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Show THE MORXIXQ prosperous and for more s'rong'y fortified thaa our own. ' Nothing eaa o'op the onward match of nature's law or close the iron laws of her necessities whoa they crush ihvir victims. Either open we obeli undcretaad our eiTuarton and make such proriaioa as her bentgnan-caffords to meet it. or wo shall ascot condition at overcrowding aad artificial staadarda and food aud employment inadequate ti- - the national needa and ao be in danger of destroying the stately temple once reared wiih the highest hopes that p-eanimated humanity. Which is to bo? If wo are to walk safely in the way of wisdom there i much to be done, ft ia time to beginThere muat be. Brat, n return to conservaeconomic tive and. methods, a i adjustment of national idea such an to place agriculture and t's claim to the near intelligence and the highest skill that the country effords. in the very forefront. There must be a national revolt against iho worship uf manufacture and trad na only form of progressive activity and the falsa notion that wealth built upon these at th sacrifice of tha fundamental form of wealth production earn endure. A vlear recognition on the part uf the whole leuplH, from th highest down to th oweat, that th illlag of iho eU in the natural aad moot desirable occupation for maa. te which every other ia vubaldiary and to whieh all mast in th end yield, ia the Brat requisite. Then there will be check admiaterod to the city movement that lews red the (percentage of agriculture labor to the whole body of persons engaged in gainful oecu potion in the United Stale from 44.3 In 1480 to ST.7 In ixw and to 33.1 in 100. With public interest firmly flzod upon the future, the country, in mere must piva serious silent ion to the practical occupation of vesturing agriculture to its duo position In the nation. EXAMINER: EASE Ft. Paul, Minn.. Srpt. 3. The State Fair aaaoclatlon today began ita annual agricultural exposition and liveatock show before an crowd. 8t. Paul and Minneapolis are enfeta (or the occasion. A apodal feature today waa the dedication of the itnmenae liveatock amphitheatre recently completed and which haa a ooatlnf eapadiy of 7,- J. J. Hill, president of the Groat Northern railroad, delivered the prinHe cipal address at the dedication. aid: 'Within twenty yeara we muat hare and employ in aome faahioa M.OV).-uu- o of additional population, and by ihe middle of hi century there will be approiimately two and a half time aa many people In the railed Bute y aa there ore today. No nation in waa wear confronted with a fierner fueotlon than thia cenain prospect aeta before iia. What are wo to fo with our brother, whoee koepora we are? How are wo to provide our children with ah el ter and dally oma? Our arable public landa have almost disappeared. 'Our one resource, looking at humanity as KHnethlng more than a creature of a day. la the productivity of the soil. Tho'reckleaa distribution, of ihe public land. It division among all tbs greedy wbo rhooae to oak for it:' the appropriation of largo area for grating purponen, have abaorbod much of the national heritage- - Only f of the land in private ownership la now' tilled. That tillage does of what the land tot produce one-hamight be made to yield, without kirn ing an atom of iia fartility. Yet the waste of our I ream re haa proceeded so far that the actual value of the rill for productive purpose has deteriorated more than it ahould hare done in live eanturiea of uo. Oa the new landa of the wool, where once the wheat yield waa from 20 to 30 huahala per acre, it la now from 13 to 18. Frankly and without te ihe shame, thia ia attributed 'wearing out.' of the noil. aa If the earth were a garment that muat be If the destroyed by. the wearing. earth, the mother of humanity, ia to 'sear out, what le to become of the nee? The fact le that aoila. properly treated, maintain their productiveness indefinitely under cultivation. 'The single advance on practical Uses rntde by public authority within rb last quarter of a century, ia the reclamation law: Initiated and Umpired and paid for by a few weatera railfor a real way companies, It provide addition to the aonrre of food supply rad tlw opportunity for employment. Hut it is only a light breeae blowing In tha fare qf a cyclone. If every project contemplated aa feasible were executed and IP all ware completed instantly by the rub of a magic lamp, some' (10.000,000 acres would be add-eto the arable rational domain. And f only forty acres of this were to each family. It would sup-- l ly the needs of the actual addition to npulatlon by natural Increase and by immigration for leas than three years. Certain It. ia that tha time has rime for setting our household la or- r and creating ,a aerions study of atinnal activity and economy, accord- ijt to n truer insight and a more re-i bln-tor- cne-hal- lf al-id- d inil mood. "The first atop la to realise our dependence oa the cultivation of the noil. The rest will be to concentrate popular interest and invention and hope We upon that neglected occupation. s' still dinging to the aklrte of Mviiiraflon bora of great cities. ' Agriculture, in the moat intelligent nranlng of the term, ia something almost unknown in the United B'aiea. We have a light scratching of the oil and the gathering of all that it can be made to yield by the moat rapidly exhaustive methods. In manufactures we have come to consider small economies to carefully that the difference of a fraction of n cent, the utilisation of of something formerly consigned to the scrap heap, makes the rillterence between profit and bank-fupt. in farming, we are satisfied with a small yield at the expense of ihn moat rapid soil deterioration. 'There are three eaaentUls to any agriculture worthy of the name. The first is rotation of crop. The second d of increasing yield and toll productivity the moat Hbrra use of fertilizing material, such a is possible where farme are of small ' ond cattle are kept give abun-itsevidence of the extraordinary The that may be obtained. tuird factor In improvement, better e illlaee, ia moat Interesting of all It open unmeasured poeelblli-t.fg nt re-ru- s. can he thown that an average d cf two persona or more may be on every acre of tillable land, by th highest form of Intensive' farming. "bailing to understand the needa of 'h hour or to appreciate the moral to which they point, what fortune must sthSi na? Within twenty year 131c people, and half of the middle And count rj-- over 200.000,000 must room and food and employment within th United States. Where are they to live? Whet are they to do?. By that time our mineral resources will ba-.been no nearly exhanated that the industries related to them must all into a minor place. By that t me it is apparent that our dream of conquest of world mariieta trill be a b'lrated bubble, ' "Let na be warned in time. On every side there is menace if our national activity be not reorganlxei on the basia of the old fashioned common The safety valve for older baa been found in imlgration. Fopis Their very relief has contributed to J.ir sgns.r jhe United States cannot foLow their example. It la agsinat !. ,a gcnlua of our people; and the circle of the 'northern ic cloned. At home the problem be worried out. The conclusion points out and a rational duty an eminent and aa imperative that It ahould taka Precedence of all elae. It in the foe t haa overthrown civilization aa K anp-pine- "ki.-mi- e be--'- hern-iapb- r' i FAIR INTER-MOUNTA- its first (air In September of this year. Competition open to th world. track In tb Han the beat half-milcounuy, aad th purses will be generous, attracting largo atnngs of th beat raee horses. Wo hope to receive th hearty cooperation of all In making thia tha beat fair la th west. Ogdon, with Its railroad facilities, ia aa ideal location for a Great Fair. Speed Program. W. B. Wedoll, superintendent. Race called at S P- - a, promptly onch day. Thursday, SpL 20th. Furan f;20 class 200-02:00 class ' Ona-hamils run and repeat, 100-0two in three Country aaddle hone, ona-hal- f 'mile daah Friday, Sept 21ot 200-02:23 else (gross Couatry ear; race 30.00 Zeroes only) Ono-hal- f mils daah ono-haCountry saddle bora, MISCELLANEOUS ODD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR Ogden Lodge No. 6, Independent Orale The entire mutent at a der of Odd Fellows. Jdeeis in 1. O la city aad suburban homes and house for all sale at a bargain O F. hall every Tuesday evening vacant lot in par of the for eaab. Addrtec X 31. Standard VitKiug brother city. Lhe stock ut.chs and, cordially inrltnt la office m Hoax rent. he pi event. fruit farm.t Fire insurance agent-- Money 4. B GRAFF. Noht Grand. FOR SAI.R-Tw- o and aea'ed eum loan. Prompt attention given HENRY K1SSEU Secieiar). one-eiito every enquiry. tup liugg. pwal rond; tlon. I Sander, Bailanttne. Uieen t'i'j. Keliekab No. 4. Win. A. Hickenlooper, V I 81 I. U. O. F. kail. Meets second and founb Friday rtenings at Odd Fellows 209 Eeclee Building. FOR BA1E- - (lend sound hoi sc. ;&. Hall. Twenty-toih at tee t. YUlilng Successor to V H. Ives, Just relumed from camping trip. mciiiher fovitud. Iniuire S'imaon Cafe, 3(3 ath. ESTHER RANDALL Nli Grand. MISS LOU WOODRERRY. Boc y. BIGGEST PIANO BARGAIN in atate One of those manufacturer a earn-p!eJunction City lvlge No. SITUATIONS WANTED, MALE. left. Call at once. F. X. Alien, Order of Odd Fellows, meets i SC5 J3rd Ft. Both phone. 8 3 lwk In 1. O. 0. F. hall every Thursday A JAPANESE POt want, a pJsl-lioaa a house o:k--evening. Visiting brothers cordially desiring lo FUR BALE Good row cheap. 4f5 W. invited to be present. it. Murats go to the public ecli'-hi24fb. t ;i-JAMES RUNE. X. ti. p. o. box 66. Japanese Y. M- - C. WALTER RK'HEY. Setrcury. WINDOW CLEANING WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. FOR RENT, OFFICES. UTAH window and house cloaaitiK, No. Limited for Pojanitor and porter work. Bam 8ego Lily Circle, No. 174. meets evFOR RENT Tw nice offices over I. Omaha, Council Ri,.ivt rv,nr ts no Co. Bell 75UY. Office, 414 25ta ery second and fourth Friday nights 8 f L. Clark A 8ona' Store. ver.Kaasas City and Eaat 3:00 1 tf at 7:30. in K. at F. hall bireet. Visiting Ka 118 Farit City Local. .. 1:3 neighbors cordially invited. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Umltid 7;ini WANTED, MISCELLANEOUS. MRS. BESSIE G. N. 2459 Na for Kipmi Grant. FOR RENT Light Mmvw. Umhahb. Council housekeeping CARPENTER work of all k'nda don. EU-E2236 Clerk. EASTMAN, 24th k. rooms, S2t Bluffs, Kanaaa City aad all Small Jobs a specialty. Both phone Washington Avenue. point East, daily 1:80 1144K. FOR RENT One bedroom, 114 26th Women of Circle IVoudi'raft, 3l-Ogdea 1 l k. Siteet. WANTED Veal, pork and rhlckeua; 511, meet! every Tuesday night at highest cash price paid at Weath-erby'- 7:30 o'clock, K. uf P, hall. YUlilng FURNISHED BOOMS with bath; wholesale and retail butcher Neighbors invited. board if desired- - 134 27th at. I aad packer, 24S8 Weak. Slaughter Dure can be paid at the office of Ed. cold house, atorago and stork yards Auth. th afternoon of the 28th of each Na 111 Fark wy Local.. i:as 427 24th. NICELY for housekeeping. 10:35 City Thirty-aevcntat West SL, Ogden, month. First Natmual Bank Bldg. N- lmo J-- I-i Aagelea Umlted 1:36 Utah. SC81E ALDEX, U. N, 113 Twenty-sixt- h : street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 2630 Na 1 Overland Limited LOST. MARIE CRITES. Clerk, 2731 Monfrom Omaka.Cnuacil Bluffs Adamsroe Avenue. Kaunas City, Denver and LOST Fox terrier, year old. black nil olnta EuL FOR RENT Light housekeeping Redally..,. 6:00 in black spot forehead, LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. rooms, 117 26th at- turn to A. F. Richer. Reward. FOR RENT Light housekeeping LOST A Jentey cow. black, with star andSilver Hive Na 1. meet2:30th second fourth Tuesdays at p. m. at rooms 634 Grant. in face. N.illf) J. W. Abbott of Geo. O'Neill g street. Hall, Twenty-fiftA. Lowe Co. slater cordially invited. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. HinBESSIE SEBHINU, L. (. ders, near depot, at 2663 Well Ave. PASTURE. LtTCY NELSON, K. K. UNION DEPOT TIME CARD n ?. a n : ON THIB ADVERTISEMENT PAGE COBT ONE CENT FER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION. NO FIRST INSERTION LESS THAN M CENTS. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE FAlD IN BUSIEXCEPTING ADVANCE, NESS HOUSES RUNNING OPEN BOOK ACCOUNTS WITH US- - , 24-t- tiiBtic No Matter What You Want h 4-- work; no washing. Call FOR RENT Furnished rooms 2220 Iineola. housekeeping. 4th. for FOR RENT Good pasture, rloe in. Inquire Rend Bros. 3-- 0-- lS-t- e ft lf tf 10-0- Wa-sate- .3-23-- tt 73-0- . 3 five-mo- lf d Lewla-Btay-ne- eutO-ale- ut OFFICIAL CALL. Per Republican State Convention, Sept. 20, 100. of the To th Republican Elector State of Utah: A state convention of delegated representative! of the Republican party, in foe state of Utah, will be held at Balt Lake City .for the purpose of Fomins ting n atate ticket, to be voted for at the general election, to be held on Tuesday. November i, 1108, the selection of a atnte committee, and for the transaction of auch other business aa may properly come before it. Said tnte convention will assemble at 11 o'clock e. m. on Thursday, the 20th the Balt day of September, 106, inare to be Laxe theatre. Candidate! nominated for the following efilcea: Judge of (he supreme court and representatives in the Sixtieth eongrese of the United State. Tn Republican elector of thin atate and all ether elector!, without regard te paat political affiliation, who believe in the principles of the Republican party, md Indorse Ita policies, aad will support th candidate nominated at such convention, are cordially invited to unite under thin call, in the selection of delegate. The said state conventioa a hall con-aiof 327 delegates apportioned to tha several counties of this state, on the one blit of one delegate to everyfraction hundred votes, er a major thereof, that were east for Hon. Joe. Howell for representative in congress, on Nov. 8, 1304, aa follows: Votea, Delegates. County.8 328 Beaver 21 2,22 Box Elder I B,01 Cache 11 1,11 Carbon 1 st 1.131 33 f Da via Garfield Grand Iron jnab Rane Millard Morgan Piute Rich 34 ,. ...... 293 72 Ball Lake Ban Juan 1,321 ... 83 39 ........... ........... ............. Na (4. meets the see-nfourth . Friday evening at o'clock sharp, in 1. (). O. F. ball. Visiting Knights cordially invited to a 9- - Portland, Spokane, attend. Pocatello Md Butt i.. W. HALSEY, Commander. 2:25 a.na dally,, F. F. BOND, Record Keeper. Na 23 Malad Local, via Brigham, dally except MASONIC, Sunday 2.30 n8L No. Mall Portland. Queen Esther Chapter Ne. 4. O. E. Pocatello and Spokane, S- Regular meetings held at Masonic Butte, .13:20 pgi Hall on Washington avenue, between Na 11 daily Caihs Valley Ex-Twenty-fiftstreet and Tweaty-elxtpreae, daily p.m. I:0 the first and third Fridays of each Na 18 Yellowstone Special month. Sojourning member cordially for the Park. 8:30 p.m, invited te attend. Arriva M. BADCON. W. EIIR LILLIE HAL8TED, Secretary. Na 14' Yellowstone Special from th Park 3:30 a.n. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Na Fast Mall from Ifort-leaSpnkane, Pocatello Wasatch Division No. 124, O. R. C aad Butte, daily T:00 a.m. meets second and fourth Friday at Ne. 13 Cache Valley K corner 2:3fl p. m. In K. of P. hall, 14:13 a.m. preaa, dally..... Washington avenue and 24th street No. 10 Portland, Spokane, All brother are cordially invited te Butte and Pocatello, dally 3:35 p.m. .. attend. Na 14 Malad Local via GEO. ALLEN. C. C. . Brigham, daily except D. L. BOYLE. R. and T- 0: 35 p.m. Sunday d and a, Faat 6-- firat-clas- a rest-deno- e 411 140 1 16 35 1 12 7 nne-alxt- 6 106. December, A. MILTON B. HALL Administrator. Date of first publication, August 21, 60 A- - X. MM- 10 17 ORDER South of Ogdon - OF EAGLES. Fraternal Order of Eagle. Ogdea Aerie, Na 1J, F. O. E-- . meets every Monday evening in Eaglea hall, east at Reed hotel, at Visiting Brother Eagle are Invited to attend the Aerie meetinga. J. C. GASBERG, W. President. D. T. TRACY. Secretary. DR. II. B. FORBES, Aerie Physician. A general strike of the preasere branch of the Brotherhood of Tailor hae been ordered hr the executive committee in New York city, a uni-foruniform scale of wagee and demanded. work day The respective wihty committees are requested to arrange for the election of delegatee to the atate convention. The chairmen of the county committees will forward to the chairman of the atate committee, immediThe number at labor diipntes which ately after inair, election, a full list oecarred la Germany during 105 chosen. the delegate of marked lucre aae on the prea shewed of state the order Republican tSy ceding year, and reached n higher committee.' in any year since 1S00. Silt Lak City. Utah, Ang. 21, llud. point than when the statistics were first comJ. 8. HAMMOND. Chairman. aUtistical office. Rudolph Knchler. Secretary pro tam. piled hr the Imperial m 11700. A good Broom double L2 acre of land located Depart 4:10 a.m. 3:10 a.m. 4 14 lake Na id Loa Angeles limit- for Balt Lake City. Provo, NephL and Na United 1 house with oa bench, 62.250. Chauneey Parry, cor. 23rd and Wash. 8 f Phone IS9K. 26-t- THE last few weeki 1 have told eaa hundred lots. I still have 144 cheap lots hi different parts of the city; ne In- terest, no taxes; until toll these lots go very cheap on terms to suit purcasem J. J- - Brummltt. NICE lot on 10th Bt,; only 50; 110 per mouths J- - J- - Brummltt. YIELD BIG RESULTS WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. s.m. 3:3 p - Arrive ORDER Ne OF WASHINGTON. No. 171, Order of meet every Tueeday o'clock la A. O. U. W, Invited to comrade Vialtlag Ogden Union, Washington, evening at ball. attend. WILLIAM DOYLE. President. ' WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. 3 Portland, Spokane, Butte and Pocatello Ex-- . prese from Balt Lake City LI: 30 a Ne. 6 Atlantic Express from Balt Lake City, Md intermediate points, dally 3:03 a.m, Na 7 Portland, Spokane, Butte and Pocatello Express from Ball Lake City, a ' a.aa. daily Mall from Salt l Fast No. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Lak A. W. AGEE, Utah Camp. No. 9t Meets V. c.r J. H. SHAFER, Clerk. every Tuesday night at Eagle Hall, f p. m. Vialting member Invited. FORESTERS OF AMERICA. City, dally Cache Valley Express from Bait Lake City. Provo Nephl Mi juab. dally Na IT Los Angeles limited Ne. 3 Eastern Express.... N II YeUow atone special 3:13 p.m. 11 No. 5:15 p.m 3:45 r m. T:0l p 3:03 pa Court Wasatch. No. I, Forester of Meets I. O- - O. F. ball, 24th America. street, first and third Wodaeiday evenings of each month at 7:30. G. W. HALSEY, C. R. f. A- - GARNER. Secretary. A. O. U. W DEPART DAILY. Fidelity Lndge No 2, A. O. U. W. Meets in A. O. V. W. hall every Sat- Ne. 6 Atlantic Mall Md nil 7:43 ant points East ..-.urday evening. Vialting brother in- Na 12 Balt Lake local.... 3:00 a.m. T,JAMEB H. M LAI'GHLIN. M. W. No. 14 Salt Lake passen5 WALTER RICHEY, Recorder. ger Ne. I Chicago and SLLouis W. X. PEIRCE. Pinancler. 3 30 pJD. Umftod i;38 DEGREE OF HONOR. N. 10 The Scenic limited No. 4 Atlantic Express, aU T e 00 fiflb points EMtialie Ogden IMigo No. 1, meets every ARRIVE DAILY. Wednesday evening at I o'clock at th 1 A. O. U. W. ball. Vialting members Hie Scenic limited 3:03 Far-nlaU Ogden special.... UsiffaA cordially Invited. Mra. Jemima C. of H.; Mra. Jeanette Hill, 3 Paoiflc Mali, SaK ike and all poiata Bast 11:33 a.A financier; Mien L Jennie Pront, re1 Chicago aat BLLouU corder. 8:59 filed Pwk WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. 18 local from ty Md Baa Pete Volley 8:33 .Weber Camp, No. 74. meeta in K. Pacific Express from j .18:33 e.m. of P hall in Utah National Bank point Bust. ... A. HENRY, Ttoket Agent, Ogdea. building every Thursday evening at 2 o'clock. Vialting Woodmen cordially A. BENTON, Gen. AfiL Pagr. Dept. .. pa sa a, )A pa Building. KNIGHTS OF FYTHIAS. Seothsm Pactfis Compaoj Depart 2 Facifie Expreai for ian Francisco and Inter4:10 a.m. ned late point, dally . 3 F a c 1 fl c Expreea h rough to Bag.Fra&eieoiV aily 9 1 ,11:55 a.m. 3:13 gn. Overland limited... 4:10 p.m. . Fiat Mall. -- -- RATH BONE SISTERS. from Meets every Saturday afternoop nt So.6 Atlantic Expreea 7:10 Ban Franclaoo, dally.-.--- 2:80 in Pythian hall. Uah National Overkuid limited... 3:30 corslaters I Na Bank Sojourning building.. Lodge, No. 371. T. F. . No. 4 Atlantic Expreea from invited to attend. rond and fourth Tuesdays at dially Ban Franctaeo Md InterMRS. TILL1E ROBB. M. E. C. is A. O. U. W. hall ViaiUng mediate point, gaily... 5:50 f.m. MRS. ISABEL WYANT, L. of R. 3:10 pm. cordially Invited No. 10 Fent Mail and C. ADAMS. President. pmpammawmmHmai HOBBS, Secretary. Gf Ti VO Trsilircp. WANT ADS YIELD BIO RESULTS WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS RATERNAL sa BROTHERHOOD. B-- V , - Ogden Lodge. No. 2. Knight of Insures man for Pythiaa, meets at Catla Hall Utah two or three thousand dollar. National Bank building, every MonCouncil, Na 637. day evening.' All K. of P. a requeued Iky Mountain KB aaoond and fourth Friday even- - to meet with ua. BENJAMIN MARRIOTT. C. C, at A. O. U- - W, hall, over How- E. R. GEIGER. M. of F. afore. Visiting brothers cordially tied. L. N. MEID, K. of R, and 8 RANK FOULGER. Regent W. WOTH ERBPOOX, Collector. B. ROBERTS, Secretary. - Ogden Lodge, No. TI. meets every p-Juab, daily.. Tuesday evening. Lodge and dub rooms, second floor Maaonle building, Na 19 Portland. Spokane, Butte and Pocatello to 2416 Washington Avenue. Salt Lake City, dally.... 3:30 p.m. W. D. BROWN, E. R. J. H- - KNAVBB, Secretary- - afoet and beat. I. a.m 8:36 a.m.- .... .LO: 46 ..... City 7:30 ROYAL ARCANUM. has city water In each apartment. Renta for 124.00 per month. AIL want' ADS Eastern Express.... Y ellowatooe Special No. i Portland. Spokaaa, Butte and Focal! to for Salt Lak City, dally.... Local for Balt Lake No. City, daily ... ..... Na 13 Cache Valley to Balt Na Na ed B. P. O. ELKS. e 4 48fi ......... Sevier ............ 1,417 Sanpete .......... 8333 Summit ........... 1.81 Tooele ............ 1.174 Uintah ............ 713 Utah ............. 3,72 90 Wasatch .......... 713 Washington Wayne ............ 303 Weber ............ 6.G44 I AM doing all kind uf ujffiotetenng. draping, can lag trimming, mat-freMONEY TO LOAN J. J. BRUMM1TT. making, carpet fitting, laying and cleaning. Your patronage la re BUSINESS CHANCES. pectfully aoiirlted upon aaaurance of prompt aervice and fair price at ) BUSINESS for centrally cheep, all tlmaa. I hat had 31 year of WANTED Reliable bell aad elevator located. Address F care Standard. Kenpractical experiaore; last acvaa month. $15 and $20 per boys, yeara with the Boyle Furniture Co. Lake Balt City. yon hotel, FOR SALE Btrictly Estimate given frealy. Very re la restaurant; heat location pectfully, K. Van Kampeq, City- 276 Volker Are.; ahop asm Kelly A Herrick. MEN to learn barber trade; wages addrea Bell 'phop SI3-K- , Indepenwhile learning; good situations waitFOR BALE REAL ESTATE. dent 661. ing our graduates. Moler System Balt Lake City. S PER MONTH for ten month College, buys Did Yeu Ever Stop te Think a good building lot 30x180 feet na I can make your old furniture look Mm 31st Ft. J. J. Brutnmlrt. like new? I do the heat French pollah-Ing- . PROBATE AND also all knde of repair work, nut-trebrick making, cleaning and relaying GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. FOR SALE Farm,out two-roohouse and good bulldlngu; good carpets. No large rent to pay; result, . water right; 20 seres under cultlvs-tion- ; lowest price. Twelve years' experiCenautt County Cleric e the Raapsctivo 15 acres psstura; nil fenced; a ence with Boyle Furniture cn.; also Signora for Further Information. . snap. 12000. Inquire John Morignon. furnish best of reference from Ogden Hooper. Utah. citlaepa. All order given prompt ath PROBATE NOTICE. tention. Bernard A. Danker. 2416 CHOICE building lot on 22nd St. car Grant avenue, seven dears north of Notes of Bale of Real Batata by Adline, only 1160. Iaks your terms. pnstoffiee. Both 'phone In shop. Ind. ministrator. J. J. Brummltt, 20; Beil 637K. Residence 730Y. Estate of Mery M. MoGaw, deceased. The undersigned will sell at private FOR BALE Farm; 30 acres farming INSURANCE. Internet In sal aa undivided land, 20 seres punning land. 6 cows, and te (be following described tract ducks and turkeys W. N. PIERCE. Net ary Pitblle. Real pigs, chickens, of Itnd situated In Weber county, atate and farming tools. R. M. Simpson. Estate; Fire. IJfe and Accident Inof Utah: A pert of the southwest Hooper. surance, 407 4th St. a even section of township (7). quarter sin III north, rang (1) west. Baft ONLY $25. One dollar caab and. ons JUNK. Lake meridian. United Bfotee survey, dollar per week buys a nice buildof Brum-mltten t. land, beginning (10) Mrs the bmch. being J, J. ing lot on THE INDEPENDENT JUNK CO. buy 1 chains north and 3 and ond all kind of Junk. Bell phone C26Z. 0 weat of th southeast chain Ind. phono 8698D. Green A Jacobearner of said quarter aeevtcn and run- FOR SALE Partial payments or cash. sen, 8148 Pacific. thence north ehalae, twenty ning Klee brick Sense, stable, chicken thence west five chain, thence south Five paints. Vary IF YOU have any kind of Junk, 'phone hone, etc., at twenty chain, thence eaat five chains cheap. Addreva P. O. Box 461. or to Ogden Junk House; we will call to tha place of beginning. Said sale m call Ind. Tel. 37A. for it. Bell phone 826K; Ind. 735. will be made on er after September 14, 106, and written bids will be re- 11200 BUYS a new fouroxxim cottage, ceived et the office of E. T. Hnlaalakl. large cloeet and pantry, eleetrlo light HAIR GOODS AND COSTUMES. room 21, First National bank building, and city water, located within two Utah. caab. of Terms, the Ogden, Rio Grande HAIR SWITCHES for sale at reduced and a half block WM. A. M'OAW. depot fia the bench; small payment chains a specialty. price. Haircostume Administrator. the aa paybalance same down; the to rent for Masquerade 106. 1, Utah, J. Brummltt. Ogdea, Sept. ing rent. J. bails and theaters. All mall order promptly attended to. Mra. C. E. Lee', PROBATE NOTICE. residence FOR BALE A good 821 24th. P. O. Box 435. a on ITth street, location, Estate of Minnie Barry Geiger, 1150. ' SANITARY WORK Four-roobrick residence, 21-with will present claims with acres of land, good variety of PONE of all kinds. Beil 'phoue inZ. Creditor fruit, also good water right, 2,000. vouchers to the unde reigned at the law Nel. McCarty, 2726 Grant frame A good groom house with office of C. R. Holllngnworth. room 301 12 block from bam and city water, Bceles Building, corner of Twenty, car line. 91.230.00, fourth etreet and Washington avenue. FRATERNAL residence in Aa elegant In Ogden City. Weber oountv, Bute first class location near car line of Utah, on or before tlw 16th day of flrat-elaa- II 334 .........14,014 11 man to set as District Manager for a large Mfg. Co., appointing salesmen to sell a staple Hue to farmers. If you are looking for a business proposition, cnli 145 I ll-l- t Grant ave. A FRATERNAL ' d, 10-0- reason. la. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Ogden Tent, 26-t- f WANTED a.m. a.m. tf Inter-mountai- to govern. Tha association reserves th right to call off any or all race for p.m. Via-kin- h house- 36 bjl bob-tal- Toa eaa get it quicker througk tb Standard-Examine- r waat eol. umas thaa by aay ether method. for general p!m! - h Girl u. u WANTED Veal. pork and cnlek-na- ; highest eash pries paid at Weatharhy'e wholesale and null butcher aaj packer, 1436 Wash. 8 laughter h nsa. cold atorags and stock yards at Weat Thlrty-evoat3L, Ogdea. Utah. WANTED a.aa N 91-3- 1 FOR RENT Clean furnished rooms, PROFESSIONAL WANTED AT ONCE Good hoy. with with bath, thoroughly renovated; horse to carry Five Point route. also light housekeeping rooms. Ths ASBAYERt. Apply Lamar Nelson, circulator, beColonial, 3CS 34th St. Mrs. 8. I a. m. and 4 to 6 tween 3 and Chinn, Manager. J. G. LIND, Asaayer, W. B. Academy, P- - m. 2443 Jeff, ave, Ogden, Utah. 1 1 mu FOR RENT Furnished rooms suitable 1O f WANTED Girl for house work; small for gentlemen. 162 23rd. PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS. family, good wages. Mrs. Runyan, C30 24th. FOR RENT Furnished rooms- - Ben- DR. A. FKRNLUKD, Physician aad nett Block. Burgeon. Office hours. 10 aad II a. WANTED Girl for general house m I to 4 p. m. 140 23ih Bt. Office work- - Apply assistant superintendBOARD AND ROOM. phones, Bell I1BK; Ind. 313. Resient. Btnte Industrial school. dence 646 Waih. Ind. phnoe 301. Firet-clssand FOR RENT room FOR RENT Furnished front room, board at the Virginia; moat populat MUSICIANS DIRECTORY. 243 22nd. Board dose by. place in the city. E. W. X1CHOL8, teacher ail milWANTED Good girl for general BOARD AND ROOM 443 26th RL itary baad instrumenta and coadue-to- r housework. Apply 431 27th 8t. of the Weber Stake Academy r ROOMS AND BOARD, all modem and Ogden Coaeert band a Studio, 21-1 614 24th 8L conveniences. 152 Patterson Av. h WANTED Fifty girls to work ia transportaCanning faetory, FOR RENT HOUSES. MR. A. H. GROSE Expert Piano Tuntion furnished. Bee T. B. Heller. er and Repairer. With Berne' Music FOR RENT House; and chickens sad a tore, Grand Open House BIk. furniture for sale. 2623 Madison. WANTED A dining room girl at the TAILORS. lwk Virginia. ... ,. wi1q FOR RENT One Clothes cleaned and pressed It a cottage; 230-0WANTED-Waitre-sses Free for all and chambermodem. Inquiry 180. Hat at month, 137 26th St. Bell 'phone 853 a 200.00 2 j 20 class room 25 and maids, per monib; 100.00 One mile daah board. Kenyon hotel. FOR RENT Ntv nine-roohouas. OSTEOPATHY. Country saddle hone, one-haMlm WsdeU, 10.00 WANTED ,. Middle-agemile daah housekeeper. GORDON G. IVES, COHA G. IVES. 0, 3Q and 10 per Money divided FOR RENT Modem 2, I, and Inquire st 158 2Gtb st Osteopath, graduate from parent cent. Flats. Cheap. Kelly A Herrick. r echoed. KlrkavllJe, Mo. AXTED-Go- od for Winning hone in saddle race bar general girl block, auite 56. Treatment by red from each succeeding raee. housework. Apply 412 27U sL MONEY TO LOAN. appotaiment. Hour 9 a. m. to I Entrance fee 10 per cent to nil races, Ind. 1013. p. m. Bell phono J014-3 to enter nfiB I to atari MONEY TO LOAN on forms and city MALE HELF WANTED. Hirseaa race, mile beats, t la a. real estate. HUNTER A KENNEDY UPHOLSTERING. American Trotting Association rule Room 6, First National Bank Bttlld-In- Emery lnde-pendc- r. e dh ,,,, FELLOWS. OPrORTIMIlES d FEMALE HELP WANTED. .Tin Informauntala Fair association will 7 - - failure Property Till th Soil and Drift of Population to CHlta la a Monaco. 1W. 4, live-ro-vi- r THIS COUNTRY IB FACING A SERIOUS PROBLEM. SEPTEMBER MORNING, FOR SALE y PEOPLE CTAII. TUESDAY OGDEN, pa . |