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Show Tin: Moijxixt: AMUSEMENTS. F8.U.E TjCjTG G RAN D HOUSE OPERA R. ALEXANDER GRANT, Manager TONIGHT .. ALL THE COMFORTS OP HOME Ran two entire aeaaona In New York. Twelve year on the read. Holda the record in etock houses. PRICES: lie, 2c. S5c, 50c. SEAT SALE NOW OPEN. Utahna Park TONIGHT High Class Vaudeville Two Performances Every Night at 8 and 9:30 I I S GKEAT. DON'T MISS IT. MMWnWVWMWMAMAAAMVM PRICES Logea and reeerved seats He; bleacher, 10c. Dancing from I to 12 every Evening. CG'JLj Will Organize the Freight and Passei. gcr Bureaus of Wcjtarn Fac-tiRailway. The San Francisco Call says: William S prodie is slated u Lecome general freight and passenger traffic director of the Gould lines west of Chi caga This is the report received at the local railroad offices yesterday. He aas keen selecitd by the Goulds to organise the freight and passenger department of the newly born Western Pacific. His offices will probably be la ban Francisco until Gould's Western affairs are put in working shape. Sproule left the service of the Southern Pacific last night He will begin his duties as Usffic director of ihe smelter trust on October I. He will rest until that date. His worh for the will serve only to hold Guggenheim hint near the Goulds until the freight and passenger affairs of the Western Pacific are ready to be launched. As soon as the oon struct ion of the Westers Pacific neers com plot loo he will step out of the smelter trust and into the railroad harness again, but this time for Gouid. and not Hardman. His salary will be 140,000 a year. Harriman String Broken, When Sproule announced two weeks ago that he would leave the Southern Pacific on September l to go with the Guggenbelins.lt was stated at the same time that Harriman still held him by a string and might bring him bacn to the Southern Pacific at any time. Since then it has developed that Harrlmsas string on Sproule wan broken directly after the fire, when Gould, through the Guggeabelitts, wko were la San Francisco at tbe time, secured tbs name of the Southern Pacific freight agent to a cuu tract, with the undentaading that he would manage the traffic affairs of the Gould lines when called upon. Sproule has broken entirely with Harriman In a business way by this move. Tbe Gould interest! In the smelter trust are very heavy. The trust was given the contract for the nils tor tbe Western Partflc. In turn It has located its smelters on the lines of ths Goulds and baa given over Its Immense freight traffic wherever poealble. The Western Pacific line will connect with the new Guggenheim amelter near South Ban Franctaoo. Sproule' Rapid Rim. The Gould lines, over which Sproule will direct the freight and passenger traffic business, are the Western Pacific, Rio Grande and Western. Denver and Rio Grande and the Missouri Pacific. Gould also controls the Wabash system running east from Chicago and has an interest in tbs Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific. TO BALT LAKE EXCURSION Via R. G. W. Ry Thursday, September Sth. For Grand Carnival and Masked Ball J. K. Clause of Rawlins, Wye., is la at 8alt Palace pavilion. $300.00 cash the rtty on business. prises. Fare $1.00 for round trip. Ifeave Ogden a m, 1:15 p. Mrs. Rll Blakeley of 8249 Jefferson Trains and 7 p. m. Returning leave Salt avenue hsa left te visit relative in jnLake at midnight.' tbo east - and children hT returned from a three morths' visit Ja the eaat. Mrs. G. A. W. C. Hancock and family of Battle .Mountain, Nev., are la the city alfht-seeln- g and visiting friends. J. . Dock of Omaha. Neb, Is in the city making arrangements for Install Ing the new marinery for the power plant of ths Southern Paeiflo Railroad company. Fur teamsters were arrested Sunday for leaving their horses In tbs streets untltd. Several runaways of late have been traced to the carelessness of drivers, who drive their horses to the curb and leave them untethered. Funeral services over the remains of Joseph Hall will be held la the Second Ward meeting house Wednesday at 2 p. m. Remains may be viewed at the residence of Joseph Hall, Tuesday, from T to V p. m. and Wednesday from lh a. tn. to 1 p. m. 'Interment will be In the City cemetery. PERSONALS - DOLL ASH IDE OPERATIONS Dickson " : Mrs.. Fred Hubs of Bpokane, Wash., Is visiting friends In the city. George E. dibble of Logan Is in the dty on business and is registered at the European hotel. Doing Well But Ceuld Do Better if Miners Were Obtainable. The Dollarbtde mill is running steadIt is in operation ten hours per day, and' makes an average of eight tons of concentrates daily from twentons of ora. Last ty to twenty-fiv- e Monday there were 1,000 sacks, or about forty tons of concentrates ready to be hauled to the railroad for shipment to Salt Lake, says the Wood-rive- r Timas. .These had accumulated during the preceding week, tbe ore teams having been busy hauling from the Rosetta district ths machinery and the lumber needed In the construction of the mill at the Carrie Leonard group of the Dollarhlde company. An they were to resume hauling to the railroad Tuesday the congestion of ooncentiaten at th Dollarhid mill is somewhat Ires than it has been. At the Dollarhlde mines there is also a congestion of ore. Every carload of ore coming ont In emptied ea the dump and piled up by bund. The handling could be avoided if more teams could be got to haul the or away and if tbe mill feonld reduce it. C. C. Ruthrauff. who owns nearly all the Dollarhlde atock, is organising a crew to opera's the mill at night, this doubling Its output. He is also endeavoring to get more teams and more miners. ily. . A. H. Bcooberg of Balt Lake is visit, ing with J. B. Smith and family of 2546 Jackson aveaae. EXCURSION TO TORONTO, ONT. Sept 10th, 11th. Misses Dora and Maude Paine have Via Union Pacific. $61.90 round trip. returned from a "visit to friends and Tickefs good returning until October relatives la Victor and Bt. Anthony, tint. Stopovers allowed. Idaho.- - Miss Ella Malan of Taylor avenue and Twenty-seventstreet, will leave thin morning to pursue her studies in Chicago. h ' A company of four, representing the Utah Independent Telephone Co., arrived fnnn Idaho yesterday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. in an automobile. . The Ladles AM society of the Methodist Episcopal church, will give a farewell tea to Mrs. Ellen Brownell of 2017 Washington avenue and Mm. J. Hen eon this afternoon. Mrs. Brownell win go west to Reno. Nev, and Mrs. Dcsgon will leave tor Boston. YELLOWSTONE - PARK EXCURSION Saturday, Sept Sth. Via Oregon Short Line, 149.60 round COLLECTING UNDATED PROXIES. al Policyholders committee to State Superintendent of Insurance Kelsey that the New York Life Insurance company is collecting proxies whose date lines are left, blank, in violation of a law recently enacted.. The complaint, dated on Saturday, was made by G. R. Senutham, member of tbe committee. Mr. Scragbam says that there to a wilful violation of the rethat cently enacted laws, and insists these agents be prohibited from canvassing tor proxies before the date on which the proxies can be legally requeued, October 1st, 190$. ; -- ' MEXICO CITY EXCURSION. Daily. September 3rd to 14th. Via Uaiaa Pacific, $69 SO raaai trip. This Includes nscssssry sail and stags transpertaiioe and also trip. Tickets good to return until hotel accommodations tor the regular October list Stopovers allowed. seven-datrip beyond Marysville. Only flliy people can go on this PARIS HOTELS REMAINED OPEN. Make your reservations early office. t Union Depot Ticket . Paris, Sept. Contrary to tbe general expectation, the threats of proprietors tf hotels, cafes and places of O OOOOOOOOOOOOOG amusement to close their doors was ' o not carried Into effect o yesterday. The G STRIKE BREAKERS DESERThotel and restaurant keepers decided O that they would postpone for another ING. week the carrying out of the vote of O FifO the Alimentation syndicate in favor of San Fraaciaco, Sept. I. O teen carloads of strike breaker a complete c losing on Sundays and O reached this city early this rejecting the proposal to give emO morning. They are now waitployes a day off in rotation. Minister of Commerce Dnumergue o ing for orders from President o Calhoun. consented to receive this week s dap c President Calhoun has so station whleh will request a modificao far preserved alienee as to the tion of the law. o date of the company's attempt Many department stores already o to nis the cars with n have made application for permission men. to be allowed to grant employes off o Union picket have Induced day In rotation In order that the strike-breakstores may remain open daily. Otho twenty-liv- e to o desert. ers of these places at business, however. have decided to close altogether o Sundays. y non-unio- er ocooooooooo Glasounn not Defeated in Central Committee-4- 1 Ccmm.t.ee-meEndorsed Him for Postmas.cr Senator Smoot not Trying; to Buy Ogden Examiner Tribune and Herald Trying; to Split the Republican Party of Weber County. William Glasmann was seen Monday and asked If he had any siaremeat to moke in reply to the articles in the Tribune and Hersld of that morning in which these parert obliged that GUsuiana was defeated la the contest before tbe central committee of Weber county. Mr. Uiaamana said: "U is all rot. 1 had no plan. 1 presented ao plana to tbe central committee. 1 had no one in my interest or in Howell s interest or in Smoot s interest present a proposition to the county central rununluae. 1 have taken no interest in the political campaign at thia fall up to this time, other than a conference with Judge X T. Hulanls-k- t In reference to his candidacy for the Supreme beach. . 1 advised him that if the county convention Instructed its delegate fug him. it would be the best possible send off for him. Tba Is all i know of the proposition of holding the county convention to elect to tho mare convention, except that Ceuaty Clerk David Mattson spoke to me about having such a county convention which also should be called to nominate the county ticket. This last proposition I apposed because 1 thought U would make a long camThere is absolutely nothing paign. more to the statement. When asked if be considered the county central committee unfriendly to him, Mr. Glaxmaiui said: "I should say not. It was the forty-on- e of the county central member commit la that endorsed me for the gel-egai- this Ogden poetofflee. of the central committee that gav m my RepsLUcaa standing in It waa endorse-mea- l Washington. Th other candidates got it Into their heads that the campaign committee, at six or seven, who call themselves aa executive committee, had the only right to endorse candidates. 1 paid no attention to tbe executive commute sod secured the member signature of the forty-oof tho county central committee, nnd the Washington aathorittoa concluded that this central committee had th power to give the proper endorsement, and 1 do not think the Weber county central committee, after haring endorsed me and haring secured for me the office of postmaster, would turn around and fight me for haviag near ed that office. It shoes how ridiculous th lies are that are befog supplied by the Salt Lake Tribune and Herald. I cannot understand why a Republican, who receives the endorsement of these two papers for congress, as Parley P. Christensen is receiving, can expect real Republican support. He must be e enemy to lie a very conaillered V? weak candidate, or he Is sufficiently acceptable to Democratic or American party to be aatisfactory to hath tbo Tribune end the Herald. I cannot believe that tbo RepabUcan of Weber county will support tbe candidate who has th backing of a Democratic and party paper. How about ceiling the paper to Senator Bmoot, aa slated h thla tnon.-tag- 's Tribune? "That also Is a lie made out of whole doth. Senator Bmoot hsa ant discussed a proposition to buy the Morning Examiner or tbe Standard or any other paper sine the Republican wsa established in Salt Lake City. There is absolutely nothing to the statement except that a man by the name of T. R. Tingle, from Kansu City, railed upon me Saturday and said he had come west to buy a paper and that be wanted to buy the the State Journal and the Examiner la order to consolidate them; hilt learning that the State Joaraal vu not for sale until after th election, he wanted an option on th Morning Examiner until he could make a deal to bay tha State JearnaL Whether the Examiner gar film an option or entertained his proposition Is nobodys business, excepting the stockholders of the Standard Publishing company. "As for tha statement the Tribune makea that I win stump the state of Utah this toll aud tall th people that I hero bees set said by divine authority to preach the Republican doctrines. I esa only say that it is la conformity with tbe Tribune dispatches sent from Salt Lake City announcing that Senator Sutherland tad William Glas-manthe Mayor of Ogden, were both that paper strong Mormons, although were Morknew hath at them never mons and were knows by everybody to be outside that charch. Th Tribune and the Herald are taring to create a Wesplit la the Bepuhlicaa partyas of everyfall, ber county. They will Democratte-Amert-esn thing else that tbs' combine has undertaken, has tolled." o Inter-Mountai- n bouts Is s newspaper of six pages full of Hve reading matter and th advertisements of Ramsay business bosses; an Ms on Main street are takes and many buildings armcontracted for. The graatoet preset difficulty, said i Pleased HEALTHFUL and DELICIOUS Over Ihe prospect!. After negotiation of sevria; mruth with Alex Swanvii. champion oi wel-te- t weight wrerlera of he world, lovers of the spent in Ogdeu and Salt Griddle Cakes Muffins Plum Pudding and Lak hate prsriirall) ivniplv'et arrangement for a match he ween him and Mike Yukei at this rut. Swanson is in New York, btr will .ome u Ogden in order to hav.- the mach Boston Brown Bread a, CENVER-SANDIEC- the past year bought harbor facilities at Saa Diego.' Daniel Guggenheim, bead at the vast Interests of that house, was on the Pacific coast a year ago aad completed tbe deal for a bugs smelter at Saa Diega The ground was bought aud plans for th big plant and terminals. have since bees made. This great transcontinental line will start in Denvsr, the parent of the smelting trust plants. Surveys have already been made from Denver for the line of Mlnturn, Cqlo. Merritt H. Rogers, for many years with the Denver sad Rio Grand system, has been la the field with a large corps of engineers for three months completing tbe route. Maps hava been drawn showing the direction of tbs proposed line It wl leave Denver probably over tba Iaternjosmsln ruA formerly tha Denver, Lakewood and Golden, to Golden, thence np tbe Clear Creek canon to Georgetown, thence through tbe Argentina Fats to the Tidier lannel, end on through this tunnel, which Is more than a mile long and which is being pushed through rapidly nlgbt and day from both ends;thence on to Leadvllle, Min turn, continuing west through' Colorado to Salt lake; thence down through Utah. Nevada and southern California. are made (mm Aliens BelfRlsing Boston Brows The ECONOMY in buying, the SIMPLICITY in making, aud the ASSURANCE of having a pure and wholesome food are potato worthy of your considers t tea, Bread Flour. Aak Your g reoar fee it. Allen's PACIFIC CALIFORNIA EXCURSION. to San Francisco aad turn tdirert) SAN JOSE, CAL Cures whs etliera fail. Madera method. Free ceneuttatia far aay Chrenlo Disease f say saws er aaturs. Every case guaranteed. A list Partial of Diseases Cored fa. Xtagtag ta tba Ears. DU si ass Head, Threat, Nose, Kya or Ear. All Bronchial Tubes aad Chert. of the imDiseases of ta Stomach. Liver, Kidney aad Bladder. Haul Dieeaae, Rhensiatlem, Asthma. Nervous Troubles, Bt Vitus Danes, Piles, fistula aud all Racial Troubles, Tape Worm, Blood Potwatng from aay reuse. Diseaeee peculiar ta Woman. ANT FRIT ATM DIRE A BE OP MEN quickly euied to stay cured. Rrtaember the examination aad advice ta FREE. Coma at osml Tomorrow may be too lata. Call r write Catonrh, Pee of DR. Office hours, tha ESTES, p. m. Entrsaca Boom REVIEW OF NAVAL VESSELS RIGHT THE PUCE Buy; Your BY THE MILE! OF WARSHIP! OYSTER BAY. Waahtagtoa Are. (Boyle Remember tha number. 2461 1$. TO Meat IS THE PRESIDENT TWO Dto-eas- SPECIALIST II a. m. to Block), Ogdea, Utah. Wright AT Meat Market 2369 Three Columns ef Fighting Ships Are WASHINGTON AVENUE Been by Roosevelt From the Mayflower. Dally, September 4th to 14th. Ogden FACTORY. Estes Doctor Specialist NOTICE Ogden, Be pi. 1, 1906. On and after this dale I will not be iweponsible for nay bills contracted by say person other than myself. Parties having accounts against me will please seed statement to me at Park City aad I will meet them soon THOS. C- - PANCAKE. as possible. Flour Co. B. B. B. COAST . Phones re- Oyetrr Bay, N. Y Sept. 8. A to$30.0$ tal of 21 guns fired simultaneously reand Saa Francisco to Ogden every fighting rrsft ta a mighty turn (one way via Portland.. 42.6 by fleet of iwe score warnhipe. greeted reto and Ira Angeles Ogdea President Rnnsevell when he stopped turn via Southern Pacific...'. 4J.O0 on board (he naval yarbt Mayflower toreLos aad to Angeles Ogdea to review wbai Is believed to be day S. P. O. and via S. U turn 31 JO the largest war fleet ever aeaembled By...., ta American water. Ogdea to Lou Angeles and reFlanking I be war veaaela, which turn (on way via Portland in purest white, under tbe glistened 51.50 Baa Francisco and and again a Tickets good returning until Octo- direct ray a of tha aim of Mark cloud background overs allowed. ber 21st. Btop along the hnriaon, waa the greatest fleet of private yachts, small boats MIDDLE STATES REGATTA. 246 Ind. 814 Bell Well Mounted LA.1S.L low-lyin- g and pleasure craft probably lhar haa together in surb a Federal Authorities Had Charge of tbe ever been drawn Each of there waa small compareCourse. decked with signal flag from stem and added materially In the Washington. Sept. 2. Tbe Middle to stern a marine apectaele unparStates regatta, one of the leading painting of alleled ta the hletory of the Ameriequal le events of the season. Is be- can people. ing held here today on tbe Pntomac river. The number of entries is the SHIPI READY FOR REVIEW. largest of any similar affair held ia this dty In recent years. eastern Boms of the. Orater Bay. Sept. I. President oarsmen are on band to contend for Roosevelt will review today the greatthe honors. There are 17 events and est fleet of fighting ships ever asthe races are being rowed over a sembled under the American flag. straightaway course. Three long columns of men of war For the first time ia the history of have tagged gently at their anchors In aurowing on tbe Potomac, tbe federal the peaceful water of Long laland thorities. under a recent act of con- Sound since noon yesterday. The five veaaela are all within range of. gress. had charge of the course. The summaries: train one Hill and could Sagamore Junior singles: J. K. Ereas. West thousand one hundred end swenty-elgPhiladelphia Boat Huh, first; R. L. gunaoe the summer residence of Smith. Vesper, B. C. Philadelphia, sec- President Roosevelt. Indeed they will Kan-agroar out to him a tremendous aaluto ond; dead beat between Dr. E. L. Pennsylvania Barge Club, and H. aa fie emcee among them on his flagP. Conard, Bachelor Barge Club, for ship, the Mayflower, and tonight they third place. Time 6:61. will paint the hlerogliphlcs of peace on ' Junior Flour gig: Arundel Boat. Club the sky with their ererehllghts for hi first; Montrose Boot Club, second; edification. West. PMladelpbta Boat Clnb third. The review haa been, arranged with Time 1:22. utmost care ta every detail. Not. a the Senior B Ingle: Frank B. Greer, Bos- chip la to move from its place until ton Athletic Association, first; Frank th ceremony la over, or until six Boat Club, sec- o'clock tomorrow morning. At S Vesly, first Bohemia ond:' Fred Rhephed. Beauanahu Bret o'clock this morning, in tkeir apodea Club, third. Time 6:17 white paint id peace, they donned "full Bentor Quadruple aeulls: Nassau dree, each throwing into tbe sky n Boat Club. New York, first; Malta Boat rainbow of color, ahowlng every ahred Club, second; two entries. Time not of tbe splendid (lag equipment of tbe announcedAmerican Nary. More than 16,Kt4 Jackie and KIWI officers manned the LAUNCH 1$ FOUND. decks. The United State Atlantia fleet, under command of Rear Admiral Had Rsmained ea a Band Bar At Robley D. Evaaa. was reedy for th Night, inspection of President Roosevelt and the nation. 3. The Ohio. Rapt. Three long columns lay with their Sandusky. naphtha launch Adeline, which was re- - head Juat a mile west oT the extreme ported as missing late last night with point of Lloyd Keck and three mile mere than a seree of persons on board, directly north of Sagamore Hill reached her docks here in safety to- through the Harbor entrance of Oyxter day. Tbe launch went, hard aground Bay. With Intervals between eohmuis on the sand bar near Johnson's Island and ships of 460 yards, they stretched last evening and remained ta that posi- along the sound toward New York for tion until found by one of the numer- more than two miles. The fleet conous boats sent ta search of her early sists of three squadrons or two divisions each, two torpedo boat flotillas, this morning. ubmarlnre. a troop ship and five auxiliaries. The center column represent! the heaviest tonnage aad fighting rapacity of the fleet. This column i HERMAN OELRICHB DEAD. headed by the Maine, the flagship of Admiral Evans. Directly astern la the Wireless Massage Convey the sister ship Mlaaonri of 1IJ66 tons: then the two 11.620 ton - battleships Startling News. Kentucky and Kearearge; next tba Louisiana. Just completed, 16. 000-toSept. I. HerNewport. which the navy fondly calls the "moat mes Oelrlchs of New York dlod modern baUtobhtp, succeeded by the Saturday on board th ateamer 14,948-toRhode Wand, New Jersey Kaiser Wilhelm der Gross, and Virginia. The column la completwhile on his way to this couned by the tour monitors, Puritan, Netry, according to a wireless vada, Florida and Arhaasaa. message received here today from that steamer by Mrs. - IHE . COUNTY FAIR IntoraiounUin Fair Aaaociatlo pletes the Price LlaL Com- Department M, Merchant' display. F. X Great, superintendent. Clam No. 1. Dry Goods and notions, diploma. Boot aad shoes, diploma. Clothing and Men's furnishing goods, diploma. Queen aware, diploma, jewelry, diploma. Mllli aery stork, diploma. Musical instrument, diploma. Sewing machines, diploma. Furniture, diploma. Books and stationery, diploma. . Ia department "H," farm Implements nnd manufacture, aad department "M," merchant display, reasonable space will be given all desiring to make a display, but exhibitors and attendants will be required to pay th regular admittance fee to the grounds. Department N. educational. W. N. Fetterson, superintendent. Clan . Grade aad work Grad 1 work aad No, I. t, cutting . .$ . 3, weaving $$ .50 .25 -- 25 oa now some 260 and touts la the town. There Wrtstlsr Ogden l- -- being T2 h'EET SWAKSCK ore -- there Yu.t-- L inwi 4, (Vioher. pulled oil The assurance that the mau - will be arranged romes in reward ihe ef forts of long negotiation Yokel is eager for the match. He was former 1v a pupil of Swenson and ha meaM-ewith him in the East. Swsnsnu waa ihe victor Yoke! was Mr Knox, lies ta the inability of ths then just entering upon hta career as io oiiiain supplies a wrestler while Swanson was in the people of Rams fast enough. Whli i1 i but twelve senuh of hi power Tbu husky Germile from Clarks siaiom on the man is of the opinion that he can main line of the C. F aud while there wrest from the easterner the chamis a good road soar eight miles at pionship. or si leas' give hint a hard this distance, there i nu bridge list tie tor it. across the river at (Tark. and the result is that all traffic must go either RUMOR OF STBiKE Fort bj way of Caraou. I avion. or Pawnee Churchill. Virginia. Apache, all of which places are many Geldsasksrs In Automobilsa Ltavs nil lea further than from thla point Tee pah Hastily for Clifford. Tbe merchants and business men of Reno should loo no time in pushing late Newt received to comp lotion the toad aud bridge evening at Tonopah. Nev..Wedeesrt) of a htg from Clarks. it mean much more to strike on the Horseshoe property at realise teams the city than people caused several automobiles could make ths haul from here la one Clifford, loaded with gold seekers to start at amount of vast the supplies once and others bare sine followed. day tad for that section vot.ld naturally go The precise nature of tbe strike Is not from th nearest pmm. known, says the Tonopah Bun, but the speed with which panics are rushing Impure blood runs ou down makes to the ground promise something undisfor victim an you easy organic Mg. Clifford is located on the ease. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies usually same mountain as ! Golden Arthe blood cures Thr reuse- - builds row, aud about rang twelve or fifteen miles you up. from Ijiat rsmp. The original diacov. erv wa made by the Clifford broth-eron what ia now the ground of tbe O LINE Clifford Mining company. Some weeks ago it was rumored tbnt a rich find had A Denver dispatch says: bees encountered in tbe drifts In this Incorporation papers calling tar the mine at the level. When a Sun building of a trauaoumineuisl railway reporter wa on the ground, the Cliffrom Denver to Saa Usgo, Cal., at a ford boys were away, aad the mas la cow of $30,000,000, have been filed charge of the property had strict orwith the secretaries of state of Colo- ders to allow no one to eater during rado, Utah, Nevada and California by their absence. the Denver Transcontinental Railway several About the camp, however, company. rich specimens were displayed by mea William A. L. Cooper of Denver, who claimed to have been down th A. Baldwin of Colorado mine and knocked the rock off the new Charle Springs and R. E. Tidier of George- ledge tor themselves. These appeartown are the Incorporators. They are ed very rich in silver and It waa stalbacked by a big English syndicate, al- ed that they carried good values in so by the Guggenheim of tbe great gold as well. Pannings from the fine smelter trust. It Is believed. There tuff on tbe dump where it was is also a probability that tha Rock thought the last rock taken from the Island system may be interested is the mine bad fallen showed some gold and Both the smelter trust peo- considerable silver. project. ple and the Rork Island have within Grade S, best specimen of ! .10 .25 penmanship .25 Grade I, best raffia work .10 RAMSEY HAS BIG EXPECTATIONS. Grade 4, pencil or pen .50 .25 drawing Indications That Its Growth Will Be Grad ef 4, beat map Phenomenal. Something and school grounds .10 ,25 hulldtag Ramsey. Nev, has every prospect Grade 4. specimen of penfuof being a Mg camp la the aear a 50 .......---.-..25 manship ture. it has bees growing very rapid-I- v Grade 5, specimen of pendiscovof lata, owing ts recent 50 ,25 manship eries Of on of ths latest of these Grade 5, pencil or pea t the Big dyke, sometimes caned the M .25 drawing Clark dyke, the Iteao Gasetto has aa Grade of Weber 5, map Interview with Charle L. Knox. Jurt ,50 ,2$ county returned from the mine with samples Grade $, best specimen of approximating VI66 per to . Thla 50 .25 penmanship dyke is eighteen feet in width at Its Grad $, best pencil or widest exposed part, varying from that 50 .25 pea drawing to six feet and rising to a height Grade $, beat relief map of some twelve feet for several hunSO Utah of state of .25 dred feet-- It Is almost impossible to Grade 7, best pencil or take sample (torn say portion of this .21 II pea drawing mountain of rock that do not show Grad 7, beet specimen considerable free gold. The company , writ-tagof penmanship la is at prweat sinking a thro compart-mea- t preamble to the abaft, following th dip of the of the UJB... .50 .26 ledge below tbe foot walL They are Grade $. beat pen or pennow down thirty five feet and have 60 cil .hi several stringers coming la from the Grade drawing I, relief map illusmain ledge showing free gold, which trating some topic la U. Is almost conclusive that the values 1.00 8. history .10 will continue end be found at the Class Na. 2. crosecats an the fifty or on hundred Bast general exhibit, dty public foot level. Mr. Xaoa stated that ns oon as this ledge is opened Rameey schools, appropriate picture, presented win he among the great camp of the by Boyle Furniture Co, valued at $14. Best general exhibit, county public atau. with th promt Indications that schools, appropriate picture presented It will he something phenomenal. The camp fats shown remarkable by Ogdea Furniture A Carpet Co, valgrowth, isKrmiREit uoiixixc, TRIBUMERALD LIARS NAILED . .New York, Sept. 3. Complaint ban seals ea made by the Internation- ltah. t; tsuay oudi:x, ued at $10. Beat display of school work, commercial department, public or private schools, diploma. Beet general display of private schools or state institution, diploma. WANT ADB YIELD BIG RESULTS beat-know- n forty-- ht la every piece of harness that leaves our store. Each piece to fashioned from the beat leather and moat aelset metals, and tb workmanship througha out to ia every reaped. Our saddles are the talk of all horse beck riders for comfort and ease, aad they art scrupulously made aad finished by experienced operator. Give as a call whoa yoa next naad something la our llao. flrst-elaa- -- J.C. Platt Saddlery Co. 22SS Washington Are. - ITS Efid BL a. - OOOOOO'OOOOO R-- n n . Oel-ric- h. KILLED . Mr. Oalrlcha. accompanied by her son, Herman and by Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt left for a New York during tb oft-noo- to meet the steamer. Charles M. Oelriohs. a brother of the dead maa. also left during the dT for the metropolis. - IN A PANIC IN A CAR. Chicago, Sept. I. Mr. Ana n waa killed abd Mise Anns waa aertoualy Injured ta a panto on a West Twelfth street car. caused by g abort circuit ta a controller box end followed by the burning of the woodwork of the car. Several other persona received minot Injuries in Edl-her- tz Rob-biso- TRAINS 4 DAILY 4 EA ST VIA. GUNioiha IPACIFlCll Thla inclndea tha fhtnoaa OVERLAND LIMITED and tha new LOB ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED. Strictly Twenttoth Cantary, Electric Lighten fftoara Heated Trains operottag follnu Palace Sleepers; incomparable Observation Library and Mains Con of the very latest manufacture. ONLY 41 HOURS OGDEN TO CHICAGO. For partloulnra write A. B. llcee-ley- , Trar. Pass. Agent, |