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Show I I 8 4 I vy DEVOTED TO THE QEEAT TINTIO MININO DISTRICT VOU'MIi XXXVIII HOME OF THE WORLDS LARGEST KUBEKA. JUAB CPU NTY. MINES 8ILVER-LEA- D UTAH. THURSDAY. JULY 27. 193!). X iitnbor 33 Eighteen Mills is Eureka Levy predicted by this paper In Ita for the Ust Issue the city lax levy niVseut year will bn the same as that which la 18 niilla on for last year, valuations.- - T,. is dollar of aaaeseed the at taken was regular p k action This As L by McClain and paaaed PntPe w i,h by a Mln 01 "y po,n ThnTvlea for the v.rloua funds JlllJ.Ie same a. for 1938 and are tullowa: Contingent expenses 6 mills, water for Irrigation and other purpose 4 mlUa, sewers and drains 4 mills, I will, streets and sidewalks 2 Vs hall mills, of city maintenance maintenance of library 1H mills. With many people the idea exist- -' rd that a reduction In tax levies bn In order because of certain Increases In assessed valuations, hut advances were thoroughly off- set by reductions on other, taxable properties, and ths upshot of the situation is that the assessed valus- tlona for 1929 are practically the as they were for the previous of the trip to; lhh "'Winery, prin,f1,y Speaker of international prominence will diaruaa problem vital to The "hoard, made up of sportsmen the future of the western mining In. nd W" n.du,r and stockxrowera, will determine how many elk and hornlesa deer will dwdoiinwnt Auguat 21 to II at lb- con- - Wllfloy tables, at recoveries of '' INTERESTING SUBJECTS ARE DISCUSSED BY pTvrrp CLUBS snu-lier- Asso-mig- ht c,atwl Civic Clubs of Southern Utah! convened at Duck Creek, near George, with the dubs of Iron,! Kane and Garfield Washington, counties as hosts. Blaine Releason.l Miperviaor of Dixie national forest,' waa general chairman of arrange-sam- e men- - James M. Sargent, president, of the association, presided at the nr, business session. Elgin Gardner, county assessor, The meeting In the open air na- -, which furnished the city figures at-h- a showed that the valuations in Eure- - lnrl ampitheatre was largely ended directors com-' and by a to county amounted 8370,472, only few dollars above thet of 1938. How- - nilaslonera of 11 of the 15 counties territory. The ever, these figures do not include the in the association of valuations of utilities and mines, business Included the election These will be furnished by the state ,wo new members to ihe executive hoard, Fred Fleming of Kanosh and lax commission at a later date. B- - K. Baldwin of Moab. The new At tho meeting on Friday evening members fill the places formerly Mayor Beck presided and Councilmen Brisker. Cronin, Coffey and cupled by C. W. I.ove and T. ' McClain nnawered the roll rail. The Jensen. business the a Following meeting minutes of the previous meeting Duck were read and accepted and bllla banquet was served in the gainst the city to the amount of Creek CCC camp and then n dance of the Tlntlc District The (480.30 were audited and ordered concluded the days program. 8un- - dld niTahwe in observing Pioneer lhe group toured the scenic at- paid when money Is available for Day on Monday by folding two very of the vicinity. tractions above in Included the purpose. fln8 celebrations, in fart they were To formulate a recommendation bills was one for 8128.00 due th 0 good ,hat fav0rab!e comment has to the big game control board on been late insurance fund. One beard on every hand. number of deer to he removed A request waa made of the city for '! vaa at Mammoth and om In areas southern b congested a donation to assist fnancially the 0(kpr n uureka an(t iIP two Pioneer Day program for Eureka, but I'tah. the fish and game end live- were M) urrangod that committees will meet in Salt prorami, n natante ur the request was turned down. How- two djd they onJy I- Gity on August 3. The big ever, the following city officers and overap or caura conflicts. The euc- employees donated to the cause: tho fame control board will meet the 0f theae celebrations will lie an all council members, record- - following day. incentive for bigger and bet'er pro- Albert Albertson, supervisor of er, treasurer, marshal, watermaster jn lke future. and attorney. It will be remembered Fiahlake National Forest; Mr. BeKUREKA that some time ago the city officials tenson and M. C. Sorenson of the for Kureka was program o. lold Tinli and game department, made a ruling that they would not branches of various the handled by rontrihnte to cnlehratlons because conditions and agreed that the sub- - ()Q g. church, and consiste.1 jj. careful consldsalute of guns at sunrise fol- they believed that such a procedure J,,rt should be given was contrary to law and that they cratlon and worked out to the bene- jcwpd ky a pinnMr program at the had no right to give away taxpayer fit of the range. L D. S. Church at 10:30. At 1:3 I Reports of dissatlKfactlnn that p money. were rarPII anj contests 1,aV1 Prevailed In some A communication was received wrp a!d of Tar0ua kinds at the high school clutia of the southern Han from the Slate Municipal league In- - P1-ahlch nearly Iwo hun- an)Udg were apparently settled drM, vliing Kureka City officials and their territory participated. Prizes o wives to attend the 3!nd annual con- - Saturday when an atnriidmen jjjVt.n t,P winners of all events. whereventlon to be held at St. Ceorge on the constitution was adopted At s p m. a frM, phndre.. d.inre executive uoar Ameusmcnt Hall Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Au- - hy a member of the yjT(.n at from replaced when he has moved mfcrh gust 31. September 1st and 2nd. Tha pa,.kwl t0 capnrily by rhildren from all sections of tho dls- entertainment attraction of the three-- , the territory. CeIn At a meeting Friday night day meeting will bo a tour which! of the trcl will take tho vlaliora to all the scenic dar City, represonta lves n the evpnln, lh- oVlll(.k M this procedure miliature counties decided upon marrhed down Main parade and It waa adopted Saturday by the (reet wh ,he T,n((, ,Iijh jgchto entire directorate Batul leading the procession and fol- floats lowed by about twenty-fiv-e St.-(ho- . , To Contbra Municipal IV,. R. Daynes, exalted ruler of ,d Bankruptcy Act lnl. Tl. chr.ci-tli.ll..- n. " Elizabeth Tho.. and W. Ho Johnson vihi Jones and their decision, were her comes D. C.. Elk2m Washington. Nash Barber Shop a dnSword Htat the senate Judlci.ry com- - aa Xollows: veii h.r hLn .wan float earning ,Lso Ann 7u.JTfo.Tl? JSS 'iSSw .ppmved a house bill whu. and Carol Baum, little daugb- the l.fe of the municipal Boyne Tin appointment waa announced or Mrs Mr. Ixonard and tera noyna add-, SukrScy until 1942. and by Henry C. Warner, now . . -AYtend Hie nrlvl- - nd Mr. and Mrs. Cay Baum, tbo i,. j Mr. grand exalted ruler. 0"l artlstlc fl.u.1. Second prlao 1 ha ,0 ,h AulT. r,Jub Dirlshcs is chnirm n de- while and rreatlon a for green tr units mxing The act board of trustees of lh state student activities. duh Margaret bankPiling rii.'".i..nf.ee pelit.ons In loan fund. Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ole 3n7 Ia.uIh Kay. had Ihe beat decorate oM per Four Is regarded os an unlucky writing of tmy of Vr. riry).f. Jirk number hy the Japanese. Their rredllora. and Mm. Nell OHare, was the fun- word for It Is similar to the word Office nlesl character, representing Simple Notary V(,rk at Reporter "death. Simon. Jmnty Slanlon and sister, I nico, children of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanton, received the Pioneer prize Years with their entry of a small covered Snah" , i S3 ta a- M1 Vv" JZ -- -nl . J li tr Sisters Reunited After Fifty Krin' E-City. Some 2000 delegate from every metal produieng state will Attend the sessions and view the extensive ex-- , Mbits, and will voice their opinions on numerous problems , Including that of labor legislation. I Officers of the organisation stats I that the program la now virtually A canvass of Salt Lake valley complete, with the following llunup: John W. Finch, director of the U. shows they have on hand 460,000 ounces of silver from 135 S. Bureau of Mlnea, 'will dlacusa shippers contained in ore received Mineral Resources and World Poll- - ' oil or before July 1. which according tics at the opening aoaaion. Other to present Interpretation of federal dlacuaslon subjects at this session officials, docs not qualify for the will be The Strategic Minerals Proand Developing Domestic former domestic silver purchase price gram 8ources of Deficient Minerals.' of 64.64 cents per ounce. A. G. Mackenxle, secretary of the Governor Henry H. Blood and i Utah chapter of the American Kilning Mayor John M. Wallace of Salt Lake UoiiKress, wired this Information to Clly, are to welcome the delegates United Slates Senator William H. at a luncheon meeting, with Howard 1. Young, president of the Amerl- King. This toial will be Increased," Mr. can Mining Congress; D. D. Moffat, Mackenzies telegram read, by ship- - rhalrman of ths western division, menta likely to arrive for some time, and George H. Rupp, program chair-Th- is total conrlsts of silver which man, to reply. James W. Wade, vus r reived In ore and could not lie vice president of the Tlntlc Standard . sampled or treated In time to rualdo Mining company and chairman of producers to exerute. affldavita and arranrements, will preside at tha have them delivered to tulnta within luncheon. I United Btaten Senator William )L,. 3ft. (be lime linill--Ju- ne In sonio cases it requires 10 day King will apeak following tW lunch- -' nr more after assuy to have afflda- - n- - Other speakers to discuss the vlls executed in casee of shipper! current status and future outlook for various metals will Include P. from remote mlnea." In- - C. Beckett, vice president of Phelps Mackenzie Mr. had four of head cattle and previously Nearly thirty burking home were rode during the formed Utah senator and congress- - Dodge corporation, copper; Andrew evening, and In most Instances they men that In many cases It la the Fletcher, vice president and tress-thwere rode, in a manner which would email mines, least able to bear the rer of St. Joseph Leud company, general do credit to even professional but- - loss, which will lose heavily because led; Edward H. Snyder, era. With but' few exceptions all of some of their silver mined before manager, Combined Metale Hedue- the stock were vicious buckeri. Julv 1, wta not delivered physically Hon company, tine; It. C. Allen, A near serious accident took place or bv leva! Instrument to the mints president Superior Iron Ore iron or; Merrill 5. when one of a bronco rider's feet before that date. Technically this Interim silver now Sboup, president Golden Cycle cor- caught In the stirrup after being If. 8ege- worth only the world price of 31 poraMon. gold; Charlea is thrown and was dragged several feet before he became free of Hie cents an ounce Silver mined on July Urorn. president company, other metala and non- sunnhg horse. The roleo waa pul o-- . 1 Is In the same position, while that minerals, Iy Carl Fields, Gilbert Snell, Bay mined since July 2 Is worth 71.11 metallic Senator an ounce cents new Key Flttman of Nevada under the silver assistand Brennln Har.ulfln, Buys will diacuce The Future of Silver rd by many other rodeo enihuHiasts purchase law. On Tuesday. President Roosevelt at the afternoon session, from Tlntlc and Coehen. the question hy declaring thi settled Preceding the rodeo and following ,u,erd'n d,jr r Include Colonel D. C. Jackllng of it were special events as follows: Plu Pflce of Interim silver to be 84.84c Francisco, president of the Utah eating contest was won bv Nell Cart- - on ounce. It la estimated that there wrlght, wntermelinn contest won bv or 2.000.000 ounces of the white topper company, and Senator BurH Cllliupie, M. Katough won the metal affected hy the pn'Kidonts ton W. Wheeler of Montana, who will addreas the annual banquet session greased pole climbing conlest and August 31, and Klmer F. Andrews. Freddie laiird captured Hie greased diviadministrator of the wage-hoWar C1 Mormon Crickets pig. sion of the U. 8. Department of LaThe celebration wound up with Tpiminiitfd Saturday bor. whose subject will be Applicaa dancing party at tho Silver PR wjw tion of the Wage-HoAct to Min-iuwhich was liberally patronized, preserve game - n b The monthly meeting of the bound- - I s ! at v? ur ur MAMMOTH The Mammoth celebration was sponsored by the Fir lVparlment, ,he Baseball Team and the L. D 8. Sunday School and opened with a salute of guns at daybreak. At 9:30 a. m a mlnuture parade took place and It waa so good that It It tbo.. w long time, Mi i. Timi. .. , ( . .... lrlrea for entries thla were awarded ns follows: lbst rtlalte Hoat with Join Dalton as M as W.h; beat ptam 1 wagon the wr.,y: son. !:,ftyd Lar; Indians, liojd S Richard Andrews: lw! decorated doll buggy. Joan Faaar; best deco-rated tricycle. KM. May Fife: best historical fbwt. missionary rlat. of Sunday School: funniest character. Mary and Jessie Gunderson; beat bathing heeiily, Hyri-- Sorenson, Jr. At 10 oclock a Pioneer procram was given at the Mammoth Ward fol- thapel which was lowed by a free d.nue for the little folk. At 1 p. m. there were raers. sports and romoMr for built md old fur wblrb r:.h pil.-- w.-- e rlvrn to Ihe winners, At 4:30 a heh:i1 gum- - we pliv fd between llureka and MAiniiUiil:. the former wlnulnr bv s score ,f U 3. t Fisher n'Tli.d for Kitrek-- . , hp Discussion on the morning of Au29 will be on mining methods; . . , , J 1 l.-- . ... u . fnrr mI(hll ad offl. that splendid result, have ol)taind. )urlllf thllt pprIr)(I lprally mminn4 of rrirkHs have la the T,. kllM moit, of pastern slope yajey andTlnilc kemo'uniiins.'The method used w.. to .pray tho crick- ( aH0 vegetal loa over which with dust mix- traveling, they were . arsenite and lime, lu extermination authorities be-that the 1940 crop of crlrkela n fonipar, KU,UR (0 bf vpry amal this year. Q whal n 8lHte ' howa (rgnu Sira. Rifka F.cbpen of Johannesburg. South Afrlea.ls of Bnwy. M harr,Vea being greeted bv (iter uialer. Mrs. Roe Kroxt la New York, Tbc aictcri ham nol acea eicb 9lbff ,.Ir "e m pww leI,u' ifSroT.rd Agree- - ! SuTTlta priSS to-- 31. morahujrAu Stager Duck Season if Refused Utah Hunters Utah aland. .Ion. for a at.gg.rad duck hunt thla fall and th chances are on In forty-eigthat tb crlss of thla states hunters will b heard, This was th conrluaiou reached by State Game Commissioner Newell B. Cook aa he summed up Important Issues of the annual Western Conference of Fish and Game In San Francisco, Commissioners ht recently. i- -, Srfi Cook looks for few. If any change. In th duck regulations of last fall, although there la a possibility that Utah gunnera may be given an extra hour to hunt each day, quilting time being fiv laatead of four o'clock. Utah waa all alon on th staggered plan," Cook explained, "but even at that wa pul our caa and demanded consideration when tha rules aro drawn. W mad an apla this peal for th extra hour, latter plea Utah sportsmen have a fair cbnnc of winning." Cook aald that water condition of th country wero discussed. Duck leaders wer alarmed du to a shortage of water In th Canadian nesting areas but recent rainfall baa come to the rescue of 4h bl(da and ' everything looks bright agula. The drouth In tb lutermuontala region was discussed, but It waaoot deem- ' n UU ' J"1 ? d,tt .. t fr rt .P i lh a na,urai dJalh lt of Agusl SO EdTar . ,, ito ground inilpU SJIT'lIulIiil.k wagoti drawn by a dog. Carolyn, daughter of Mr. Kenneth Spurrier, th best decora led doll hugay. The s Kureka Ward M. 1. A. for an arils- Imix-rsunlie float, l.onlno Ritchie. ating a rlown. Jerry Bessie and I so Jarvis depleting prospector chsr- cters. Richard Forsey for Hie he decors led bicycle. The float entered ! Kilckson for Mhi .uioiIi, l v Hie little eon and dr.nvhter of A well attended open air dance rl of Krnest Mr. and Mr. Boyn Jr., a pioneer nature. Cash awards were Ibe Mammcth tennis court wo.ind up the day's prugruni. given all of th abov entries. all-sta- 1 b Iniim-dlutel- Ths real entertalumeut pari of Tlnim Tim High Hchuol Rand ball at th took place program a of credit for deserve Ibembers park commencing at 7:30 when the or Eureka defeated Hie all- - la wuccers of both celebration . sUrs of Spanish Fork by a score llutlr rcinlltions duiinx the uarud-sfor Totters Ihe Tlnt'r play or 7 to 3 in a soft ball game. IBalev i.lso to for Spanish ing at bulb childrens dance. and Jameson pitched Fork ami Atherley and Fisher loe In All business es'.alillshmenl the lh locals. Th laller went on closed were July rika Monday. and loaded with th base none out and succeeded In strikin' 24lk. lu ord- -r thm employers and nut lh first thrwe men to face him. employees might enjoy Pioneer Day In Tlnlie or other towns From that time until the end of the Hie Male. But few buslm-s- i house of I visitors hs the eating Fisher game were decorated In oliMrvar.r of (he out of bis hands. The second big event at the park day, worn w was the rodeo sod not graded in heaven fi pfrformanc, notwIlhaMnd.ng Hu gna Kre ones aro as black as the little the er w.. show fact (bat the sutlr. ones. local tU md aod by people. janged .iV JrttH worth 0 ye . l,Vr In W ' f . hand Harold Sorenson children; funniest float, cart. Merlyn Urst-n- ; Cleo and Nancy Thatcher. lwal In- club or 811- dividual group, the J, 1 g. . lh gust. th I - ' It lakes luck lo make u hole-la- one. llarrjr Cornier, golf profesaioaal at Michigan City, lad., waa about after ho had taken 1,441 consecullv shots at lh name bole, Tim one In the pictura missed by ' lhl lche ! "U I If an autdmbiiile motor become overheated and causes tho water la the cooling system to boil, th gior cap should not be removed Ba til the beet has subsided. Many mo- (orlsts have beta badly Maided in thla way. ed |