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Show i. rage m. . - At' iJ Two ELRERTA THE EUREKA REPORTER The Bon Ton 500 Club held ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY "Entered as Utah matter February second-claa- s 10, IMS, at the S, 1879." at Eureka, Utah, under the Act of March Subscription In Advance, Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10c HATIONAl AOVfiriSINO ICMISINTATIVI their Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Sanderson were week-en- d and Fourth of July guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bauer. NATIONAL (DITORI AL SSOCIATION CHICAGO Mr. and Mrn. Floyd Waterbury are here from Iaa Vegas, Nevada, visiting with Mr. Waterburys parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waterbury, and hia brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waterbury. NIW TOM SEATTLE IAN MANCISCO kuEaasj .jssassae Twenty Years Ago . . N. A. Robertson and hie none Stafford of Salt Lake, who for EAST UTAH LAND many years made their home here to a their mining pro- OPENS FOR FILING visit paid in North Tlntlc; The Hot perties The Bureau of I .and ManageStuff Mng. Co. being one of them. The Bullion Beck mine which ment has announced that 24,606 had hern inactive for four years acres, nine miles north of Moab, or more, was expecting to resume will be opened for filing, August 17, work. Shareholders of the Zunia Mng. Co., called a meeting to elect new offleers and to submit reports. A crew of about sixty men were engaged in laying heavier track on the Tintic branch of the Rio Grande Ry. The heavier steel was being laid between Laguna and the canyon sidings, some few milea east of Homansville can- Applications may be made under the homestead or desert land lawa or the small tract act of 1938. Veterans of World War II, given preference, may file from Aug. 17 to November 15. A advance period for simultaneous preference - right filings will begin July 29. Non - preference - right filings, authorized by the public land lawa will open Nov. 16, with a y yon. advance for simultaneous period of the Eureka Shareholders filings beginBanking Co. received checks for the regular quarterly dividend of ning Oct. 28. $2 a share. The members of the Eureka the "Elite" club. 500" waa the Fire Dept, entertained a num- game enjoyed. Mrs. Frank Rusber of firemen from various cities sell winning prize for high score of Juab and Utah counties. After and Mrs. Henry Davis house prize. their meeting, refreshments were A delicious luncheon was served to Mm. Joseph Fullenbach, Mrs. served. Several employees of the Chief George Forney, Mrs. O. A. Allred. Corn. Mining Co. accompanied by Mrs. Walter Franke, Mrs. J. H. their families spent the Indepen- Ellsworth. Mrs. Frank RiuuwAl, dence Day vacation at Fish Lake. Mrs. Henry Davis and Mrs. C. E. r, Rife. Among them were: William Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brohm and Walter ChrUtonherson, Edward Bonner and Lyman Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bauer left July 4th waa fittingly celebra- for a weeks tour through the ted In Eureka, with Gun aalute Yellowstone Park. at aunriae, patriotic band music, Merritt Christensen returned to races and contests for the chil- Eureka after a months visit at 20-ye- ar 20-da- Tre-loa- dren, baseball game, rodeo by local riders, fireworks and dance in the evening. Mrs. Carter very pleasantly entertained the members of 9, 19jj Mr. and Mis. R. B. (Tug) Fer- and Montana. and guson and children, Joanie Mr. and Mrs. Win. for a Bobby left on Saturday Mias Gloria Gear and two weeks vacation. They plan of Eureka, Mr. and Mm and of to home go to Seattle and Portland Smith and family, of Log Holiday guests at the Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Emron Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Runnells and down the coast to Blix of Salt Lake and cjw Mrs. Pearl Williams were Mrs. where they will visit relatives. family e Rachael McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. Rife and Barbara Jerman Ronald Turner, Mrs. Lottie TurMr. and Mrs. Ted Cartwright ner of Salt Lake. Cecil Dance of and daughter, Julie Ann, are reka spent the 4th r,f j,y 11 Blackhead, Mrs. James M. Wilson spending their vacation in Idaho Provo Canyon. of and granddaughter, Vicky Mrs. and Mr. Richmond, Calif.. Afton Rightman erf Ogden. RodWe Aim to Keep Food Costs at a Minimum . , . Ralph Williams ney Williams, and family and Mrs. China GalWithout Sacrificing Quality! braith of Salt Lake. EUREKA PERSONAL NOTES . . . rS . La-Ru- ....Harrison Conover ........ Mrs. Belle Coffey Editor and Manager Reporter Succeeds Bcncs T regular meeting at the home of Marguerite Waterbury on Thursday, July 1. Two tables of 500 were played and prizes were won by Crace Heck, high, Doris Penrod nine bid, and Lorle Foote low. A very delicious lunch was served to nine members and one guewt. Those present were Agnes Wilson, and 1'hylls Ely of Payson, and e Vera Whitney, Valeria Bauer, Bauer, Grace Beck, Lorle Foote, Doris Penrod, Jennie Waterbury and the hostess all of Elbert a. Printed by SiMNGviLLE, CHIT-CHA- FJva Gnmnhalgh, Reporter at eureka. utah puiii jsiiiii) vi:i:klv pout office My The Eureka (Utah) Reporter With great boxes of lunch and hearty appetites, Cyril and Grace Beck and family, John and Valeria Bauer and Mary, Gene and Lorie Foote, Gene and La Rue Bauer, and Ellis and Charlotte Sanderson, all motored up Salem Canyon to spend a cool and quiet Fourth of July. Entertainment for the day began with a wild and wetting" water fight and ended with a hilarious baseball game with all the members of the party participating. Other than a few bumpa and bruises received during the ball game, the only casualty of the day was during the water fight when Charlotte and a pork and bean can got into a controversary and resulted in a severe cut on her left hand and fingers. All present reported an exciting Fourth of July. Premier Klement Gottwald la the new preiident of Czechoslovakia, succeeding Eduard Benes, who resigned in protest against the new constitu- ed tion. Gottwald was unanimously Comelected by the hand-pickThere was munist parliament. candidates. no choice ed UTAH DIVIDED INTO 5 FIRE DISTRICTS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halvem and sons, Keith and Johnny of Bellflower. Calif., left for their home on Friday after spending a two week vacation at the home of Mrs. Halvema parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Phipps. Mrs. Halvem is the former Miss Darlene Phipps. PORK ROASTs LB. 48( PICNICS LB. 51 e Earl Bamea of Provo, brother of Mrs. John Phipps, and well known In Eureka, is reported to be seriously 111 at the Utah Valley hospital in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowe and aon Alan spent the 4th in Ogden visiting at the home of Mrs. Rowe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siler. Smoked CANTALOUPE. 17( Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Hannifin To prevent summer range fires, and family, Tim and Gertrude Ann all lands In Utah lying outside and Mrs. Margaret B. Hannifin on Thursday Incorporated cities and towns motored to Provo theatre. in open-adistthe took and fire have been 'divided into ricts. J. Whitney Floyd. Logan, Mr. and Mn. H. W. Smith and warden, anchief forester-fir- e OUR DISPLAYS OFFER VARIETY and TOP QUALITY sons, Larry and Jerry of Los nounced recently. Each county will represent a Angeles are amending a couple of FOR YOUR SELECTION! fire district snd will be under weeks at the home of Mrs. Smith's Utah statutes pertaining to fire Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. districts. All these districts will parents, Gear. Mrs. Smith is the former remain closed until Oct. 31. During the closed periods per- Miss Merle Gear. sons may not lawfully start open Mrs. Don Mangum of San fires within the district without obtaining a permit from the fire Diego, Calif., in spending the week warden or hia deputies. I. G. A. MARKET at the home of her sister and The proclamation setting up the Mr. and Mrs. James fire districts has been approved Phone 179 180 Delivery Tues. and Sat. and Board of Fire Brady. the Forestry by son Mrs. Mr. and of Ray Jolley, Mr. Floyd said. Malcolm Jolley la vacationing in control, Salem with his cousin. Glade Barvisiting with Mrs. Jolley's parney. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reck. Saturday evening guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Jonws re home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Foote in Saratoga, Wyovacationing were Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Beck ming with Mrs. Jones' sister and and Mr. and Ira. John Bauer. her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Bill Penrod and Peck. daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Don Vacationang in Blackfoot, Ida., Penrod and daughters motored to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oram and are to Mantl spend the Fourth of children, Mrs. Melvina Jolley and A was lunch prepicnic July. and Norma and Mr. Lee, Meriyn O. pared and with Mr. and Mrs. A. Penrod, Oliver pnd Faye Pen' Eugene Beck. They are guests home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis rod, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth at the Tuttle and son Eldon, they trav- Oram and are visiting with Mr. eled up beautiful Mantl canyon and Mrs Herman Gardener and ALL-WOOfamily. to spend the day. L 2LB.25 TOMATOES ir KL&fJIMLES brothe- r-in-law, -- II HI Big July Values! New Lowered Prices on Nephl. Mrs. II. E. Wall and son Jean left for Southern Calif,, to visit Mm. John Dnnelly of Eureka Mr. and Mrs. Kay Jolley and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crandall, for- small daughters went to Lchl Sat drove to Elhcrta early Sunday mer Nephi people. urday night and spent Sunday and was a guest for breakfast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McDonald. I ILL BLANKETS ... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carter and children went to Frovo for the Fourth of July. After seeing the parade, they visited with Mr. Carter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Carter and with Mm. Carter's hrotli"r and sisters snd their families. They brought Mr. Carter's brother VerK, home to vacation with them. e Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Erickson are enjoying 11 visit from Mrs. Erickson's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. William St randy, Pat and Billy of Portland. Oregon. They all attended the fireworks display at Irovo on Momlay evening. ... Oren ami Thelma Barney, Mil-to- n and June Barney. BUI and Ilene Penrod and their families and Sylvan Greenhalgh spent Saturday evening up Gwhen Canyon where they fished and ate their aupper. 3 STAR THEATRE EUREKA, display The revolutionary NEW Ford b on In our showrooms right now! M's Iho .-- smartest car woVo ovor sold. Mils dlfforont NEW Ford in your filter el Como In today. Son Ihe 49 Ford's "dream car sNhouefto morn rigid "lifeguard" Body ..."Fkture Window" Visibility. , , aH Iho footers you wand Wo know you II agree It's "Iho Car of sspnt, com-pteto- ty ftdure WlfkWYisibilfy . . more Item 20 square Til foot of glass, to make driving lot pleasanter and safer. Evan the roar window Is windshield blgl Lot us show you. ...59 fteYoari" e, y, ride h section of Iho now Iho level canter Ford, whore the going's smoothest. You ride on "Hydra-Coil- " Front Springs and Root "Fara-Flea- " Springs, for extra comfort ... with 3S more bralw big power , , . stop Mm new Ford on dime, at a e touch, Thafs one of the reason It's sweetheart to drive. Up-to- FRIDAY ami SATURDAY July 9th and 10th Roy Rogers and Trigger In Under California BUY Stars sofa-wid- SUXnY nnd MONDAY 4.98 3.98 ch half is 72 double size. 95 84 single or fine, fluffy im. ported cotton, 5 pure wooL Four lovely colors in smart plaid! TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Giant Thrills - High Excitement 3.79 SERIAL Your -- lord Dealer- - sdAY! The Timber Trail In Trurolor SHORT CARTOON L L imported cotton in bright Indian or plaid patterns. 70 x W tingle bed size. 2 If, lbs. The children will love these Exquisite pastel tones with drib cately outlined jacquard floral border. 5 wool, 95 fluffy imported cotton. 70 x 80 tingle bed. COTTON-AND-RAY- ON 5.90 A smooth, soft GOSHEN MOTOR COMPANY T II U It X INDIAN AND PLAID Valley of the Giants CARTOON R. M. CLOUD - Owner Y! JACQUARD BORDER Seats like your soft s . But why should wo tel you about them? Como In and find out how much room there Is on the now Ford's e soalsl LAY-AWA- ,WARM PLAID PAIR Ring Crosby Barry Fitzgerald CARTOON NEWS I THESE ON TWO NIIOKTS! - Bales MkJSflip'fafe. . , Soft, fine textured virginwool it down to an amazing priee! 72 x 84 double or single size. Blue, green, gold, rose dust, pesch or white. Rich rayon satin binding. Welcome Stranger "Magic Action King-Siz- UTAH lb. ALL WOOL BLANKET 1 Attractive floral basket design half soft cotton, half, rich lustrou Mjron. Extra long 72 x 90 size-rolors, rayon satin edge. 3 |