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Show - eureka reporter tocaJNevfc , t),e mJ Annual Ser- en- - Ciimmerclal after haviulC . voratlon. la. fkFr.. Pott. Mary re 1 son. Mrtirt. StV.d from Lon Beach fjJyVnt the ' past Mn- - o. Mia Frances Anderson I taking Mrs. Merle Conyers of Pruo and her annual vacation. Mr and Mr. Jack I.i her McKean or DiviT. L. Sullivan dend were in Kureka on taking Sunday charge of the city recorder office visiting with friends Mr. and Mrs. James iloundy of. Shiil Peterson of Kantaquln, Los Angeles, arrived late last week-foa resident of Kurus., left ot. a vlait with Mr. and Mr. H. K Sumliy for Honolulu to accept a . Ferguson. mining position and Mra. Urf if. E. Griggs . tor-ni-r- lv r month cur'" ilir-re- j Buster Stewart has returned to Thomas Cainphell of Port California, after Washington, Is spending his furspending his furlough in Kurcka lough here with his parents, Mr. ami with his purcniH, Mr. and Mr, Hurl Mrs. John JJ. taiiinbcll, and other 8tewart. relatives. U-wl- Camp San Ardo, Santaquin Resident Died In Eureka On Tuesday. u . Monday t ."? Mr" Ja,,,w' Pullen rr".rd ! for Rife hei vUU w,lh we aka Mr. and hrotbcr in wo op ,hreo k-r- rnH 8 n"1 ulurdav frr Mrs. Nell Crow of HuiitlnMonl Angeles for their vacation. Fark, (allfornla, Ih tlie guest of Miss' Di,v,, aU Ethel tiadd. 0rLC ,r B,H nt Friday in Ku. with friend. B1 who J and stationed at San Diego, i tallf lu ,,olse' Mbo. Ik home for a few day vIhIi with vum.- Wl,h hl" 1,011 enl gbter I datives. In law bw:iJ l Saii'InrHOH vlee m' Wl,1 Jon os. 94 year old resident, died Tuemtav ,hB h"p f a MimlMer she had been visiting Sanluquln XZ,nH SrSlieJ0riVr",,M,rn Krl.H.H ,B and Ruruli Williams Wall. 70 year she had been a resident of Santaquin where he as an active member of the churen. R,e was well known in LIlSa beeuiise of her many visit, t this city. Surviving are two so.,s. peter Jones and Helier Join- - or two dnughlers, Mrs. K. K. Eureka, and Mrs. Albert Larson of llolmai, Santa-iulfour brnitierw aiul ihrru ttixierit, 23 grand rhildrcn ami a:j crest grand children. Funeral services win he .ondu. Saturday at 2 p. m. in the Sauti;-ciul- u J union High sk ! ol auditorium under the direction ot lijslup Openshaw. lluriul will he In the Ku-nk- n, M.-W- Tommy Corcoran lefi Kurcka SunI. L. Green arrived iu Kuieka uu day for Honolulu, Hawaii, where he Tuesday and took over the duties of .has accepted a position fur national Jgent at the Union Pacific depot, re'(Mease. Mrs. Corcoran Intend to lieving Mr. Juckmin, the relief ir.uu ' Join him there in tho neat future. who has been here for the past two Mr. Breen was week. Lee formerly tic Variety Store will move, in agent at Bauer. the near future to the Taylor Bros, building on the upper end of Main Mark Anderson, mayor ami prom rtreet. do not declare Already the work of re- Inent sportsman or Pruvo, ha been the front of ih Taylor whns " prepare state fisli and game commisj modeling Yf il kw ms nerve our berry partly. Bros, building I well under way. sioner for Utah. He is one of the For a long lime past the Variety best Informed men on that vety tarty. ( lb pie forestry and one. a short Store ha season occupied' lln Shrlver fish and game in the stale aud withberry out a doubt he will he an efficient building. Mrrt 1 Iwh berries are hi oar delirious berry pic otrt. W are featuring 111 avail-gt- n Announcement hu been given out d that the big Deer Creek back will dam. which the water up and blackberry var-,i- d of Provo River to form the Deer yesll find them a fitting Creek reservoir, will be completed toon August 15th. Tiutlc people who briny meal. Order yours have not seen this marvelop piece of construction should do no st once. In Are We tal Forget The dam, which 100 feet wide at rii Sundays ami Thursdays. the base, 1300 feet from one canyon wall to the other, and 150 feet high FECKS BAKERY when completed, it. one of the largllione 1 15 est reclamation projects In western i fish rasp-IlKberr- 7 of tut (Uak and PibiUi earth-fille- y America. lltotflct M oad rlta commissioner. 8;mi(uln Omi'ifry. tt - - STATE HEALTH NEWS - C. . gy .y. John Matthew-o- n, W,p months. JM. Farmer wa seriously Injured In the Tlntlc Rtsndard mine when he fell a short distance and landed on some timbers. - i Irving. Call 31 to 321 for fire or C. E. Rife. tnaurance. EFFICIENT I 1 WA" NOTKS foreman of the Waller Fitch, Jr., rompnny, stated that 12 feet a day was being made in the big shaft J'" J. Will Knight of Provo wu In Tlntlc Inspecting the Knight mine Mines of the Tlntlc District paid dividends of over three million dollars for the first six ironlhs of 1921. Muir of Hunger Hie V, 8. company reported that the Blue Rock and Bullion Beck would reopen eft or Wing down for several The physicians making the examinations at a Red Cross healtfi clinic o were Dr. I B. Uker, Dr. J. A. llen-e- l, Dr. Steel Bailey and Dr. E. J The Lady Klks met last evening with the usual program or hu.sincso. card and a nice luncheon being carried nut. Mrs. Maynard Briggs won high score, Mrs. bud luiuter the cut Carbon county reported one case prize, and Mr. Clarence Gnurhy of typhoid fever slid one case of turaffle. The hoster. for the evening A ruse of tularemia laremia. was was Mrs. Theo. Haynes. The nex' elso reported from Sanpete. be will on meeting August 5th. Other disease were ehickenpox t, lufluenxa 2, mea.ilet 8, German measles 6, mumps 10, pneumonia 4. Higher Educating scarlet fever 4, tuberculosis 4, ophThe enrollment in American cob thalmia neonatorum 1, trachoma I. lege is now six times that of 1900. V,. . MIMN'Q Howell. H. L. Truuntvlne of Mammoth died suddenly of a heart 0 attack. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Local health officers reported a Garrily and total of 247 cases of conimunleahle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlecht return- -' ed from a trip thru the Yellowstone disease for (he week eudiim July IS. i This is the same number as for the Tark. Mrs. Jane Taylor, wife of Bert previous week and 111 cases fewer than for the corresponding week lu Taylor, died at her home lu Eureka. John E. Wlrthlln, Win. Wlrthlln' 1940. and John Sullivan were fishing In 2fi cases of syphilis ami lu eases Hobble Creek Canyon. They wllnesM- -' of gonorrhea were reported, the ed a gun battle at Spanish Fork be-- ! number largest for any week duriug tween a demented man and officer the year. of Utah Whoopli.g cough increases with a ed mou county. In which the dementwaa seriously Injured. total of 112 rases, with Sanpete To. Ccorge Wilde. Jr., of Mammoth Having 27 of these. a seriously Injured in the Chief I of Mm A)wevs. A nation is the uully of a people. Coleridge. A state to prosper, must be hulll on foundations of a mural character; and this character In the prinplal element of Its strength snd the only guarantee of lie permanence and prosperity- .- Jubex Curry. The commandments ofCod are the bread of life for the natioha. Iioswell D. Hitchcock. God la father, in r in lie, and this great truth, when understood In Its divine metaphysics, will establish the brotherhood of man, end wars, aud demonstrate on pence, good will toward men." Mury Bek-c-- r Eddy. The true grandeur of nations I In those qualities which rountitule the nue greatness of the Individual. --- ( harle Sumner. Until nations are generous they will never be wise; true policy Is generous policy; all blllerne, etc., may gain small ends, but lose great ones. Washington Vtl W bor the past r...v at Reporter Office Legal Blanks of All Kindi Alwayi Carried. C. E. RIFE FONES 36 and 228 LOCAL AIM FOR 8ALE 5 room modern See Francis Davie. typewriter. ftnariVM Blf. NOTARY PUBLIC mine when an ore bucket fell and struck hint across the hips while he was In a stooping position. Richard. Haynes, Arthur Snow aud Theo. Ilsynes were at Fish Lake. HU SI.K V;: Practically new Oliver $12.50. Phone No. 3. Tlntlc Lodge No. 9, F. A M tjiy m In lad Santaquin. FOR SALK 6 room hnue on Mulu Si. See Fruiicl t'crlsou. ' West Pu.nl and eighty iisen fioin among the en'i.sted rnen of the icgu- lar sriny and the National Guard are selected for admission to West Point each vear. One IiuiiiIii-- AND CONOCO N scene wig in torrid Death Valley, Hollywood makes true desert pictures, and the heat makes records. Condemned to death were 6 new coupes, alike throughout, except that in each crankcase under lock wae n different e motor oil ... one fiU... never any added in any car's lifetime . . . speed kept up under Death Valleys all consuming sun until Mch engine went to smash. A strictly impartial, strictly certified test of motor nl life, decided only by 6 cars death. Thk . big-nam- 67-mi- le -- Which ainst 13,398 . fill listed ill of miles?... Certified One oil outlasted tho other teat oils by 6,683 miles or more . . . Certified. And the whole lot of them 5 big-naoil -a- veraged not even half of the 13,393 nilea delivered by the new long-hati6- - kuu can have it in your engine right tam at popular price by asking for CONOCO lu nuleags and Ntf MOTOR OIL7 economy come straight fewn Conoco Uth oils new tynthetic or extra substance Thialkene inhibitor. (Conoco Patent 2,218,132.) To understand, merely think n moment of Vaccination the right protective substance put on guard to keep n trouble from starting. Now the trouble aiming to start on motor oils lurlu In the normal firing of every engine. Filth is formed that can spoil one drop then two drope "catch it" then lour then sixteen fill hour, iufcr, FASTER, till the wholefeist too sink weakens and the oil level ...but not when the start of this man-ma- OIL-PLAT- OIL, YOUR ENGINE! Pall. ES de Long the keystone of Conoco success, comes from another great e under " Conoco tynthetic oil Processed Gctm famed patent'. the ahtion bonds oiDPlAtin'o ' Megnet-lik- e to engine parts. It'tant dll' quickly, drain down -- not while youre ifetafe1 i on Conoco N Hi oil. So 11. and wear! adtvhce against in igudrd helps mileage, as it did in Death Volley. engine le one mire' , An oil-plateconomy you get 'frttu a change to oil. new CoiuJlo popular-price- d i ! life-givi- your car. d it r1'1 Oil Company -P- ioneer in Brtfrrfng America' i oil with Synthetic -- ' man-mad- Jvllart! Economy like Unit count up into '' Your at oil Mileage N today Change to ' Continental station. Conoco Mercluint's -- Kl KKKA IJHKJK NO. 12. 1. O. O. F. Miet hrerj Wednesday 7:30 P. M., I. O. O. F. II ALL l'ring Brothera Invited to Attend, KDWAHD KOLTS, N. G. HERBERT UURWIN, Secy. nm A $200,000 modernization program auvrii you ol ths boM in the Spocioui room in die heart of Salt lalo City entertainment and buiineit districts. Four Wt ed trouble i inhibited held back Thialktne inhibitor in new by Conoco N'9 motor oil, on sale today tot proving-groun- I G ng Youll never Death Test your Conoco NA oil nor repeat other tortures. Youll still drain and refill at recommended intervals. But how you'll before you espect to stretch the distance ever add a quart, judgihg by this big Cer- fact: 6 heavily advertised oil in the oulmife-age- d were tiffed Death Valley Test oil. 74 to 161 by Conoco I SALT LAKE CITY G ... 1 POPULAR PRICES FOR ACCOMMODATIONS HtWtR, SAME iv E? 4 th Tuesday of each month at I. O. O. F. all. Vlslthlng brothers Invited to attend. M. If. 1IOWK8, W. M. JOHN F. ROWE, Secretary SALK -5 room niudern j brick home, city lot. 2 hares of 2 blocks N'o. I West of Wiler. Sinclair Service A. M., moots and ! 10 JJ home. FDR SALK Modern 4 room home,, with closed In porch, garage. Will ulo sell furniture. Mra. Mildred j. Nolun ui Mrs. Anna McDonnell ji home. C. rW I -- daughter of b OF TIIOI'GIIT GK.MS EJH OH ti restaurant serving wondes food. Headquarter for Pour and sightseeing trip 400 OUTSIDE ROOMS EACH WITH TUB Ol SHOWER 12-- U htrtb ccr,if,r lh rroTincn UkK I IrlkU Death Valley Test and 1 and fairly con. related work sera thorouslily 1 M WAtlSf ....MISIOfNI J. HOIMAN WAIfSIgCO'MMMGd W ROSS SUHOKCO-MANAO- |