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Show famrsdny, 'Ted" Littlefield Named Reduction in Size of United States Co. Smelter Officer of Utah Boys State Money Saves Millions' at Midvale Closed Down -i-eee Littlefield, manager WEEKLY ORE SHIPMENTS .... Heads Camp , New Semloh Hold J I Jab jj. A. Ted" SW.T LAKE CITY, UTAH the U. a Veteran Hospital ,B of wae reduced money Mammoth , namru p I I ury officials estimated today that Lake City, has been I I North Lily officer of I tah Boys Btau executive the saved had been by 11.000,000 f - , Chief Cod hlch aas established at Camp Wllcurtailment. Oodlva leeesee a to July Narrows Jordan In the decade, 0.330,017.777 bills Dams, Utah Tiro Clay Co. (aillca) the American Legion. Mr. l.i have been printed la denominations Chief Coni. (lime) I i t I I I I of s- A. ranging from fl to 1100,000. The field replaced F. of thellfowc, Eureka Hill (dump ore) slot. 9100,000 ones are kept In a museum den, who Is out Emplre Mines Mr. Littlefield will supervise the and nothing higher than 910.000 activities of 330 boys of Junior and 31 period. actually circulates. Total Carloads esseeseese classes of high school wjio cost senior of The notice the dosing, signed The smaller bills, officials said, Intensive ee by Robert Wallace, general super- - Just under a penny each regardless bare eurolled for a e of cllixenshlp. duties the In course of read: A e of denomination. HALES paper, Intendent, STOCK aavlng - ee THIN COUPON e "Due to neceeaary repair on the Ing, labor and storage apace amounts They reported at Camp William enlitlea tfci ee on July S and before July 15 will bolder to 8.1c eduction oa main alack, the smelter will shut to nearly 91 per tbonaand bills. Monday. down on or about July 3 for a per- any room at the rets ti Counting the one In your wallet, organise city, county and state Activities on the Salt !.ake Stock room at Iho rates bills eminent, will organise their pcdili- of three to four weeks." are about 960,000,000 any there si be- Exchange were very light on Monadvertised one coupon to worth 96,357,000,000 In circulation cal campaigns, elect officers and was It various reason being that the room day, the 1NJCKKI) GIRL IN STILL outalde the treasury and federal re- gin the fsnctlons of tbelr the day Just previous to the Fourth IV SERIOUS CONDITION nerve note. offices. NEW beds, springs, mattresof July. The only Tlntic stock to ee i As executive officer of the camp, However, someone bae a lot of ses, carpets throughout tbs show activity was the Tlnlle StanIntel Kay, young daughter of Mr. those old oversixed bill In biding. Mr. Littlefield will have general house dard. an odd lot of 100 ahares sold sod Mrs. IJoyd Kay of Eureka, Is A total of 10,775,173 of them uaver supervision of the activities of the rents from Sat- ell!! lu a eerlous coudlllou at the baa been accounted for, and even al- - youngsters, hut will not govern tbelr for up 3 It ITKN E. A. "Ted" Llttlsflsld, Salt Lake L. I). 8. Hospital lu Salt Lake City, lowing for losses lu fires, drainpipes, camp or tbs action of lbs boy urdays pries. 91.30 to $3.50 officer executive be will who ee a head Injury which ahe sus- etc., there are boud to be urns whole sens. They will form a City, of the Utah Boys Stats at Camp own Tuesday when she waa thrown from onea about. their officers, We Now Feature Fret daraci Ing body, electing Williams, July 5 to 15. The camp The Stock Exchange was closed on automobile on Wednesday even- promulgating tbelr own rules, and Is sponsored by the Stats Depart USE THIS COlTONt account of tbe Fourth of July. in of last week. Tbo young lady cfXKBRVriOX OV PIONEER DU eijurclng tbelr own laws, msnt of the American Legion. ee has been In an aliuoat contlnnous The Utah Boys' Slate Is a part of unconscious condition since tbe ac- national campaign of the Amerl- Wednesday According to official tbe L. D. 8. rldent. la behalf of American- Eureka Uulllou 29c. . . Church Is planning a celebration la oil Iril.i11 A Eureka Lilly Cons. 264 to 13c. Eurrt '! watches costs tun- - Person of least merit demand 'em UkTcUv I'i.0n7r.fcrr,,,VJ1',1!mh' lubricating f,r We'alev Timnin Mammoth 9L00. felt It Is department dreds of dollara a barrel. n others. North Lily I9e. ployment, elated that there was will surt at 19:30 In tbo morning commander, with George A. Dallif, South Standard 3c. slight Improvement. Mrs. Kay re- BBd from tj,aB BB there will be som of Provo, as general chairman. at Suit Lake to be near their thing Interesting going on for the berehlp In tbe ramp closed on June . Tlnlle Standard ee injured daughter. .remainder of tbe day and oa Into 15. with applications being appur- -" Honed throughout the state on a rathe night. 1JQUOU PERMITS EXPIRED. 1NTKRK8TLNU INFORMATION ON tio of one Boys' State citizen for ee INXIlt AXD RICH AMERICANS For the first lime since the beT1NTIC l.UMHER MlUi. M,rf elevea members of the Amerl. 0 ran however. of Utah Membership, of the the activities legion. ginning BOt Hulled to boy with Airn-rl-If you turn back the pagee of hie-- 1 State Liquor Commission all permits qb Thursday the Eureka Fire De- Legion affiliations. explred at the same time al mid- - tory to the tlmee of tho colonies you pertinent was called out in answer to night June 30. A new ruling bring- - will find that Washington!, Adamses an Biarmfra waa at lyU) Tintlc ' ing this about. After that date everyone who wishes to buy liquor will Miss Alyce Handle, and Alaert Now the National Resources Com- - building. Considerable damage was to purchase new permits. d of the done with no fire Insurance. A Johusoo, both of Eureka were mar- The license application form has mlttee find that ct S'- Paul Episcopal Church been simplified, with all of the re-- 1 population has an average annual lu- - technical clause In the policy nulll- Nall lu Lske City, at 11:00 a. m. has third come another that of on one side. Through oulred writing 9661; tying the Insurance, on Friday of laet week. The cerethis and the use of carbon copies,! 91.079 and an upper class ha 3,003.; mony was performed by ltev. A. K. the permits can be filled out and ! Five per cent of the population get ytKW LAWN NOW EFFECTIVE, Butcher In the presence of relatives sued In one operation Instead of 27.3 per cent of the total national ! seven, which waa necessary pre-- J Income, or more than one quarter of the and a few Intimate friends. Tjj MVera DfW ai(a brld ' a daughter of Mr. vlously. The fee Is the same, CO the total. One per cent of the rich ytaJ eaaturA including the andThe Mra- - Thomas Handle, and Is one Onecento. cent of total. the 13.1 per get Kneral fund appropriation ,Ue most popular young ladiea of The Issuing of new permits will half of one per cent of tho popula- - ,n tke history of the etate, became th district. Tho groom Is a son of bring a huge sum of money Into the'tlon, consisting of 197,000 family rffMtve on Saturday, July 'lst. Mr- - Hannah Johnson, and is a coffers of the State Liquor groups and tingle persons receive Among other acts becoming ef-Eureka City, Is very aa the poorest third of our ftCtlve Saturday are those reviaiug mer ctive lu civic and lodge affairs and countrymen. h e unemployment compensation jt A hammock rope can support only a following of friends. . law, providing for an industrial sur- the weight It could hold Horseshoes bring less good luck yty anj authorlilng the state Immediately following the j up If It were vertical. than horse tens. l)0,trd of pubnc welfare to give med- - monF the newlyweds left on a honeymoon trip to San Francisco leal aid to the blind. where they will take In the World's Fair, after which they will Journey Ucat Puts Lead an Heart to Log Angeles before returning to A Harvard expert lias found that Eureka where they will make their the load on Ihc heart la heavy b home. JUNIOR PARADE, high temperatures. The smelting plant of the United S Statea SmeltInK, Refining and Min- 7, In company at Midvale closed last for a three to four 2, Sunday mornn 3 week period to permit makin need- 2,ed repairs to the main smoke stack, 1; smelter officials said. I1 The flotation mills and other as- 1 tlvltlea will rontlnue operations. however, during the U. S. Mine treaa- - one-thir- d, - shut-dow- n ten-da- y gov-lo- d I 1 93-0- dll-fro- m 9 Ilon J. y'l. Mein-maln- 96-00- ! at tt - I one-thir- - i Is-- - lart for-mu- ch . one-four- Bor The Wests Thrill Show th Thursday, July 13: EEWAYISTiORE 11 vuugiw 1 ! FAY CASH AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Specials for Fri. and Sat., July 7 and 8 .. . NEW YORK, June 30. Heavy foreign buying of copper was report ed Friday In Wall Street a commo dity men weighed the newest Euro- , pean war scare. . . cnm1,U, uSkST1 Sale of Copper to Foreign Countries Continues Large .ee " foreign for one ..i the largest tonnage day In memory of veteran f h nwrket. The pric-ca- ke Always beat rather than stir your ,0,,0wef bfeu about batter. Beating Introduces air ce a PUDd' P a Quarter cent, Into the battsr, elirring makss It The arms race has helped raise more aolid. e foreign consumption of copper lo Ue Past few years. Ja- Nearly all aalada are Improved in rcord flevor if e little lemon Juice Is sprln- - 1an baa been nong the large buyers, domestic miners, however, the kled over the top of them Just be- Increased war demands has been loro they ere served. Insufficient to offset curtailed buy-fron other quarters since 1937. Te exterminate oatcrpiQara or chewing insects which eat holes la dua Mexico is the orld'i fading pro- senate of Iced (poison). ducer of ailver and in flve centuries has about flve and a half Cook PfM Md f rcen beana un-- billionyielded ounces of silver, more than W cent of world fV,r.??itf color. Be careflil lh,In, not te during that period, overcook green vegetables. - ,hav MIRACLE- - ADE Krrbl 4 pkgs. 10c 1 lb. 17c FANCY COOKIES WAX PAPER M TOILET PAPER 17c 4 for 19c rr " Pr i Mixed Vegetables Tomatoes, 3 cans 25c String Beans, Corn, CASCADE VssK Jar DUCH9XH Quart Jar 60 rr POTTED MEAT IVut Cheese biscuits, tiny cinnamon buns, scones, Boston brown or bran bread, rolls or crackers are excellent complements for the ea!a4 meal. ( lAaneUto swHwa-W- W Peas !- 23c 27c hnte) - DEBUNKER ByJeAe Hinty Fur by, Fk.D. On'sHVAVaUeir.N (HI HaiMi 3 for 10c All NOT UNNfALTHTUL Jti BLACK TEA H INH'ND 1U) 25c In the daytime flowers give oil oxygen end absorb carbon dioxide; but el night this process la reversed. Because of this many people have believed that flowers and plants are dangerous in ones bedroom at night. The truth is, however, thai the amount of oxygen absorbed by a pleat la so small that no possible berm could result. Likewise, the carbon dioxide liven off is neiligi. lie. An ordinary lamp flame would produce more carbon dioxide than a oak tree. In hospitals flowers are not removed from the wards at night unless by request of ths patients. goud-aise- d WXVlsitWf. 1p.m. HORSE RACES, (70 Fast Hoiscs) 3 p, m. WORLDS CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO, 8 p. m. DANCING at 9:30 p. m. Friday, July 14: GRAND PARADE, 10 a. m. RODEO, 2 p. m. BATHING BEAUTY REVUE, (40 Girls) 7 p.m. FIGHTS (Spillsbury vs. Hansen, Headliner) at 8:30 p. m. DANCING at 9:30 p. m. Saturday, July 15: 25 BANDS IN FESTIVAL, 9:30 a. m. HORSE RACES, (0 Fast Races) 2 p, m. FINALS IN RODEO at 8 p. m. DANCING at 10 p. m. .1 4 |