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Show TilE MORMM1 Ml HEX, EXAMINER: AN IMPOSING SIGHT lTtPAY MOKX1XO, end death or dimbilby f huabsad will be aebp-vee'lrarntn will lieconia mors aki'tul. father. ! In speaking to vuu 'uda.1- - J ilusirHHi. and Imgal. and their 'rk na prartgal to will be foi, not again', 'he in'.eros: n,or,f of the entire comtnuulty. As i?.a helpful lines. An l 1 h1 'or V'f. front experience rhaa of laouring men tha t be aware. 1 have knuwn wbst U thi teaching of appro-ley- s ( a friend of the au employe, and to ye'1 ,llP ws is Jua'lj consH'-teknown what can nut help my employer. I hat country 'a progress, It la to fie an employei of labor. Each thinking that one which wouid follow tba opposite course, and seltishiy at- of these positions ha n advantages, and it tempt tba rasmrtiou of tba number its responsibility, it care,rh n And most certain!'. if skilled marhauics, la to that event Joy an enemy of tha Na'iun's prouponiy. vested and Inalienable right, wnicn future And ona thing you can absolutely de- all others must respect if secura. pend upon: The mrrisin In tba de of our Nation is to he made skilful work In conclusion penult me to aay that mand for batter and I am a Arm believer in the digahy in nnjr Imn. will more than keep par 1 can aay with th increase of skilled workmen. and Meseednew of lab-- r. In thin great country of ours, with I: most sincerely with I'erlyie. All true were immense territory aud unlimited re- work v eacred; In ail 'ue work, some'here le sources, the time is lar distant, if in- it but true band-lair- . The state needs deed it will aver coma, when ibe sup- thing of dlvinensw your labors. It need (,ur brain and ply of skilled labor will be gTeaier tbau the normal aud leginniaie de- bone nnd brawn. V needs your Intelactive afId this coonectkin. 1 wish to ligent cooperation ia It mand. I express the hope that the time Is not fairs. both political nd social- far distant when every boy will have meeds the educated, useful citlaeas It '! become. lb opportunity of being taught a that your rhlldren trade ia :hc public schools. 1 believe needs your skill and wisdom. Tha ibat If a boy 'a time In school is limit- homes you build by wise economy, ed. and a choice must be made be- tbe money you save, the famlliee you tween learning a trade, and master- rear and train and educate, the ing aome other subject, as ftreiga schools, churches, and social organisahave tions you support, all S" to make and languages, etc., the trad ahould the preference, because every one has preserve our commonwealth. and InYou are a ua tor mauual skill at aome period ot crease its power for g"d life: while the practlrai application of source of strength to rhe state not In soma other branches of n education only Industrially but politically. may not be ao eeay. meteing with you hoe. I sm impressIn masociatlng together ia this and ed again with the ihoiigbt that you similar organisation the laboring men not only perform your daily toll, but should kevp another thing in mind. you discharge your du'y of Inyal'.v to The benefit they will derive from the state, and through it to the Nathese associations will be oommeneur-a- t tion. In doing this you conatantly with th fair and impartial way In demonstrate the tnih which tha which they consider not only 'heir friends of Utah proclaim to the world, own but their employer' Interest. that 11 cltixens are true to their rlvlc The employer and the employed can iruet, both local anil na'loual. Utah's not tie Independent of each other, and rltiaens acknowledge no superiors In they certainly ahould not he anemia. loyalty to the Nation And ute time The Intereel of tbe one la the taiereat will never coma when the atata, the of the other, The eelflaiiness which capitalist, or th laborer can aay, one seek the advantage ot the one at the to the other, "I haie no need of espens of ihe other, ia destructive, it three," any more than the head can destroys lta own object; for neither say to the foot, or the hand to the clean can prosper at the espenne of the head. "1 have no nerd of thee." With other. 1 think you laboring people, ns full uuity of purpose, with an gve well an the capitalists, should keep single to the glory of our Nation, with this broad, patriotic thought lu mind one thoughtful, patriotic aim. tbe capila all your work aa an association. talist. the tradesman, aud the J borer I wish now to make my atLltude should Join In a groat forward moveImclear on another matter of growl ment having aa It slogan, For borne, I thank you for God, for country." portance, the right of the laboring acman to work or refuse to work, for your kind attention. cording to hla own will and pleasure. Judge J. A. Howell followed the govEvery man la this country of our, ernor In a masterly addreea which rea frew whether rich or por. ceived the r Insert, etientiou and much Even in an association Ilka this, one applause. man baa an right to Interfere with The oration for the occasion was dethe privilege of another to accept livered by Father Cushaahan, who certain work or lo refuse It. Each spoke In auch aa earnest and convincworkman can go, according to the ing manner that be waa frequently laws of our country, to any market Interrupted by ihe applause of the with his labor. Ho owns It. at much vast audience. aa the farmer hla land, or the capitalThe following ia a Hot of the sports ist hie money, or the professional and prises, and alto rhe names of He has the tama those who won prises: man hla education. freedom that they possess, to sell hla Boys' race, under fourteen, knife; in any Earl Mnuson. property or refuse to sell it. aaaocla-lion If any market whatsoever. Boys' neck race, under fourteen, ball attempts to take away or abridge and bat; Fecnea llanaon. Jmatn race for girls under fourteen, that great right of every free man, it goes out of Its own field, and la guilty pair of gloves. Clara Morris of a certain degree of tytnnay. The largest union family on grounds, preservation of your owa rights can me ton nf coal: J. M. Hawkins, first never he secured by the Uklng away prise, eight children; Alfred Wataon, of tha rights of others. second prise, seven rhlldren. Union men's foot race, free for all, la a young and growing country like Em-Icoura. an opportunity uaequaled In any first prise, one pair of shoe. Bert aecund prise, ona pair of slippers, other land la afforded the workingman. L refer to the high wages paid, and George King. Fur the best union baby girl, under the possibility that naturally follows the putting aside a HU I money erery one year, gold ring; Adeline Fleeman, daughter of Contractor Foman. week or month, and larcoilag It Bert union baby boy, under one year, eo that la middle life It will furnish the rapital with which the la- gold ring; Wallace Sorenson, am of business of Peter Borenaen. boring man can act up Heel standing Jump, one hat; Bert hla own. 1 think erery maa'a ambition should be to beoomo tho employer of Entlev. Heat broad jump, one pair nf kid himself and others. It In a fact that nut. all whs bar thin ambition can gloves: W. Wardley. Nall drtvitgt eonteat for union worealize It: hut the more there are that have it, the better will be the general men. one set of cup and saucer, Mrs. condition of th working rlaea. This George Price. Union ladle' race, flrat prise, dress dmlrwble condition can he brought Biddle; second about only by thrift. Industry, and pattern. Mraof George kid gloves. Mr. Jack prise, pair not who la man Tha willing economy. and Judici- Christie. to endure the Single union ladies' race, over sixous paina of saving oloeely and Inone paraaol; Edith Truex. teen, seInterest-hearinla verting wisely Fat men's race, over 19ft pound, which know the never ran Joy curity, this active and licnoflclal Independence hex of cigars; Ed Flnkey.. free for all Rope throwing eonteat, provides. To know that one I not nnlm men. box nf clgaia; R. F. Munonly advancing hi own fori line, but son. aiding the fortunca of other by proHigh Jump, open to all ttnkm men. viding them with remunerative emof shoes: George King. ployment, given feeling of pruie and pair One it tlie most exciting and Interpleasure and Independence which can esting feature of the program was the be secured In no other way. Like tug of war. fm for all unions, prise everv other worthy aim, thla must t The teams were the elertriral Its commensurate work and sacrifice. $15. In America thousands every yeur are worker and the teamster. After a hard tug nf throe minute the Judge advancing, by means of their thrift that the electrical worker had and Industry, from tbe position nf em- deckled won hr the email of six Inches ployee to that of employers; from the The names nf tha apace are as ranks of the laborers to tbo nf the follows: Electrical contestant worker--C capitalists. In n word. Inst cad of com- Fishert captain i. II. P. Chamberlain. J. plaining at the real or aeemtng injusIngley. I' K. Kelley, E. 8. Jones. D. tice of the capitalist, these men have Crockefl. R O. A. West. H B. steadily persisted and persevered un- Halberg. R Jessnp. J. E. Evan. King, R. ft. til tbey have become capita lists them- Sutton. Teams'era J. M. Hawkins selves. (captain t. E. .1 Hancock, .las. Hadley. I have heard men who are earning P. H John ann George Hercc. J. J. from Pin in 1& a week, declare that Furnisa. R S Blackman. S. Yurges. they can't save anything. It la safe Fred Arnold. James Faulkner, Paul to any that the world should lie Van Komen. Ijo;i Jensen. "won't rather than "oan't." For it The hall game lie tween "lwls ia a not less hi fact that the man of this citv. and Brigham City spend hi Hu a wreck, and runs a ss won hv the score of IT lo id In little behind, will do the same when favor nf MrlghxU! City. he ge: KTi nr Alin n week. In lioiv ntsny rases docs It happen that advances In waqcs are ari'niiipanVil l WRESTLIKC AT CLENWOOD more than proportionate increase in expenditures? It Is all a msrrer of After Three Hour r Wrestling, In Which habit. A man may be a wise Both Men Fail to Score, the or a spendthrift as he chooses Match Is Called a Drew. lie may lie a week or a month In debr. e he a week or a nion'h or he m wres'iit. match la1 eiening ahead, as he elects It Isn't a mutter at The I l!i-wimhI ween Mike Yokel and hr of the amount of wager, so much In a draw. Soon a matter f habit If a man Is a week Iai Cannon resnl-nMfwr ni'tii-was the called Cannon or a mouth behind, let. him flt of a'.l led in i'''ing a body hold on catch tip Then let him resolve that hi Yokel which with the exccp-ilo'.eld, In the future he will buy stricMi for -n! break, throughout rash, rhooslns lu market, seen n in; the ciiilro lion'lii.vi of nearly three hours. Ills goods st a d. scotilil . and avoiding Uni. I Cntimin placed himself dithe h'.ch price and useless purchases In thi hack cf his opponent and Ih'it iiMiu'.ly g.i wih he credit system. rectly hands In of Yokel's stomach. He wt! then And that oil larious Ms I in Mim-i'tlYokel breaking this hold a line? of expenditure he can iin-i ivr.ee nearly throwing ronsIriciRirie saving : slid all 'hese mily ad.ver-.srwho by a quick moveline of eonomv. added togeihei will Ms n ment break away and managed provide f.ir him tbs capita' needed to hts fnrmer liody hold t secure hi induvrlal independence The match began at 9 '41 p. nt. and ts noi by one bold s'roke. snd fter two hours and fifty minutes ill at once, but by great and studious wen'lius. dortnE which time neither a rime. Like all care, a lu'b of the wrcsr'i r waa thrown, the ' things i1 ;s acquired hy crowd hrcanie and manx and lone continued effort. The referee. Joe Kuffa. leaving I Ilight here wish to speak of a mr-'c- r announced hni 'he contestanta had xbieli ha a groat dtal to do with ssTvod to a draw and the Ivotu the qnesMon of saving I refer to the matchTtiere were tan vast expenditure for liquor, beer, slid es. The first s.t preliminary between Fergerson tobacco. There is spent annually by and Coulter Fc: person wop hy throw-lehe workingmen of America, s rtraf Coulter twire in thirty mlnutea. P I uni of money for these article The second i bets ecu Harbenaon n.it uncommon on a Saturday nttcr and Cieurv Th former wen hv thrownoon for the laborer to get his pay. ing the latror the heat two out of throe check cashed at a saloon, where In 'Mrty tnn-i'money is kept f..r that very ptirptse; There whs large crowd that withe nessed the tr.a'rhe. It Is estimated anil befoie he leaves the piac hue worse than wasted a good part that somefiinr J.StUI were In rhe f his week's wage )( occur to me park las' evenire. 'hat If only half of the money squandered for tobacco and Inox leant Itoan's hntnint cured me of could be safely 'nveated In intcrest-'u.a- thv had amoved me" a long time. inB slicki. a vast number (if work- Tbe cu-was permanent Hon. s V. , Indenen-den'Matthew s. ingmen's famll'S would be of Tjthnr Sta. ie. anl not a public charge, st the lls' tv. Angus-a- 'immunity tied PARADE OF UNION MEN I'TAH, d l Hundreds of Marchers and Many Floats Made Up the Procession Oratory and Sports at Glenwooi This Afternoon Three Band Later aad Its ehampiuas ara in oonatrucrbin and met hi Hi in their Arm. of rha citjr yssuarday. The ua Ion warn ia the of the hour. Crafi sues reprnliiig th majority uf th tw industrial ara from tb buiubl if saver-iisiu- m-u- e g withThe men marched u Glenwoi-out a atop, where speech making and kportu trill take up this afteruiMiii. and In polnta of repreaentiiMon n of the biggest lashops to lb apactwuS'mt'Chanir.al aaop length it over on Ibe atreei bor lemoustrarloc have united ia gaai union for h of tbo city. eelebratlnu of tbe day. Slum early Tbo exercises for the afternoon, morning the atrarta bare baaa ia fes- shlrh cunsirted of nddreaae and vaof sports, were held at lli tive appMtxaDre. parade rious kinds aad were witnessed by one eniinei.red throng of people au.mn of the largest crowds ever seen In tbu anil ed :hmw'v dvantagvouidy Menibeia of the labor uuiona Aa park. awaited tlie passing at marcher Ith their families and frienda began they Sled pant in orsaaiscd order, band at the park ahortly after clapping and cheering gieeted them gathering noun Kvery Uleawuod car from mnii Inna oillaen onlooker waa loaded sith paaaon-ger- s Tte panda area delayed (twins to tbe until to the guard. lata arrival of tbe Cache valley train Mayor E. M. Conroy delivered tbe Tbe paraaa ataried from the depot addreae of welcome and wae Billowed ahortly after eleven o'clock and pro by an addreea from Governor Jehu C. reeded to WaahiMtoa. thence mirth to Curler. Tbe governor addrosaed the Ulrnvood park, a huge proceeeinn of large asiiemhlage from an open-ai- r carnages, men, floe' a, and automo-blis- i platform to with and waa liatened The northa mile la length. rapt attention through hta entire ern twin broiwht delegaivwa from I speech Brigham City, and nearhy towna In full waa as The to parricigaie In the eeleliratkxtf and folbiws:governor's speech tbe triattora formed no mMn propur-tKMembers of Ogden Trades mad laFrom the euiilb bor of the parade. Aaaembly and Kepresentatlvre of regular train were loaded with viai-- I the American Federation of Labor: ora who bad come to the ruy aa ladies aad Gentlemen: gueata of the workingmen. 1 nellrvo that the preaent la the time , At a given signal Chief of Police and occasion for alncero oongratula-tloBrowning, abranat with W. J. Kclker. of the workingmen, on rho marebal of the day, followed by ibe cond it kina that anrmund iLem. sheriff and hie force of deputies and I yon on the large num-- a mean mounted policemen, wheeled hernongmtulaia Indiiairloua and intelligent men of Into poeltioa at the depot and began aud women belonging to your organisFront the Ilia inarch tip Tveniy-flfih- . and thank you moat sincerely aornera of uraul and Lino'dn union ation; for the opportunity presented to me, men Joined la the proreakUin. I know of no of addressing you. The parade waa divided Into that appeals more directly to Behind the mounted officers holiday ludeamea and laborers than Lacame a carriage with Governor Cul- tlie bor Day; nor one that may be made ler, Father Cuahtwban. fudge Howell more produrtlro of benefit to thooe Other car- who earn and Kudotpb Kucbler. their brand by manual toil. labor laadera, county carried riage of tha maaaes; of It la ihe aud membora of the city coun- the brawn holiday and bone of tha commoncil. A wagon load of rhlldren waring wealth; of those who produce and Inflags, in charge of the ladlea of the crease the material wealth of the comOrder of Machinists, followed the car Therefore. It appeals moat munity. riagca. directly and forrlbly to them and Mcbolg liand beaded the aecund those who depend upon them; and and fur twenty mlnutea an un- when properly observed, there la an broken Hue of union men marched by. holiday that ran bestow more benefit unhw. ha member oa The Machinist those who make up so large and d reacd In capa, white ahiria and black a part of our nmimunliy. trounera, were follow'd ckely by the important It ha always been my idea that of tba city In rlilaena bricklayer aasonlaiHna of trades people and larlothra, who In turn were reinfnroed boring men can ba made ihe mean Klerlric-a- l union. boilermaker' the by maiorially bei taring the condition followed In a waaoa on of worker of these elaeeaa. A tew suggestions which wn an a tec trie pole, with rroaa-baras to the manner of accomplishing wire and electrical apparatua. may not be out of place. In tha unite march- this, When the Brat place, it affords aa opportunity, ed into elew they were greeted by If will aeiaa upon it. of studying band dapping. Member of tha union tbayou condition which prevail throughwera (Ire need la anvil capa, apron aad out ihe yourcountry, and working clot lice and carried hammer, selves to do your part enabling toward bettertheir of other aad implement aledgea ing auch condition aa seem objectrade. They paented a unique wore ua tionable. I can not Impress upon jou Meiel worker too strongly the thought that this can collar and (topper tie. best be accomplished by each niaa The band fnim Lagan In uniform doing hi share, no matter ia what poanroad of rear tha the brought up sition la tbs social structure he may ertlrin.. ba placed. .The responsibility of preSection three waa compoaed of the the favorable conditions In serving order the Joiner union, and carpetnera our government, and cHmlnnting the of hod carrtera, the taamaterg union unfavorable one, reata g heavily on with a float, the bartender union, the laboring man, na upon the proa float bar. miniature a of by fessional man or the capimllst, so far the cgar make- - union, the union of sg hi Influence exteuds. No man, no bore of In that a tiw bulldog barber. matter hoar humble hla station may tailor He cal the legend. mbs," ran any to hla aelgti-Isito and painters and decorator, all mark- appearThla other, work of betterment is your a nr aome clothe ed hr their by work, not mine." No man la Justiof their profeaalon. fied, any more than Cain waa, in sayand of Tbe mayor Brigham City Am 1 my brother's keeper?" We ing. numn with hand the Brigham City to the extent of our power are ail. mlacel-lantou-a a float and ber of Industrial and influence, keeper! of the honor a rarrtaaea of proceawon and the Integrity of cur great Nation. runtaltihig dtlcena formed the It the laboring men will meet toaecta-e- r rear of the parade. In their organisation, and raimly from Becker one Among the float and dispassionately, without violence Brewery and Tlllcaaon'a broom or prejudice, study the situation and of palnataklng gave evident to devla wise means of believwork, while all of them were unique help It. labor ing organisations can be made a power fin- incalculable good to the communities of our great commonwealth. In another way. toe, these organic tlons have bey it of vast lienefli, end may be made even ninre beneficial. I refer to th opportunity they present to developing greater skill and broader education on the part of the workThe more Ining men themselves. telligent and skilful a man Is In his chosen line of work, the greater la the good he la rapuble of, and the higher la hla earning power. It will. I believe, be pavulhle for matter to he brought to anrh a imlnt that a certain deareo of proficiency win be required of every irndevmsn; that all will be educated to or beyond that imlnt; that will be proportionate to the wage skill of th worker: and rht hy this means the work will he better done, th workmen bet'er paid, and the community vastly more advanced in than it present. And all this ran belter he done hy reason and than hy violence. We will allow you to take your I oholce from a paper of loose This brings out another thought, to atone , where you can make care whleli I wish to give strong and unmistakable utterance. Every Imy who fpl comparison and see EXACTLY HOW MUCH it weigh: mount It desires lo learn n trade and become n skilled mechanic, nhmild have the Va any sort of s mourns In g sn-- l lei yon take tt with w. Yon may opportunity and be encouraged ii do I ran rememlH-no. 'he limn when it for on Our Pay Easy mechanics in a certain line did everyIn their power to prevent thing Payment Plan from learning that trade, under 'he and if yen pay. aay H'W.nn fo- - the mistaken Imprcnaloii that their own tba etooe. we will buy it bark at work would be endangered l the I tha end of a year for fan 0". raah. Their spirit w.-akin competition. W consider thte a fair pmimei-tiOB- . of the to tha ignorant working pimago. who ple of a century through England deal roving spinning Jennies, weaving lrvoms. farming machinery, and oilier labor saving device. under the absurd Itniucsioit that this kind o' compel i1 ion would take the broad on1 of their mouths They failed It) tinderatnml ihst their lies i plan was to become skilled npcr.i-tfvewith the pew machinery, and hope that the Increase In the demnml for products would keep pace wbh the greater production rendered possible by the machine, .ins so. ihe in safety of the present Our Optical Business nr,. auy line can not be made by .oiheiw of the ssnie line: (tit keeping is Increasing lint by increasing skill on hoi- own meet to tb And tbe reeaon la thla: W am mtnpc-rltlonIncreasing pad, devoting the same energy ihere a In other lines. It MUST he rghi If laboring people desire tyc ui.'ip. or not at all. est good of our gl-- ious routi'-- y encourage, rarher ihan il'srinraSP, the learning of :iadr h' ii- - boys Every hoy who wisims shou'd have & of liocnming a the oppe-uinimechanic, thcr- - shoMld bo ti' remrHc-ttoof the n ui.her of i iiiti'ii-- i in By this ttii'a", more any lin win he earned. 5'ea:er ind.v.diiR'. jit-- l m au e d 2pm s lk-ga- a aec-tlon- a, a r, repre-aentatlo- fae-lor- y - SELECT THE pros-perit- DIAMOND r Vrint(uai' s noi-haii- . LsM. LEWIS CO. ty e g . R. Jew-e'er.- cono-itiixe- . mii-i-p- ti re-un- c.i'-no- be-ra- r HKITKMBLR , 19- - 1 then chaflenged him for a public liisciiFsion under fair rules snj to he held in the hall ur church lt the acme la-chwging a small admission tee. tbe entire pnireed to go t' the public poor fund. But the reveiend gentleman. In connection vtfh his aids. Pastor Frimondt M oiler and Munck. politely refused, saving that ao good could come out of Mormomrm. "This is not written in a spirit of bitterness and revenge, hui with the hope that it will be published and Mr. friend may ace how he Thompson NEW YORK AMERICAN CORRESinspects th fair city of Ogdea and of the west, th stale of the PONDENT IN OGDEN. Utah. I fully realize, Mr. Editor, that you are no Mormon, but am satisfied, as you have always shown, that yot a tha Around Charles K. Jackasa Going stand for what is right and let tbo World, Without a Cant, for follow. tru'h THE TRAMP HAVE YOU SENT fit, YOUR DOLLAR? TO REPUBLICANS: have c-ai- ge SCRIBE HERE qun oonae-quenre- Hoarwe Papon. "This city has a population of about and la the neat largest city In tbe kingdom. It ha a beauttful location and romantic surroundings. Hun- riroda of Utahs cltlaeus have first seen the light r.f day In this city. "The missionary work In which I am engaged la making good headway. This conference I divided into six branches. W have our own conference headquarters and building and enjoy tbe same privileges aa natives of the here are Our member kingdom. among the moat Influential resident In the city. Ever wishing the ftand-ansuccess. I remain. CO.Uihi Charles K. Jackson, better knows Happy." the tramp correspondent, who Is making a trip around the world for tha New York without being ih rmitird to hear the Jingle of as much as two cents lu hia as Amerk-an-Journa- l, pockats. arrived her yesterday morning oa the bump r of s freight, "Happy ia not adopting this unique method of travel because of the inability ot him with hi employes to aupply mean to obtain transportation, but because It enables him to get a glimpse of things from an entirely novel viewpoint. These observations he embodies in his weekly articles to his paper, which have to be for the most pan with the resources of Uia country through which he is traveling. He was chosen for this wort: because of hie peculiar qualification, aa he i a brilliant writer, a Harvard graduate and speaks seven languages. Shortly after his arrival here Mr. Jackson was taken In tow by u C. Leggett, who took him to many of the points of Interest from the vicinity of Ogden during the day. Although be carried passes from the passenger department of the Union Psriflc railroad, he wae prevented by the peculiar term of hla contract from availing himself of these proffered comforts of travel. In addition to the passes he carried many credentials, among which were letters from V. H. Hearst and Arthur Brisbane. At 1 p. in. ue Joined Albert Scow-crof- t, Mr. Leggett and Park H. Cook, traveling passenger agent for the Souweroft's Air. lines in automobile for a tour of the can yon. At the Oaks they were met by John M. Browning and M. 8. Browning, with whose firearms he became familiar during the war. In which he acted as correspondent for the forty-thre- e papers supplied by the Hearst syndicate. After sharing the hospitality of "Cliff" Potter, Ihe party returned to the Her milage, where they were taken In charge by Billy Wlleon, who gave them a genuine Hermitage dinner. Toasts were responded to by Mr. Jackson, Mr. Cook and Mr. Leggett. 1 ne guest of houor complimented Mr. Wlleon on the magnlflmnt "log house" and the beautiful mountain road and paid a tribute to western hospitality and particularly tha hospitality of the d "JOBEPH L. PETERSON. "Conference President." PLATFORM OF LABOR e Ogden people. On leaving tbe canyon, Mr. Jackson In order to do Justice to remarked: thla Beanery one would have to bankrupt the English language In describing it. For my pen I shall throw away my pens end not make the attempt. Why. these rocky cliffe and this macadamised road beat anything that Euroim can produce In the way of arenery." Mr. Jackson will meet a number of Ogden business men Auday end after he has secured credentials from the mayor end others, will proceed to Ran Francisco, where he will take a steamer for the orient He expects to complete the tour by the Iasi of next February. Mina. Second Hand Stores We are "I. T. at "ODDS and ENDS," I. T. Alvord, 2277 Wash. Phons 172. "Any aid thing" bought, told or exchanged. New and Second-HanFurniture. I. T. Aivord. d SECOND-HANNEVADA STORE We buy and sell all kinda of nt and atcond-hangoods. Call or phene Weckar A Haynaa, Props. 169 25th St, Phene, Ind. 922. PARTY d CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF NEW PARTY COMPLETE ITS WORK. Condemns tha Practice of Public ficials Accepting Favors of Any PAUL ZIEGENHIRT, Seeend-Han- Store. If you have anything to aall or buy call or phona 1870 ta 1979 Wash. Ava. Bell 656-k- . Ind. 676. Of- Description. Her-rlma- Kuaso-Jspanee- We are anxious to every Kr. publican in close touch, and injf in harmony with the Rcpol-hmNational l.'oiiRrcsjionalCoinmqi.;c iQ favor of the election of a RvHibinan Congress. The Congressional campaign rr.ut be based on tlie administrative atj legislative record of the party, dr,. that being so, Theodore Ksrvuli personality must he a central rccre and his achievements a central thought in tlie catnaign. We desire to maintain the oik ,f with popular suhcr:p, ! this campaign tions of One Dollar each In mi K, .uit licans. To each subscril'cr we send the Republican National Cjuu naign Text Book and all docunu-ntissued by the Committee. Help us achieve a great vinrm. Jams S. Shmmak, Chairmen. P. O. Box 1063, New .,rL Or you may pay your one tki dr ,d the Hon. W illiam Glasmann, ca-Standard office, and take his rv.sipt therefor. The central committee of tha United labor party At Weber county, has completed ita work on tbe party EL A. OENKERS Will pay tha higheat pries far aacond-hanfumitur and sell to the pubilt the cheapest. 2418 Grant Ava. Bail Pnono 637-k- . Ind. 920. C. J. HERRICK 4 CO., ' Successors to H. L. White, platform and has submitted It for publication. The platform waa adopted .Bring your goods hero if you want at a mass meeting held last Thursday ta aell them. Call hers If you went 2341 Wash Ava, Bell Phone buy. night and la as follows: 616-Ind. 407. Preamble. We, the aaaembled rlilxena of the United Btates of America, slate of Ulah, county of Weber, believing In tbe observance and enforcement of all law, and the honest, faithful, and efficient performance of all official duties and the careful protection of the right! .of the maaaes of the pimple, hereby unite and form a political party for the purpose of securing Uw inalienable rights for ourselves and for all others similarly situated, and we declare aa follows: 1. Th name of thia political organization shall Im United Jrtior Party. 2. We believe In th literal aud vigorous enforcement of all laws. 3. W believe ia and demand the municipal ownership of all public utilities. 4. W demand that all franchises be submitted to the people by referMAN WANTED! endum vole before they become opSomewhere near Ogden to ssaUt tit erative. (. We demand that the next legists In showing hnd felling properties. Sn lure shall pais auch laws aa will sub- experience necewary, if willing a let mit all Important publir questions to ua teach you the real estate businesi. Salary IGO.ufl per month, to honest a refendum vote of the people. 6. We believe In the Imperative man, willing to devote part of his time mandate and we therefore demand to thla tuiHlneas. that all city, county, state and na- LAND CO., Andrua Bldg., Minneapolis, tional offleera shall Ih; subject to re- Minn. call. MINISTER 7. W believe in the moral. Intellectual, and physical development of th child, and w therefore demand the abolition of the employment ot children In the mines, factories. and mills who are not above the agea of J6 years In the male and 18 years in the female. eight-hou8. We believe in the law and demand the literal enforcement of the same. 4. We believe that the wife and daughter should receive the same compensation a the husband and son REPORTS OF for the performance of the same or JOS. L. PETERSON AN "ANVIL CHORUS." similar duties. ID. We believe that all property should hear ha Just portion of the burdens of taxation, and we therefore, A Citizen of Ogden Doing Missionary demand that it be assessed at lta true Work Abroad Entertain Hia Convalue. gregation With Hlo Hemmer. 1 the 11. We are forever opposed merchandise placing of prison-mad- e on the market In competition with The following communication from honest labor; therefore, we demand Joseph L. reteraon, wHt la now lowi- that the next legislature enact such ng In the missionary field :In Den- law a will effectually prohibit the mark. was received yesterday Importation and sale within the stats KNOCKS UTAH There is many a Blip between the cup and the lip but there is no slip in our laundry work. Every little detail in connection with the proper turning out of laundry work id carefully attended to and the is people are well pleasresult "Aarhua. Denmark. Aug. 16. 19(id. of such goods. "Dear 8lr Thinking It would not 12. We condemn the practice of ed with the class of work we lie amino I take the liberty f writing public, officials ' accepting railroad do. , a fe lines so that the readers of ynHr passes, free water, light, and telerates new for our Inquire valimhle paper can bear how one of phone service, and we characterise on family washing. honorable cltlsena. such conduct as criminal. Ogdens Rev. James of the Pres1 the Thompson 13. We hdanily endorse the' platbyterian church, can vilify and black- form of the American Federation of en the fair name of Utah and her In- Labor. northdustrious people in this far-of-f 437 26th St, Both phones 174. erly land, the good old kingdom of AHEAD WITHJTHE RETURNS Iicnmark. "The reverend arrived here a Wit seven weeks ago and since that rime Standard-Examine- r Were Dispatch has traveled front city to city, lecturReceived Earlier Than Other Buling under the auspice of a fanatical letins in th City. sect called tba "Tndre .Mission." In ail his remark ha has not had nne While the return from the Nelson-Gan- s kind word to aav about Utah and her received at this fight were Institutions, but'on the contrary, has office yesterday being and announced hy M)Kken In a shameful and disrespectful the street was literallv manner of everything, especially Mor- megaphonc, packed with people. There were apmon Ism. proximately twelve hundred present at "Some evenings ago Mr. Thompson one time and the excitement occasionheld forth in one of the Isrgv- halls ed by the uncertainty of the prolonged in this city, not thinking several of buttle was contageous. Neither of the Utah's, and especially Weber coonty'a. lacked support, hut the Nelci'ixcns were present listening to his fighters son mn seemed to he slightly in the tirade of abuse. Among his gems was The Btandanl-Examlnedisthe assertion that in all the achnolN majority. being the Associated Press patches. nf Utah the children were taught that, report of the fight . were received from the only Hod we worship ia Father two to five rounds uh ad of other Adam. I.a'r he contradicted thi in the ettv. hi saving that Ulab could thank places the Presbyterian and Methodist San Francisco. Sept. ". it is claimed fa the character oi the tranxfsr fur its present S"hool vs-- ihst. street cer strike breakers service we supply our patrons stiil ih' 'hev vould not tolerate have fifty deserved and are heing taken such teachings. Prompt, reliable and at low coat, care cf hv ihe union. A small riot "He snid no justice be had in was any tlma you My well b on year today hv the attempt U'a'i. as all court were. controlled of thepreriptaied Job and handle it expeditiously and guards tn prevent a strike breakhv ihe Mormon, a all judges were er leaving the car hams. Stones xCe re well. member nf the church. In a lecture thrown by the crowd and the t a few nial-previous which he deliv- called out. When a consignmentpolice of ered in another cliy he made the men were being marched to the ne that the murderer, Peter their quarters seventeen dropped out was executed because h was of line. The pickets contented thema poor Mortmin and although his wife selves wtth attrt Mend had sufficleat evidence to ers to desertinviting the strike breakand promising them b was not takan Into cousld-eraiio- u work. together with others The, too numerous to mention, were some id the truths' advanced hy this wnuld-bHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE sonant of God. At i!:e close of his FOR SALE speech he was Phone 22 for yours tinmbsriied by questions and was pubThe entire contents of a licly railed a liar by different parties, house Mntacti for Ml at a barlut still he claimed he had told the gain. Address Standard Office. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS' Ogden Steam Laundry m n ALLEN Mnr-tense- aea-.'ir- TRANSFER . CO. e five-roo- S-3- |