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Show THE MORNING EXAMINER: LADIES " LUCf property at i, income Mvin - iIM BfflSto t or N speculation. r.sV'J '"Ldtoeye elfeSrf uu ta MAEOMiC. 8UB 209 FOR RENT FURNISHED Building. FOR SALE ROOM LEGAL Maaonlo over 241d ton Ave. Ogden, Lina. OF THE MACCABEES. NELSON. R. K. Wullip NOTICE TO WATER Esther Chapter rc 4, O. K Regular meeting! held at Hall on Washington avenue, between Twenty-fift- h and Tweutv-aiitatreete the first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning mtmbeis cordially isvited to attend. ELSIE BADCON, W. Jl. ULLIE UAleTSAD; Secretary. Quesa FARMS. b Meets ever Saturday afternoon at hall, Utah National WOODMEN OF THE WORLOl jl:Sil la Pythian bank buUung- - Sojourning aiatere corto invited attend. Weber Camp, Ke. 74. Meets la K. dially HRS. T1LUE ROBB. M. E. C. of P. haU is Uuh National HRS. ISABEL WYANT, L. of R. building every Thursday evenug at S and C. oclock. Visiting Woodmen invited to attend. SAMUEL E. J08T, C C. FORESTERS OF AMERICA. E. AUTH. Clerk. Firat Nat Bank Court Wasatch, No. x. Forester of Building. America. Meets 1 O- O. F. Halt, 14th DEGREE OF HONOR. street, first and tbira Wednesday evening of each month at 7: NX U. W. HALSEY. C. R. Degree tf Honor, meeu every WedF. A. GARNER, Secrotai. nesday evening at B o'clock at A. U. W. kalL Mrs Nellie Canfield. C. tf H.; Miu L Jennie ProuL recorder; KNIGHTS OF FYTHIAS. Mies Lois Pierce, financier. Y lolling Ogdea Lodge, No. L Knights of membera cordially lavltsd. Pythias, moots at Caatls Hall, uuh National Bank building, every MonLEGAL day evening. AU K. of P.'s rsgusstod to moot with as. C. C. A. HUBS, C NOTICE TO WATER UBERk HENRY HAN8EN, U. IF. L-- N. HEiO. K. of R. end k State Engineers Office. Balt Lake City, Utah. March 6, 190k FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. Notice is hereby gives that H. E. wtioae paotofflre address la Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ogdon Baaaford, Balt Lake City. Utah, has made appli. O. Aerie, No, ilk F 2., meets ovary cation in ereurdsnee wttk the requireSunday evening In Eagle hall, asst of ments tf Chapter Ml. Beaties Lews of 8:00. Reed hotel, at Visiting Brother Vuh, 1905, to twenty (20) Engles arc invited to attend the Aarle ruble feet per appropriate second tf enter flowing BtttllHI in Weber river, Weber county, Utah. J. C. GAB BERG, W. Prnldsnt Bald water nil be diverted by meant n dam and n ditch at a point which Junction City Loogo No.' $4, lad, tf bears north 45 degreee wwt 1.600 feet pendant Order of Odd Follow, meets distant Dam the eet quarter corner la L Ol G. F. Hall every Thursday section 10, township k north, evening. Visiting brother cordially tf range 3 west. Belt Lake bnae and meisvited to be TreMnL ridian, from where It will be conveyed JAB. BUNE. N. O. for n distance of 5.000 feet and there WALTER klCHEY, Becrotaiy. uaed from Jaauary 1 to December Sl, Queen City. Rebehah Loege Met 4. Inclusive, of each year, to Irrigate O. 7. Meets first end third 1,000 scree of land embraced in secI a B and 10, township B north, range Saturday sveninga at Odd Tallows' tion S weat. Salt Lake base and meridian. HaU. Twenty fourth etreet Visiting The land specified In the are shove la members invite. H183 LOLA WOODBUKRY, Noble Impregnated with alkaline salts and It la the Intention of the applicant to irriGrand. HR8. E. MEID, Secy. 716 23rd at gate the land during the entire year, for the purpose ot washing out and carrying away these alkaline salts ee FRATERNAL BROTHER HO 9Q. well as to produce vegetation which grow. The nab Ogdea Lodga No. S71, r. . 3. would not otherwise urtl depression in the area named meeu first an i third Fridays at I having beneme filled with m. in L O. O. F. Hall- - Visiting nen will, after water, he uaed for the culture at wild bars cordially lnviied. fowls. This application la designated KELUE RUTLEDGE, President In the Bute Engineer office aa No. CORAL J. TYLEK, Beerotary, 641. K. T. MILLER, Treasurer. All proteaU against tho granting of aaid application, auting tha reasons ODD FELLOWS. therefor, must be mode by affidavit In Ogdea Lodga No. S, Independent Or duplicate nud filed la thla office within der of Odd Fellow. Meets la I. thirty (30) days after tho completion O. F. heU every Tuesday ovenlng. of the publication of thla notlra. CALEB TANNER, VUiitlng brothers cordially lavltsd to be present Bute Engineer. A. B. GRAFF, Noble Grand. Data of first publication March 10, ' HENRY K1SSEU Bscratary. daU of completion tf publication April - miles from FOR SALE 6B acres. 4 city; the greatest snap In the way of a farm ever offered in Weber county. Rich sandy loam noil, good buildings, FOR RENT FUmiahed rooms for lot of fruit of all kinds, plenty of housekeeping, modem, 227 27tb Si. water. Thu farm is in high state of cultivation. A complete line of FOR RENT Nloe furnished rooms for stock and Implements go slih the light housekeeping. 16V 26th 8L place. Immediate possession given. Remarkable low price, on term. Hust be sold at once. FINE roome on Brat floor; also nice lmo. J. J. BRUM MITT. rooms with good, clean beds, $1.00 per week up. St. Paul House, oppo1 1 mo site Utahns Theater. PROFESSIONAL FURNISHED ROOMS AND 24th at. OVERTISEMENTS ON THIS FEN f COST ONE CENT INSERTION. RD FOR EACH LESS FIRST INSERTION .a If CENT A ALL ADVER MUST BE RAID IN BUSI-faNCL EXCEPTING MOUSES RUNNING OPEN US R ACCOUNTS WITH 0-- help wanted. female general house-24ljlrl to do St. at the naid rmED-Climnben- Den-4-27-- tf be food cook; VTED Girl, muat M wsgea. Apply Jfferoa 5! t'li-t- Competent EM ft bouee-- Girl for houae-"aerk- nyr Ind. TeL 164; hotel Lincoln 145-Z- h 260 25th eL wkoum. ltf . general EH JeSeraon. Girl for light fANTED fid JeSeraon eve. . HW hounakaap-k- f WW at fANTED Girl to team mining 0dea Gen. UoapUeL . FEMALE, WANTED, rrtlATIONS aeving end ANTED-Fl- ein HELP, WANTED MALE Wagee paid while trade; altnetlona iwraateed; Holer System College, Intt Lake City, Utah. WANTED aialBg barber IN tateUgent pereon may earn a for pod Income eorreapondlag NT ampepera; ao canvassing; anneceeeary. Send for xnticulara. Northern Preee gyndir ll-7t-a cue, Backport, N. T. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One registered red pole 701 BALE C. MQ. J. Shurtllff, Harrieville. hen Home re, Runt flfiBONB, and Croseee. Her moss Loire, 4111 Ban Francisco. Uif J4th St ledy'a wheel FOE BALE- -A LARGE, nice front rooms, with large OSTEOPATHY. front windows on Wash, ave., $3 per week. Mrs. Nellie Dufer, 24(11 Wash, GORDON G. IVE8, Osteopathic Physiave. cian, gradual a from Parent school, 81NGLE rooms, newly furnished, 11.60 Klrksvllle, Mo., Office Lewis Block, per week. 2468 Wash. ave. Mrs. (Stiyner Block), Suite 56. Treat, Nellie Du per, proprietress. meat by appointment. Hours: B a. to 6 p. in. Bell 'Phone 1014-k- . FOR RENT Light housekeeping MUSICIANS DIRECTORY. rooms. 137 26th St. FOR' RENT Three small rooms fur- E. W. NICHOLS, teacher of all milinished complete for housekeeping. tary hand iiuiruuumt and ooaduo-to- r Hear G63 27lH street. Call from 7 of the Weber Stake Academy wk. to 1L and Ogden Concert bands. 'Studio, 352 Patterson Ave. FOR RENT Two nicely burnished rooms, 2232 Adams. HR. A. H. GROSE Expert Plano Tuner and Repairor. With Baron's Music FOR KENT Furnished rooms for tore, Graad Opera House Hlk. housekeeping. 2220 Lincoln. rooms RENT Furnished light housekeeping. Modern, Grant Ave. 67B 21B1 Northwest Greening eneh if taken at once. ipple brat, Be A bargain for three-year-ol- d Wiaatck Orchard Co. rood. 701 BALE Combination tad secretary; alao Htta Call 774 25th. book raia parlor Plate glaaa ehow caaea, water, tablea and ahelving, and the entire stock of Goldwatere eloth-ia- f (tore at 242 26th at; must he 70k BALE oil by Hay 1. One billiard table. of Gui Wrigbt, Jr. FOB BALE BALE FOB Furniture, An. FOB BALE-1- 50 new. gecart for f 20. 2134 Lincoln. FOB BALE Plret-clna- a taka good driving In-ul- n Park 27TB Good piano Will a ParaenL Addieaa 2410 Wakb. , 0CS for hatching thoroughbred "kite Wyandotte, $2.60 per 16. 187 Teat 17th SL whBt Bra. Leghorn Rada 11.00. , BIB - LOST. WT Chair pocket book, containing Dchiuge and receipt between 24lh Mieth atnwa. Return to BUudard Wll BENT UNFURNISHED rKXJ-Th- re FIR8T CLASS furnished rooms, at tha Bismarck, 126 llth EL TVWI4 Kd cottage Ut be or 7 rooms, mod- d Piibln the fob North, A 2d 8t.j : ,w,th- - 28th st--: Ei.r?,hoat' boundaries; V Are.AJlr' rtf')!11 p0R RENT ? rR Orchard are- - mtdr1?19,'02624 bouMGranL 8 bSicV In. . IItn. Kelly HED HOUSE. furnlihed J10118 Bell J- - O- - HOUSES. RENT-2- 51 house 615-- modem. BUSINESS CHANCE. J- Furniture 8..SiniT J q fumiabi Inpulre 224 Cheap large location 25th 24 al- In FOB xd -- 11 eatabaibad ,Kisar,i-rtK AND SURGEONS. PHYSICIANS a ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Ogdea Union. No. 171, Order of Washington, - meets every Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock in A. O. U. W. Hall. Visiting comrades invited to attend. WM. DOTLE. President WALTER RICHEY. Secretary. A. O. U. W. FERNLUND. Physician end h ldelity Lodge No. 2, A. D U. W. Surgeon. Office houre 10 to 18 e S40 21th SL 'Phone Meet U A. Ol U. W. HaU every Bab nett Bloch. n.. I to 4 p. I2B. urday evening. Vlaitlag brother! invited i JOARO AND ROOM. JAMES H MXkhUGIlUN, Ik W. FAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. WALTER RrOHEV. Recorder, BOARD AND ROOHS 44 26th SL W. N. PEIRCE, Flaaaelar. 1. Sander, painter end paper hanger. ROOKS AND BOARD nib modem .Boihe phones: Bell, 246-Y- ; Ind., 3674 WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. convenience. 614 24th at A. 2032 Balantyne nve. Womea of Woodcraft Ogden Circle WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. J. & DRANE. painting and paper Tuesday night at hanging, 243SA Wash. Ave. Bell BIL meets every 7:S0 oclock. K. of P. hall Visiting 2 694-WANTED A work team for the seaInd. 666. Neighbors Invited. son for its feed and reasonable comDuea can be paid at the office of Ed. PAPER HANGER AND UMBRELLA pensation. Phono Ind. 3616-A- . Auth, the afternoon of tho 28th of each MAKER. month, First National Bank Bldg. MART E. BAUMEIST3R, O. N. B7B WANTED Ciena, white rags at the ir. pap Twenty-fourth- . or and umbrella maker, has moved Standard ofllca MARIE C RITES, Clerk, 2711 Monfrom 8261 Wash. Ave. to B2S 2Sth roe A venae. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Sl Both telephones. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. d ATTORN A BARGAIN house la good condition, with bath, hall, panSilver Tent No. L meets first and try and closets; two porches and fair ACER CHEZ A HoCRACKEN. Room third Friday avaainga at o'clock, la alced lot with shad trees; mis and National Bank Bldg. HaU. Visiting Knights cor a half blocks to car line, one block S. IX MURPHY, First Nat. Bank Bldg. K. of P. dially Invited. to school; price 91.100; terms to JOE WILLETT, Jr. Commander. WATCH REPAIRING. suit. If yog am looking for n home R. T. HARRIS, Record Keeper. or good investment call and examine my properties. James E. Ballantyne, GEORGE HARTLEY, fin watch reOgdea Test N 24, meets the sew $19 Eccles bldg. work guaranpairing n specialty; and fourth Wednesday evenings ond liteed.. Washington U opposite at o'clock sharp, to L O. F. HaU. FOR SALE Lot 84 by IBS ft on north brary. No. 2582 Visiting Knigbta cordially Invited to Wash. Ave., and small house. A WHITEWASHING. real bargain, $1760. KELLY A HERJ.' W. HALSEY. Commander. RICK. W. V. BOND. Reeord Keener. Whitewashes Thomas Adamsog, FOR BALE An Income property at n Prompt sttsation to all orders THE UNION FRATERNAL LEAGUE. BelL 'Phone 656-bargain. A paying taventmont for ay one who has four to nix those-il- l The Union Fraternal League, Utah dollars for residence or income. UPHOLSTERING. Btate assembly No. Z22, meeu la tho Not n speculation. N. H. Ives, 20B I. O. O. F ball every Friday evening Eeclea Bldg. Old Yeu Ever Stop to Think Addle Butler, Speaker; W. H. Allen, old furniture look Treasurer; Bart Frye, Clerk. f cam make FOR SALE chicken farm; Uke new? 1 doyour the beat French polishbee i, bone and cows, Implements, KNIbHTI OF COLUMBUS. alao nil kinds f repair work, mat etc. Address C. F. Dlnamore, North ing, treri making, eteaniag and relaying 1 , Ogden. Ogden Council. No. 777, meets at A. carpets. No laigo rente to pay; reaclt, Twelve years' experi- o. U. W. bsU every Monday at 8 p. lowest prices. FOR SALE residence with ence with Boyle Furniture Co.: also m. Visiting brotbere lavltsd to athot and cold water, electric light, forallh beet of reference from Ogdoe tend. bath and sewer connection. Cor. 27 d dtliin. AU order given prompt atW. J. MORAN, P. 8. and Lincoln; lot 74xllB feet In- tention. D. HICKS. O. K. Bernard A. Daakora, 2418 2216 Lincoln. at quire Grant avenue, uvea doom north ROYAL ARCANUM. Both phone la ahop. Ind. 1400 ACRE ranch near R. R. and la poetofflee 637-Bell Realties) ca 720Y. fine rang country; B room dwelling; 920; Safest and beet Insures mao for tables, sheds; good hay land, sad I AM doing all kinds of upholstering, one, two or three thousand dollars. KELLY water rights. Snap, 95,000. Mountain Council, No. 617, draping, carriage trimming, mat- Rocky A HERRICK. and fourth Friday oven tress making, carpet fitting, laying mecti seeond at A. O- - U. W. hall, over How and cleaning. Your patronage le re- Inge etora. FOR BALE 2 acres good land. IncludVUiUng broth era cordially solicited upon assurance oUi spectfully four-roohouse and Invited. ing water and fair at and ectvlce prices of prompt barn. $1,250. FRANK rOUIXJER, Regent all times. I bevs bed 21 years' of A good brick residence, large lot. J. W. WOTHERSPOON, Collector. seven last experience; B minutes practical walk from & P. shops, Q. S-- ROBERTB, BecreUry. years with the Boyle Furniture Co. $1,600. Very freely. Estimates given B. F. O. ELKS. modern residence, 6 blocki e K. Van Kampen. from Union depot, $1,800. 27CB tame Ave.; Vcker shop and bath, brick residence Ogdon Lodi. No. 711. meets everv addrea. Bell 'phone 883.-- Indepen- Tuesday evening Lodge and club with barn, 81,600. dent GC1. rooms, second floor Msaonie buUdlng Nearly one oero of lend on JefferS416 Washington Are. son avenue, close in, sewer all paid SANITARY WORK J. A. HOWELL E. R. up, $930. H. KXAVS8. BecreUry. J. Aa elegant new brick residence, about one aero land. In fruit; 15 DONE of all kinds. Bell phone 609Z. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONrUCTORB minutes' walk from business center; Kals. McCarty, 2728 GranL on car line, for $8,250. Wasatch Division K& 124, O. R. C Chauncey Parry, cor. 23d and Week. fourth Friday at Phono 259-X- . JUNjK. pimti second and 2:30 p. m. In K. tf P. hall, corner FOR 8 ALE We have only on week IF y.s have any kind of Junk, phone Washington avenue nud 24th street. are cordially Invited to we will call Ail brother left la which to sell that four-rooto Otden Junk Houaw; 3Z6-K-; Ind. 72k attend. frnmo bouae and big lot on 12th for it. Bell 'pkoao 210-tm- o GEO. ALLEN, C. C. caah and tnet for $1,200, one-thir-d ' D. L. BOYLE. K and T. balance on monthly payments at 8 SCAVENGER VfORK. par cent, HUNTER A KENNEDY. Bego Lily Circle. No. 174, meet evZwedw lf yo ery second and fourth Friday nights Telephone fobs VU work. Prompt at 7:30. In K. of P. hall. Visiuug FOR BALE Bargains la city and have ay scavenger Mad 'phone neighbors cordially Invited. farm property. 613 28th St. Bell service and seat work. MRS. ADDIE CLARK. f. N try. pbene 9UC-Clerk, 2234 ELLEN EA3TMAN. ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS Washington Avenue WANT AOS YIELD BIG RESULTS RENT-Furnia- Dr. A. Bn- - hed a . 24-t- L k, Seven-roome- Bth. a 4-- 1 7 and 1 697. All protests against the grentleg tf said application, amt mg tba reason therefor, muat be made b affidavit in duplicate and filed la this ofiles within thirty 30l days after the completion tf the ' publication tf thla made application in accordance m 1th the requiremente of chapter 108, session laws tf Utah, 19uB, lo appropriate (.02) of a cubic three foot per second of water from a spring in Ogden canyon, Weber county, I'lah. 8au spring is .situated at n point from which the northeast corner tf section in. township 6 north, range 1 eat, Balt lake base and meridian, bears nor'b 34 degrees est 2.27k feet dls-tsn- t. Bald water will be dive'trd by means tf a pipe at n point where it Imiici from fid spring and conveyed for a distance of 4,(0u foci and there used from January 1 to l)ccmber 31, inclusive, of carh year for dnuu-sllpurposes at the resort belonging to said compauy.,' This applies I ion is designated in tbe stete engineer s office as No. 422. All protests against the granting tf ssld application, elating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in diipHeete and filed In ihi office wlihln thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication tf this notice, CALEB TANNER. Slate Engineer. C. Date tf Aral publication, April Date of completion of publication, May 5th. f NOTICE TO WATER USERfi. Salt btate Engineer Office, Juke City, Utah, March 31, 19f)6. Notlra Is hereby given that C. M. Clay, whose poetofflee addroaa la Ogden. Utah, has made application In accordance with the requirements of chapter 108, session laws tf Utah, 1906, hundredths to appropriate forty-fiv(.45) tf n cubte foot per second of water flowing from Ogden Hot Springs Elder counties, In Weber end Boa Utah. Bald water will be diverted at n point 1,266 feet weat and 59 feet north from the northeast corner tf section 22, townhip 7 north, range 2 weat, Balt Lake bus end meridian, from where it will bo conveyed for n distance of 122 feet and there used from January I to December II, inclusive, of each year, for bathing and health resort purposes. This application is designated In the yUte engineers office as No. 77k All protests against the greeting of eald application, stating the reasons therefor, meat be made by affidavit In duplicate and filed in thla office within thirty (Id) days after (he completion of the publlcalon tf .thia notice. e CALEB TANNER. Btate Engineer. Date tf first publication. April Kth. Date of completion of publicstlon. May 6th. - ABBEBBMENT NOTICE NO. B, Elko Eclipse Gold Mining company. -Principal place tf buslnesi, Ogden, Utah. At a regular called meeting tf Ui Board tf Director, held March 27. w 1906, tha following ravolutlon : enanlmouvlypaaaed Resolved. That an assessment tf one cent per ahere ba, and the earn la hereby levied, upon the capital stock of this corporation outstanding. Payable Immediately to Jesse J Driver, at Ms office, 2262 Washington avenue, Ogden, Utah. Any etock upon which this sssess ment may remain unpaid upon the $0th day of April. 1906, will be delin public quent and advertised for sale at auction,, and unless psyment la mad" before, will be sold on the l8fh day of Slay. 1906. to pay the delinquent together with the edvertle tag and cost tf sale. BespcrtfuHv W. B. WILSON, the board. Secretary. UNION DEPOT TIME CARD KXON PACIFIC RAiy.ni PANY. COM- No. Express.... No. 8 Overland Limited lor OmakaAteancll Bluffs 1:55 City aid Na B Angeles Limited 7:89 No. 4 Allanlld Expreae lor Denver. Omaha. Council Bluffs,kaasae City and all B;Usji bet m poiata East, dally... pro. pro. f:89 pro No. 2 California Express from Council Binge. Q ba. Denver, Kansan Clip and East, dally 1:41 No. 7 Lob An galea Limited 3:44 No. 9 Fast Mail :6S No. 1 Overland Limited from Omaha-CniaeBluffs Kansas City, Denver sad pro -- nil potato East, dally.... 4:M a.. pro pro amice. CALEB TANNER. Btate Engineer. f first publication April 3rd, Dale date tf umplttlon May Ird. tf publication. . WESTERN MINING COMPANY. Principal place Utah.. . tf OREGON hmdnea. Ogden. . Notice i hereby given (hat at a meeting of the directors tf n, Western Mining ootnptny, held on the 22d day tf March. 19U4, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon tf said day, an aaMparaept tf one mill per share was levied on the capital stock tf said corporation pay able immediately to David Jensen at hi office In the city ball In the City tf Ogden, county tf Weber end atst" tf Utah. Any stork upon wbh'h tbit ssassment mav remain unpaid on the 17th day tf May, 1906, will he delinquent and advertised for sale at pub lie auction, and unices payment made before will be etfd on the 2d day tf June, 1904, to pay the delinquent asaeumeni, together with the coat tf advertising end expense tf sale. IBib day tf April, 1904. DAVID JKN8EN. Weatere Mining Company, Beeretary Office City Hall, Ogden. Utah. Dated this tf NOTICE OF EPECIAL MEETING OF GTOCKHOLDERp. tf Plain Rule Engineer Office, Notirn is hereby given that there will Balt lAko City, Uuh, March 31, 1906. Notice ia hereby given that the Og he a special mealing tf the stockholdden Canyon Keiort company, by lu er tf the Chief Cpniung company, a on 6th day tf May. secretary, C. K. Hollingsworth, whose corporation, hour the tf (we o'clock on said poetofflee address is Ogden, Utah, baa 19U6, at the real-den- m the requirrmens of chapter 101. ion law tf Utah, 1905. to appropriate one and an untka (161 cubic feet per ecoed tf water from two springs in Weber county, Utah. Tba cast spring 1 t:tu led i a pulnt which bears north 3 d groes 2d minute east 1.350 feet distant from the southweat corner of section 16. township 6 north, range 1 Msi.Bali Lak base and meridian. Tbe wwf spring is situated at a point which beara north 9 degrees 12 minute west l,t98 feet distant from the southeast corner tf section 17. township 6 north, range 1 east. Salt Lake base and meridian. The water from said springs will be commingled and conveyed for a distance tf Site feet sad there uaed from January lot to December Slat, Inclusive, tf each year, for medicinal and gr acral rveort purposes. The water not consumed by aurh ue will be rwturned to the Ogden rlvi-- r at a point from whkrh the southeast corner of section 17. township 6 north, range 1 east, Balt loAe bate and meridian, beers south 16 5 minutes east 1,456 frat degree distant. Thla application la designated in the atata engineer' office as No. Tha Chief Canning Company City, Utah. NOTICE TO WATER U8ER8. . Six-roo- m Ranted, unfurnished -- 16-7-l-y a ROOMS tmftirnLhed rooms. L a 40-4- 3 hone aa part RGB Thoroughbred He. ratting; R. L W. N. PEIRCE. Notary PabUe. Real Estate; Firs, Life and A odd eat Insurance 407 !4lh SL RENT 14 rooms over Clark tors; heat and water and bath tub B. H. GODDARD, Insurance Real E 41R tat ad Loans. Rooms 411 Included. L L Clark. 412 Utah Loaa A Trust Bonding FOR RENT 2530 JeSeraon. Two fur nlfched rooms for housekeeping, with HAIR GOODS AND COSTUMER pantry ana cloeeL HAIR SWITCHES for sals at reduced MCE, Clean fresh beds, single rooms prlcaa. Hair chains a specialty. Man or en suite; nicely furnished, newly guerade coetumen to mat tor balls All ms'.l order and theater. renovated, under new management; they must be rented. Wc guarantee promptly attended to. sire CL E Lae 121 14th. p. to suit your purse. Apply 2463 Box 41k 87-t- l Washington nve. TAILORS. Washington Ave. Hr. NelUe Dufer, proprietress. Clothes c leaned and preened SI n FOR RENT Clean furnish ad noma month, 1E7 16th 8L Bell 'phone BSB-with bath, thoroughly naovatad; alao Rgnt housekeeping rooms. The CIVIL ENGINEER. Colonial. 161 24th SL Hrs. 8. L. I & SPENCER. CIVIL ENGINEER China, Hunger. Railroad. Waterworks Sowars sad ocurste Surveys FOR RKNT Rooms tor light housePower Plsnta 437 24th SL keeping. Pinas, Estimate tad Reports U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor," FOR RENT Furnished rooms suitable Office EOS Eoclee Bldg lad. Phono 1166. P. O. Boa 499. Ogden, Utah. for gentlemen. 161 12d. FOR BALE 2634 a ! Great, 701 INSURANCE. tor FOR FOR dresn-axUn- 615x. Ind. Bell Phones, BOARD-2- 26 1-- 2 UBERk b are er.g.ueerB office. Salt Lake City, March 21, 1906. None t hereby given that tbe Cg itcp Canyon Rvon company, by its secretary, C. 11. Hol!ingwonh. whose posioffice addrvs i Ogden. Utah, ha made application In accordance with S. n" N. H. IVES, Eeclea k,ep 1906. 23, 11 nil. RATH BONE CISTERS. four io six APRIL MORNING, Silver Hive Ko. 1, meet the second and fourth Tuesday at ;:U p. ni. at O'Neill Hall. Twenty fifth atraeL Yto Iting sisters cordially invited. BESSIE FEBRLNG. L. C. XSte,Br fAl roi h1- MONDAY fraternal rfal estate is booming ITT AH, OGDEN, dsv. Raid meeting will be held ( the office the aaid corporation, in (he the meeting house in Plain vestry City, Weber county, Utah. The purpoae tf tf tf the meeting FinitTn I: confirm the action of the SHORT UNI RAILROAD COMPANY. Nsrth tf Ogdaiii No. Dijtft, Epokana, Pocatello and Butto L:2B ena, dally No. 7 Fleet Mall. Port laal, Spokane, Pucatollo and Hutte. dally ........ . .... 1S; 20 $K No. 31 Cache Valley Ex1:11 pro press, daily e, .............. Arrive. Ma I Feet Mail from Part land, Bpokana, Pocatelie 7:66 aro. sad Butte, daily No. 11 Caoke Valley Ex preafi, fiolly ............. .16:96 Na 19 Portland. Bpokana, Butte and Pocatello, dully l:Bfi p.m. South tf Ogden, ut 4:16 No. - Fort land,Eapraaa.... Dpokaae, Butts and Pocatello for Na I- u Balt Lake City, dally.... 7:80 6 Local for Salt Lskfi 8:88 City, dally. .... Na Na ......... Valley 23-C- ache U Balt Ulty"."X6:46 Lake Na' IS Loa Aagelea Umlb .1:28 p.m. od. No. 2 Limited for Balt 1 Aka .' City. Provo, Nap til and 4:26 p.m Juab,- dally. No. IS Portlaad, Bpokaaa, Butt and Pooalallo to Laka City, dally.... f:IS pro . Balt - Na Arrive, S Portlaad, Bpokauw Butte and Pocatello press from Salt Lake City 18:16 Atlantic Na Express from Balt Laka City, and Intermediate potato, dally I: SB Na 7 Poriland, BpokacA . Butt and Pocatotlo Ex-preen from Balt Laka City, IL: 88 dally Na 1 Faat Mall from Balt I bonrd of director tf said corporation in making a sale of all Ihe property, nets and stock tf said corporation, and to authorise the corporation lo make nscetiary conveyance to carry out ssld sale. auhtulL Ibe purpose Henmd-F- or a.A ling Ihe question lo tha stockholders, S:98 p-whether or nut said corporation shall IAh City, dally he dissolved, and to anihorixe the No. 11 Cacb Valley Exbnxrd of d i reel on to living aa artlon press from Bait Laka to dissolve said corporation. City, Ptova Nephl and C. OI.HEN. President, 6:18 PJR-NJunb, daily. 17 Loa Angalaa Limited 1 :4B pro Attest: H. J. Garner. Secretary. Na 3 Eastern Express.... 7:08 pro NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDERS' SPECIAL MEETING. R. Q. W. TIME CARD IN IFVBQS MAT 18. 1868. Notice ia hereby given that (here n ia called lie liter and will hereby special meeting tf the etnckholdera of Mineral Bulls tf Company tha Ia Ogden. I'tob. to lie held In rooms 219 in Eccle Ogtb building, and 220, tf den, Utah, st o'clock p. m.a on Batur DEPART DAILT. 1936, 6ih. fo conslder and Na d day. May Mall all proposset upon the following named 7.68 am East points Increaa the atork ition: To capital aro 9:89 12 looal.... Laka Salt Na euoh or other to the sum of B20U.9tid.00, 14 Balt Laka apodal.. 2:88 pro Na deride. nra as the stockholder may No. 8 Chicago and BL Louto To classify the atork Into preferred 8.99 p.SL Limited fix the proportions and common, and to Na 4 Atlantia Exproa all tf each. .7:99 paa, points ltaat. To increase tbe number of directors ARRIVE DAILY. from fiv to aeven. 11:28 Aro No. 11 Ogdau apodal To eleet two additional director. Balt MaU, Na If the number has been increased aa Lake and all paints Eut.. 11:10 aro above. 1 Chicago and BLLoula No. To transact such other or further S.BS p.na. Llndted basinets as may properly come before Na 18 Local from Park the meeting. City and Han Fata Vallay 7:86 pro GEO. P. 2(11X8. Na 3 Pacific Express from BecreUry Ia Belle Mineral Co. 12.06 s.n. all potato East.. Ogden. Utah, April 7th, 1908. Through Bleeping Cars to Omaha, First publication April 16, 1108. Chicago and BL Louis, New York aid BobIoa Free RocHalng Chair Caro. A perfect dining car service on all TRANSLATE VOUR CATALOGUES. tbrough trains C. A. HENRT, Ticket Agent OgdoA I. A. BENTON, AgL, Page. Dept, A correspondent of the Commercial Belt iAko City. Intelligence, of lymdon, write sbout O. GILSON, Agent, Ogdro. th British manufacturibe failure tf ....... a Atlantic ' adfls ................. . Ga a tf ers alwsys fa carry out th repeated wiggpetlon tf the British consular concerning the importance tf having catalogue translated Into the language tf the country to which they re sent, hut British mMiufsetnrerti are more rs refill In that respect, as a rule, In than America - manufacturers. translating a catalogue the work must be well don to he tf .r elfeel. The tianalator should have a thorough knowledge tf Ms own and tf tb" gitsge Into which ha ia translating. nd hs must also have a technical knowledge and bo able th give 9 very intelligent description tf th" tncbfnrT or whatever else is offered for rale. Illustrations are very advantageous in catalogue. Net nd groat weight should bo given in kilograms, or whatever may be tb" nations! system In vogue, nnd not. necessarily in pound. ihe should be given i Dimension ime way In meter and centimeter, , pnllev diameters and width m per end speed In revolution minute. The capacity tf the machine per hour and the character and cos tf labor required to operate It r lo valuable plc tf Information if it can he should he provided. Price given Manufacturc. I. f. wherever posible. er wtH' find it to their advantage to cirefully prof art all rich' in he'r machine and good before sending illustration tf them abroad, because anything good i likely to be appropriated by the Intelligent foreigner. cantl-meters- Southern Pacific Companj DoparL Parlflo Esprero for Ban Praaclaoo and Intel mediate points, daily W.. 4:80 Na 201 Mixed tralmOgdoa to MontellA Corinne end KeltOA dolly except Sun0 18 aro day Ko. Express through to Ban rrandaoA am dxlly 8: 18 pn& Na 9 Fast 2(e41. 4:80 pro Ka 1 Overland Limited.. Na 8 in, ...........12.88 ' ArrivA No. 8 Atlentte Express from 7:10 Ban Francisco, daily Na 2 Overland Limited... 8:80 Ko 204 Mixed train from Montelio via Corinne oad . KeltOA dnlly except Bun- aro pro Ko. 4 Atlantic Ex pres Dorn Ban Francisco nnd Inter-media- Na 10 p.m. point, dally.... 0:80 0:80 pm. Fnet Mall WANT ADS YIELD BIG PESULTI WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS |