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Show November The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Page Two THE EUREKA REPORTER Primary Heads Fill Vacancies mujsiiu) weekly at eureka. utaii Printed by Si'MNGviLLE, u Utah 1948, at 3, 1879. matter February 10, poet office at Eureka, Utah, under the Act of March "Entered second-clas- s Subscription In Advance, Per Year, $3.00; I'er Copy, Editor and Manager. .... Reporter ... NATIONAL CDITORIA- 10c two counselors, Alice Peart and Ada Cherry, both experienced in Primary work. Orena Spurrier was retained as aerretary of the organization. Mra. Spurrier has held that position under three presidents of the Primary, beginning as secretary under VeKue Sandstmm and retaining the position under Norma Jameson. Mrs. Colovlch reports that her organization is completely staffed with a group of fine and experienced IMWNTAIIVI ADVIIIISINO NATIOnAI the Hakuison Conover Mas. Belle Coffey ......... L- SSOCIATION 'liilouuiy Jlt&rdtAm 5tews 5loUs Trom (5osbn, Submit news to Ruth White by Tuesday Evening. The younger set celebrated the Hallowe'en nenson when Dianne Kirk. Winifred Knundy and Greta Lindquist acted aa hiwteasea to their friendu at a spook party held on Saturday night, October 80. CoNlumed figures when they unmasked proved to be Janet Jenaen, and Myma Throckmorton of LeAnn Thomas, Joel White. Cliffonl Thomas. Billy Jaaperaon. and Cary Horton. Richard Carter Sally Sorenson. Delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all. Orlolier i Refreshments were 29. enjoyed by all. Arrangements were under the direction of the seventh, eighth and ninth grade student officers, with Keith Riley, Kenneth Lindquist and John Roberta respective presidents of the grouis. Oe-nnl- a. Mow Ooleen Okelberry was hoa-tesduring the A. C. Homecom- . . scheduled on the school calendar when they held their traditional Hallowe'en Dance of the eve of Witches, goblins and held sway last week when the (iiwhen Ward Primary held two entertainments for all the children enrolled. On Tuesday afternoon a progressive party was belli, (lames were enjoyed by all and refreshments served in keeping with the Hallowe'en theme. On Thursday lit 5:00 o'clock a costume diimv was enjoyed by all children of primary age. Mimic was supplied by Mr. Aaron Card, Junior High school music teacher, and his band students. is w ing weekend to Marylynn RolHTts,independent womens repreaenlutive fnim the "U. enjoyable ".100" parly was held at the home of Ethel Morgan last week. Frizes were won by Grace Jasperson and Rebecca Dainty and tasty refreshments were served Ruby Steele, Wylma Jasperson, tlraee Jasper-soFaye Morgan, Nellie Finch, Vera Smith. Reliecea Jasierson and the hostess. An Jas-penm- n. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne Jensen and sons Is'oii anil Roger, Mrs. Ann Jensen and son IVlwin were guests recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jensen. A chicken dinner was served, the occasion being Mra. Jensen's birthenjoyed day. n, Mrs. Virginia Roberts a reunion with her sisters at Salt lake and Tooele last week while their huahands were hunting. Tlwntre going and shopping were the diversions. Mrs. Jewel Jensen, Mrs. Sheldon Sullivsn were the Tiioele hostesses and Mrs. Dorothy entertained the city. in An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jensen by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jensen. Mrs. Ann Jensen, son Del- win and Mary Ism Lewis. The par- j ty was held in honor of Mrs. Jen-Iuttt sen's birthday. Ice cream and 'cuke were served. Winona Jenson and Gail Finch at the acted as viAnn Jensen was a week-en- d sitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Iatrick at Hal- lowe'en party held at the Finch home in Genolu for members of the O. N. O. Club last Wednesday evening. Games in keeping with the Hallowe'en theme were the diversion of the evening. Luncheon served at a gaily decorated Me ruled by a Hallowe'en witch and her goblin friends. The evening of fun was enjoyed by Elva Okelberry, DeVar Sorenson, Nelson, Aveline Kirk, Sylvia Sleek. Fem Horton, Iaine Kirk and Ruth White. Midvale. rainier Mr. Frank spent a week recently San Francisco, California, in the Interests of the leasing amociation of the Tin-ti- c Mining District. vh Mr. and Mra. Elbert Erickson, of Spanish Fork, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wall Sunday. Two vaeaneies in the Auxiliary organizations of Eureka ward were reported filled by the recent announcement of the scleetion of Wanda Colovlch as president of (he Eureka Ward Primary, and of Ia Vern Hauer as president of the Eureka Ward Relief Society , Mrs. Colovlch has chosen as her' ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY in Recently Mr. and Mrs. Keith IVery spent an enjoyable two day vacation in Salt I tike visiting with relatives and friends. workers. La Vern Bauer has chosen as her counselors, Ella Sandstrom and Beatrice Ross, both counselors to the outgoing president. Janet Lee. Secretary to Mra. Rauer will be Ruby Bigler. Mrs. Bauer is rapidly completing the organization of her staff of workers, The release of A. M. Ross from the suporintendency of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Asso ciation will lie effected soon. Mr. Ross has accepted employment in Midvale and is planning on moving, his family there in the immediate future. Efforts Underway To Organize A New Scout Troop Efforts are being made by several local nicn to develop a Scout Troop for bnya who are not members of tbe L. D. S. church. For a number of years these boys have lai-members of the local Eureka Ward troop, which is sponsored by the Y. M. M. I. A. These boys are still and always will lx- welcome in thy I I. S. troops. The more troops there are in the Santaquin-Tinti- r district the more we will like it. as it shows interest in boys and that they are having the opportunity to learn and develop though scouting. It it the hope of the district officers that those who may sponsor a new troop will give the matter serious thought before making any move. Fimt, there must he a sponsoring institution such as a church, a lodge, a civic or some other organization to father or promote the movement. There must also lie a scoutmaster, an assistant scoutmaster, and at least five troop rainniiltecnicn. men who will help the seoutmasler to plan the troop activities. These men. in order to make a successful troop must lie willing to devote time and much of It. Before this new troop is organized we hope these things will tie studied and considered, so that the NEW TROOP will be a permanent organization. - Births . -- and Mra. Elmo Howard are rejoicing over Mra. Jeanine Morgan West is the birth of a baby daughter at recovering from a very serious the Iayson hospital on Wed. Oct. illness which confined her to the 27th. Tlie baby weighed 8 lbs. 4 Holy Cross hospital In Salt Lake oz. This is the couples first child. City. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Ausdal Mr. Ned Okelberry la recupera- announce the birth of a baby girl ting from an injury caused by a Sunday Oct. 31st at raywon hosIn face. his cyanide gun explosion pital. The little newcomer has a The accident occured In the west sister. Tlntlc area where he and two companions were hunting for deer. SANTAQUIN -- Mr. and Mrs. George Ftnrh have a baby girl Attending the Daughter of Utah horn at Payson hospital Monday Pioneer Convention In Provo Sat- Oct. lth. urday were Mrs. Naomi Jermain, Mrs. Emma Steele, and Mrs. Mra. A. R. Hudson reMr. Elizabeth Burraslon, all officers ceived and word of the birth of a baby of the Goshen camp of the Utah grandson at the LDS hospital In Pioneers. Salt Lake City to their daughter and Melva and Inland Conference Held Carbine. The baby waa born Monday Oet. 2.1th and two aister, Rita The Second Ann and Louise are anxiously SANTAQUIN ward held ronfrrencc In their awaiting s peek at their brother. building Sunday night, with They have been staying with Mr. executelve officers from all over ami Mrs. Lloyd Westover In Santhe stake present. Taking part in taquin the past month. the program were: Talks by Kathle Tischer and Justin Lamb; solo. Thomas Chatwin returned SunMra. Uli Crosby; solo. Geraldine day front a vacation at Richland. White; talk. Marguerite 1nwelsnn Washington. He visited there with and Lu Dean Sax. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tavlor. Mra. Gladys Boswell has just returned from a month's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Okelberry of San Francisco, California. Mr. and Mrs. Wrndell Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Halite Morgan left Wednesday morning for a trip to San Francisco, California. Their combining business with pleasure and Man to be gone about a week. Recently a bridal shower was In honor or Mias Donna Marie who Fowler, a popular bride-elec- t, plans to many Mr. Clyde Hansen of Farmington, Utah tn the very near future. Mra. Virginia Roberta held acted as toast mistress for the cleverly arranged program. Those assisting were Carina and Monte Bowna and Mra. Della Evans of Payson. Utah and Helen Steele and Carol Branagun of Goshen. Miss Fowler received many useful and lovely gifts. Dainty bridal refreshments were served. SANTAQUIN-- Mr. son-in-la- Amid an array of Hallowe'en motifs and confetti the Goshen Junior High school students f relived at their first night party DELIVERY TUESDAY n kill I E'C HANDLE PHONES SATURDAY LG. A. MARKET m llllllllll'tl,l ;ii 1J. . Ill A J -I LOW PRICKS EVERY DAY li'i ii'l (!, ilti Is' kill I I. MEATS SMOKED PICNIC- SMorrell's Small III" , ll)ilHHIill lilil'i Miss Colccn Irons entertained a on group of friends at her home the Saturday, Oct. 30. at 6 p. m.,birthoccasion being her twelfth were in day. All guests bidden included: Hallowe'en attire, and Barbara and Nan Burnet. Teddy McKay, Bobby Williams. Andrew PetISorgeson, Jack Miller, Donna erson, Sharon Dunn, Joe Johnson, Robbie Downey, Francis Peterson. Kathleen I lore, Connie and Vernon Clark, Jolene Hudson. Sherri Goudy, Patay and Betty Downey, and Carol Jean Hartvigson. All Fifth grade students were invited to a Hallowe'en birthday party at the home of Jolene Hudson Monday evening. Nov. 1. The basement of party was held in the decorated In her home, that was All guests Hallowe'en theme. passed thru a spook alley and were entertained with gamee. Six cosprizes were given for the best were tumes. Hallowe'en goodies served. This was Jolene'a eleventh birthday. Friends meeeting at Dons Cafe in Payson Saturday night and enwere: joying supper together Monte and La Rene Briggs from Wendover, Utah; Morris and La Vieve Draper, and Gerald and Francis Tischner from Salt Lake; McClain and Stella Nelson from Genola, Kathle and Edith Tischer. Arvil and LaRue Houghton, and Albert and Lou Kay from Santaquin. U III I!. lb. rnA ; - 40C MUTTON 2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connihe held an anniversary Halliiwe'en housewarming party at their new home in Spanish Fork. Saturday night. Many relatives anil friends came in masquerade to congratulate them and join in the festivities. Those attending from Santaquin were: Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Armstrong and son Howard; from Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Theron 50-l- b. By Mra. C. E. Rife The reorganization of the Lchi Tintic Company took place in Salt Lake City. Walter Traak, J. C. Dick and Fred Dcrn resigning from the board of directors and E. R Wooley, Lawrence Heath and JamtM Larsen being elected to fill the vacancies After the new directors had been named Mr. Wooley waa made president. Chas. Zabriskie who had been president was made vicepreaident. There was extensive development work being planned under the new act-u- 1111111 1 u Ilunrhes 1 C CEU). SPINAC- HRaj; ulC Hunch Carrots v n ij L Hunches 13 C 036 ; RADISHES Roman Reauty Apples Good Cookers Hu. ; i 1 Z.flS) i Shoutz anil Dr. A. H. McChryatal. The Eureka Reporter ended 28 years of service. On Nov. 1. 1900, the first Issue of the Reporter under the management of C. E. llu-ia- h made its appearance in Eureka. The first Issue carried a limited amount of advertising and going to only a few hundred local people, was the beginning of a business enterprise that has played a most tinportant part in the history of Utah's greatest lead-silvmining district. Bonnie Jean Carter and Myrlc Gears, entertained at an enjoyable Hallowe'en party at the Carter home. Gnmea and n delicious luncheon were features. Among those present were: Bernice Clark. Bessie Blight. Elizabeth Hickman. Bessie Simpson. Katherine Kilmur-ry- . Risy Koinnty. Iiorothy Haynes. Eleanor Clawson, Patricin Bonner. Martha Werman. Iona Clawson, Merritt Hinstensen. Bert Thomas. Albert Carlson. Reed Householder, Ul.: ford Hansen. Ralph Cnsiuon, tlenh m Fnsby. Frank Taylor. Curl Biandt. Kenu th Allen and Harry Carter. Mrs Leonani Davis slid son Joe returmsl home freni California where they had been visiting, with rr J w; , j m-- er STAR j j . . Mr. and Mrs Joseph Schlecht. Mildred Rife entertained a number of little friends at a Hallow e'en party. Following an evening of enjoyment, luncheon was served to Henry Wall, Junior Smith, Howard Burton, Bob Done, Junior Ostler, Dora Duckworth, Geraldine Bush, Adele Towers, Viola May White, LaRue Duckworth, Richard Sylvester, Elva Allred, Ruth Davis, Alcne and Carlos Rife. The Democratic Ladies had planned a tea to be held at the Kiwanis headquarters. They called themselves the A1 Smith club. Newman succeeded him. Work at the Silver Shield waa confined to the 9K) ft. level at that time. The Tintic Mercantile Company, the district's oldest store was wild early in the week, passing out of the hands of the McChryatal Investment Co. Abe Wolfe of Salt Lake was the purchaser. The Tintic Mercantile Co. wns established in 1881 by the McCrya-ta- l Investment Co. of Salt Iike City. Among the men who managed the affaire of the store were: John II. McChryatal, S. J Carpenter. Ferdinand Christensen, W. S Karls. Phil Hark. Fred A. Exrjffst sec-m- g cu Tables were arranged for bridge A good road waa being built and 500''. Mrs. J. J. Gallagan and to the Apex Standard Mine, under Mra. Allen of Salt Lake were to L. direction of Hugh the Connelly be the speakers. of the Chief Cons. Mining Co. Governor George H. Dem was in The new road would shorten the distance between Eureka and the Eureka to attend a political meetmines in the southeastern part of ing. He was accompanied by O. Tintic District. K. Clay, Democratic candidate for Edward Ohlaon who had been the supervisor of the Silver Shield attorney general. for tuo years, resigned and Bnoc p. couple of Tintics fell known ,, . zena are thinking. ,'n'y to go out deer hunting 0ne during the deer season, and hieS ? all day. never once Toward evening they wi n. home and aa they neared the ft, ka cemetery, a deer came the road directly i i? path of their car The iinfortmj! animftl ran directly into t infected. latest reports a w)ro fencPi knocking it out to that she is responding nlrely pletely The Mr treatment, and should be well the t.tr ajj tor h(1p week. thinJf out 0f the enough to return home this wire, and to her husband frantically Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Clement and responded in a hurry and came within about .10 fcot .. daughter, Bonnie and Mrs. Velma were Weslburg of Mojave, Calif.,of Mrs. deer, was amazed to it fa? itself and make off f in Eureka for the funeral tangle Delilah M. Bowden. Mrs. Clement hill. And where was the ra? the car. jZ is a granddaughter of Mrs. Bow- you guessed it-- In an they went home! Whit .u den. H. E. Jones, local depot agent for the D. and R. O. win leav oia Saturday for a visit to his w ill home In Columbus, Ohio. This be his first trip home since 1911. He will travel by plane from Denver to Columbus, and expects to be gone for about ten day. roRumor has it that there is connection In air in the mance waa there to do? with thin trip. Relief agent W. T. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne White and The Story About the Deers Thu Jeffera will take over the duties Idaho, were Will IJve a Long Time at the depot during Mr. Jones! family 0f Twin Falls. of Mrs. funeral the for Eureka in absence. It all happened Sunday, White's mother, Mrs. Delilah when a group of younV Bowden. went out hunting deer. Local J. C. Penny employees pie were tn Provo last week enjoying group of good marksmen Miss Barbara Jerman returned over the hills and scaredwent e a meeting and banquet of Penny up , an of the Provo store. to Eureka on Saturday after Chl-agnumber of deer. The biggest fa personnel in Manweeks two were spent exciting was getting most of the attentiw Those making the trip K. I Archer, Mias Elaine Cago. She visited with her uncle- It seems that about four bo Lattur0f shells were shot at it. but iii Pett. Miss Donna Franks. Mrs. and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. P. Chi- of thpm hJt thp ,nark Mabel Sanford and John Farren. ner. She decided that while cago was an Interesting place to buck nearly kicked one of the ft. nice a waa still place lows in the face, and another Mr. and Mra. Walter Hoover visit, Eureka to live. of the fellows said that he cnul who have made their home at of run up and stuck the gun ia Tintic Junction for the past five Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Randle en- his years, have moved to Iron Springs, eyes; and none of them, untertained at a dinner party at Utah. had buck fever. claimed, on their home Saturday evening. of the group wu tl Mra. and Mr. were youngest Their guests daughand Newman Mrs. Arvid and Mammoth of Win. one who Roberts Mrs. had a good exnut Ann. only ters. Linda and Vicki Laird and daughter. Mr. and Mra. Robert Rowe of Eur- He had just gotten his dear jug Hamilton Sharon and Mrs. LeRoy Gourley eka. month ago. and daughter Brenda, spent SunL. to A. Mrs. are Tintic residents sorry day visiting Mr. and lose the A. M. Ross family. They I'.roih-ricat Yuba Dam. are moving to Midvale to make; THEATRE their home. Mr. Rosa has accepted Bit employment with the Utah and Steel Company of Midvale. EUREKA, UTAH He started work for that company on Monday, and aa soon aa hou- ing facilities can be found for the FRIDAY and SATMIDAV family, they will join him there. Nov. 5 - 6 Twenty Years Ago b. California ence llauer had charge of the meeting, , , Are The things one sees Wh. haven't a gun - that Mra. W. D. Myers Roland Dittmer is in Eureka Mrs. her home in Eureka after mother. his with visiting tended vacation .spent in Illinois, Nettie Dittmer. Mr. Dittmer ha. tne for Portland been residing at Little Catherine Lanwrn, daughpast several month. ter of Mr. and Mra. Max Larson, suffered severe burns severaln at who held was A cottage meeting Bay-sodaVs ago is confined to the Mrs. to the home of Mr. and hospital. The burns proved Rl 19 Still Being Told r"ed Oc-etob- er Dajj 1.60 RED RUSS SPUD- SZ.89 Rag 2o Society . . . from Payson. Mr. and Snyder: Mrs. Eil. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Loii Hansen, and Mr. and Mrs. Wavne Trotter; from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Farley; from Provo. Mrs. Maude Miller. Miss Vert Miller. . . . Mrs. Noreen Trotter. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hansen, and Mrs. Oliver Miller; from Spanish Fork. Mr. Salt Lake comes the word and Mrs. George Knutson. Mr. and of From birth of a baby son to Mr. the Mrs. John Harrison. and Mrs. Bailey. The welRalph Danring. progressive games and come little fellow was born refreshments were enjoyed by all. 29 at Holy Cross hospital. Mra. Bailey will be remembered Therefore I (Jesus I sav unto aa Miss Lois Davie. Maternal you. What things soever ye desire, grandparents and right proud of when ye pray, believe that ye re- the fact are Mr. and Mrs. Francis ceive them, and ye shall have Davie and we mustn't overlook them. Mark 11:24. great grandmother, Mrs. Mary E. The Davies and Mra. Edwards. Happiness consists in the attain- Edwards are former residents of ment of our desires, and in having Tintic and are well known in Eureka and Mammoth. only right desires -- Augustine. M ONION- S- Raff lo-l- b. 100-l- 7 lb. CHOI'S VEAL STEAKS Shoulder lb. LOIN REEF STEA- KA Grade lb. ORDER THANKSGIMNG POULTRY NOW! M). cele- season. -9 (tl Those young couples brate every year during pheasant FRUITS & VEGETABLES HACOX SQUARES 1- 'Deer Stories Santaquin News . 'Relief Society, 5, d. SUNDAY and MONDAY HOWARD HAWKS' RED RIVER" SANTAQUIN OF HARROW" Starring Rex Harrison, Maureen 0 Hr. The Thursday held a Hallowe'en Serial THURSDAY Louis Hayward Joan tab REPEAT PERFORMANCE" Cartoon Market Laihrdils Phone 58 Phone 16 MEATS RIB STEAK isr. 65c 29t Package MINCE MEAT PLEASE 65C round SHL 17( PUCE ORDERS FOR TURKEYS NOW HNtTHANKS6IVIN6! flourTale RED & WHITE FLOUR teachers, carpenters, TIP-TO- P sack 3.35 Sack WHITE ROSE FLOUR S3.35 3JS FLOUR Sack ROYAL HOUR sack PIKE'S PEAK FLOUR sack UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION - WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Mary Bylund. Mrs. Rodney Hudson served the second course, and Mrs. Idonna Crook the third. All were in costume, and the party was given in honor of members husbands. acturing. And basic products, in turn, are others." Xn THE FOXES night group progressive supper party Thursday night. Oct. 8. The first course was received at the home of Mrs. farming and manuf- mechanics, and - Two Cartoons Hallowe'en Progressive Party Enjoyed LARD sold outside the state and bring in money to support the service workers merchants, Starring PAULETTE GODDARD Short Mr. Rosa has lived in Eureka since childhood and is a highly respected citizen, and a member of the Eureka City Council. Tintic can ill afford to lose families of this type, but wish them well in their new home. BACOH "A Utah service industry, they tell me, is one that serves the people connected with basic industries like mining, AN IDEAL HUSBAND" Robert Sandstrom visited his parents. Mr. and Mra. Carl Sandstrom over the week-enBob is a student at the BYU. Other visitors at the Sandstrom home were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Milliman of Salt Lake. They also visited Mr. Millimans parents, Mr. and Mra. Fred Milliman of Mammoth. 3.08 3.45 |