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Show VOLUME XXXVIII EUREKA. JUAB COUNTY. UTAH. THURSDAY. filiations Hectic Pprmd fill , the dollar. , Naturally the Joy was great In Tintlc and all other localities where sliver mining Is 'the major Indus- try. Mining stocks all along tho moved up substantially In price, the Salt Lake Stock Exchange fld a lively business and all seemed rosy and bright. The action undoubtedly did not strike a popular chord with Presl- dent Roosevelt and his collegues. im- 1 ho house of representatives mediately got busy and drafted bill In place of the one sub- milted to them by the aenate. The bill gave the president back power to devalue the dollar, al- so replaced the two billion stabU lixatlon fund and as a sort of balm, conceded to pay 70.95 cents an ounce ounce for domestically mined silver. And back to the senate went this bill. Naturally the revamped bill sent back to the senate met with no fa- vorable response, and the silver bloc and Its Republican supporters, rath- er than take a chance of the bill getting by the aenate started a fill- buster laat Friday evening that con- until midnight, preventing the measure from being called to of Maryland, an' Implacable toe of the chief executive, made the last speech of the filibuster. With the dollar devaluation power xlfii expired the $2,000,000,000 ex-stabilisation change fund, with which the treasury had endeavored to protect the foreign value of the dollar against the raids of other governments and speculators. The stabilization fund and aulho- fixation fund law wae enacted In .. ... fr waa 1939 property tax pur- roM established at 1192 217 .' 675 on Monday by the Utah atatJ tax romnilaalon. Thla la 1478.257 lower than the tentative valuation of $192,695 832 I ' announced aeveral weeks axo and compares with a final laat year of $245,4(3,706 a droo of $53,246,131 over the year 1938 ' Since the preliminary assessments' were made the commission has eon- ducted a aeries of hearings and con-th- e eluded that valuations In a number of Instances ahould be reduced The commission still has to duct hearings on appeals from deel- sons of county commissions In cases Involving local assessments, so the final total valuation of the state will not be announced until the hu-llter part of this month, Since the preliminary assessment was made the mine valuation was dropped from $52,791,405 to $52.- 649,622 and the utility valuation from $139,904,427 to $139,507,953. Utility reductions since the first assessment are: Car companies $4,- -. 093.917 to $4,033,303; power panes $30,330,403 to $30,31$, 026; railroads $83,686,323 to $83,639,-hous- e 519; terminal companies $2,662,-bi- s 151 to $2,349,006; water companies 8380,490 to $376,292. Automobile and freight romonnta passenger were Increased from $553,150 to 657.814. There were no changes In other Masses of utilities, The commission also announced Monday the breakdown of mine and utllty valuations among counties, Salt Lake county still leads, although It suffered the heaviest loss from last year by reason of the drop In Utah Copper company valuation, Salt Lake rounty led with a valu-tlnuatlon of $70,986,743; Boxelder county followed with $19,158,408 and Utahgrounty third with $15,- 91,777. .Juab countys valuation of mines and utilities was 84,191,199. enf I . .'h.'Su fhJ !-l- 2 .u r J it Z Halevi, authority to fix price ended on that date, aa did the last six months period price for the white metM. which was 64 64 rents an ounce. Just what the status of sll- ver has been since the 1st of July was a mystery. Industrial League . The withdrawal of Dividend leaves City, in commenting on the bind baseball dub, the team ha metal market lust week. withdrawn from the Utah Indus- i Around 81,000 tona of copper trial League for the second. half of cleared through New York, was be- - the schedule. lieved to be for the account of a1 Curtailment of work at tha Tintlc large foreign power. The tonnage Standard .Mining company's mines waa said to represent only a part In Mast Tintlc, haa mads it.neces-o- f the full supply to be purchased sary for the team to withdraw from by this source, estimate placing tha the league, The recent layoff total at about 50,000 tona. eluded several baseball players, and The price of '10.30 centa a pound the doubtful condition of tha price C. 1. F. European base, porta waa of silver makes a aa to question tha beat level' hit during the week when the company will start rehlr-I- n the export copper, which started Ing men who were caught In the on Monday of laat week around 10 layoff. . centa even. AH of the metal was The withdrawal or Dividend leaves but five teams In the Industrial foreign produced. Domestic copper 'dealings were League, which will -- no consist of marked by steadily strengthening IMnney Ueyerage, Provo, Magna-prlc- e undertone', particularly . in the Garfield, aemmell'and Helper. The outside as distinguished from the second half schedule was drawn up producer market. It became prog- - by the league orffeials last week reaalvely more difficult to obtain aud published In the dally papers, electrolytic copper there for July but according to President Bob and aa a result none waa lock of Provo a hew schedule will available under 10 centa at th have to be drafted. A conference week end. Producers remained at of tha team managers haa been 10 centa. called for thla (Thursday) evening I Substantial sales or tad were at Magna, at which time the new made af the firm price of 4.15 and schedule, without Dividend, will 4.90 cents a pound. probably be drafted. I Despite dally reporta of quiet tine Thla will mark the first time In dealings. It was rumored that fairly many years that .Dividend haa not good business waa done. The price been lined up In league baseball, waa unchanged at 4.50 cents n pound For a long time the team wta a East St. l.ouln. member of the old . Central Utah .League, and for the past couple of In the Utah Industrial League. Foreign Gold Continues to I 1 nl?r' Flow into United States ,ful team, and It haa been York rnm-siunr- ue ne Water-cu- ePTAINLI66 t . STEEL- Plc 9T1IL - ONKi- - avaavea inch thick uwurto mms AT 4000 MVOLVTlONS PfH NMUTg U CUT TMgevfiM TIN MINWU ST jrr rom-snoth- er Bui-shipm- IN MOaOWMY or watm thrown on it Star strength To OPEN AN OYSTER THE PREVINS EXERTS AN 1 Dividend Out Of efficienc- y- Engine I STARFISH PULL. Bt'.l IjrrJicii. III ! 1 jrra New Date Set for Claim' Assessment Hayes Execution' Work is Extended A C. I, ft?" CJ dl,p,lrh (rcra Vliln,lon, 10 .ho .rioc. .ho. lorold. .Old ed TTfat, Peonfe Worked Hard for Increased Silver Price Court sentenced George Hayes to be executed on Friday, August II, fo. the murder of 8herman W, Cad well January rd. After sentence w" pronouncd lhe prisoner, was i et vmed to the penitentiary to await hla execution. last hope for Intervention in be-half of Hayes .waned when Sheriff mb J; "! M,n-,d- r - !L The wheroabonts or Senalor Thom- he WM k"own no1 ur r Wfr" w.nt llUt t0 intercept him. and urging hIm t0 return t0 Washington, D. C. at once K aa t0 be on hand to vole cane up. which was wb thf ,aat evenlng. Typlctl of tbe telegrams sent to the two Utah senators was that of Governor Henry H. Bloo.1: .K.rreWnt,tiVns of silver miningof ronfeilndtry urge adoption aawMI..mI wnil ........... report. w,n do everything possible but yott to know we .hall highly approc,ate you, vigorous support of such b, r. wi Uke City. n '1UW uni. Uor the week laat week President 23. 860,602,4.4 worth a bill extending 535 an oune until noon, September 1,. the dead- Aar a ImIaflur1 lt,la country. line by which annual assessment xmoant compared with $22.- -, work on mining claims must he y1 ,be precdln WWfk and In the started order to protect the week previous round from relocation. The regular year ends on July 111 . sent 134.617,149, the 1st hut the special legislation has N'eiborlcnds $16,939,016 end Swll- extended the date for two months. rerlaud $2,927,797. At the nquLSt'(f Representative .It.Lilu a., sl'YT Murdock. Democrat of Utah, the $1,070,302 Including $2,707.29$, extension 60 the house accepted day front approved by the" senate, al- - r,nm Knglund nod $839,975 lliouah the houan previously had Mcnii'o. Exports In the week were $3906 extem-tvoted for a 7.817 of silver PW Th i. extension of nsae.smer.t work rm a two months relieved rather' has for . ACTIVITY HEIXG MINING . rltlc por n.nv v.lri airi.(ion -- On Friday, at Tooele, Judge Oscar On Friday of W. McConkle of the Third District Roosevelt signed 'a The bill which has caused so much strife in congress recently and which was downed by n filibuster last Friday evening tne up for fl-nal consideration In the Benate tat evening passed by the slim majority of 43 to 39. policy." The hill ae It now stands gives the othei president the right to devalue the John M Wallace of Salt ni vu Large Order for Copper Tn& INCUAU IN HORSEPOWER Of TME AVBRAA 3T0 CAR NAS BEEN FIVE TIMES GREATER THAN THI I NCI EMC IN KNGIftC OiSPLAClMCNT SIX When the unknown slstus of all- Ter became apparent powerful Utah f I jncciT he woulJ not seek - new Bulltlcal erouns and leaders lo-- t no :",lljr fcwr,n ,or ,he doomed llme ln getting busy lu urging Sen- - Us said. "I believe Hayes Is In (lie RlorB Elbert D. Thomas ad William slate of mind he was In at thorime he couferonce h(l cnnvIrlK,.' Kann .M.. ve ism p n be Bonp,ry bl Sheriff his rtateinent rp,u,r1t White a died five natural w0id flx the prtPe 0r domestic allpast years, but . . v r made . , h d . k, Th. ed .hs Number 35 (i. AMAZE A MINUTE SCIENTIFACTS BY ARNOLD utilities cut by comnLi White Metal Price1 uu,w,e Urt week, and up to the present date( proved a moat hectic period (or the residents of Tintlc, mining Other weatern men of I tah and talcs. To start the ball rolling. the all- ver group at Washington, D. U., aa- aisled by the Republicans, put over a senate bill by a Ursa majority. flxlnjc tha .price for domestic mined In silver at 77.5 cents an ounce. same bill the $2,000,000,000 stabilization fund was killed, along with President Roosevelt's power to of .ILLY 90-da- y '' IN SBT.. Cge -- wJS , , 5 iii2 "Pr top-not- l0 wre hc. - Thomas . Jensen, of Mt. Piets a,,, U't ,SiululJy Mlua Mllctd to serve as field representative of the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Utah. It was announced by Presl- dent James M. Sargent following a tha MMU,lv, bord Richfield. Mr. Jearrn Is a former member .h. ... .d bd. Cluhe for thrM Southern Utah year. In the field work HI. duties are to obtain memberships and In- vestlgale projects that the club Is Interested In. The position since March 1st had been filled by Walter u Lnt' ho !T!,red to nX'r buHi ness In Cedar Cl y. , . also announcml that meeting of the association will be held at Duck Creek near Navajo Uke on July 21 and 22 H U being sponsored by Iron, iUMr er 8rgeat Washington, Kane and rounty civic club groups. h. He weg Governor, ch Jensen Named Field Man for Southern Utah Clubs - before-Beptemb- I1 ? have any more baseball for thin ear. hut It Is understood that Just k M meU1 prices reach a stable basis Dividend will again have a baseball team. TIKTIC work, and this yea: fur(hrr aelion th, fMB nmt b.;hi. required oi .lulus, veteran North taken by Sheriff White." congress waited until .the tat ..n, in- m.n and prospector, Tintlc mining "It I. the sheritr. duty to dcldq ut before deciding, that asiesameni " ,B Eureka on Monday, on one which left hlh. th. nrlsonr has einlTu work would r h'" trips to visit with In Itaholr rfalm ihscrime . nd replenish hs his supply rlend McConkle J d;e lm7tosrt2, to the ground" to T Provision.. Ceor thal du l,,p derfalon nothing of having the work finish.' for blra lo mak. aU(.h wnieni work mora- reasonable belief. The ed by July 1st. ae was the Impres- - "d of or,u" 0, mlnln courl f no drterloraltoll ,B tbe aion gsthefed from the first word rowWorabto thrt1, acllvlty In North Tin- This tD)nd ,nd wai convinced at wnt out from Washington. Men the re busy doing reqn Ir- of lh t rk, thill he w addltloml time will now make U rA b Tlntlr. rk 8plnia responsible for the crime." possible for all claim owner, to be In 1; for Holdaway and other properties intervention' by 8herlff Whit on the Job that locality. rela now know Just whst lhey u,t J1 Garfield Mines Were Closed Down for July rourth Holidy.SUvw Reoeipt. t Doiver Mint Set Record in June . ronkdfrod by the etate board iMs'rlct rfwlid"'" A new record for silver rerelpts tor the Fourth ?urroncyr,,SablH JtiTn Prdon!, b,lt tb reprieve wae al- huTed.iatton ot of,owed rrom dww Pomm' ! ,ttD Stan1,1 tprm,na,p P1 at the Denver, Colorado, mint in one ,0 -llVnts the Tlnllc of ! it 'if f.te I"du,'J Union mstirallv TT July. Including 0 cs the price of sliver Labor. the prisoner again word thhk' the Ute Stampede offl- - dard chief Consolidated, North Lily, month was made In June. placing an ounce for B twyear Council, tbe fc,n,pd under Third District Court Juris-- , dale (hat the program for the big Mammoth and "lhe smaller proper- r!od; Superintendent Mark A. Skinner R measure contained pf southern I tab. the l ah celebr.llon-J- uly IS. 14 t,M. dftoa ,ayoff began Saturday and said Saturday that $1,133,399 worth jthreday 15 la fast nearing completion. on JVfcnsa Attorney M. F.arl ailver, 1.764,777 ouncea, ponred I1!la Jivprnment wednesday morning, the prop-o- f 7 turers Association, and presumed that the ahsll of Tooele moved to alay Judg- - "All. event! have been aecheduleil rrtea resumed operation In the Into the governments depository, and can purchase foreign silver business eo:ierr.s ment on the ground that an lnaane''hnd feature ace have been signed uauai manner, with the exception of Newly mined silver wae ahlpped to discretion. The silver price fc' throughout the state. It Is (ba Mammoth. Tbe layoff at thla the mint In greater volume during man could not lesally be executed dp' for the big" Jollification. Is quite satisfactory to the nlro sought to arou this mne Wll continue for several days the month than In any other month IJte the District' Asalslanl Stampede that slRled,. Attorney .a However, latee and should help silver produc- - for the maure in Ids , . , E. RoWrta of Salt Lake year will be. (he best In history 0naer, during which time a num- - for which records are available. Lrigham ' Gold receipts for the fiscal year City asserled thpt Hayes waa found with something doing every minute br of needed repairs will be made. I Miss Grace Blackett has. been (ended at midnight Friday also Jump- Ically sane at the trial. ' queen. Many prominent Annually, Insucls rauae more than ed above the previous years figure, Fridays proceedings et Tooele chosen In one of the new a marked eperlntty performers have been bonk- - j.gnn.ooo deaths and do $750,000,- - $63,124,105 worth, compared with chapter Sun the the $80,411,186 in the prevloua twelve weata most unusual murder mya- - ed. Including Elmer Holcomb, the qoq WOrth of damage In India. rodeo down appearing be- month period. leres. From the lime Hayes and yonn- -t One reason for the big silver InWilliam LaVera Russell. 18 years fore the public; Bub Roper of Ham-o- f NAVY HONOR MAN Hi- llton. 'Montana; .Hesele Tcyb-r- , Skinner said, waa the feet bound and crease, Knreka .of garate, d that Idaho, which usually sands Ua WasMuvton;' Fsnllne red Gad well In his lonely rabln. and metal to the San Franclaco mint, two bullet ihroueh hi- head. yer. Fort Wortli. Texas: Use Dennis, alt famous fanry shipped large quantities to Denver has horny the aspect ' the ease the Instead. riders and ropers. Tho so;k for the be will sen'furnished. rodeo Is a who Russell, OIJI FOIJvH OUTING TO BE Unco In lhe Ulr.h state pen'tentlarv and Sorenson, who aye said to hare HELD ON SATURDAY, JULY H for his part In the crime, admitted theV uughest hacking horses and we In the wlbl was rstrle fount rohberv said and that his guilt I addition it- - the throe rodeo Bishop C. G. Ilogan haa announcthe motive. But Hayea claimed that ed that tha annual old folka outing "evil aplrlta' and Ftranae formaoros there will be two rare will be held on Saturday, July 8th, eiesnllc nsrades. teo rolsea In his head rauwd by devils 1ii.ro- ' and many at - HtsptV hand festival, I'ayaon and 8antquln. Thla outIn fadInside rrdlo lhe working ing Is under the direction of offiwells rahln" caused him to om fr-- attraetiona. Ata dsnrlng earl cials of the L. D. 8. Church, and Is evening al the NVbona Gardens. mil the crime. 1 p. m. O" free le all people ever tha age of at Junior The parqile of Eureka Victor Montano,' 31. 60 years. the man who engineered the slsvln 'Thursday, July (3. Horse raring a of The program will consist of e 3' m. Cadp. Opening home when at remained but free picture show et Peyson et lb veil was being kitted. Is aetvlng a Wodds CbfWP.I'wsliip Rodeo id n. m.a eftef which the entire delep. m. Dancing at 9:20 p. m. lerm In the Utah - Grand parade nf 14 wm gation will go to 8anUquin where Friday, July dinner end n program will be pro- All business Houses In Eureka. In- - Id a.- in.. Record performance of revue vided 2 m. deo beauty p. and Bathing the poutofMre liquor All old folks who Intend to go atom were cloned" for the Kosrtli il 7 p. jn. Excellent fisht.rard at should be et the L. D. 8. CAiirch In . nr July. In fhcl the town was prol- - 1:39 p. Eureka not later than 0 o'clock le Saturday,.. July IE Band fevUval ty much of a deserted vlllsge on that lhe mornleg on . Saturday. Free a. Horse p. Raring m. In 9:3 vlslied the gt.l residents jit date. Many ;... a( . be. Wrangell tnle at .of snow rodeo compose will be provided for m. Flnsl eternal lsPortatlon others perfortnsnee Ragged peaks and air neighboring valley towns, Midshipman Uui. Harry Reddls an- mounlatni in Alaska, .00 mile, of which . I and. p.. In who fishing mountains were ?" the SL Minn., of grade Paul, for Jr., et- Photo made by the geological aurvry Prl Pf1,1,l theymapping range vacationing, while a. goodly repre-- A glganllc carnlvel, with many ell eled with the highest honors In lhe Blanks' for talc In etlendasce this vast lerritery. The peaks, from the air, look mau I he will . ri(bt.Kand eentatlon were at rrovo eWii of 193$ et lhe Navel academy. I Mining end Legal from 9,000 feet to the highest, ML Blichbnrn, la the nppe the Eereke lhe In tsUbrsUea Reporter. lhat held clty.'dvrlng the big relebratfop erner of the phole, rising 18,71$ Uct. ' Wftg i.! Mar-'an- d . I - In Land of Midnight - len-bur- Dre-flre- g, - fodv,.-Wyomln- sutK-rnainra- l-- mf-e- 4 . 15-ye- ar 1 , prl-o- n. " - |