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Show Mr. and Mr. Wilson Let, Mr. and Mr. Iah Sundstrom, lr. and Mr. N. Oborn. and the children of the itspcctlve families, returned to Eureka on Wednesday evening after sending Maxwell of, Mr. Hannah Johnson, after enjoying a vaeulton at tending the weddlug ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Thomas purefc - .22 - "! -last week with Mr. pend a few daya visiting Elmer, Mr. Harry dr sii Mr. Crives narentsl ilr Pyramid. U- - 5, .. S. 5 o' ,ru n f0 Hdp Ji Projec ,1 z ,lld,,y''- - Thy im;-- nd d were snort t the rabbit. tu Mar- - r SS.ogun 'U-.- U,,K ,Wl'r f grants to states nin -- - preprinted M,bd -; Tburaday of each w- -b Kura,a' ulaB- RIFE J. VERN RIPE 11 l- - Puhllnbor iug In band music. He also desires to meet all stu- Entered la the postoffice at Em denis of the Tlntic High School "B" reks. Utah, as second class mall W. to John According Taylor n,Blc r ,b Tin- - matter under the Act of March I, nirtber I1 blower fan was to be "J;,1" P' m In the Copper Lesf shaft I117' jnE'iS b Ks from the work- - urday' . According to reports from Washtnglon. I). C.. the United States Is r,' diglng deeper Into Its pocket M Frank rostua, the new band Instructor of tho Tlnllc High School, wishes all parent of .lath and neven(h grade students, to. contact hint! Immediately, If they desire their children of those ages to taka train- -' a few days on a vacation Cunon- - - , 0'ia" NOTICE TO BAND STUDENTS. "d bl H'r shaft at the for to,rnB" Lehl-TIntl- Nuhou- - ",l,k .v Sif secordiug fow c, up of n,,,k NOTICE. The remainder hu -- uMr mriiuo. ani Count, Clerkorle.liv. .igneri! r NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! lb Tlntic Eastern, J. k,,ow,, Myers was named president, with for wild life restoru- LOCAL ADS. i lion. Kit the 12 months . , Mis Elaine Park, daughter of Mr. jjp nj of LAZARU8 CANNON D- ' 7 Park of Nephl. and ind llt.lL dSighter re u ba Mrlrullun, department Ju,y gr.d Mn,- - Hnrfld ne were thtlr home urtey- of Goahen McChryatal. TYPEWRITERS 8Upply b,n p"rr, Royal typewriters, 1.600.000 for JUlpU Jarperson Vl.jl'lw,n creditor, will present claim, with gait Uke tMty n . and George A.R. c. Allen adding machines. Ser- -' George In the Mantl Temple on Monday after anendmir . ,h, Pnpow. a was th company's property vice on all mahea of adding ma- c? NJathertury!1 Eureka! June 23rd. The young couple will ln says Representative as of lTr. nml K" Tlntic near the Apex Stan- - cldnea and... typewriters. T. E. . ctah, on or before the 18th day of ,lobM,',on. of Mrs. Steele Bailey. Imocrat Virginia. uuke their home at Goshen. They are for ihat rifch m(ii tu mniitimii tA b a t..m. 9a dird. Harry J. Deane had takeu i ei of Lureka, for dolna $20,000 aaaena- Kutwrl CSarrlty and non, Bob, rr- era Mrant of 124 601 and Idaho on Saturday . .. work on rlalin owned by tbe WANTED Practical trained nura- turned from Flah the nelKliborlna atate in whlfli M ,n- - Mrr ,,ert Kkker- four-da- y K,le st- bief trip (WQ on afr,)nia onlldated Mining company J.d aJ Utah hunters are Interested, will get l after a very enjoyable, jjjf of the the Kish Uke. Twin III MOTOR FOR SALE Quarter-hors7,ni! 7hMirPiTmJ ini Frp,,a Tinder, a or l Date of Knlls !7.83. Provided the state contrlb- - F?r ,thBHiatrlcl shipped 181,000 tons Lad s most motor In excellent condition. Price the coat of project Di Idaho, were In Eureka on Fridai' ute Jn,yub fish. re lba .,,nV?d.vlua 07 tb caught tbelP reasonable. Phone 86 or 228 and 13. 1930 a hort visit with Mr and Mrs PPm by the biological survey. K H,,i- "k I Robpr,a wan,w Jb h aP' lWo!k Vf mmsfrucllnw Pnxman. pioneer Veru ltife. They were enroute homo Sirs. George ba l efter The Undo. Temple to the who for the world's 1 trip of Tlnllc. fair at past , resident WOOD TOR SALE Sawed, rhopped . the Tiutlc Standard 600'000 t0 next vear's wild iif road Francisco. Mrs. Madsen and erm Temple, Ja used ui tew years has been making her home 8 or full was Price reasonable. it and length. predicted progressing, restoration but the fund. bouse in' Mr. Rife are cousins, England to refer to the buildings In lSloi'klon, California Is in Tlntic within two mouths the branch fc,mo. Uo,wpn- aisled on the $1,500,000, which was which barristers and law atudenta for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wll-- i MPi and Mrs. Hamilton Laird The two societies. Inner b,f ndHUTi above the sum approv-11- " FOR RENT 4 room modern house, reside. turn Duntaa of Tlntic Junction. Mrs.' ' Mr- - nd Mrs. Arvid Newman re- by the budaet bureau. Good lo- - Temple and Middle Temple, are two 'rnlsheil. !i U the grandmother of Mr ,nd nicely Oarage. of the four Inna of Court established uraH 1 Kureka this week after a appropriation of 82,000.000. dto a 181 5 catlou. Call 270. model and had been in early time for the study and ,wa long auto trip. While away they H,b,rlon said, would have lucres- t nt? J. non and visited Boulder Dam and at Ijis Ve- - d T,b allotment to 132,802 and Mrs. C. E. Rife nnd ; RABBITS FOR SALE Young fry- prartiM of law. They occupy the f,r dPpJn,nl ',r'l Ing rabbits. Delivered, at reason- - sites of the buildings of the Order wa,1, daughter, Rusty and Joyce, acrotn- gas. Nevada, were guests cf Mr. nn l Idbo to $36.84. vp,lkle and lH ,iu ,n U!,', a , able prices. Glen Campbell, Lead- - of Knights Templars in England. Tbe nione comes from the ,r punied by the former' mother. Mrs. Mr. Ronald Vanre. At Ims Anseles ,pr af,!ty yer"' . Row. Hannah Rhodes of Amerlran Fork, they visited with MNs I.ils Hrode- - rr1 ,BX of firearms and ammuuitiou.! The Heffernan-Thonipso- n branch Vr"eT an act in 1637 P .. receipts Tisd with relatives in Suit Lake rick, Mrs. Newmati's sUtcr. iToni from th Cl OV APIUOYTIOX FOR la , V wa, Syr,,E City and Ogden over tbe week end. there they ueut to San Francisco In cash and 8200 worth PATENT. Get Well With 2.211.88 for the first About $95 At the latter place they visited with and took In the World's Fair. From year and SKUIAL NO. OffiMlM. Thia money of merchandise wsa stolen. mon,b of 193. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Power, and that point they Journeyed up the r- Mra. II. II. Bourne and United States Land Office, Salt Uke Mrs. Fowers Is a roast and visited with Mr. Nev- - m,iy b UIM'd only for grants to state little daughter. to Eureka after an children returned and wild for Hh department nty, Utah. May 2, 1939. man's sister, Mrs. Kina Holm. !iame daughter of Mra. Rife. Dr. E. L. Aiken extended visit in California. ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that life restoration projects. Mr. and Mrs. Al Mcore took charge North Lily Mining Company, a cor-83 West Center St. I'ROVO the Tintic Hotel, succeeding Mrs pc ration, by Its authorised agent! j Llzxle Coffey, who had managed the and attorney-in-fac- t, Mildted Hurd, j place for several veurs. vhoao Post Office address is Walker Mr. and. Mrs. I. II. 8prlggs and Bank Building. Salt Uke City, ,rhildren spent the Fourth of July I lab, has made application for Uuiied States Talent for Finlay lode period on a fishing trip. Wellace Painter returned lo Sil- - mining claim, situated In Tlntic ver City after havfmr served in the Mining District, Utah County, Utah,! (RfitlhtTl l IfJtn U. S. Army during the World War. he same being Survey No. 8938 and A Dignified Service nt a He was mustered out at Fort Rus- In the field notes and plaij (n3IMhdintil.9quiaaT. ifa Nominal Charge. this' In sell, Wyomlne. of the official survey on file Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kendall liad of I be with magnetic variations 17 PHONE 54 i as their guests Mrs. Jsk Nicholson decrees East, aa follows: 9-wamsoif ta Call Any Time Day or of Provo and Mra. Walter Furman Reginnlng at Cor. No. 1 of said 19(&o- of Lo Angelr. California. lode No. Sur. Finlay mining claim, Night. Fred Hlight, aged 48, died ul hii from whence the quarter ran trn fit iffy ft o. home In Eureka twenty years scrtlon corner on the North hound-li- e Ambulance Service waa aurvired by hi wife and five ary of Section IS. Township 10 children. South, Range 8 West. Salt Lake Twenty years a- -o Eureka hud a Rase and Meridian, bears North 12 big 4th of July and homo com'nc deg. 15 min. West 1763.9 feet, and celebration. running llience 8outh 89 deg. - 13 Mr. and Mrs. Way lard Wluh'm.m min. East 50.1 feet to Cor. No. 2; MATTRESSES left Silver City to make their home thenre South 3 deg. 44 min. West REMADE at TUyaon. 150 feet to Cor. No. 3; thenre North Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Futlrledr and $9 deg. 13 min. West 50.1 feet to Yimr Cotton Mattresses Conleft for ai: extended Cor. No. 4; thence North 2 deg. 44 j eon, (teors-e- , verted Into n Spring-Fi- ll In Idaho. .visit min. East 150 feet to Cor. No. 1.1 Mr. and Mra. John Church and the place of beginning, j only $8.50 complete i children and Miss Helen or Culton Mattresses Remade Downey re- Excepting and excluding there-- j like New turned lo Eureka after a visit at from all that portion of the ground Uka City. hereinbefore described embraced $4.50 jSalt only I Miss Lillian Sullivan, of Butte, within the limits of Frartlon of All work guaranteed. Montana, waa In Eureka for a visit GruMI Number 3 lode, Sur. No. We Call For and Deliver. with her unrla and aunt. Mr. and 4984, and Desert No. 9 lode, Sur. WRITE Mrs. D. J. Sullivan. No. 8402. Overman's Mattress Co. Net area applied for la 0.007 54 No. 4lh W. Provo YOU NO COUPLE MAKIUKD. i That aald Finlay lode mining " Mlualed In the Northeast Rex D. Wirlhlln, son or Mr. and r,al Mra. William II. Wlrthlin, and Miss nuarler or Section 1$, Townahip 10 Weal, Salt Uke Buae Louise Whlmple, daughter of Mra. Sou,b- - Ka,, Tlntic Lodge No. S, F. Louis Whlmpie, of Sanlaquln but a and Meridian, and la of record in a A. U, masts Sad of lba Recorder bounty former resident or Eureka, were ,b offp nnd 4th Tuesday of l l,b Pounty, Utah, and the ner-urdaJoined in marriage at Provo on Sat- each month nt L O. O. known loeationa above are the iest July ltd. F. all. Vlslthlng brothclaims and Horton Both the bride and groom are 'conflicting Invltad to attend. er popular and well known both ln Ru- -' Amended Lode Mining Claim, Survey IRA M. MILLER, W. M. 623. rekn and other localities. JOHN F. ROWE. Secretory 1 direct that thia notice be pub- j llshed in tbe Eurrke Reporter, . . newspaper published nearest the said university OI Utah Speaker Voices War Fears od mining claim, for a period or nine (9) consecutive weeks. BROWN and BROWN ' V. 8CHAD, "Hasty action of some subaltern ASHAVERB Acting Reglsler. navy officer In the Far East can per-- ' Custom Work Solicited Update the whole world Into a war," HAN B. SHIELDS, We Standardise on Aren racy Attorney for Applicant, declared J. Bonbon. Clark. Jr.,' UTAH EUREKA f First publication May 4, 1939. Last at of the Utah speaking University Institute of Public Affairs, held an- - Publication Jnna 39, 1939.) iiually In connection with the num- g mcr wanton. "Our navy Is over in China, and there Is always danger ) when - there Is trouble In fordxn countries and our navy is present." ! Mr. Clark, former undersecretary of stale and former ambassador lo Mexico, Is now first counselor In the first presidency in the L. D. S. Church. "From nil sign shout us. we are on the very brink of war, he told the university audiencr, If Yon Do Then Make More wi'b particular reference lo the Far 1 East. He explained the war In Valuable By Doing the NecesChina is a war "de facto (In fact) A II the accumulated knowledge . a not war "de Jurl (by (.Ithough about browing beer is appied in sary REPAIRS and Giving virtue of law.) on United The liinaet . . . Slates, the wr and Becker the by plant a COAT of GOOD PAINT, In-sid- e Mr. Clark said. "France is reluchighest standards of manutac tant. Tlie llrli toll are wa'tinr. L and Out. ture. The finest In tl'.e we come to dash with ITast, we can very easily, without that money can buy and skill can action of Congress, have a de farto choose are used by the American a do Jurl war, quickly to hm-mPilsener formula to make this war. If we go lo war w are almost aura lo he Joined by Britain supremely good beer, TODAY end France, and then Germany and I . , , taste its delicious quality Italy will Join Japan. That would At your favorite tap room or get mean war In Europe as well as ln it by the case from your grocer. the East, and It could blossom out into a first class European war." Munufai tured by ! Clark put the hope of tha world ; for peace In the settlement of dla- DECKER PRODUCTS COUPASY A-' ,t JS - thsU picef e' l3l. ol,c-lour- lh !fr . fr t!."i. ,ht rnsrmt" n". fed-.n,0- "b"n i" ,r, ..973 CHIROPRACTIC ad of The Greek Word for BEER .. 300 B. C. . Neil ODonnell Mortuary s'. fAnifo &&& itima a. iiumjitnm 63. a-- -- y, ... ..the H word for it now is Do You Value Your Home? It It 1 ingredients Jim MOORES PAINT PRODUCTS Lumber and Building. Materials Pipe and Pipe Fittings w'"' ' putes by "talking It oat" rather than "fighting It out." He praised the and record of the United SlatesGreat Britain In the arbitration of disputes, which he said la more difficult than uanally thought, because of lack of rule governing lba right of pallena In limes of peace. - GEORGE FORSEY EUREKA. UTAH . O Tintic Lumber Co. PHONE 44 EUREKA, UTAH |