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Show Pae p EUREKA REPORTER 2 WkEIULY OKI MHIl'MICXTtt Tiutlc Standard Th 1.. ( of Hu I'. VJf I Tli S. Total t'aplottds I sv 11. K. It. lin SV Tuesday Colorado Cons. 1c. Ih. nl: nr, May 4c. Mt. X'lew 2c. Sliver Shield I . of lr. 1ST I Hi Tlntlc Standard 't. Prank Bacon, chairman of the al- 20 umlnum driro for Juab county, and 4 hare been do- i,uoioroua 3 DK their utinoat during the pant 2 week to treat enthusiasm In thla 2 move. All organlzal'on ,atrloilc I Tlntlc have been contacted anl 1 tiuve expressed willingness l help 1 muke the drive a success; individu- Hi B have I Ike wine expressed them- S wnh this kind of support wives, I movement should go over In fine in, ' fashion. 81 Once uguin all residents of Tiutlc are urged to look their premises ov- er from cellar to attic, and from lh tiont to the back yard, for aluminum and have it ready by Batuday inorn- Ing so that Boy Scouts and others. who wll be driven about In trucks, ran quickly pick the art-clei.p. A large crate" haa been installed rear the city ball where the nrllrl's will be dumped so that townspeople ran see the response give the move-- ' ment. Later the material will be weighed and Tlntlc will In- - classified according to the poundage contributed. 2.12 4. ; Hlanka at Reporter offlca j Notary rcr nit 12. K. f W i ss and the last few yets of his liie lad been spent In farming In Malm. In- Survivors He never married. dude a sister and a brother. Mrv Ida J. Garfield of tall Uk - Ci.y. nnd L Morris of Hup- M. Idaho,TuesFuneral wervlces was at Iniermcnt and at Drlggs day Idaho Palls. In-I- e uuU-mol.ll- e Grazing Headquarters Will Be Moved To Salt Lake. .a uunuunc. Salt Lake City iJed by Secretary of the Interior H.ir-ol- d L. lickea as the new weMcri: the grazing service j hcadqarters for the ,ns Ihe first step toward situation in the national This fol- way. gels und-- r lows x recent announcement of the decision to move this service, whose functions are peculiarly western, to aome western headquarters, thereby office making available additional space for vital emergency activities In Washington. Salt Lako City Is nt tile hub ot die public ranc area administered by the grazing service, Secretary Icke stated. Within a radius of 500 milcr of this point tre most of the public lands of the United States by location nr Its offices at this the grazing service will be within easy rech of .ill of its fir. lioblems and much heretofore ne- cessary travel lium Washington headquarters io die field will l,t- h-- of or rdt I Tli II. HO I Ki i.r SM Ih. lin. low lo N. to in. r nl 1 Set M. I'll Tell cpl or tin i. You Why ELECTRIC CO OK INC l thi Nl I S. ( 4 1 1 1 All Nl of L. I II. Sc grazing service for ilalt laikz in move will make rooms in the in- terlor department building whirh will be immediately by th- mwny organized office of ihe pe- iroleunt coordinator for nadonal de- - Electric Cooking reduce work for every homemaker, giving her more time for other things. That's why its so popular. No othc.' method la as cool nor ai clean. And the cost? Very little! Only $2.50 a month for the average . uth Copper Announces Inciease In Wsires. u family. 1 Aik your Electric DeJer about the Special Terms 1 P. bss offtriug 29 S. mow. "NJE-Mh,- ,. of - NX nn Sc CO! i nf llv It. . S.. . . ' I most nu. Rif h brother i Vher ap- - nmi Foweri' - Ltfd S0'1- - The Miss 1 tuh ai.d lontest. which has hern In progress week, wll tor J" hue at 5.3d. As m.oii a- the he l eslllls wi bc.-eoiinied th. m row-and 'hCtah in Vn. giier and m Monday I st , ... Pent tur f lb? J Mr. (With po.-window. rises will be raffled al the dunce I lie ev.-uin- Verily the life of a country ednoi .w,,... proml.d and his Vsa. JJ1 llis rwllJ;,.h-s- e hlni by th, day and old Batau grinneth at him In lus One subscription Is wood, aud hold it la rotten and soggy aud 111 be- of measure. short He whonpeth up the politician who no 'more.flw.,ed ,ld kni.Weih him He puffeth the church sffatrs graand p..yeth hi., ils and aitends an oyster. received! and quarter He frum puketn vflehrutioun -- nil the town is posted with hand printed placards. He bonmetb bis town and ail the things therein and yet receive) h no and is a prophet without hou or In his own mmmuuily. Two young people merry and rivet h them a great puff; they eth to housekeeping and takelh not his paper. He ploddeth along and eudurrib In patience, and it Is written that he will receive bis reward nt Judgment, HGI KKS Jl ST L drssert j purse with the Balanced Oil loss w hs oi pM serve P Xk btfy 9n - bnk berries l. t tbit tig Drift i lain our delir Lgrt, DISTHIST I..XND OUlCi:. SALT I.AKK CITY. ITAH. j EUREKA REP0R1 4 NE4. XXV 4 NKV. XV i V Mondays ai PECKS BJ , Utah 4 Sec 27. NK'i XK4. Sec 34. T 11 8. Call 26 to 228 for firs or is Washington, July 23 Sweeping It 6 XX', S L M. Utah. In exchange bile insurance. C. E. Rifs. Sec 8 28. the all of Sec 32. high above all former r. cords, the lor 1841 celebration of the Presidents T 6 S K 5 XX'. E4 NK4. SXVVi XE Sec. 20. 4. SE4, XXX' 4 birthday to raise funds for th- tional Foundation for Infantile lj-an- N'4 NE4. Sec 29. T S S K 6 XX. 8L 4. 34 are and find Forget Published on Thursday of tan i Notice is being given that ou . Kureka. Utah March 3, 1938, Don Clyde, whose adC. E. R'.FE, Editor and Pihj'o dress is given as lleber City, Utah, Salt Lake City filed application 062373 as amended April 15, 1941, Entered In ih postoffles H under aection 8 of the Taylor Graz-l- n reha. Utah, as tecoad rla act as amended to select the KXi nailer ender 'he Art of Mirdl XV 4. KVa Sec. 21 XV 4 XV 4 Sec 22. 1871 SK4. VX's llKberry I n4 you'll I hr tay moal- - May 19. 1941. KKI.KASKD. do Brll end protection for your 111 l.l. I'llKM DKNT'S BIIITIID.XY m SK. d ralysls, produced a net total of 104,460.53, President Hoos-vewas told today. This was 6;.214.7P more than the $1. 407.24.V74 raised In 1040, Ihe previous high mark, Expenses of the iiailonal lee for the celebration were 6136,- or 6.1 per cent of the total net amount raised.. The president received the palgn report In his executive office at the White House. The tiai tta. urea were reveuled for the flr-- dine In an inscribed testimonial report and audii handed him by Keith Mur- n. national chairman of the coin. mlitee, aud Hai.il OTonnor. prisi- Of the National Pound-idin. lt rommit-flimlnate- d. e lt M, Utah, privately owned lands. This notice is for the purpose of allowing all persona claiming selected lands, or having bona fide objections lo the exchange, an opportunity titile their protests or other objections in this office, togeiher with evidence that a copy of such protest or objection has been served upon Ihs applicant within 30 days from the date of the first publication of the mil ire. Neil ODonnell Mortuary - A. S. UltOXVX, I IHzslrH Serrtrs m s' Nominal Chargs. PH0NI 6 M Cull Anj Timi Dsp Night. ; Register, liale of first publication July 10, 1941; date of last publication July 31. 1941. . ,,r,n,-- r partner t of tit.- - A ir-s- i- - - l"ul-- l make gr.iiidiua started wiien a and needed a punch howl snd dJ oul crockery heilroom rel- r from ,he Now, antique - H..z l,.e- can upply the items of h1" amus-itiand suri-ri-l. t,orjr n I1 Ann rican dlsirlbuteii with the mafin' Angelm Kiumltu-r- . -- lese intimate for Auii-rirjn- g ; the Win-liv- . t.xt fin.. ., . Murder under the Nurthi-il.Un, ,,ow reaious little hami r y.ski- A.ca Under Water of North Carolina's tkaw. w'Tl!!e ''Kl,,u fanain n Hh.-t- , ware ami rumor- 52,426 square miles lies under wator fcnd uiuvhed out iuk.-.- l 'f into ;i 10 f the World' and how it , Ild or ihe world for most of them on'i miss this strange ingedv of the fr. sen north, as told and graphically ,i lUMtrifttHd lu Ihn AnuMii'an tliet r the magazine . aJsf5 . Announcenieiii has Imtu made the Utah Copper company will post notices Saturday al the Arthur and Magna mills and the Bingham mine of a 25c per day Increase for nl day wage workers. It will go iuto effect on August 1st. This will be Ihe third pay Increase named by the copper rouipauy thin On January 1st a 25c in- year. v rcase wMs granted and another on May 1st. About 44un workers w Ml teceive the inrrease. tl-a- col 20 In-- The staff of the prepared to leave u few days. The some 29 Is So Popular W. lw v Lo, The Poor Editor. 1 col S.. r.i. tl st the SS6 ' 5e. bed iricvde ?' rl " ujofe ir mrs fr.trrin Roads Of Tintic District Marked For Traffic. ( i' I wtrs'E. Hot Weather Protect "various nmpeutlve; i J lh, IMqneer'-- per la celebration tomorrow parade, ly In tha minuture 1 died at his home In Drtggs. 'lhl last Thursday Mr. Morris was When1, 1267, In Galesburg. Illinois. 'young' man he moved to Th In the LDS Hah. where he was quite prominent the parade In the mining business at one time ter :iuahU. the "I owning quite an arrtvge lie followed ml..- - Second mineial ground, S. l- 74 ao-iil'-n- ( cm ( SK B nr. d auto-inoblv- s, nit COI Samuel H. Morris, Late last week the roads of the Tintic District were properjy marked travel. for safety first Not only the roads in and out Of the o district were thus improved but he Main street of Kureka was given the OffPe Work at Reporter white and yellow markings for and severul pedesirisn lanes were also lined off. The work was done by (lie stale load couimisMon assisted liy the city end is strictly a safety measure. If motorists and pedestrians follow the guide there should be uo In this city. XV. S. o I Mouday. Ihg Hill 10c. Chief Cons. 22c. Mountain View 2c. I.. ' s Little . ill-- " isssasr ssisassr ' 21 Godlva Mammoth 1'nlled Statea Mine Iron Uloaaom Kureka Lilly (one North Lily Kureka Bullion Mountain Xiew Chlef Con ( hief Coni, (dump i Chief Cons, (lime i I Drive For Aluminum Pots . I.1 And Pans Under way. week s la.s s Protected Kxamlin-r- . 11 NKW DITCH HUNNKT Against FIRE? Wklv ll-- Angi-e- Is It A home is one of the proudest possessions a person has, and therefore the investment of It. of S.. should be protected. The cost is so little that no one can afford to be without it. 4 th Hi K. I Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y. r.l It iJ Fire and Automobile Insurance. Ih U. .1 C. E. RIFE, Agent ft cc P Phones 36 or 228 ot .S nl It 4 2 7 PEERY H0TEI rt c S. K N It If lit n 14 nt rri X ",r wuf rltip whits crocheted Wrk ll.T LXKK'9 11' I. til PKICKI9 Htyfll. boiUMt cord, the n,ch with irostraln ribbon. One of . ill r J , IWaoiHnlly W.iIi-h- : Itiuodwoy B""' FurolWicd to $11XX'rsi Tt4 and fl-0- 0 KKKK OARAOb |