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Show 'rrfay. 27,' 1939 July Mr. and Mrs. Angus Miller bar Chief Deputy Sheriff Ed. Winn of COLVMB1A REBEXAH LODGE flaking trip Nephi transacted business In Eureka 1X8TU1ED NEW OFFICERS on Tueaday. , Dr. and Mrs. Max Stewart left tbo Mrs. P. E. Olson and children hare' On Thursday evening of last week Published on Thursday of each week 0,bar day tor ha Fran- - returned home after a weeks visit it the I. O. 0. F. Hall the new off!-- ! But ' u- rn he Yellowstone Na- - In Halt Uk City. Erwi Clem',lt 01 c!af0 (,,p cere of Columbia Rebekah Lodge1 Mrs. Maryl DJ nLL,!i wbera.Uxan week end with Mr. tlonal Park. Medford. tor were Installed. Mrs. Mary Edwards, srday I Mrs. T. A. Clement, I Mrs. Elizabeth Jermnu of Chicago district denutv nresident waa the will spend the next five or six. and ! Mr- . d Mrs. Ruben Ball return- - Is la Eureka visiting with her son with h.-- son, William Drls-bv Mr a 01 s home last week after a very and daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs. deiufy ee,Unoa r h a. foU' ' of the week pleasant vUlt wlih relatives In south- - 8. L. Jerman. !' ,oreprt , following were in!uilS- had who with , ern Sax, visiting relatives and Elaine , California, Miss nobis grand, matter aader the Aet of March I. Mr. friends In Eureka and Mammoth, j JJ ? Lloyd Jerman, son of Mr. and Mrs.1 7n. With her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Berry and Mr. 3. L. Jerman, lias returned home i1,11, M yr4. j'eter Jones, returned to M Bofns has returned and Mrs. Wesley Durfee spent Rat- - after ? ?nard late last a In Lake vacation City Salt at spending period her hoine aped,n two weeks In Los An- - unlay, Sunday and Monday at Rail Salt Lake City. he of Uke and Ogden, taking In the big' I, ' Th"a h n,Uel ,toBBta venta ,n both of those cities. KIWAXM CLUB DISOUKSEH A ut MrB' Wtlle,w. Mr. errivti or E.! Mrs. Llbbie Tolman returned to CELEBRATION Mrs. Jh born at tha Payson of Eu- - her home nt Silver City, SJSSl daughter,2dth. Both mother City after .pend- raka Al tha Tf1'1. wl,h his grandpar- - ing three weeks visiting with rela- mtlng of the Eu- . tiliv are reported aa doing fine. n onts. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones and lives snd friends at 8panlsb Fork and reka Klwania Club last evening the other relatives. Provo. subject of holding a celebration com- Andy Kepllnger, pioneer resident I is at making who present memorating the completion of the Tlntlc .r M Maumm, vocational Instructor new hard eurface road Into Tlntlc Gr?waa Ka n at his at Pen hi. home at Spanish Fork, visited the Tlntlc High School, has re- - waa discussed at some with his sisters. EUr'.k!,,.,,Lr having spent .. the week-en- d length. His tuned home after attending sum- hospital. Mrs. Llbbie f The of the final stretch Into and Hickman u mri. Ur Sadie friend will be p eased to learn that mer school at Utah State College at Eureka oiling Is now under way and with- - to vice grand Tolmsn, at Silver City. he 1. somewhat Improved In health Logan. In two week, this work will be fin- IHId. I Tha Women's Benefit Association ,, P of d Jun,r B,,er Mr,J Mrs. T. D. d: EUREKA returned after a week' ,lu Wsyne county. I il !",? REPORTER . r K. '"I I. I 1 1 1 ... Jr, ,afr i0 m E8 ' reu,r ... sr rHlffvsri ,saiKsaft session Emmi E 5h Gear bonse and jjj won Naylor JJJ ;oupJe of reuU E prize, Mrs. Etta snd Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald conaolabe will held mother of little folks on July 20th tlun. Tlie'hext meeting on Aucust 16th at the home of Mrs in honor of the 7th birthday of Dlx-le West berg. Among those attend- Thomas Phltacklea. n Jerry Carter, Helen Rae w n,v K JfinM rnA B,rchwore r. De,orM HoBe- ,nd AnB .rue, relwnrt to their Iday after home in Mammoth on California. spending fifteen day They took in the world s fair In San Francisco and stnlo that It waa wop- deriul. The party also vKited with Mrs. Pere McIntyre at Sebastopol, and with Mrs. C. P. Harvlclls at Palo Ain. The trip home was made through the Yosemlte Park. Mortuary i.f PHONE 54 Call Any Time Day or Night. Ambulance Service ,h. oTue urek. ... to awarded Tlntlc Lodge No. 9, F. Mrs. ,,c eommlttee, to Investigate ,ha proposition at once, by contact- ln 0,her organisations such as Iho Amrlc,n tKioa, Fire Department. Elkl ,nd olher traternal organlsa- Ilona, the Miners Union and others, to assist In such a celebration. It waa thought that Ubor Day would be the Ideal date for the event. John Rowe, who Is a director In the Associated Civic Clubs of South ern Utah, reported on tha Duck Creek meeting of the orrnnlzntlon. which he attended. He stated that the usual Interesting sessions were he,d and that aMrnlly lha d,awd hst existed In the Associated Civic Hub. ha. been cleared up. The program was under the dlree- tlon of George Forsey and consisted of the following numbers: Plano solo, Norma Forsey. Reading, by the little Misses Broderick and Gwilllams, elocution ,,udeBt of Mra- Tfia Newman, g .g0-- - .ma" "? J?" r,0Jana il tPeCOrd f Mdap- - tance a"1 ,ba . lher ?i1thel ,a 9 ve; made Ltord forErekaK.y. week endtrin Lake City and on hit return home Saturday waa accom- h u week flpr visiting puted by Mrs. Kay, and their daugh- - ,rned ba a n 8an Francisco has been who confined to ter, Irsel, n Salt Uke hospital for several and olher oilta r interest In that Utah Received Big Sum weeks on account of a aerloua frac- - flf,nlty. They also motored down Wreanng Ta Angeles where they spent ture of the skull, which she sustain- ew on and tbe re,urn tr,P ook daya ed when she fell from an automo-A federal allotment or (24,601 ou,rtier dam nd he aouthernl bile. The young Udy is making a to develop wild lire resources has national parka. will have but recovery satisfactory .been granted Utah, according to an n y John F. Rowe, a director of the Assoclnted from Press dispatch more weeks. Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Washington. This wan Utahs ap- Utah, attended the monthly meeting portlonmenl . or (1,320.000 ae at the Duck Creek CCC camp nounced by Secretary Ickes. last week-en- d and reports that It The money, according to Newell waa one of the most Interesting B. Cook, state fish and game held to date. He also had mlnloner. will be used to complete GO the pleasure of visiting with a half projects already under way in Utah n Tlntlc hoys who nro nt that Foremost among the project ing considered by the slate commis sioner la the pro-At the meeting of the O. F. F. C. of sites in Brisham and Perry on Wednesday a constitution gram 8prlngvllle Bay, land In tb canyons, Utah and Millard counties and the lK,?.WnTU" tnd ,dnP!ld byFranres tnd Merle Fox. were voted in. completion of the Ogden Buy Bird A swimming party has been planned Refuge. D. E. Woodward, land rontrol for next Wednesday, August 2nd. At for the Biological Survey, Is agent member yesterdays meeting every working on the program with Ran- of the organ zatlon was preten- t.- da T of lh, ruh wma d Bernice Gourley, scribe. partment j The opening dance of the Silver IXCAL ADR. Ill, tha American Legions new open air dance pavilion, was held on Bat- - x orcB1 meets 2nd F. alL Vlslthlng brothers Invited to attend. IRA M. MILLER, W. M. JOHN F. ROWE, Secretary Owing to the drouth prolonged of th. last1 month. (he fire hazard on the Uintah National Foreet and other forests Get Well With 0f Utah Is extremely high at present with no relief in sight according to reports from George C Larson for-- e.t supervisor of Provo CHIROPRACTIC Dr. E. L. Aiken I Emergency guards have already been placed In the heavily limbered'1 portions or the forest on the Provo1 d Duchesne drnlnsges. Th. cZp.l 82 West Crater M. .rative observer at Sol. I lev Summit mike. dally report, of humidity, temperature, wind velorily and mola-ture content of wood cylinders from shlch accurate danger meter read- Inga are calculated which show con eluslvely the danger at the time. Several fires have already occurred on the foothills east of Utah Valley, which show how rapidly fires spread when conditions are as dry as at prevent. The forest service Is urging the public to use extrema care while la he mountains tn order that expen-- i sive fires may not occur with the aultant damago to the watersheds, timber and forage. I ' - - tnd high temperature, -- an-he- M- and 4th Tuaadny of each month nt L O. O. IL Critical Point - a,"0 nwirare at Aiangeru A. A The next meeting will be held on Mrs. Angus Miller. merclal Bsnk of Nephi"" and 'prat P. Thomas, president of the Cornmer- rial Banks of 8panlah Fork Nephi and Holier, transacted business in Eurek during the past week end. Mayfield, Utah, where he is chief cook for a camp of eighteen men who are employed in government work by the U. S. G. L. O. T. ... prise, were I Rati t n Dignified Service at a Nominal Charge, visaed and Trelo,ri Bonn,e Joyce nMe,t ,,B. r. and Mrs. Don Ewing are the trlcla Kotlln(lont rarol wasiherg an.1 proud P,rM1,B of a S pound baby T(imnie Westbcrg. hoy, born on the morning of July The Oxford Resort lost its prize 26th. The youngster has the dls- bartender and chief business getter Unction of being their first child and the other day when George Ynmo- - also the first grandchild of Mr. and moto packed hla shirt and sox after Mrs. Roy Allred. to quitting his Job tnd said Loi 8and" rom the Tlntlc District for a brief spell pePr P least. Georg, ha. t.ken himself h bl into the mountain country east of J"1" Neil ODonnell A kkm a s thought It would be fitting to have Ofcorf7nuVvSrih .n,t TROVO MATTRESSES REMADE Your Colton Mattresses verted Into a Hpring-F- Con- only $8.50 complete or Colton Mattresses Remade like New only $4.50 All work guaranteed. We Coll For aad Deliver. WRITE Overman's Mattress Co. 54 No. 4th W. Provo ld s do-e- be-Mn- I . : I rooms. Although the nf- - yDR RENT Housekeeping urday evening. Webb, fair was not largely attended thoea who were present had a very enjoy- - TYPEWRITER and ADDING MAable evening. The 8!lver Pit Is loCHINE 8ERVICE, any make. Alsu cated on the 8ummlt and there la no new machines for sale. T. E. question but what it will become n O'Neil. Call SI. popular daneing place, especially af1 OR RENT Two modern housea ter the new floor la put In. 1 nicely furnished. Dick Gaiaford. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beealey returned homo on Tuesday evening after spending the past six weeks on the Pacific coast. At 8an Francisco they visited with their daughter,' B Miss Helen Beasley, took In the 8LEI"?awd' chop,Prd . ! ile ll You got it with Pop I ample power on the start-uIt in specially climate controlled motoring ! which giroe traffic, on the hills. for summer weather in the intermountain territory. Drive in Try Pup 88 next time you need gasoline. where you sou the Pup sign of service. p. -- Take the edvfca ef Wavaleri whose os, sflanca hat iaaehl than what Hstal lar vary laatanabla ratal. Yaul kka lha lead la Ota Cabtarla end the Otaing Raan ANQUIT 400 . worlds fair and .pent a little time Elmo Bo"weI1-whwith many former Eureka people now reside ln that section. The RABBIT8 FOR 8ALE Young they state, waa most Interest- ng rabbits. Delivered at reasoning. and declare that It would take prices. Glen Campbell, Lead- a month to see all the exhibits there. Tme row. Ike return trip was made by going in Portland, Oregon and then down FOR SALE 22 International ttt Ion dump truck (200. Bob Green. through Idaho. MUa Beesley recent- ly left for n trip to Honolulu. WANTED AT ONCE Babys high chair in good condition. Phone AND OUTSIDE taw A CONVENTION ROOMS WITH oloflatMe E QU Ki ER 88-Vi- co ad lArt apgradata lha IXTtA QUAIIIY yae gw at iha Wawhsan Una ready hatall FACIUTIKS BATH U-- M Mil 1 R 1HOUMN SMtaWI WillON I W toil 00 HOTEL o fry-fai- r, STATIONS IN UTAH EVERYWHERE AND IDAHO 22S. My Neighbor " CHEERFUL AS ITS NAME CPiLP If You Do Then Mike It More SAYS: Valuable By Doing the Necee-- a ary REPAIRS and dying It To bleach white linens, cover with lemon Juice and ley In sun for u day. Wash out In warm water and oap suds. a a a a When making pea anup, always thrnw in a slice of bread. It prevents the peaa from sinking to the bottom of the pot and burning. fnend-- y smoothness that -- cheerful si its name. tonight 7 not buy u bottlo W a COAT or GOOD PAINT, a To press heavily embroidered linen, piece right side down on a turk-is- h towel and presa on the wrong aide with a hot iron. WHISKEY KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON Theres a lure, gemal in Old Sunny Brook- -a Do You Value Your Home? Iced chocolate is a nourishing aa well as a refreshing summer beverage. . Add chopped ice to a thick, choroate after it haa been allowed to cool. In-aid- e and Out. MOORES PAINT PRODUCTS Lumber and Building Material! Pipe and Pipe Fittings well-flavore- d Utahs FasUst S'Uint Whisk,! ; COPB IVM.KIT10NIL saw wax cm pismuas raooucra coarosation IIMUaM Tart cake fillings are preferred fur summer serving. A lemon or orange filling in baked sugar cook-- I irs makes a dainty tid bit to serve with chilled beverages, 'Afxwii-it-e Nhskiwii WNII gervtcc.l Tintic Lumber Co. PHONE 44 EUREKA,-UTA- H ' |