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Show Thu&dafi-Juf- r aAXAJ.AXAAXJ.AXAJ.AAA FtTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTtTtTTTTTT FRIDAY . SATURDAY 2fih 2Mih ERROL FLYNtl June-Augu- st The Following are Event that Happened In Tinllc District a Score of Tear Ago. DODGE city I chn OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND SUNDAY July tPiili MONDAY we received un av-- 1 Utah of Mtat Tba oraxe of $7,000 from each or Its EFFICIENT NOTARY Unusually llabt rainfall have reduced tbe water aupply so greatly resident In gasoline tax during the tbal a water shortage almoi-- t a e- ftofti year rQded JuM So u u re-ver a la 19-- 4 11 euled in a report issued by the tax state, say Uean George I). Liyue, iouimUsluii. ex irrigation engineer at the Utah Tbe yield from this tax was tho perinieut station. While tbe natural of any in the special tat largest .. flow in stream i not quite so umounling in the uggi-egal-.j present, this reduction is rapidly . 535 gg. approaching the 1934 level. us l:.x cume a close u.ervolrs that were full at the recond with $0.0$ per ruplta, or a begluuing of the season p,'el V total of $3,635,502.09. The smallest he the one hope of Utah farmers, oleomargarine tax, with an who j,ave land served by th payment of 3 cents per per B1d uke. They carry toUl of $18,164.81 of water, which acre-fefor all person sufficient to handle the land they, was $22.64, compared Bre 10 serve. Only the land that flB4.al dependent upon natural uurm of year. If 118' figured haThe aTer- - w,,h water I. suffering, i However. If the present consump , late .lure per family In tion of storage water continues these, was last $90.66. taxes year special : rapid source may also run short. reached. It draws attention to the fart have that most of the Increase t akenpUce''since" 1 9 3 2 at' wh h:h time the total wa. but $4,274,000 com- the cur-pared with $16,249,000 rent year. It is polnlej out that these taxes are not replacement tax- 'es. but are new taxes. These are tl Standard acquired controlling now reaching dangerous height. editorial Dangerous trreal in the 1'rovo Mining Co. leading A terrible murder was committed Delusions Itestroy Democracy quot- es Dr. F. I). Farrell, president of the ear Trout Creek, in western Juab, unty. when Jess Cone, rancher, was. Kansas Hlate Agricultural College. ot Instantly killed, and Deputy, In this Is voiced the conviction that the most dangerous form of our de- - Sheriff J. B. 8a bey was seriously I the belief that we can get Jured Hb a bullet through hi body.) something for nothing from govern- - The shooting took place at the ranch, 34r. Alice J. Harris, where Cone, incut and the statement Is made ! Sabey had gone to retrieve that the more we look to govern- to solve our problems the less (rsl head of the former's cattle wa depend upun oursplve and to which were held in the Harris corral, look too much to government is to The shooting wa said to have been abdicate our liberties and destroy done by Mr. Harris' sons, Eugene( onil Inland. They were arrested by. our Who 8riff Dan Martin, as were also Mrs. Another article entitled Supports Who?" shows that produc- - Harris and Kdward L. Thackman,. hired ranch hand. It was said that) ers have a triple load to carry that 7nd had existed for a long time the govmust themselves, they carry eminent, and the unemployed too, between the Harris family and Cone William Venable, former book-nfor, It states: "The government has1 a dime of Its own. To obtain , keeper at the Eagle & Blue Bell revenuea It must tax. If It spends n,in. died at Salt Lake City, John Ryan, who had been lu more It must tax more. If it give! anything away or provides any ser- - charge of the local 8t. Patrick's ParAttention Ish for several years, left for Ireland vice It must tax to pay. mike his home. Is also railed lo the fact that those Bowen, secretary of Tlntie, whom the government supports are! Kre No. 711, It. 1. O. Elks, at- -' preforce not s burden on govern-- , in ment but an additional burden on tended the national convention fr ANN SHERIDAN IV STATE INCOME L. E, MINING NOTED Colonel ( of Urovo was iu Tlntlc and in ompany with Supt. N. W. Roberts. lnPrted the new machinery auduu- of llie Iron derground working King. John II. Huhler was named superintendent of the Tlntlc Drain W. H. Child and J. A. Tunnel. rcUy. Salt Lake brokers. Inspect- e ,h Tintic Standard and other Tlntlc mines. The Centennial mine was preparing to pul! nd discontinue develop- ! rk below tbe water level. ' George II. I)ern succeeded James U. in th management ef the May I1 Day and Uncle Bam mine. The Tin- - 1 'gisomxe tax leads . Faces Shortage Twenty Years Ago Issue of the Utah Taxpayer la Juat off the praaa. Thla publication contain Important data for tbo um of taxpaIt presents tba mult of a yer. atudy of trend of indirect taxes, fee and license in I be state of Utah for tbe past 24 year. The atound- lug growth of these Indirect rev- cues to the stale shown. It point out that In 111! hut $701,000 ws obtained from all lliese non-pro. fi tax sources, while for the fls- cal year ending June 30. 1939, the staggering aum of $16,249,000 was Tbe July Utah's Water Supply Interesting; Information In "The Taxpayer" L-i- 'oTS Wx j : PUBLIC at Reporter Office Legal Blanks of All Kinds Always Carried. c. &V3S AOAERT T fr it airplane which 2 I'. M. Kl'M) IV MATINEE -- ONLY August 1st CHASING - d VUJGIR j Chicago. those who produce. forth-- 1 Blddoway, state fish and. In the of Then anticipation lM announced that commissioner, game are fuels levies, presented coming would open unfavor- - the sage hen reason which the Indicate present lilts I Or BARGAIN SHOW able economic condition of Utah. August 15 and rlose August 31. It shows for example that the two! Mr. and Mrs. Asa Shepherd of rrops, sugar beets and wheat, Silver City lost a child from scarlet, large WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY am 37 per cent and 43 per cent re--, fever. It the second little tot j ilnl AukunI 2nd spectlvely, under the production of, to die in the family as a result of. last year and that in view of the' that disease in two weeks, William Hacon purchased the lu possible Increase of 3 mills or more In the state levy, that other taxing jterests of bis partner, Freedoiph son. In an auto repair and supply units should make a careful survey, i of their budgets to ascertain the to reductions of making slblllty j j conform to the lessened ability of GAILXGB Ilt'KINKNM KKOlKNED II V W. K. CARSON the tuxpayer to pay. XV. K. Carson announced The current Issue of the Utah early In IIIG CASH DltA WING MGIIT Taxpayer" should bo read and stud- the week that he has reopened his. ied by every taxpayer In Utah. garage, located on Main street Just south of the Tintic High School, and The Tintic Standard Club of Dlvi- - that he will spend all his time la dend gave a free dance to Its mem- - giving the business special attention., MEXICAN MINER DIED IN ibers and partners at Lake Side on (e Is catering to repair work of alt! EUREKA ON MtiniY Saturday night. The committee In kinds, also washing and greasing. of the dance wa composed; charge For the past three years Mr. Car-- , Ramon Alonzo, aged 35 . Lee Munson, Adelman, la win has been employed by one of) died at his home in this city 011 Krl- hristiunsen, H. Xslt and Shlrl IV- - the large mining companies of this, day afternoon after a lingering Musie was furnished by district but recently resigned from terson. ness, death due to lung Mlggliaccio snd his orchestra. the position. trouble. He wus horn at Tluza ralco, Mexico, Juno 16, 1904, a son of Azus end Mary Alonzo. He cume to this district ten years ago and has since followed mining a an occupation. Surviving ure his widow and a son of Eureka, and three brothers who leslilo in Old Mexico. Graveside funeral services were conducted over the remains at the Eureka cemetery on Sunday morning by Rev. William Frary. MtliTON rotTn 1VNN ' SMUT VIRNON , Lr Is-fn- FOIMIEU EIHEKA LADY DIED AT HALT LAKE CITY BARREL ROLL! . air devil . . . . , Hard on the ELECTRIC COOKING COSTS cerebral hemorrhage. She was horn In Lradville. Colorado, February 23, 1684, a daughter if Michael M. and Catherine Sul-- j livun. When a girl she came to Eu-- ! rcka with her parents and tills place was her home until shout twenty-fiv- e years ago. when the funiilyiuoved to' much lmi. THAN MOST Safe for his engine, because Most ended for you. Get this same great benefit for your car without any topsy-turv. . Get your engine And that takes patented Conoco Germ Processed oil, with its "magnetic" power of mating to the working parts as intimately as chromium-platin- g is mated to the bumpers. Chromium-platin- g can't drain down; OILPLATING cant either. All the way up in your engine all the while it stands or runs all the time you use Germ Processed oil youve got y. OIL-PLATE- durable Then every start is d Every stroke of your engine, every mile you go, takes place on lasting And youre not adding oil every other time you stop, once you change to the only Germ Processed oil . . . at Your Conoco Mileage Merchants. He knows your correct Summer grade. Today have him drain and refill, and at once your engines costa to R operate an electric rang. They say: frequently I "Heavens. thought that it would cost much more lo eniey such fast, clean, THE WORD cool cooking have the rang FOR BETTER As BOURBON m and at the same time meals automatically. cook a result, the majority investigate of homemakers its lew cost immediately who Join tho ever increasing thousands who now tnjoy the grand convenience than 140.000 of olectric cookery. home dwellers in this territory, know, now enjoy electrically cooked meals. Com la lots talk M over. SEC YOUR DEALER OR tCSdZSJS wear-proofe- d. OIL-PLATE- D. Continental Oil Company people or surprised when they learn how little will its d d. PEOPLE THINK Sail loike Cl:y. Surviving in addition to her husband Is a daughter. Mcrlyn Manhart, snd a brother. James M. Sullivan, both of Salt Lake City. dare-dev- il though its upside down. Just think: Your motor car newest model or veteran would actually get better engine lubrication if somehow you could always park it upside down! . . . Silly notion? . . . Just the same, you can see that by standing bottoms up your engine would have to stay oiled to the top! Then it certainly couldnt start dry And that one worst source of engine wear would be still well-oile- well-oile- Mary Ellen Munliurt, aged 55 years and wife of Albert John Man-har- t, died at the family home in Salt Luke City last Friday evening of Who serves God for wages arrve Satan for a mine. A Mere ytu CONOCO GERM PROCESSED OIL OIL-PLAT- ES In tro-h- - ot TUESDAY b Uk orate in these regions (aHl( deterioration of aircrafts. found self-relianc- e. DOUGLAS FOWLCY. rife ?28j sev-me- nt JOSEPHIALLCN HENRY.ONEILL' E. FONES 36 and lu-T- illt 27. |