: "The limit Chord. Star Dust," "Serenade. Remarks will be by Bishop Alonzo Samlstrom of Eureka ward. Organ selertlons: Oh. My Fal her, "Come. Come Ye Saints "Lord's Prayer. will he given, fol- a solo by Kenneth Many Minsinn. lowed by -- in My Fathers HouseSpurAre rier. C loiiing selections on Ihe organ will lie "Medley of Old Melodies" and "I Argo from Handel. Benediction. Patriarch C. G Hogan. Cooperation Asked In Disposal Of City Garbage It la the policy of the City's garbage men to take care of the garbage as well as can be done. It Is necessary, however, for garbage to be put In containers In front of the various residences and business places. It is wholly out of the question for the City Employee's to pick up all of the lisme garbage that may be eratler-e- d In front of tenpin's houses. In addition to this fart la to bn added the certainty that when the garbage truck is delayed by reason of the carelessness of some persons other residences have to be neglected by them. The efficiency of the City's Garbage System is being slowed tip and ratis-tna hardship to other persons as well as the drivers and workers oil the garbage truck. City Officials urge you strongly to with the operators of the garbage truck in order that all of the people nmy be In a prcjH-manner. Some help in this by the residents of the City will be highly appreciated and furthermore will be of benefit n all nf us. tln-reh- a as wmiii-I-- hunt scleral years ag I iii l - s ilistrul n ar i . isple of Tintic to Midi an extent that his special niche will x a difficult one for any other person to fill e baH dedicated his life to Ins profession and Ins friends and then an many who could tell of IDs countless kind and charitable deeds. But knowing him as we do. we know how little he would appreciate them being told, so we write them iiMn the asmls which would tie far more pleasing to linn Dr. Bailey is always a genial te d r Displays To Mark National 4-- H Week eotiipsnion and Ins wit and keen Novemliet I til 7 IS National sense f humor Is enjoyed and ap Club Week. Nov. ft. 6 and 7 a v predated bv all hts asms'inl's. nf Eureka's ami Mammoth's Ills duties IlMVl- prevented blni Hiking and Mul' from taking anv part in projects will Is- - sewing in the window nr uvie affairs in ihe town, hut lie the J. I!. I'enney Store. is always any worthwhile Wednesdav Nov. to. a demonommunity (irojeits anl ih'iiati-- stration nil "Kancv Yeast Breads" genermislv will Im- - given by Edna Miller, U. 8. During tlie past few years A. C. extension service, In the forced to arrv a Memorial building al 2 p. m. The luirden. since he has the only public is inviti-- to enjoy a pleasdoctur in the distrtrt. and the ex- ant and afternoon tra work has taken a seven- - toll Club grls and lloni" Ec- nf bis health With the mtning nf ' monies student are Invited the iii-diHtor. it is hope! Dr Another date of interest Is Nov. Bailey will take a milt h earned 12. al 7 3D st the Memorial buildrest, win Ii wdl give Inin renewed ing A motion picture of I tuaMli. amt Dial h- - will continue Clubs mu hiding our own girls e in Tintic distm-- t for amt si to prai also f Ib'incninkcr Clubs. organizing fMids and many more year clothing, ami a "Birdseye View" of Mr mid Mrs IJoyd .Icrma-- i of assistance available through the Sul! Lake City, were In town over extension service. Come out and meet our new Vli'i-itheir psr-rthe Wei and do ng n Idt'e pheasant home demonstration Rgent, Tzola .lens n Parker. dis-pla- t-- and a result tiu-lost ,ts rigid liind leg Th- 'I- r. win ii was iii good roiiilili'-n- , ii.nlij run almost as last as a normal am-ii- . al. M'irgaii lie luiggi-- tl.i flu r m - f Dr. Bailey ta-e- - tern h:ot Beoved ts-e- hi-r- tesl.--'ior.n- r.'-r- f Steele Bailey Tintic lesidcnts take plcssun- in honoring our loyal friend and din--tor Di. Steele Bailey. Ii. sml Mrs. Bsilev tame to Tintic district from Kentucky in 1905. They made their home in Mammoth until 1932. when they movi-to Eureka and have resided here si tie- that time. 7 3D P III. M I A In. Bailey was assonated with I 4 r. Steele Ills father, the late II RI) l Mi El in operating tin- - MamSr., Bailey. ev. of Service Th'- Sundav lin g moth hospital during most of Ins thKunka War-- was under the resilience m that city. dull Aamnic direction of the Since mining to Eureka. Dr. Pliirence Haile Priesthood ' omlMltt'-ev has endesred himself to the was in i j Bnilcv. Miners' Vm-- n Ai- A tlisry. Randle's I lAini's Market. Forv s I c Crcsnt Co., J. C. Ii,nii',y ( oStn'e-Service Chevron Barlier Shop. Rr;,' Chattei-lo- o. g re-fir- st Stele Dr. Sundav PnesUi'Hil ii. ting. 9:30 a Sunday school. ID 30 a. ni. Adult Aamnic. 6.15 p. m. Shi raua-n- t ineeting. 7:00 p. ni. SRirsmi-n- t meeting will lie under the diri-i- t ion of the Relief Society. Tuesday Relu'r S'rt ietV. 2 0 p. ni. 3 "n p in. Primary M 1 A- Ti hi hers meeting. 7.0 p hi. j Anna Franks. ?Tr. Norma Jameson, Her JHlluiian and Valcne I J vine- iiir teachers of the Eureka r (chnol. under the direction David Esgsr. conducted the every child present Presented with candy and a n Ihe older children ,lanving party. The nc. danre was a spook j Rni "creaming h. k n,r r nearly a block JJJrs Evrlvn Williams ami 'eeneyieve Ekloff are to he f0!" Ihe manner in rn,1,mittee prepared s if f,,p dancers. Mr. Wm. 8, Rax and Jerry El- rnl performance to -,fl.JLhp rty arivals. n Inlermlssion was int i vlUKcns nf the Im . M'r''cd the dancers ,nKs and sweet cider. s -- LD.S. Meetings ! u so that questions on the agenda could Is discussed freely. Principal Alonzo Sandstrom was the representative. of the Tintic He was Educators Assrs-iationaccompanied to the school by his wife and small son. Jerry. They reported that most of the trip going to Vernal and the return was spent in driving through a snowstorm. The weather at Vernal was good, however. Mr. Sand-s- t rom's report of the school was that it was very worthwhile. small iallowe'en Fete At H.S. Gym Ihe program. PmciS-dof the ban-Gewill Is used for the purchase of a m l.ammond organ for the qiu-- l . 1 prtM-ecd- I f K,p. Is to la featured at the Mile, with local talent nimplcUng artist, rn-a- Nov. 3. 1948. In S.L.C. For i 15 j After the program Ihe Kiwan-Ian- s adjourned until Wednesday. Representative Services Held rBe'n i ' er. President Harry S. Truman VA : Eagsr. After Ihe nominations wen held he time was given to Mrs. Thom-- 1 Randle, wh entertained the club with an nccniml of her experiences and ohniTvnt ions of her trip to England. (Thank you. Mrs. Randle, for a very Interesting periisl of discussion.) The program was arranged hy Ken Arch- t1 f ! -t |