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Show 1 j 1948- July 9 The Eureka (Utah) Reporter -- 5. c ta icKoi e friends (jet Word Of Recent Marriage s A Good Cook , - llirtlnlay Clul Al I ally " ... m sjH-n- 2nd Mr. Florence Henderson of Long Beach. The ceremony was performed , he cathedral of the Madeline, 3. Rev. Saturday morning. July officiated at the gobert J. Dwyer mass. nuptial The bride, given in marriage by J. E. Kounalis. her brother-in-lawedwM jowly in a white satin with white covered ding Kwn boat shaped neckljnce It had a sleeves. She pointed and long ine carried a white prayer book with a purple orchid. Her sister, Mrs. John Kounalis, Mrs. L. yeas matron of honor and D. Winger of Los Angeles, sister of the bridegroom was attending Miss Evelyn Maher, matton. bridesmaid, and Miss Jeannie Dent oerved as flower girl. L D. Winger performer duties of best man, and serving as ushers were Jerry Crowley and John visiting with Mr. Fennell'a ninther. Mm. P. J. Fennell. Curds, I. iiiii liron Al liiilluloy Party Miss Genv Ohorn Is spending few weeks Mrs. Ila Sutherland entertained in honor of Mrs. Lucille Knotts, ' on last Thursday evening, the occasion being her birthday. Mre, Knotts was presented with a beautiful gift, and guests at- -' tending were Mrs. Ada Cart-- . wright. Mrs. Jessie Faun Mangun, Mrs. La Dora Brady, Mrs. Virginia Cartwright. Mrs. Helen Ferris. Mrs. Margaret Brady. Mrs. Olive' Carlron and Elizabeth Johnson. Cards provided the evening's entertainment and prize winners were Mrs Knotts, high score: Mis. t. Carlson, and Miss Johnson. consolation. The hurt css a delicious luncheon. i all-cu- ' i Downey. Tooele. a visiting relstives in Just-a-Mc- ng. Mrs. Melvin T. Briggs, formerly Miss Jean Rowe and cousin of the bride, served as hostess and the Misses Phyllis Dent, Bonnie Jean Griffin and Josephine Maher Mrs. J. L. Jarman was in charge of the gift room. The couple left for a short honeymoon in San Francisco, and upon their return wiU make their home in Salt Lake. The new Mrs. Pugh la a ncice of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe, and her mother, Mrs. Leona Small, the former Miss Leona Henriod, was a resident of Eureka for a number of years and is well known in Tintic District d. horn- - on the .ns Angeles area. She will visit Mr. and Mm. Richard Gat-le- y and baby, and Alex Gatk-y- . Muu Barbara Jerman returned to her home on Thursday after spending the past ten daya visiting at the home of Miss Lois Groomer in Ogden. Friends of Frank Gear are happy to ace him circulating He has been on the sick list for the past two weeks. is DIFFERENT because it has Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Thompson and family spent the holidays In Preston, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Baker and family returned on Sunday after a week's vacation spent in Idaho Falls. Idaho. Mr. anil Mrs. Wm. Bate and sons. Billy. Richard and Jerry are spending the week in Provo. nrnra Miss Marguerite Sandstrom i home Saturday, after spending an enjoyable two wveka with her aunt, Mrs. Edith Ora- nato of Salt Lake. turned r--a Bates and family of Pro4th visiting Mm. spent Bates' mother, Mm. E. A. Stokes and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Newrs. W. V. vo INSIDE a circle of hot radiators! Youd soon feel pretty well "cooked. But if you sat DOWN on a radiator, the application of heat would be decidedly The same principle applies to Monarch's exclusive side heat cooker. Monarch s side heat actually wraps the heat around the food tenderizes more thoroughly mm speeds cooking stews. No need to stir than and bakes rather foods do not stick to bottom! J. Bernard Bate and tiaughter of Denver. Colorado were guests at the Stokes and Never homes during the week. Mr. Bate Is a nephew of Mm. Stokes and this was his first trip to Eureka. They left on Tuvsday for a trip through Southern Utah Parka, and plan to stop In Eureka on their re- eMAGINE yourself sitting con-centrat- ed. turn trip. Mm. Anna McDonnel spent the 4th in Provo, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mm. David Bigler Jr. 5 "MARCH'S tltric Ran M HUM FUf. the summer. Air. Cherry liad unusually good liu-fishing, lie caught 12 big Alacklnaws, and thia did not come , from Air. and ia definitely not a tall fish story, but the real AIcCoy. He had the catch to prove thia statement. k Clu-rry- Card, lliuiiiics Ft'alurod Al Mori Columbia Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting on Thursday evening at the I.O.O.F. Iadge ronma At the conclusion of the business meeting, card were enjoyed and tasty refreshments served by the hostesses. Mm. Virginia Bradford, Airs. Franrcs Ewell, Mm. Avis King and Afra. Alice Peart. l'Jilo Cluli At Morting DANCE d. Two-thir- great-grandparen- Mrs. Mabel Sanford in spending her vacation In Salt Lake visitbaby; Mr. snd Mrs. LeRoy Gour-le- y ing friend. slid family; Air. and Mr. f hamberj and family; Mrs. Samuel Allman Sr. and Wayne Mrs. Clarence and Mr WahlquiMt of Allman Blaine Air. and Aim. and daughter Bethea, and non at are Calif, visiting San Diego. Farrell; Margaret Gourlry and the home of Mr. snd Air. Sam. Gmirley Allman. Mrs- - Allman senior. was reported to be wry Fishing Tintic In District, well known for MMr due to heavy winds. Several Mammoth in resided having mentioned had plana number of years prior lo moving of the above to stay several days, but since ned California. lo . fishing wa. practically nil. they r- - tur-- d !o 'heir homes and plan and daughter. Milhv R.fe at a later date. If and to retui'i Mrs. Wm. McDonnel and am, wind stops. .V (Eureka a. after returned .,in , i Carl-lhe w,nJ !' ' place ,h'' " Yd-! ..I, vint vacation spent in or is its) blow, Trevo and; r.e Park. Ogden. , j AiMT.r.in Fork. Mr mid Mm. A. E. Tuckett wtertainlng Shim-siand June Mi 't a laimly dinner, York New spent of 't:n S.i! Members of the family preiwnt t . days m Eureka I'Hj-- t lii Shimnd.i's Mr. ai.d Mm. Rrennon l.ndber visit nig Mrs. vf;n an-- I imily, Uw. Mr. and Mr. Curd--sisb-r-iFrisby in She lived ll Thomas. Harry Ysm.-ishitoa is and time some F'urek.1 graduate of Tintic High school., Mie Neil O'Hare spent the, Mn ShmvHin jin1 iwn nccorojfin l m Eureka visiting 'i.,1 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ysms-- j Sh returned to her home nds fro a on holiday and son. Gary In Sail Lake on Tuesday. "np 10 Ogden 'and Balt Lake. 1 a Amelia Westman on Wednesday evening. The party was held at the home of Mra. Louise Frisby. Can. provide J the evening's diand the hostess served version. ta ,.y refreshments to Mrs. Ada Cherry, Air. A. E. Tu::kett Mm Naomi Cushing, Mm. Idcna Gunderson. I'm. Jeanlne Johnson, Airs. Ila SuthrGaid. Vra. Gertrude I!- unif n. and the guest of honor. - The dab p: wnted Ain. with a lovely gift. Prize winners were Airs. ing. fi;sl; Mra Gunderson, t. Airs. Johnson, Cherry. ennsMatinn. Hll-rn- Ilovs w Y.'csl-ms- n JULY and ATrj. M-i- . pa-ri- ; , BOWL STADIUM boat - Jhr Wd. 14 SI hit MIDSUMMER l - I'M-bnv- s 'Jhe F'nL wat i i treated to a weiner roast at the Power riant. Thursday night. July 1st. Those attending were Bishop Gordon lleelis, Clinton Smith. Karl Fowkes, Gary Braithwaitr, ren Ahlin, Billy Greenhalgh. Jack York, ftou glass CIsyson, Rsd-Hudson, and Russell Downey. IS Ike. I SI SS S4 fri. Sat. It DREAM - 17 M Ike. NIGMf-- 1st. S7 Taa. MmL SO (Tm.A S (Maa.) :j: RiMnrcd Seaiti (j; SS 40 far Oaa Shaw, S3 M far Serb Stowe; :j SS far far ij! Oaa Stow, Irik Stow SI 40 My SANTAttt'IX Anroii.-- 14-2- 7 (NOW I -- it joy R Ink A lyric i, iinww Kwi- latad aa by Otcar HasunanMis II Ac NmI by Uca fyrbar Cush- n-- ' 1D.X.IR., Betty Treloar spent the holidays In Yellowstone Park and Jarkwin Hole country. Betty and Connie remained at Jackson Hole where they will be employed for Her Pie Makes A Good Meal Better i Wttr J J. Cherry and The Elite Club met at the home of Mra Elizabeth Franks on Thursday of last week. Roast Bridge waa the evening's diversion and delicious refreshments Cltdi luijoyed Ry were served by the hostess. Afembem present were Mm. AIra Thelma Roberts and Mra Kffie Bell entertained the members Elaine Arrher, Aim. Clara Jerman. of the Pinoehle club at a welnie AIra Myrtle Theriault, Mm. Deon roast" at the City park on Thurs- Ferguson, Mm. Elva Cullen. Mm. Thelma Griggs and Mra. Belle day of last week. Alembers attending were: Airs. Coffey. AIRS. DOROTHY NELSON Aim. Griggs won tumor prize Virginia Randle, Airs. Mae Alark-haAim. Dora Handle, Mm. Ellen and first prize, and Afra Cullen Randle, Airs. Jean Rowe, and the won the cut prize. special guests of the evening, Atm. Lila Altlne and Mra. Carol Larson. Mra Alta Runsell of Balt Lake Prize winners were Mra Vir- spent the past week visiting at ginia Randle, AIra Alae Atarkham the home of her son and daughter-inand Aim. Dora Randle. -law, Mr. and Mm. Gordon Frisby. Her daughter Mm. ShirAir. and Mm. Leo WebLuzn and ley Judkins also of Salt Lake, lliis week s rook, Mrs. Dorothy Nelson, is nnollicr of family are now making their joined her on Friday and spent home In Springvllle. Tintic peo- the holidays at her brother's our young matrons from Dividend. She rertainly know the ple am sorry to lose the Westman home. They returned to their way lo a man heart, because the above recipe is the kind family, but wish them well In homes in Balt Iake Monday of pie that men really go for. their new home. A a pastry cook she stands Visitors Al high in the liat of good cook already listed in this paper. Anil orson Home She does other things equally The P. N. Anderson home In well, or so aay the people who know her best. She la the former Alammoth waa the scene of happy Alias Dorothy Gillispie, daughter surprise over the week-enof Air. and Mm. Robert Gillispie Friday, Air, and Air. Rex Anof Eureka, and is well known in derson and daughter, Patricia, of Salt Lake, dropped in for a day Tintic. This particular pie makes a visit with Air. Anderson's parbanquet out of what ordinarily ents. Rex la with the Westing-hous- e would he just a plain meal. Give Company In llie capacity of the family a treat and have it for eleetrical engineer, and waa leavSunday dinner. ing for a month's tour of the I.F.MOV CHIFFON PIE WestinghouHC factories in the EVERY SATURDAY AND WEDNESDAY 1 Envelope Knox Gelatin western stale. i4 Cup cold water Sunday, Air. and Airs. Itunson 3 Eggs Brondbciil, Air. and Mrs Jerald Broadlx-n- t and baby sun, adde-- ancup sugar By the Light of the Silvery Moon other lemon surprise and spent the 4th juice rup at the home of Airs. Broadbent'a a tsp. salt 1 tsp. grsteil lemon rind. parents. The new Hroadbent baby Soften gelatin In cold water. makes Mr. and Airs. P. N. Anderat the Beat egg yolks, add 4 cup sugar, son something which are and about Conk in salt. lemon juiee very proud. they double boiler until custard con- The Broadbent'a live in Suit Lake. but not least, Atr. and stir constantly. Add sistency. softened gelatin, stir until dis- AIra. Bliss Alikescll and sons, Rich SILVER GARDENS solved. Add grated rind. cool. anl and Leroy of Salt Lake, and When it begins to thicken fold in Airs. Betty Keelry of Glendale, stiffly liesten egg whites to which Calif., were Alonday visitors at the remaining sugar has been added. Anderson home. EUREKA, UTAH Turn into baked shell and chill. Mr. Broadbent is the former Alisa Madeline Anderson, and Mm. Serve with whipped cream. AlikeaelL the former Alisa Roah The following Eureka people Anderson. Airs. Keeley is the forALWAYS THE TOPS IN GOOD MUSIC the holiday at Fish Lake: mer Alia Betty Atikeaell. Air. Mikesell reports that his Air. and Aim. Frank Peart and daughter. Kathryn and Darlene father, Jack Mikesell, well known and Betty Ixiu Richie; Mr. and in Tintic District, la seriously 111 AIra Dewey Robinson and son. In a Salt Lake hospital. Jvrrv: Mr. and Mm. Vaundell Christensen and baby daughter 500 and lire Burraaton; Mr. and Mm. Frirndly Harold Chatwin; Mr. and Mrs. At Kcgu! nr Meet Vern Franks and daughter, DonThe Friendly '500" club enterna; Mr. and Aim. Darrel Franks; at a farewell party for Mra. tained and Lauren Franks Air. and Mrs . , r Art AiIm ys cm prtpan ior Monoinkally wilt SMo-Hh- I, Alls Aim. Lila, Lowell and Connie, all-cu- - CbKfcM and Airs. Olive Carlson entertained the members of her card club on Friday evening. Cards were the diversion and a delicious luncheon was served to Airs. Sarah Clement. AIra Alame Alaxwell, Mrs. Lavcrn Will lama AIra Pearl Ilunnella Mr. Carrie Dunlavey, AIra Alta Russell, Mm. Alae Narf and AIra. Louie Barrett. Prize winners were Mm. Pearl Ilunnella, high wore, and AIra tat. vern William, M-s- f and Afr. family, Friday Purty Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Henderson. Nev., were in town for a few hour on Sunday saying hello to the Eureka folk and visiting at the Maynard Cronin home. The Taylor came to Utah to attend the funeral of Mrs. Taylor's brother, Clarence Manguin, who was buried in Salt Lake, Saturday. They formerly lived In Eureka before taking up renid-n- ce in Nevada. Park Card Cl ul At Mm. Mary H. Driscoll. Driscoll accompanied her son a far as Salt Lake and returned Thurs- Cooker r Mrs. A small group of Eureka people spent their holiday, Monday, at Little Valley. They went early Her guests were Mrs. Gertrude enough to cook breakfast and Hannifin and daughter, Gertrude spent the day In games and reMr. and Mrs. Gordon Frlaby Those participating Mrs. Louise Frisby ind laxation. ind daughter, Nancy, were dinner Ann, were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bau and and Louise Nancy guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tho- daughters. er and family. Dr. and Mrs. Oborn Mrs. Henry Franks. mas on Friday of last week. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lee and family, Bishop and Mm. Alonzo Sands tram and family and Miss Virla Sandstrom. feg'Deep-Hee- f I last week. fl ha spending a short vacation with his mother, Mrs. A. E. Tuckett entertained at a delightful luncheon on day of last week. 1 Lt. Col. Wm. H. Driscoll return-i- l to Washington D. C. , early re Valene Livingston on Wednesday evening. Cards were enjoyed and delightful refreshments served to the Ma x i n e following members: Schow, Faye Wall, Ruth Catley, Donna Paxman, Alliene Farren, Grace Chatwin and special gucrits Millie Kay. Vilo Barrett and Helen Duggins. The last two mentioned were from Provo. Prize winners were Millie Ksy, Faye Wall and Alliene Farren. ' i a Mrs. I j iiiifsltni was at breakfast given Is 0(111 I luslrss wedding the Weasku inn. A reception Mrs. Ruby Sorenson left on Frihonoring the couple was held at club was pleasantly the Art Barn on Saturday eveni- entertained at the home of Mrs. day for an extended visit to I After the morning ceremony j '"if. tr'kL 2C A Vacation Al Mrs. Lucille Knotta entertained the members of the birthday club at her home on Monday evening, the honored guest was Mr Alliene Farren. A delicioua hot dinner was served and an evening of cards were enjoyed by the following members: Mrs. Lucille Christensen, Mm. Alice Peart, Mrs. Kaye Wall, Mrs. Ruth Gatk-y- , Mrs. Frances Ewell, Mrs. Miyo Yamashlto, Mm. Maxine Schow, Mm. Helen Weaver, Mm Margaret Lueas, Mrs. Grace Chatwin, Atm. Delores Robinson and Mrs. Olive Carlson. The club presented Airs. Farren with a lovely gift. r- ;jS! Of interest lo hureka people is (lie niiiri iac ol Mis, Mr. am! Mrs. John V. Fennell of Mrs. Leona Small ol Sail LAe. ,,f Sail Lake and Mrs. FVnnell'a Beverly Small, daughter mother, Mr. Rose Ward of of John II. Iugli t San IVan.isn, Springville the 4lh in Eur-ek- anil PuulL Pnfih. f ffi- - Page Three - SEI DOTH OREAT SNOWS SAVI MONIV Dm. SacNaa ft.SO Oiawl Adwhiiaa 7S AN MaN ctoth Sab lab Oaad Staff! ia Unhrtnify Ttoafra KIRbary CSy. IikWm alMfaMWt SpatNy DAnS WANTED. j:f j; NaN, j; ;! rfawytd Romombori' PromiodlVallovToridrgoJyourTsatsrNOW! |