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Show -- The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Page Four- olrTUAi-SHOO- National Newspaper Scheduled October 8 Mon. ytews Motes TFYom . (Bosben, at santaquin Submit news to Ruth White by Tuesday Evening. GOSHEN Mr. and Mra. Selwyn Newapaper Week Committee. Douae and Mrs. C. H. Douse were will Week National Newapaper at the home of be obeerved Oct. 1 to Oct. 8. fol- Monday viaitora rant on. Mrs. Bur Elizabeth Mra. establowing the date precedent the Is daughter of lished 9 years ago when the first Douse (Pearl) Burraston. Mrs. the observance waa aponaored by Newspaper Awoclatlon Managers. Mr. and Mrs Clive Nelson and The NAM planning com mi Lite and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Elton headed by Mr. Zielke Includes Doug of Deseret, Utah are and boys Cranston Williams, ANPA; Wm. week's vacation at a F. Canfield. Inland Dally Press spending Fish Lake. Aaa'n; Ralph W. Keller, MinneRuel Barlow, sota Editorial Aasn; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman and Illinoia Press A'n; Stanford family of Hawthorne, California, Smith' Georgia Press Asa'n; and arrived on Wednesday to sjend a Din Alcorn. Montana Prrew Assn. few visiting with Mra. Chap days Plans for the special observance man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. An of National Newspaperboy Day drew Jensen. Oct. 2, are being made by the Newspaperboy I CM Mr. and Mrs. Waldo W. Committee, headed by HowardBulk-tand family, and Mr. and Mrs. B. I Pa.) PhllaiMphla Stodghill, Jasperson and family have Just in. returned from a very enjoyable "The theme of National News- fishing and camping trip at Fish center I,ake. paper Week this year will about the simple yet thought-provo- king Mr. and Mrs, Gale Cook are subject of "How to Zielke Mr. Read a Newspaper," visiting with Mr. Cook's parents, The 1948 committee be-- Mr. and Mrs. Deloy Cook, prior said. Heves that thia year's campaign to j,la jiving for San Francisco should concern Itself again with and overseas duty Mr. Cook is the promotion of the basic funda- In the marine corp and has been mentals of newspapers. stationed in Texas. Rather than answer the charges of newspaper critics directly, the committee suggests that much more can be accomplished by an objective campaign to Inform the public as to the functions and responsibilities of Newspapers and as to the many difficulties, both routine and unusual, which newspapers must regularly overcome in performing their functions and meeting their responsibilities. It is the hope of the commit Dill A HUDSON. ' Rifc 1y beautiful i; - scenery 9,19)8 FOR SALE CHERRIES Large (Ub white cherries all amount trucka loaddol,ll, your own, Its cheaper. of Mr. and Mra. Verl Sudweeka Mrs. Dot Angersinger and Mr. with Calif-- , Sunday visited Ploche, of Provo A. Z. Robbins, Fox children of Long Beach, Mrs. Noreen Bentley Greenhalgh. Mrs. Roy and her and Mra. Angus South Main. Payaon. visited with Mr. Nevada vlalted last week with Mra. Td. 197-R-Olson two week ago and mother. Mra. Kaye Crook. She Jl of Olson and son Jimmie accompan left for Ploche Monday. Mr. and Mra. Vern Holladay attendHOMES TWO is in Jimmie 0 0 Calif. to the SantaoiT'l ied her Beach. Calif., visited at Orchards, berries, water ruL1 y summer school In Long Beach. Mra. Myma Johnson, of Jer- Long of Mr. and Mrs. Wah ing home returned home Sunday. Inquire Don Armstrong ome, Idaho will spend two weeks last week. They left for Mrs. Olson block north of (Howard's with her parents Mr. and Mra. home plane Tuesday. by of Defeats Santaquin. think Deuel. we Wendell Santaquin If you axe us what ft In success Nine President the Payson beat not the carpenter Mr. and Mra. George Sylvester Mr. and Mra. Frink Wall have the Democrat party we ll and and moat Glade He'a the son Jasperson the and saw: their remind aa chips." old The the of guests Santaquin family MANTAQl'IK you Junior Baseball League team family of California. played Payaon Friday on SantaMr. and Mrs. Vance Jarvis and quin grounds. The home team waa children from Butte. Montana are victorious by an 5 score. a Jarvis and ENJOY YOURSELF viaitlng Mrs. other relatives for a few weeks. And Trap Shoot at waa held Park City Santaquin waa aponaor5th. It Monday. July ed by Santaquin Firemen. Men from the neighboring towns participated. Hama, bacon and other items were won by the crack shots.'' ' 2. LEGAL NOTICES 8-- 2h-ll- Probate Meat Prices To Continue High Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information 4-- H prjay ment reports. j The meat supply always declines of y Mp gni Mri NOTICE of MEETING during the summer, the depart-- , Tremonton spent last week with The Members Of "Annual To on ment pointed out in a report Mr gnd Mrg CarroI rvuel. Silver Jubilee:" the livestock situation. At the Notice is hereby given that a of level same time, the and of the Mp an, Mrg Cliff meeting of the members Income la rising During the rstjfa wore dinmr gU(.ts of Mra. "Annual Silver Jubilee." has been of farmers this six months year H1 Dav)a SpanWlh Forki s, in- railed and will be held at the City got 10 per cent more for meat . Hall in Eureka. Utah, on the 26th y' than they did last year. They arc meet- day of July 1948. at which likeJy to get still more during the will' Mp an(J Mrg Eldon A.n f resolution the following second half of 1948. 4th and 5th ing Lake Salt acted spent July and upon: be presented As for future supply, the spring with Mr. James Allen. RESOLVED: That the organizapig crop, which starts coming to tion known aa. "Annual Silver market the latter part of this E. Riley of Mra. John Mr. and under the year, will be three per cent below Clearfield. Utah. Mr. and Mra. Jubilee. incorporate laws of the corporation last year and the smallest since Glade Tuttle of SprinRville and State of Utah. 1941. The fall pig crop, coming Mra. Keith Westover of Mr. and R. L. GARITY, la next along spring and summer, Salt Lake, spent July 4th and 5th Chairman. expected to be one per cent with Mr. and Mra. Golden Taylor. Published in the Eureka Resmaller than last year. porter, July 9. 16. 23. Mr. Bill Lofgran. Ned and to the celebrate Utah Glendale, and picnic A awimming party LEGAL NOTICE fourth of July holidaya. While Jimmy Downey and Roy York, relunch waa held on Friday. July 2 to of Land Management, Bureau a from to turned viait were trip Tuesday there, they happy in compliment to Ada Burraston with Mr. District Land Office, Salt Lake California. Woodard's parents. on her birthday. Offering her City, Utah, June 4, 1948: Notice Nelcongratulations were Elaine Mr. and Mrs. Lester (Bud) is hereby given that on June IB, Miss Steele, daughter filed apson. Elaine Kirk. DeVar Soren- of Mr. Dorothy D. Mra. and Steele, Carlgren from Los Angeles. Calif., 1943, the State of Utah Ray 064087, Serial to son, Sylvis Steck. Fern Horton. returned to San Francisco, Cali- were Bud select, week. plication visiting here last Donna Cannon, Winona Jensen, fornia with Mr. and Mrs. Jack is the son of Mr. and Mra. Char- under the Act of Feb. 20, 1929, Gail Finch and Ruth White. for: Lot 4, and SEKSW14 Sec. 10, Done. Dorothy plana to spend les Carlgren. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, EKNW54 Sec. 15, some with weeks there visiting Mr. and Mra. Deloy Cook are Mrs. Done Sec. 21, T. 17 S., R. 2 NWViNEti Meserole Mr. and Mrs. Danny (Evelyn) and Mra. elated over the birth of their first Orval and son, Dennis Kerr, Long Beach, E., SEKSWVi. Sec. 7,17NEUNWK 4 Okelberry. (Lois) 13 S., R. W., grandchild. Stork news from Salt Calif., are visiting with Mr. and Sec. 18. T. Lake brings the news of a son. Sec. 12. T. 13 S.. R. 18 W., A Mr E. la W. Mias Leona Mra. Burraston Greenhalgh. visiting proud parents are Mr. and Mra. in Salt Lake with her sister and Meserole is the former Norma S.L.M., 449.09 acres. The Departthe The mother, Jolley. ment haa classified the lqnd Doyle brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. Greenhalgh. former Eunice Cook. Clarence Wilkinson and family. tion 7 of the Taylor Grazing Act, Mix Lora Jean Holman, daugh- - aa The Earl Woodard's motored to amended, and opened it River-ter Mra. Bertha Price from of Mr. and Mra. Miram been has all California, visiting man la the LDS hospital where tee," Mr. Zielke added," that grant to Minerz' Hospitals. Any Mr. and Mrs. T. aie a recovering from an newspapers will cooperate to the at the home ofMr. H.1 Mra. J. and and will end that the reading public have a better appreciation of Peery. Mrs. Price is a sister of Mrs. Fowler. newapapera by knowing more Mrs. Peery and Mra. Margaret York of Sandy them." is here visiting relatives and Nelson are Mr. Mrs. and Irving During National Newspaper Week thia year publishers will be proud parents of a new grandson. friends for a few weeks. She is proval. asked to apply the cub reporter The wee one is the son of Mr. and now at the home of her daughter A. J. PRESTON, Stan and Mr. Mrs. and Reid of Lake Mrs. Hurst Salt City. rule of who, what, when, why and Clerk in Charge. how to their own newspapers The mother is the former Botihie Gilson. In Eureka Reportci Published Nelson. If newspaper publishers can answer these questions satisfactorily Mr. ami Mis. Shirl Peterson left 1948. Mra. Birdie Okelhmy left for to the reading public, their public July 3rd. for New MexSaturday relations problems will be largely Hannibal. Missouri by plane. Mon- ico where they will visit their day, for a visit with her mother. daughter Grace and her husband. solved, the committee believes. The committee Is Indebted to Mra. B. F. Brockman. the National Newspaper PromoNow Available in A lovely afternoon party waa Mr. Darrell Holman took as tion Association for this year's National Newapaper Week Slogan. held at the home of Alta Hurras-to- n guests with him to Yellowstone! on Wednesday of last week. Park; Mark Williamn, Richard The slogan is a theme of a aeries of newapaper promotion adver- 500" waa the diversion of the IVterann. Charles McKay and tisements written by a committee afternoon and prizes were won by Howard Armstrong. They left of NNPA for members of The Ruth White, Mable Morgan and Saturday and returned Monday A delirious lun- night. Elva Okelberry. Inland Daily Press Association. cheon was served IaVoia Kirk. Bette Kirk, Elva Okelberry, Mabie M SILVER CLUB ill rt v . th U or : : la ; i E i non-prof- C it I Hoi-sid- e, opera-Fowle- Phone 180 Weaker Service wHfc Geeelae Maytag Parti iipert r, son-in-la- El'REKA BRANCH OF . . . UTAH BIT & STEEL SERVICE CO. Ornamental Iron Aluminum it Sheet Metal Work All Typos of Welding Bit h Steel Reconditioning Pneumatic Equipment Repair Representative A. M. ROSS Telephone 55 ! . fc,J Rom where I sit ... hr Joe Marsh, Will's Hospitality Isn't "Cracked"! Ever since January, Will Dudley planned to give hia living room that new look" planned to carefully refinish the woodwork and rrpiaster the wall. Every time Will got out ths putty to start filling in tho cracks, a neighbor stopped by to pass ths of day and first thing you knew, there was s group of us helping Will do ths job up right After Will called halt to ths evening work, we'd sit around ths fire enjoying a friendly argument and a sparkling glass of mellow beer. So Will living room doesn't' look like it did n year ago but it by far the most livable' living room I know: A place you can Mr. and Mra. Theodore Ahlin and family and Mr. and Mra. L. T. Ahlin spent July 4th picincing at Paysnn Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Keith IVery are visiting from Klamath, California. While here they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Larry Berg and their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milo daughters of Salt Lake spent Burraston snd Mr. and Mra. J. 5th with Mr. and Mra. Dick July II. Peery and their many friends. Morgan. Ruth White, Donna non and the hostess. Recent Hridc . . . JUST SONGS OF OUR TIMES m : C::: My Arms 2 1035 Yea Sir, That Here In Cocktails for Two-T- wo Cigarettes in the Dark Sol it ude The Very Thought of You Imst In n Fog 24071 Wagon Wheel My Baby RECENTLY SONGS OF OUR TIMES 1926 MARLENE FINGERLE, ARTHUR 8CHUTT Two Plano Medleys with Rhythm Accompani- RELEASED ' SONGS OF OUR TIMES 1950 TED STRAETER and His Orchestra IJst Price DECCA ALBUM No. List Price $175 BONGS OF OUR TIMES 1927 BOR GRANT and llis Orchestra DECCA ALBUM No. List Price $175 BONGS OF OUR TIMES 1928 BASIL FOMEEN snd His Orchestra DKUCA ALBUM No. List Price $5.75 BONGS OF OUR TIMES 1929 MARLENE FINGERLE, ARTHUR SCHUTT Two llano Medleys with Rhythm Accompaniment DECCA ALBUM No. List Price $3.75 AND HIS BAND AND VOCAUSIS SONGS OF OUR TIMES 1931 RAY BENSON and Hia Orchestra DECCA ALBUM No. IJst Trice LOOK SONUS OP OUR TIMES 1933 CHARLES BAUM and His Orchestra DECCA ALBUM No. IJst Price S. ADDITIONAL ALBUMS TO The Series will include 1917 Through 1943. Ask Every Sunday - 3:30 P. FOR BE RELEASED for Your Favorite Year! AA Brought To You By UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Mrs. Joseph B. White, Jr., the former Miss Joan Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lairenzo Clark of Santaquin, who wax wed recently In a lovely home wedding at her parent home. Mr. and Mrs. White are making their home in Springvllle. ....' SONGS OF OUR TIMES 1932 CARMEN CAVALLARO Plano Sulim with Guitar, Rasa anil Drum DECCA ALBUM No. List Price $1 m KSL ' 17 DECCA ALBUM No. s m of 24070 You're the Top I Get a Kick Out You Be Still, My Heart! I'll Follow My Secret Heart The Champagne Waits Yearning The Vagabond King Waltz Neapolitan Down By the Winegar Wolk Night FRANKIE CARLE a Continental Always Who? Just a Cottage Small tailing Feafurlpi 24069 The Object of My Affection Little Mas You've Had a Busy Day The Beat tr My Heart The Moon Was Yellow Isle of (pri-T- he Save Your Sorrow Five Foot Two, Eym of Blue MoonI'm Sitting on Top of 21034 Remember 1934 BOB GRANT and Hia Orchestra DECCA ALBUM No. List Price $171 24068 June In January Love Thy Neighbor-Lo- ve In Bloom You Oughta Be in Pictures1 With My Eyes Wide Open I'm Dreaming Stay As Sweet As You Are BASIL FOMEEN snd His Orchestra List Price $3.75 I) ETTA ALBUM No. 24032 Dinah Don't Bring Lulu If I Had s Girl Like You Brown Eyes Why Are You Blue? Drifting and Dreaming Only a Rose light and Bo the World TH2 SUMMER ELECTRIC HOUR 'Carle SONGS OF OUR TIMES 1925 ment I Series RELEASED Alahsmy Round Foundation 1 Song Hits of 1925 to 1934 240S3 Collegiate Poc ltU iifJ Staitt Httwttt Decca's "SONGS OF OUR TIMES Gan- always drop in for good talk, good brer, and warm welcome. From where I sit, so long ns Will Put that stmoaphers of hospital-tim- s ty and good fellowship ahead of everything else, well ail Iw happy to help Will change the look of his living room any time he wants. Copy fight, 1918, ev D j ! RANDIffS MARKET ur Ei SI ( .AUfHOMZID DCAlBt I to WHERE FRIENDS MEET at the Guardianship Notices Oneiila Greenhalgh, Cloward and Maurlne Ross, In-- 1 for higher meat prices atructora to a group of girls meat during the rest of their classes to a swimming thia year, the agriculture depart-- j night at Arrowhead, rty Dawnella SE14-SE- Wi Vi Hd-lada- thatnl n A-A- SANTAQUIN NEWS . . ... SANTAQUIN-- A 1-- Your Right to Know la the Key to All Your Liberties." Thla la th alogan for the 1948 observance of National Newspaper Weey. Announcement of the aelection waa made today by Carl A. Zielke, manager of the Wlaconaln Prew Association, chairman of the 1948 National HKLi) T 'y Allans Appliance . $w |