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Show j.9nLaamae Bag? vu w-- p mkS!si THE CITIZEN 0 ties or "persons in interstate commerce, such persons so combining and agreeing shall be deemed guilty of conspiracy and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fines and imprisonment ; provided, That nothing herein shall be taken to deny any individual the right to quit his employment for any reason. The chief difficulty with such a measure is its enforcement. If a million men quit their work in defiance of the public welfare the only remedy will be arrest and imprisonment and the magnitude of the task is appalling. We must not lose sight of the fact, however, that a strike contrary to law would alienate public sympathy. The members of the railway unions are not apt to ignore the disastrous effect of adverse public opinion on their fortunes. But wholly aside from the question of the practicability of this particular measure it appears that public sentiment is crystalizing in favorof some system which will prevent strikes on railways. If a law incorporating a workable system is passed in Congress the utmost care must be taken, by way of according exact justice, that the causes which commonly produce strikes shall be guarded against by the utmost fairness in fixing wages, hours and general working conditions. Undoubtedly the American Federation of Labor will oppose all law and we shall hear such a law deattempts to pass an anti-strinounced as a blow at American principles. It will be difficult for them to sustain their argument, for the public welfare is the supreme ke law. The law, from the very beginnings of corporations, has made a distinction between purely private corporations and those affected with a public interest. A railway corporation is dominated by national and state commissions, by city ordinances and municipal governing boards. Because it is affected with a public interest the public is to given control over it. To say that the public has a right to control a corporation and not the right to control the most essential part of the corporations operating machinery is a fatal contradiction. Public control, of course, applies, not to corporations of a private nature, but to those that constantly touch the public interest. A casual reading of the Cummins anti-striprovision suggests a very real merit. It seems quite as much designed to prevent officials as to prevent employes from agreeing or conspiring to interrupt If the treaty passes in its present form there will be work for soldiers. The trouble with elevator men is that they are uplifters only half the time. Everything the President says we agree to with reservations. Wilson seems to know more about the heart of the world the heart of America. than A New Yorker has willed $5,000,000 to improve American music. Not enough. Moreover, music thrives by notes, not dollars. TMB O HOME TODAY FEATURE OPENING BILL. JACK AND PEARL HALL MILLER & KING DE PACE BROS. & CO. ENTERTAINERS 3 BEAUTIES-POLITFONDELLI TRIO Novelty Acrobatics SMITH & LAWRENCE "Why, I Declare" THE GIRL FROM OUTSIDE A WONDERFUL BILL OF HEADLINE ATTRACTIONS CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE 1 TO 11 P. M. SHOWS DAILY COMPLETE THREE Matinee Prices, Except Sundays 10c; and Holidays: Kiddies, Grownups, 20c. Evenings All Seats 20c. E Fe 6 firth fljM ! f' I Lll'l THE HOST F0RTHE 111 H UAST-AIWAYST- HE BEST LJ u ke transportation. The Omahans who hanged their mayor were trying to introduce the recall. You Wise Stoppers dont need any machine to hear hot air. Take advantage of the Complete and Varied Assortment of Hardware We did not note any profiteers inside the pens at the state fair. displayed in our A scientist has invented a machine by which you can hear light. When we had a chance to guarantee the republic of China we guaranteed the monarchy of Japan. Up-to-da- te Hardware Department Store As a former citizen of Omaha, the editor desires to say that there are some good people left there. Hurrah for the. Reds! Everybody knows weve always been for the Reds. Who? . No, of course not. We mean the Cincinnati Reds. Henpecked husbands probably will soon be demanding self-determinati- Every item a QUALITY PRODUCT, sold on a merit. on. League of Nations rhymes with reservations. When they boost the price of coffee they dont seem to have any grounds for it. Japan is apt to find Shantung inhabited by 36,000,000 white ele- phants. Some seek a remedy for high prices, but the profiteer finds high prices a remedy. , ait Lake hardware Co. |