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Show uc.nu ran 11 E5JL1 Reporllsayg Have I THEATRE ENTERPRISES OF srvflrt. u- 2- drlV-- ' UnnAetr - n ' J1 II'IV " u Iwporj from 25 an New York acute lead shortages It fharlea h.v it in reported were leueened this week at the fed death, ol vice president era government arranged let pur Jonea. ipteeuve llualneaa Men' KeTh FRIDAY . SATURDAY - JklF aald d j STAGE"SCREEN:RADI0 - j July mill mul Sillli Ld Short.it Vue 225.000 tone from and "u"alton",whi ta VALE By VIRGINIA I Hr WMlnn NraMwper making iRtld ileii-r-check o the a) ate report lo (flFIletala Reserve roinputff I? RFC mine tli umber of uri'idetii EAGLE subsidiary, will biwi the strategic who drive after Kiiorlsl.i 'metal at 3.75 ceiiRapounil, exclii- - ed by drinx lalve of duty. aLUarilo, Texas. anil report. i Of till 25 Ain1. Mrand'ftO.V'iO limn will lie . 4' Trail, B. 111 1 0 rciiiyRrfliU I'Olef available iui mediately. .) -i, been "obviiiua'l? 'drin k." In un;t wllll run Ibru (he Delivery reanlieil lion-fatiy..,f Injuriea WVQ,AQP load half of 1 94 1 and be distributed eecideiita was repurieil in IS. RAY B0L6ER' "JOHN CARROLL proprlvalamuae OPM under the at allocation preby Ifejft Everett HORTON fiMi INESCORT : 1 vailing price of 5.85 centa a pound am INI HARTMANS Nelli WESTLET New York, anil 5.70c fit. Luuia. meuibem und piK inn a InduHtry Copper I be HUggi'-ilej lllliffti llldUa Iry ' Initialed conferences to SUNDAY MONDAY tali1 lo have miflil war-clt- y diHcuaa to the alleviate plant syrti July 271 It ami 2Mlli of red metal by IncreaHing pro- measure w.ilelf a yraniinr. special III IIIduction. freight .tales, lo ullovftjuTa Paramount PiiimIi Consumers awaited action by il- l- collecied ttoin -l- yiihllM nrl. New UFrise pnUi-ei.- : hae in- fense offlcialH In releasing needed lonnuKea from about I8.00U ion of i leased tlMeinaiiiffliir mail type have a new iefind copper placed in the July ' nf aleel. 'in ibe reiiiei fur mi'' ieiuir tniergeiiey pool. i million (on of ship plan-pric- e Principal producers lie Id in 1 licit and a i call fur ('iiiinei-lieu12c a pound, of after President lloo-eveRMtaelAV WHIIAM MILUND-HOLDEValley, while custom smelters mil! 560 additional maritime cuiiiiiii-'Hiiquoted 12 tic. Export supplies con- - vessels. i WAVHI IBiAH tinued at lie, fas New York. Thin will he pariuuluily burden-- , IMORIIS-DONLEVZinc remained at the allocation home for freight car builder who price of 7.25e a pound at Earn Ml. are operating at about half of city. The st-- ei plate industry r.ls.i In aleel apprehension uMII wa fell Is hard pressisl because of dem.iinls concerning the scarcity of scrap am! tor oil pipe lines. M ITIXKK KINDLY a P. M. was decided ilmt the new Garbo picture on Fri would get under way assistthe day the thirteenth, cast the called ant director if anybodys see to together would get in the it W'HEN V 1 - rri 'l-vi- i superstitions r n- Melvyn Douglas said that and him. for a day lucky day was the lad that il was 1 the tlurteenth would make it so inuc-- die better. Kutli Dor- don, wlio gave up a number of summer slock engagements to lake this one in pictures, declared that she deliberatelud- y walks under : OPM-OPAC- way H -' LWAMTGD KINGS' Y July Miss Garbo, she said showed up on time. MOST THRILLING Of HIS MANY STRANGE CASEal (liupler II WEDNESDAY -- j Again" THURSDAY. July aoth anil 311 j Shawa abava is tba official iaiigaa racaatly authoriaod by tba War Dapartmaat far waar by tba advaaturaaa yauag paracbatUti af tba U. S. Anay. Il will ba wara by qoalifiod parachutist! aa tba laft brass! just aa Aar Carps Pilots waar thoir wings." Tba Silvar Badga of Courage" was dasignad by aaa of tha Army's luonacr parachutists, Caplaia William P. Yarborough, of tba SSlit Faracbuta Battaliaa. Paraebuliata ara carafuUy aa lac tad for this sarvica aad racaiva aatra pay far lhair dariag skill. AVERY YOUNG IADY J a IMMBA with NANCY KELLY and JOHN SUTTON A silver emblem depicting a wine- id parachute, open for descent, which will be worn over the left breast Just as Air Corps pllos wear their wings, has been approved by the war department for wear bv qualified members of the V. S. parahute troops, according lo Colonel men because It is worn only after the parachuti! Inis proven himself capable of undertaking Ibe darinu and adventurous duiies assigned to him. volunteer Embryo parachutist irom other branches of the arm and are carefully 'eieclid Tor ilo-i- r strength and atiileiic prowess, ibi-l- i intelligence and tln-iproven jdulif ,M different type.-- of ep,ci,.l Then they must undergo weapons month drill designed to fmfarixe "further ultli their In weapons, and attend study which they related subject which-mil- l be Important to them. - (Juick Change Women shop clerks and waitresses, used to handling the public, make the best bus conductors in London, according to the London Passenger Transport board, which has been forced to replace men on country mutes. l.iiii- E. Grey, Army Kecrulifng Salt Lake Clly. B. Office, Thu newemplim, designed by Cup- tain Wm. 1 Yarborough, well known pioueer parachutist of the 5011 but- The tallon, is unofficially termed Silver Badge of Courage by army closeout-Nev- to stork er agaia! brae expel Kasy-lo-wa- 4 projects the ii lime girrks sre Ibis BB,or jg The 3f uptioa alone cot ion! sh CYMTHIA SLDi Tho finest slip 49c Guaranteed All Indies mmmer shoe liiiu.ir I'wlilf'id ill ip e ? scams! KTrnaes. IV resllutiot SMARTALLS Keduiwd to sell fast! 1.50 1 iksent 17c White summer sanforized! 75c Sturdy and washable Bargain priced! . DRESS SHIRTS mentioned the pro-- j motion. He heads a squadron of defense troops which is on the Eng-- I lish coast opposite France. In his letter he said that no less than 20 invading Nazi bombing planes had been knocked down above his sector the previous night. ruluc-- d d paata, u l mills. ilM 4H mill f rity ak of libra J - . 50 prl perfect for Miimmvr wear! TABLE C0V1U tud laers p atHt homo, iku in s The Jtady wi tie governo 8ease, r M Half price! SLACK HOUSE COATS t tayon crepe! Wrap around Azipper! ul nine native Pure white, 13vlS Fine finish. 25c null their value, brokn nund aom tizes MEN S OVERALLS Full cut t ripple si Itched anil su.nforlzed! 89c & REMNANTS Reduced lo clear our stork at eew! m ! ! ' ftsak Bcr u tapilol jfi for tbs. Swi..t Protected All Swiss citizens are enlitVJ to insurance against illness. Ht has . 1- not -. Photo Prm 5SSidh made uf- - Kurl dV,Ser rt. ,,Un- - st membe V la this J' 4'Mition Democra fe ,6l ft Hit U all Horn's a turn way to boat tb on your vacation trip stop tot T ( OBJ ftb-mans- 111,111 ismiiMi hum t.JuarJ wig Nurse-Stesw- SAMPLE LOW ROUND TRIP FARES ugci.ils Hill 11 Mill RtNsis t ni? Itll.WG lii L f ' If or if you need telephone yuiwit any cluijeg in youc pr,ernl listiig, please . rdd ulk Hui i yu F. tell iis bob, 'f.v . 1 b. j f For aiidilifTTittl listiifMfwril'h help folk and Nu5ri i. young murrn inn l.ili.-rn- l 1 . j fnaJ- - Ham u . .V. ! B3SJM 27 JW 4II.GI pS-l- " R3:i IS Ret uru Umli. aIio Our Tinvel Creilll 1 ht Urn llJn? V- "- , tiltKLN, A aent very low one-o Money Ikiw n 7 I P ISI.P frf; rfi linin' I. I'.nrrkS' trf , Figcut Me u 1BA ;vaa pnn r"gSlJ f2tlAA aU'J.lNl M.VI.tU BSI.HII . jump .kmulu, .Sl.fc"' wlf hfcs hWou i ... from Eureka in In Conehr Nlrrp Car flmllenger 37.2l tih Extra. Siniila. low fare to other point Im.ui I locale Tii iimhV railL7 or a'dsrrlisirng in the tiirectory just cal? our husiueas oilier , you'll rafresbed. Delicious Dining Cj meals. Registered esa service on principal trains. sL(n "lift nil fi,111 comfort of a tW81 Pacific train. In modern Coacbsk economical Challangar SUepsn Standard superbly-appointe- d ride relaxed and snW w yrarsag-no- .il h 'Binrup, Sherman, and features ibe-- l Edna O'Dell and Billy" Mills orchestra. Nowadays to radio have begun to lake thSe summer replacement show ously. The "Blondie'' program Marl- .a,,,-- . ,r: nnJ ror worl ?r.. Bacon Hilton d City. andhjjl M'8ned. appoli doubt With the exception of a few weekly cast addtlions. all tl.e.,e. Ur roles on the new "Hap nJ,irj-rgdtseries, the summer for "Fibber McGee jclorti "IY time f eoti MJtnrJJ havelbeen asltai fir. Bacon some when he und two liinss lumpy Jjxpn T;,n SS head, ar.d Only liter thlk aLrcnnou. but Jar! W1 i". ior smuggled hhem .trom tedious irainlux ha, bpen il. of the countr' . ,ht escaped two year ago pleted, 4nd the' qWflfiealUm jitmuJ luiws Himmler' d"ad,'d e nmy-thinplmhed young office the first time. ist hear "rh,9ilwr 'IMW'Re' f aNf'1 .. .t. f Bob Hope, who soared to film pop. ularlty with the song "Thanks for the Memory." wiU have another opportunity to warble an outstanding number, when he sings "You Brush Me Off" I. "Louisiana PuV chase, which Paramount will pro duce. Lately he's been content merely to be one of the funniest men CMUBhl in the Dri"UM.e"-- though the script writers dug up some of the Jokes In esiatence for It. uldrst Eddie Bracken hangs up a few laurels fur nlmRcIf la this one too. ! have HI of his I i. juji call lit 5 ttplon bin i of state i us know if you expect to nyVg..i( want any change in your L'eeiJ. JP re IU.tN, ailiiitional listings or advorlisiiig'.-- .' TLc next telephone tiirectory closes sooig- - or In hr them. - 1 destltut Goveno the state t am, but Utkr they The li-- I tre ;der Peony Singleton, whos been "Blandis on the screen and on the air for sa long, Is hard at work now In her first film musical. Its called "Cowboy Joe temporarily, and Glenn Ford plays opposite her. Many wwks are spent, too. Q She'd made a name (or herself as a packing and repacking their para- singer and dancer on tho chutes so that eventually they may stage before she went to Broadway trust ilcdr lives to them without and her nine "Blondie" Hollywood, hesitation. During all this lime they have made one for her In comedies Hollywood undergo a rigorous routine of calis- ' ihenics, tumbling, boxing end rom- . w Tll Heinrich Himmler, e. petiiive exercises designed to pu' . of men- authen- them Into lop physical condition ? In ordjrr to qualify for the reProdu?.tlon in Warner Bro.1 ratlug "Parach y uuthoriz pleie slxljuuips frdm an army Iran-- ! .port plail . oiW roirt'MVffff feeV.'' one from lOI'i 7Mi feeti nt. Yhlle 5! uttoa. The htts have Reduced to a third Husky! Sanforized! real bargain! A aium inti teslrs rtreira BOYS' SHUTS WORK 3HIRTS reporti They II slzs 3 In Ray aff.. MENS HD'FXS WORK SOCKS Sturdy tough rock lord 3 fur ivpp. sum Girl's, amazing bargiim Colorful Desert cloth! 1.95 Is imihst'a Complete dosn out! 1.50 iHEAOtHlSJNAYxFORlSUMMERlBARGAINSi thf I result ol to The Genuine fur fill! Price cut 5u per cent! T incp Of Iteduccd MEN'S HATS ivut-eof- Aid L cine PINAFORES 2.00 m-- divided Jui for last peat (and 5 SUN AILS' MEN'S OXFORDS Summer fa.it! lo snounts Hu BOYS' PARTS from our liUlu r priced lines! WM , present, TEA APRONS David Niven not only went back to England to serve his country, but he's been made a major. Bing Crosby had a letter from him in which he W a i Rrauson linos vote Fun to wear! mu imrcrr t'uusuul al this price! Gay smart prints! W fgred Cunning atyles! 7c at gwible SUN SUITS col lull! Plain cidoi ! SUMMER SHOES The March of Time's newest release, "New England's Eight Million Yankees. shows tiow the six northeastern slates are making themselves invasion-proof- . It is the first of a aeries of regional films, and will be followed by releases on the Midwest, Texas, and other sections of the country. r 33c Ccit:ise cts! They look I a ire t hi price! nothing-j- ust spits o that r. del it lie to ,uy. Howe JEWZUt Complete CURTAINS sis-te- r j "The Green Hornet Strike ami as It ll Mne la ANKLETS Combed M iN U years. HOUSE DRESS used to be the featured vocalist with the late llul Kemp's orchestra; now she has a Columbia contract and one of the top feminize roles in ''Three Girls About Town. Shell play the youngof Joan Blundell. er SSillJi K ike jM' action All itcs! All fa! color! perfectly tailored! Janet Blair Silver Badge of Courage ONLY - i. ar -- one of his china penguins, to break the evil spell of the jinx. As for i TUESDAY staslicfl i" ileir mcetl BPinher value evenl u Our Miintlonl once--ycm the com! Broken .nlaeu, of coum, hut all al FLl'H brawl new merchandise! price IT W! lll-H- ders, and loves black cats. Roland said that Greta Garbo Young hf.d bring along li N cap.i-Lou- " nia ill s mi |