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Show THE CITIZEN 13 i Revue De La Ville MR. MER-- . Fifth East street .Tuesday afternoon illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII entertained at luncheon in compliment to Miss Bailey. The hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. J. M. Bidwell, and by her grandmother, Mrs. M. S. Woodward. I EVERYTHING I in AND MRS. EDWARD Wednesday in compliment, to Miss Dorothy Bailey and Theodore Thornton Hazlewood, Jr., of Boston, who will be married Saturday. A basket of pink sweet peas was the center-piec- e for the table. Covers were laid for Miss Bailey, Mr. Hazlewood, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weeter, Mrs. Carlos McClatchy of Sacramen-ot- , Cal., and Beverly Clendenin. Mr. and Mrs. J.. M. Callow and Miss Bessie Callow entertained at a dancing party Wednesday night at their home on East First South street in honor of Miss Bailey and Mr. Hazelwood. A variety of early spring flowers decorated the rooms. The supper table had a combination of and carnations as a centerpiece. Favors were presented to each guest. The women guests were given paper fans and the men paper caps. Bushs orchestra furnished music for the dancing. The guests numbered about fifty. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Weeter and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weeter entertained at a dinner dance at the Hotel Utah this evening in compliment to the bride and her wedding part. nar-ciss- . MRS. HAROLD is SMOOT at tea Wednesday after- noon at her home in Federal Heights in honor of Mrs. Clarence Lang, who has recently returned from New York and Washington. The tea table was decorated in pink roses. Assisting in receiving the guests was Miss Bryan Houston. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. H. B. Whitney and Mrs. J. F. Nibley. The guests numbered fifty. . THE of Miss Sadie and Lyle E. Ranck took MARRIAGE Wednesday morning in the Salt Lake temple. A wedding dinner for relatives was given last night at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mathews, 1057 Lake street. The couple will make their home at 1057 Lake street. place t epsilon sorority DeltaUniversity of Utah held of in- itiation for pledge members Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Ruth Shipp on Seventh East. The following pledges were initiated: Miss Avon Rich, Miss Fay King, Miss Lucille Boothe, Miss Nell Nelson, Miss Romma James, Miss Josephine Stookey and Miss lone Heiner. MR. f, ' AND MRS. LEE CHARLES entertained at a dinner dance Tuesday night at their home on First South street for the members of the bridal party of Miss Dorothy V. Bailey and Theodore Thornton Hazlewood, Jr., of Boston, who will be married Saturday.. entertained at a buffet luncheon at her home on Miss Marjorie Bidwell of Idonea THE of this city and Lawrence Crandall of Ogden took place Wednesday morning in the Salt Lake temple. A reception was given in the evening at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. N. W. Wittrof, on Wall street. The bride wore a gown of flesh colored crepe de chine and carried pink roses. The couple will make their home in Ogden. marriage Miss I Ladies j j Ready-to-we- ar j at I I the Lambda Phi sorority of the University of Utah, which was recently organized, were the guests of honor at a number of entertainments during the week. Chi Omega sorority enter2I6S0UTHHAIN.ST. 1 tained at tea Friday afternoon at their chapter house on Eleventh East in honor of Lambda Phi Lambda. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir? ers were combined in a basket, with O. Enking, Mrs. F. C. Wire, Mrs. Saturday afternoon they will be Mrs. on the handle. A guests of the Gamma Phi sorority at F. F. Phelps, Mrs. Emma Whitehead, pink and blue tulle an Orpheum party, followed by tea at Mrs. F. D. Ulmer, Mrs. F. H. Evers, cluster of the same flowers was tied the home of Miss Allie Moyle. fMrs. James Berkley, Mrs. W. A. to the chair of the guest of honor and Mrs. E. Hawxhurst, Mrs. R. a corsage bouquet was at the place of Wednesday afternoon members of the Wight, W. Soper, Mrs. G. W. Barrows, Mrs. each guest. Alpha Chi sorority will entertain at Covers were laid for the young Kent O. Keyes, and Mrs. C. M. tea at their sorority house on Thirwomen of the bridal party, including teenth East in honor of Lambda Phi Brooker. besides the hostesses. Miss Bessie Lambda. of Miss Hulda Callow, Miss Anne Critchlow and THE MARRIAGE and A. I. Hock took Mrs. Carlos McClatchy of SacraAGNES SNOW entertained MISS the home of her place at noon Thursday at the home mento, Cal., with Mrs. Lloyd Weeter 158 brother, of the bridegrooms parents, Mr. and as an additional guest. North State street Tuesday night at Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Hampton and Mrs. G. N. Hock, on Browning avcards in honor of Miss Beatie, a bride enue. Miss Jane Howatt entertained at an The ceremony wras performed of next week. A late supper was by the Rev. Ward Winter Reese and informal supper Sunday evening in served. was followed by a wedding breakfast. honor of Miss Bailey and Mr. HazleCovers were laid for Miss Beatie, wood. Miss Irene Smith will be bridesmaid of MEMBERS Mrs. Murray W. Whitney, Mrs. Wendell M. Smoot, Miss Carrie Gurnsey, Miss Lucille Smith, Miss Edith Bow-erinMiss Marie C. Ridd, Miss Mamie Schettler, Miss Pearl A. Oswald, Miss Margaret Kent and Miss Blanche Beesley. and William Hock will be best man. . g, MRS. FRANK CORLESS the Wednesday Social club at her home, 1461 Seventh East street. Luncheon was followed by music and sewing. Mrs. Joseph Allen was a guest in addition to the club members. Music was furnished by Mrs. Corless and Mrs. J. V. Buckle. MEMBERS of the Wasatch Literary the 21st anniversary of the club at a luncheon at Community Center on East Broadway Tuesday afternoon. The past presidents of the club were guests of honor. The program included toasts by each of the past presidents, who are Mrs. Sarah E. Hawxhurst, Mrs. Mrs. Anna II. King, Mrs. B. F. Forbes, Mrs. L. C. Sinclair, Mrs. E. O. Leatherwood and W. D. Prosser, Mrs. Earl Dunshee. The committee on arrangements included Mrs. B. W. Deason, chairman; THE marriage of Miss Ethel Jones David A. Davis took place at 6 oclock Monday evening at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pryce Jones, 512 East Broadway. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Chester A. Synder, in the presence of a few friends and relatives. A reception followed, to which a large number of friends were invited. The bride wore white voile and carried pink and white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Mabel Haupert, wore pink crepe de chine and carried The ringbearer, pink carnations. Agatha Jones, small sister of the bride, wore a white silk frock. George W. Jones was best man. MARJORIE HOWARD and Thomas Boise entertained at luncheon Monday at the Hotel Utah in honor of Miss Dorothy Bailey, who will be married Saturday to Theodore Thornton Hazlewood, Jr., of Boston. A pink and blue color scheme was carried out in the table decorations. Pink sweetpeas and blue cornflow MISS A parcel shower was given Wednesday night by Mrs. C..H. Spencer, Jr., in honor of Miss Bertha Hamilton, a bride of next week. The guests were entertained at 500 and a late supper was served. Mrs. Wendell Smoot entertained at cards and a late supper at her home on Fifteenth East street in honor of Miss Mary Beatie, a bride of next week. A matinee party was given by the members of Banner Review Macca- bees yesterday afternoon at the Hippodrome in honor of Mrs. Catherine Erickson, commander for Utah and Idaho. Mrs. Erickson will leave for Idaho in a few days. I Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Graham are re- ceiving congratulations over the arrival of a daughter, born January 16 at the L. D. S. hospital. Mrs. Graham was formerly Miss Hazel Brooks. . .Miss Marian Ridd and Miss Maris Schettler entertained at a shower and supper Thursday evening at the Ridd |