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Show THE CITIZEN 9 JllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMl "COMPARE THE WORK If you do that you will choose the ROYAL 5 See and Hear the I FOLLYDOLS HMHMHHHHHHMHMMMMHHHBMMMMMIINMIIIIIIIIIINIHIIIIIIIi attheNEWHOUEE proclaiming the discovery from the rostrums and housetops while true genius generally goes unheralded. A case in point is that of "From the Life, by Harvey. OHiggins. We had the pleasure of proclaiming this as an authentic work of genius last year and the eastern critics made a. pretty patter of faint applause. Other works produced at the time were megaphoned with magnificent din. Now the easterners are placing the THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS. Book by By Booth Tarkington. courtesy of D. A. Callahan. The Brightest Spot . With what an easy stride Booth Tarkington passes most of his literary rivals! And how portentious some of them seem as they puff and blow beside him. It recalls the race that another gentleman of Indiana used to run twenty and thirty years ago. While the critics of New England, stationed in New York, were wont to proclaim the merits of some academic versifier who modulated his muse to the tone of Tennyson or Swinburne, a poet of Indiana won his way into the hearts of his countrymen. But because James Whitcomb Riley was then playing the provinces the prophets of Broadway, who thought the sun set just west of Hoboken, did not know that he was to enact the role of Abou Ben Adhem. And yet everybody seemed to know it except those same critics whose business it was to know. State Agents a 36 W. 2nd S.y Salt Lake City fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - J. R. 8ebree H. W. Lane SEBREE & LANE and Industrial Stocks and Bonds Mining K - Liberty Bonds Bought OHiggins book of short stories at the top of their lists of the best books of 1919. You see, they know what they are talking about now because somebody told them just what they ought to think. Which is quite neglecting the magnificent Ambersons. Written some months ago, it has been our misfortune not to have passed it until the presents It tells of changing conditions in a city of the middle west during the n last three or four decades. Major became magnificent after the civil war when the town was still young and he and his family were the most notable people there. George Minafer always considered himself an Amberson. His colorless father did not . Wasatch 4010 335 Main St.f Salt Lake City ICE CREAM, CANDY AND HOME-MADCAKES E 260 So. 8tate 55 8o. Main 160 8o. Main Walkers Store Fountain and Candy Dept. , Delivered Everywhere IIIIIIIIIIIIIISIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIISIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIlif 1 I I j s 1 BINGHAM GARFIELD RAILWAY I AND I ' Where Copper Is King S 1 3 PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE NOW IN EFFECT Leave Salt Lake City 6:55 a.m. 2:15p.m. Ill Arrive Bingham 8:25 a.m. , No. 109 8:85 p.m. No. Ill No. 109 No. H. W. STOUTENBOROUGH, a Assist. General Passenger Agent, a 1807 Deseret Bank Bldg. a Phone Was. 140 Salt Lake City, Utah If there is a more skillful novelist in our land today than Tarkington let the Broadway pundits prove it. We say, prove it for the very good reason that they are perpetually trying to prove something of the sort. Each year they express high preferences for literary genius that turns out to be mostly punk. Meanwhile the amiable Tarkington, about once a year, writes a novel that is quite above the plane of New England and Greenwich Vil- lage. And each' time that he does it the eastern critics ; indulgently say very good, and go about their superior task of crowning some clay idol with pressed leaves of laurel taken out professorial books of criticism. It would be idle to claim that good comes out of Indiana because it is a particular locality Or because it has a special kind of glorious literary bacilli floating in its atmosphere. It is simply a case of westward the star of empire There was a time when Cincinnati was the packing center of the United States, but long ago the lay of the last squeal became much more popular on the western' shores of Lake. Michigan than .on the banks of the Rhine. a a a a a a 5 1 iiiiaiiBiiBiiaiiiiiaiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiBiiiiiaiiaiiiiiBiiBiiaiiiiiaiiiiiaifk count. George was all Amberson. When he was a boy with Lord Faun!-lero- y curls he told a minister to go to hell, fought with the Irish boys in Can Town and got into the habit of calling people riffraff. The picture which the author draws of Georges mother is one of the most bewitching in our literature. She has only one fault her worship of her son. He makes himself offensive to pretty nearly everybody who crosses his path, but everything he does is not merely perfection to her: it is magnificent. That is- the beginning and ending of her martyrdom. The story turns on the love of the' mother for the suitor of her youth. Young George, to save the honor of the family, meaning' the Amberson family, steps in to prevent the marriage. His dead father becomes a hero in his eyes; his lovely mother an offender. He. makes a fool out of himself generally, drives off the suitor, whisks his mother away to Paris and finally succeeds in causing her death from a broken heart. And all the while he And considers himself magnificent. all the time he is in love with Lucy, the daughter of the rejected and eject- i Indiana produces literary geniuses because it is no longer a state committed to the barbaric Indians. Wherever the white man replaces the tepee with the cottage and the mansion literary genius begins to bud and at length to bloom. But just why Indiana should produce more and better literary geniuses than Illinois or Kentucky we do not pretend to say. And just why the east produces so much punk and labels it genius we refrain from explaining because we do not pretend to understand. The east, however, is forever doing to its own bright minds what it does to western claimants. It is forever snouting out supposed genius amid the husks and in Town Dine, Dance and Enjoy a Clever . Show CLEAN, WHOLESOME . LIVELY ENTERTAINMENT The Follydols appear under the direction of Mr. Grover Frankie, dinner, 6:80 to 9, ana during after-theatsupper, from 10:15 to 12:80, on week nights. During dinner, 6 to 9, on Sundays. Tea, 4 to 6, Thursday and Saturday afternoons, re DANCING for GUESTS Ain-berso- -- The Scenic Line to BINGHAM 5 WBHIMIBIIIIMBMMiMMWMMMMMn.....ffttti ' EVEN a goose of can see die bread-and-mi- lk for boys and girls, when the bread is ROYAL BDMEA Its a Body Builder. Cut the slices thick. Fighting bears' and Indians uses up fuel fast. Pile on more fuel in just the form boys and girls love bread and butter, sometimes with jam added. kiddles cant eat too much ROYAL BREAD. Ask for it at the groFast-growi- ng cery shop. Royal Baking Co. SALT LAKE a . FRED R. WOOLLEY Member Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange Telephone Was. 2885 Mining, Bank and Industrial Stocks and Bonds Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold EDWIN poverty, repentance and loneliness come. Then the real magnificence of an Amberson is made to appear. It is the magnificence of the lovely soul of his mother; it is the magnificence of his own soul. All that he thought magnificent has vanished. remains and the But power to lead a noble life. And then love comes back in pathetic and beautiful guise. How far from greatness is this (Continued on Page 15.) & at Market Prices West 2nd South Salt Lake City, Utah 6 ed suitor. The days of G-- When Buying or Selling Stocks Phone 1373 or See H. B. COLE & CO., BROKERS Room 1, Stock Exchange Bid. Salt Lake self-respe- ct Open All Night Tel. Wat. 5516 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMBR8 S. D. EVANS 48 Modem Establishment New Building Salt Lake City State St. V |