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Show THE MORNING EXAMINER: 4 THE EXAMINER TuWWWi Aa Published Every Day In the Veer by The bunderd Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Delivered by Curler lx Ogdon City. Including Sunday Morning Ex amlner, per oooth fiicgl IS eta. copies I eta. BY MAIL IN ADVANCE. The Examiner la east by nail outside ot Ogdea, per yew At least quarterly, la ad enact ILN 1M FEARLESS AND INDEPEN D ENT. The Examiner la a strictly Independent newspaper. It gives all sides aa equal show. The wvamiiuw baa no favorites, sad ao enemies to punish. It will give the aawe unbiased aad unprejudiced. Communications will be received oa all subjects presented la respectful language from known but tit true name must be published la full. AU letters aad communications signed by aocs de plumes, or assumed names, will be throws la tbs waste basket. The brave man never hides behind aa assumed asms. Don't ask the Editor to be responsible for what you are ashamad of. ltuli-vidual- Subscribers will confer a favor by informing thin office of failure to receive The Ixamlner before their breakfast. . Iha Moral ng Examiner can ba found on aale by the Independent Newt Ce. Belt Lake City. Oa all through trains leaving Ogdea oa The Southern Pacific Ball way. Tbs Union Pacific Hallway, aad Th Oregon Short Liao Hallway. Examiner patmaa will confer . a favor oa the management by reporting to this offloe whenever they fall to find the papers at the desig- nated plaeoa It It is trus that Senator Lodge s secretary accepted a cempsiga check for ns little as S250, It is no wander ha got into trouble with that Boston grand Jury. They believe in sticking to union OGDEN, APRIL MORNING, 23, 1906. BY That Massachusetts chemist who disoovervd n compound twenty times as strong ns dynamite, has sot yet recovered suffieiruly to tell what it was made of. Dr. Dowie will not languish for want of a Job. If be cannot break back into Zion, he can easily get elected as MONDAY SAVED CltEMATINGPT rites. Ion Perdlcsris has made almost enough out of his books and lectures to reimburse himself for that ransom Uut ho did not pay to RaaoulL UTAH, EIGHT Two Hundred Have For Hours a S:a of Flames Attacked Been Found in the Edifice Potrero District president of the Hot Air club. BEAR IN MIND the fact if you've a transfer Job before you that woVo an aquipmant capable of accomplishing it quickly and to your groat oatiofaction in manner and coat. San Franciaoo, April !!. A land mark of Sen Francis oo that escaped deanti-graCo. struction, though every building surrounding It was destroyed, waa tha e United Slate mint, at the corner if Harold Fifth and Mission ain-eiFrench, an employe of the mint, gave a graphic account of how the flames wer eucceesfully fought. He said: "Xeany 2,IHK',000 la coin and bullion are stored in the vault! of the mint and for the preservation of this prise, n devoted band of employes, re inforced by regular soldier, fought until the bafllel names fled to tne necessary prevent conquest of (lately blocks of names of some of tha dead wero buildings. The next naval war Is going to bo a learned, but in the maporlty of cases For seven heura m of fire warour Identification a as impossible, owing to surged around this grand old federal ghastly affair if the record of the mutlUation of tha features. A edifice, attacking it on all aides with ships In peace time la any criterion. systematic search for bodies of tho wares of fierce heat. Ita little garrivictims of the earthquake and fire la son waa cut off from retnat for hours never ha Mr. Carnegie now says that being made tods:' by tha coroner and at a time, had such a course been had any. 'idea ;of dytng poor. Neither the stale board of health Inspectors. thought at by those on guard. The Tha city has divided lino sani- United Btatee r.'lnt was constructed had anybody else that he had. tary districts ar t squads of searchers in 1877 at granite and sandstone hare been sent out to every quarie; blocks, massive monolyihs well calcuPLEASANTRIES. Tha ruins of tha burned building tn lated to resist fire wlihunt. Within, Is out of order. So a few bits the business anJ iLe old residence se howrver, were enough Inflammable ma- ot never information about our lint of HarHe You know I believe youd mar- tlno have make a cooled to to feed terial Jlcfenly lively conflagration. ness and Horae Goods. ry the first Mol that asked you. the search potsiLle. Iron ahuiteri hn lded the lower floors, Wa are a fins line of She Oh, I don't know. Ask ms and Tha body of :ia infant was fo.-j- d in but ihu windows uf the upper story, on Double andmanufacturing Single Harness for heavy see. tha center of Utlun street, near Du- which are located the refinery and as- or light drawing at price that will pont avenue this morning. There wav say o0c were exposed. Also s tarred please yon. Tbe man or woman that ."Yes, but I really did see a bappy nothing which it could be identified. roof over tbe itfinery, constituted a buy tbelr Harness bar are always once. "What!" "Yes, It waa learned, however, that a num- weak spot In the defense. Tanka of satisfied with tbelr bargain. Each act ba had Just made another million. ber of people Leu camped at tlila wood an I oth r inflammable material Is made of extra good stock, and tha Chicago Tribune. plact and It ia resumed that the child on the roof and upper story wero a mountings are of superior grade. V died an-W give free one of our famous waa left when the party serious menace. Humps Do you think it's a sin to was forced to move. Three bodies 'After the fire had swept past the Grant's Vulcanite Whip with each set contribute to n campaign fund? were found today in the ruins of the Mission street fide and the certainty of harness purchased. Loafer Yes If you don't land a Job house on liar rival street between Firs', of It returning from tbe north beby It! Detroit Free Press. end Second, llu-j- had been burned came apparent, captain of the watch, of Identification. Haws, ordered everything on the root beyond lII 1 Co. thought Jim was going to marry They were possibility bur'll on tha north beacn that would burn thrown into t!g yard. the banker's daughu-r."Ob, be can at the foot of Van Ness nvenue. Soldier worked and mint employes do better than that. 2283 Wash, Ava. 171 Twenty-thir- d The body of a man aas found in with utmost haste throwing great timat. "How? the middle of Silver street between bers and tank staves Into the court "By marrying' the Iceman's daugh- Third and Fourth. A bit of burned Herq are located sum thirty tanka of ter." Cl yeland 1laln Dealer. envelope was found In tbe pocket r.f blue vitriol, the rurfaces of which soon the name of "A. Hour would soon have converted the debrii, Master (to fair American, who has ton."vest, bearing tbe which ii'crea'lng shower of cinders ust ridden Into the middle of the At noon tod vy reports have been fell. Fortunately the mint possesses lack) Does not your hone kick made by deputies sent out by the board a good wall, and Engineer Brady, at sounds? of health of the flndlug of twenty hla post, pump-j- d water to the fire 1 ao. American reckon Fair Thats three bodies u various parts of the fighters assembled oa the root Uf move want to 'em away! youll city. Few of them could be Identified. these, forty wero mint employes, and i Punch. Ihe bodti'i were burled In various they were aided by a company of und the grarea numbered. placet coast artillery. Tha Secretary I find that your As the fire swept up Fifth street, property la gwampvllle coat you 84 n ' the heat increased toa dangerous deJUDGE MKENNA RESIGNS. foot, ir. Whatp rice are you willing gress as one by one, ,tjie Metropolitan to sell It for? Ben Juan. P. R., April F. hall and tbe historic Lincoln school The Rich Victim -- Oh, Ill let It go and Its most Famous McKenna of Pittsburg. Pa., judge of burst Into flamreinforced by the for $3 n gallon. Life. tbe federal court at Porto Rico, haa ca- roaring lurnaco of th Emporium. On "If Taft mantle were to fall oa bled hla resignation to fPresident The wept the Mock bounded by Sixth Roosevelt, it la reported that the Bar and Market atreet on the north, gave e," began the little - man. "Id association - responsible far Judge the gravest concern, for from thla quar"Yes, said hla wife, 'I know what sudden resignation. ter the fire waa certain to rage In ita would happen." "Whats that?" Why, fury. Funned by a roaring northerly-wind- , you'd feel like you did when yon the flames rioted through the went to the elrona and the tent col structures stretching from the Wind-eo- r lapsed." Philadelphia Ledger, hotel to the Emma Spreclula building, aliee'a of fire 200 feet high LITTLE TOGO'S FIRST 'STEP. licked up the Intervening house on Mint avenue. Augmented by these tinder boxee, th'. blast of fire buret on Joy and Sorrow Mingled for a Kanga"A MESSAGE FROM MARS." the northwest corner of the mint like roo Family at Madison Square, the breath of a second Pelee. Mrs, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the poet-eaA few deepen-tlighten under ex of paeelon, after acting for the first Tears of joy and sorrow mingled Chief Kennedy, of Oakland, wero Thursday at the big show at Madison time "A Message From Mara," which driven from between the THROUGH OBSERVATION DRAW-INSquare garden, for Wednesday night will be seen here at the Grand Monday, chimneys, und sr whose twin tottering terrors, ROOM CAR OGDEN TO LOB while the show waa on, and almost April 23, wrote In the New York Jour-nhad struggled to the last, throw- ANGELES. they was Peace the aa follows: the everybody concerning watching play "I wlh every man and woman la the ing buckets of water upon the biaspageant, Togo, the youngest son of roof over tbe refinery It If RATES Brown Annie, the big kargaroo, took United States might be permitted the ing EXCURSION due to the experience of former LOW largely of hla first step alone. Ae a result of hia privilege seeing the comedy, A Mes- Chief Kennedy that thla efforts Ip get into the wrong bed, sage From Mars.' To enjoy an evening Sea C. A. HENRY at Depot. Ticket roof, the weakest spot at all, waa latu: Margarite, hla cousin, of continuous fun, to have the eye sled with sufficient water to stay thi Office, or write te J. L. MOORE, D. L pleaaed and the ear gratified, and the flames. died today. A SALT LAKE CITY, Togo's six months of babyhood have mind and heart lifted to a higher Ideal the Are leaped Mint avebeen spent In the pouch which mother of life, all In one entertainment, i real- nueWhen In solid nesses of flames, the ro nature has provided for all good little ly our privilege. I hope It may be playmen stuck to their windows at finery in ed in the Blatee United every city Tor tha put few weeks ha kangaroos. aa the git eg remained In the has become pretty large, and hla quar- to crowded houses. The tremendous long Sereity-fivfeet of an Inch ters have been rather rramped. It success which this play haa scored frame!. waa hard for him to hide completely both In Europe and America proves hose played a slender stream upon the blazing window sin. while tbe floor and generally a long leg or tall or how false la tha impression maintained was awash with diluted sulphuric arid. hla little mouse Ilka head some- by the peaslmletlc that only mmoral Ankle deep In this, snldlera and emvulgar productions are encouraged times both would protrude. . and In this age. "TOTEM POLE ROUTE" . The prominent young ployee stuck to the floor until the Still, he la rather young to venture American actor, David Proctor, la ap- windows shattered. With a roar. th abuot the rage alma and Superintenhero, and tongues of fire licked greedily the In dent Conkling was ns surprised aa pearing In thaa play a the waa Brown Annie when, without supported by company of players of ner walls. Blinding and suffocating many' of whom were smoke necessitate d the abandonment tn recognxed warning, he flopped out Into the straw. members ofability, in 1 the fighters retreated to th' Such an ungainly looking little fel- New York tha original London and hose floor below. The roar of falling walls productions. low he was! He looked like an overthe thunder of bursting blocks ot hind logs, but grown grasshopper-- ell One of tho best productions ever at atone, the din of crashing glass In spite of these aids to locomotion the Grand house will be that of swelled to an unearthly diapason. 1. he was unable, to stand up alone but Hall Calno'aopera shr-elplay The Chris- thirteen-incpowerful were crashing and staggered swayed aa he endeav- tian." The management has spared no against the mint LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT BUN, ored to explore the new, strange expense to give Its pairons n perfect detonations nnd walls, the deafeninr force GLACIERS AND A THOUSAND In the of their world In which ho found himself. In every detail. Fifty peo- part would ISLANDS EN ROUTE. have exceeded tin sc.imly After ten minutes of exploration performance be used to will tho out ail carry ple of tbe attack. Down In thi TDgo began to feel cold. The straw in thor'a Ideas. New scenery and effects, fury the bottom of the cage waa not as the original incidents music and cor- deeps, where uu'old wealth la ao wel Inelde Passage. Seaalckneeo Unsafeguarded artillerymen, ringed wit warm aa the home which bad been hla rect costumes are employed. known. blankei rolls the! on and leaning since hs flrot saw the light, and ne Briefly, the play tells the story of the rifles, cough d in the atranglin about began thinking going back to love of a rich man'e son for a parson's The Palatial Excursion. bod again. This, however, was ap- daughter. From the land of the Manx- smoke. Then came r a the walla lull, STEAMSHIP SPOKANE parently a more difficult matter than man, the scene shifts to London. John brick buildings, across the street h? he had anticipated. fltorm, refused the hand of Glory all fallen. There waa Will Leave a yet flghtlr Margarite, hla little cousin, waa a Quayle. starts a mission in the slums, chance, so bark to the upper story th VICTORIA, SEATTLE, TACOMA, dnaghter of Alice. Margarite waa only while the girl became a famous sing- fire fighters returned, led by Super!-tenden- t three months old, and she marveled at er. John pleads with her to leave tbe June 7, 21; July A 20; Aug. 2. who ar Leach, by example the daring of her elder relative as she stage, hut ah refuses. Then follows a words encouraged hia men to peeped out end saw what he had done. duel, John Storm fighting for her soul, For reservation, literature and th blaztog Inner wood work i In searching for hia own home Togo's and a crowd of rich and dissolute men full Information, apply rofliu-ry- . infant mind became befuddled and he for her body. A climax is reached when the C. D. DUNANN, Gen. Pasa. Agent The roof was next a by swept can he save believes to her soul John In only sought get with Margarite. Alice, 10 Market St, San Franc lace. the "npTw-- sheathed surfs"1 her mother, didn't eeem to mind this by annihilating her body. Aa he Is d In the least, but proceeded to tuck about to murder her she tells him of until it beesme passable for wet feet. An array officer, axe in her love for him and his purpose is Togo away with hla cousin. tore up rectlnna of biasing tar This, however, waa a difficult mat- changed. When he was high la the hand, 4 ter. She got logo's head and front eyes of the world Glory trifled alth his root- - beneath which a stream of water directed. At length as 4 o'clock feet under the covers all right, but. heart, but when hunted by the mob. Ii wa drew near, the mint was pronounced for bis long lega and tall there was set upon by Lord Robert, despised by danger end a handful of ex no room. He kicked and struggled to hla own people and defeated at every . hauated. but exultant employes get In out of the cold, but finally turn. tbe woman can no longer boid stumbled from John, and stands by his out on the hot cobblestones gar elt up aa a bad Job. and bla baby herself 1 a to learn the fate of some of their cousin kicked him out Into the straw tide "to have and to hold." This mere outUn of the plot. There ar- - home. again. more than involved and a strong The mint presents a scorched and in despair he sought about for hla other stories characters of the contrast on front glassless the north and clergymen own bed, and It was five minutes bewest, an dthe toweri-ismokestacks are to fore he found it and was tucked away scamps, II mlscellanrous humanity-- Is paying shown. is certainly regrettable that ho torn down, but the building la by hla mother. Storm makes an entrance, at tin tact and the plant Is nnharmed and subscribers of any . The violence of Togo's effort to get Paul haa hie hand- - ready for a into the wrong bed. however, bad lie moment Brother resumption of work. paper in WEBER There were eenaatainal rumor of results and Thursday poor little Mar- encircling the throat of Ijord Robert. o nobleman The escape, completely aa attack of thieves upon the mint. County, the Standge rite died. She had never been very from the dtem-ehla ras- In which fourteen were for penalty in the and the scratching and kicking ard alone excepted. strong, kill, t little rough usage at the attempt, but it is of Togo was more than ahr could calities that a man to ay he his dishonored the the of hands tin Is of stand. garrison mint ekqual his slater's -- Lame, tvould not arise. Togo. like Margarite, Is light fawn through be amiss. Tese feeling, of animosity any emergency that may color. Hla eyes are mild, of a dark are not according to the teachings of brown, and hia big ears make him The Chretien." John Storm, "You aay she Weps boarders? "N but they look like n little black and tan are the prompting of human nature I said 'she takes M' boarders." terrier. waukee Sentinel. an inborn desire tn re'a'iate. San Francisco. April 2! Two hunIt ought to be noted that th memdred bodice found in the Poirvro disla Chibership of the r.ew trict, south of Shannon street, m ihe cago is recruit 1 altogether from the vicinity of the I n'on lrun works, wero cremated at tne houe yea members of the minority. terdsy by the order of Coroner Walsh. Information was obtained at the It way be some satisfaction to re- This board of health headquarters today. member that our senate was always Some of the aead were the victims at more of a deliberative than a legisla- falling tulldlngs from the earthquake shock, some were killed In the fire, tive body. but it is bclirveu by Ihe board of board of health that the majority died And now the children of billionaireg from ptomaine poisoning. So many are to be left lacing a cold, cruel world dead wire fount In this limited erea that cremation was deemed absolutely with a rainy million apiece. disease. The to ft Allen Transfer Six-Mil- d fire-pro- i un Pick-Me-U- multi-millionai- ' THERE It HESITANCY. The most remarkable thing about tbs President's speech last Saturday la the hesitancy that the most pub-li- e man display la discussing it. Truly It was a pretty atartllng speech for the senate to listen to. Thsy sat through tha remarks oa the muck rska aad applauded loudly. The President was then hitting soma of the writers who had stirred up trouble la the senate and elsewhere both tor the just and tha unjust. But when It cams to the question of aa Income and Inheritance tax, tha trained politicians noentod danger afar off maybe, but danger none the less and they not only sat deadly still, but they have been dodging the almquttoua Interviewer ever since. The nsual excuse they suite Is that they have not yet had time to thoroughly look Into the speech and decide what Its all shout. Mow that, speech needs very little going Into to decide ns to Ita meaning. It la a trank statement that many of tha private fortunes of this country have grown so huge and the Interests' they represent are so Intrenched that It le rapidly becoming n question whether the moneyed men ahull central legislation or whether legislation shall control them. Had tha great moneyed interests been content to submit themselves to the law sad had they shown any disposition to piny 'fair, It would havs been hard to reproach any man for reaping tha fruits of hla Industry. But there Is no need to resort to the muck rake to show (hat they have not played fair. Thsy have undertaken to set themselves above the law and they have invited strlfs between labor and capital. They have not proved themselves good cltl ns In many cases and the President's speech points out the Simplest means to curb them. Perhaps It la radical, revolutionary, socialistic, call it what yon will .to sup gest curbing them at nil. But that Is the plain meaning of the President's speech and It is going to be the utterance that win keep people thinking end talking nil through the nextp residential campaign. Political leaders .who choose may decline to discuss it. But they will have to reckon with It In all subsequent elections. Thera Is nothing occnlt and hidden In It. It la just the plain proposition, 'shall ws so control the vast accumulations of wealth In this country so that they cun no longer menses the general well-beinof the nation?" The rate bill has bean a great national problem up to date, but It looks ns though It would noon have to take a place as second pigs reading matter hi the shadow of the larger problem that has been presented for public discussion. g : ; WANT AND NEED. Theres a big difference between what a baby wants and what he needs. Deny him the one, give him th ether. Most babies need Scott's Emulsion its the right thing for a baby. It contains a lot of strength? building qualities that their food may not contain. After they get to want it Why? Because it makes . them comfortable. Thoss and round cheeks dimples mean health and ease. Scott's Emulsion mkes children easy; keeps them so, too. nowro tons hH m, wc vim J.C. Platt Saddlery " To California tl.-Ch- arlea . - Siam resows A Directory of Real Estate Agents of Ogden City For bargain in Ogden and autaid propartle aaa Classified Salta column Tent City Pasadena Terminal Riverside Coronado San Pedro a Long Beach Los Angeles e al three-months-o- ALASKA e EXCURSIONS h of Attorney Directory OGDEN CITY s ext'-guls- r OF the Convenience ofPuWk Offices for - - Locating JOHN BEE, CHEZ A M'CRACKEN and Counselors, First Nat Bank Bldg. Attorney ooma 440-4- 3 VOLNEY Ream Office 240S Washington Av. Attornay-at-Law- Attomoy-at-La- ooma 2 First Nat Bank 844 Bldg. In Grocery. Attomay-at-Law- . . S14 and 315 Ecclea MALONEY Buildup M. D. LESSENGER Attomay-at-La- ferae ever Richa Ind. phem R. A FARNfiWORTH add-soake- i . St. Twanty-fourt- sen's DAVIS A DEVINE. Attorney- Rooms 425 and 428 Ecclea Bldg. THOMAS . B R. O'CONNELLY. E. T. HULANISKI 21-2- . 27 and 2A First Nat J. 0. SKEEN Attorney and CouneelorolAf. Fnao First Nat Bank Bldg. Both C. GUNNELL Attomoy-at-La- E. BAGLEV. Attomay-et-Law- Attomey-at-Lx- Bankruptcy, U. S. 2442 Washington Ava, 301 Eoclte Building. The Examiner Has The Leading--Dentist- s of Ogden JOHNSON, DR. A. W. DR. F. C. OSGOOD, Dentist Over Utahna Drug Store, Corner 25th and Wash. DENTAL PARLORS, EGGINTON Over Wm. Driver A Sons Drug Storo 2451 Washington Ave. ' City- WyJL'S?; FEL3HAW', Over Spate 2465 Wash. Av. Phonejb J j |