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Show . THE MUKXISG EXAM1XEK: OtiliF.X, to Senator La Follette Will Continue His Speech on Rate Bill Today Members of House May Attend John Paul Jones' Burial Exercises Confederate Veterans Gathering in Toc'.U.r3ol grand New Orleans. OPERA HOUSE Senator LaFollette will continue today (Monday) hia addreaa In tho LT. 8. senate on the railroad rate biU. devoting hie eepecial attention to the aub-Joof the overvaluation of rail road, and contending for en amendment to the bill authorliing the Interstate commerce commission to determine the correct valuation of railroad property ai the only proper meana of arriving at just and reasonable rate. He will probably conclude during the day. There it as yet no definite understanding as to who will follow him. but It la probable that Senator Spooner will do ao. Indeed, there has been no definite announcement that another senator would desire to make a general speech on the railroad eubject, end It la therefore probable that no one eUe has completed the preparation of a speech. The general opinion I,. however, that the debate will continue throughout the week, Although many of the senators are restless under the long drawn out controversy and many Intimation! are heard that an agreement to vote may be suddenly arrived at almost any time after Mr. Spooner shall have bad an opportunty to make bla reply to Mr. Bailey. In case there should be a lull In the rlalroad discussion Senator Clapp will take advantage of the op por unity to press the consideration of the Indian annexation hill. The betweeu revval of tha controversy Messrs. Tillman and Hopklna la also among the probablUtea of the week. Wth legislation for the Dstrlct of Columba for McDay and abandonment of the season for Tuesday that tha bouse may attend the John Paul Jones burial exercises at Annapolis, hte real legislative week of the national house of representatives will not begin until Wednesday. At that time the agricultural appropriation bill will bp taken and ita consideration taken up until its Tonight ct nr DAVID PROCTOR original London and Now York Company. a ill Message From Mars A Nighta In London, a , 100 Nighta In Now York. and iconic Cmptoto playad 1000 Electrical Production. $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25o 10 A. M. FRIDAY IALE 0EAT amCti-11-- 60. GRAND OPERA HOUSE m jmftfWVTlV m.m- .- m. WEDNESDAY NIGRT Thi Groateat Succeaa In Dramatic conclusion. The provision eliminating the usual cmfwyp cmfwy pemfw garden seeds by members la regarded as tha provision which will causa the 4 Powerful Play Caine's Hal The Christian of Direction Gaorga L. Bakar, vwuwwwwiMnnnniwww LILLIAN JOHN LAWRENCE AS GLORY QUAYLE, lAINPFOLlS STORM, And a Spacialy A8 o JOKN Selected New York Company, CARRIED PRODUCTION men. . EAT SALE TUESDAY. HATS. lIisouri ban pletely the Tronts comunder her thumb. Felt bain cleaned, blorked and E. I Hurd, 2248 Washing, ton avenue. Both phones. 1 LAUNDRY WORK CONDUCTORS ng our Thumb A Xo. 1 Marks is us! Try Often Steam 437 Twenty-fift- Laundry c There will be a special meeting of No. 124 O. R. C.. Wasatch Division April 22, 1906, at 2 p. m Meeting called for the purpose of rendering aid to the people of San Franrlaco. GEO. ALLEN. C. C. Street. h PARKS IN AMERICAN CITIES. district. In way In the South Park Chicago, are vast In their scope. With- C$pavSI0S,P0RTLAND cbment Jill receive bide for PRIV- iLEfip., SatfhSr Gen,?r1 8tore- - D Store, fop- - Hotel end Bar Room at tbo Which P?rt,and W htraV ?f eetabltahed at a point C LBo - " th. mala h.T,0f 2d,fnPoclflc railway. b:,!rh: "nation can be bed by '. (fc CORTBACTOBS AT1EHTI0U Jlilm'J'.T"14 U1i nlV1 bioric P. twerelj- - W l ,fc 0Ce Cwnent company, unt)l May let. at rLcljlri,ct e PP-rc- I,ril maonre-b,- 01 nibble approximately Tirdt fncr!te ork and 75, muare 10 ore; aleo fav,,inn AJ ork hTk fnr fonn(ltlona. kpory, locatin' donL? tbe company! t Portland, Utah 31 f th ?jpn- - 011 No main ilaa 2to nr. :K,P!,clflB ,"',"5SSS&1- -' OCURSIORTOSALx r UK CITY J:,DAV- - AP",L Thc m v p' m- 27TH. h'w-- . W ronnd -ArBpw 1 train leavea leaven Salt in the last three years they have spent $6500J)00 in providing and equipping from ten to sixty acres In area. Each la equipped with buildings and Indoor gymnasiums with physical culture Instructors and lecture-roomChicago, or rather Cook county, la preparing to acquire 47,000 acres aa a forest reserve a few miles north and southwest of the city limits. This reserve la to be maintained In Its natural conditions as a woodland park. New York, of course, has the greatest park system, both in the amount of money expended and In natural beauties. They .are adding to their holdings In the Bronx and along the Hudson river. Baltimore spend! a million dollars annually on Ha parka. One-haof this sum U derived each year from the street railway company. The corporation, trader the terms of Ha franchise, pays that much directly Into the park fund. The' rest Is secured by a tax' levy. Baltimore la improving Ha parka and trying to make a few boulevard connections. "In Philadelphia Fairmount the Park holdings an being Increased. This park, which was originally 1.400 acres In area, little larger than Swope Park, now covers 4,000 acres. In Washington tha largest Improvement they are contemplating Is to change the Mall. It Is 1.300 feet wide and extends from the Capitol to the Potomac.. It is planned Te group public buildings along each side and reserve the renter space fnr a parkway with a double roadway and in pises. Buffalo's park system i s. lf IDOfi. 23, We Guarantee formation of flreari n aLin; The remaining e n Vs vjiiL-aitanpa ntii.c, ning. houe nitvtunu. pinmbing and carui, r worh. Tho mechanical school iii,'Ui:t,s she study of political econono. hygii-:!,-- . arithmei tic. geometry. dra ,:t:c t r wood physics, chemist sn,! item work, bicKV uui automobile making. Plumbing 1 the o:to school in which an entrance foe is iiUianuui.--Cons- ul McNally of Liege. To save you as high as $15.00 on your spring and summer suit Gill and let us explain why we can do this. We guarantee to give you a LETTER LIST. List of letters rtnia:uing iu the at Ogden. 1 tail April 17, lStid. which, if not call J tor in two weeks will be sent to the J, ad letter office: Gentlemen's List Atwood. Lewis C Andrews. Gust K, tgman. P Brooks, J 8 Harncr, Geoige E Brydou, W A Bowman. A R J A the same. Scarcely any boulevards Barns, Jantea I'timie. E M have been started. In Cleveland not Clauti. Culnon Hiristenson, C A Tan . V A much has been accomplished. Some Carr. W A park reservation! are In course of con- Crocket. W E nrke. Willard 1 H struction. but are not nearly so far Cats, Mr advanced a ours. Of boulevards they Davis, W M iWaghv. D J have none. In Si. Louis about all they Eddy, Elton Kllings, Frank are doing ia to restore Forest Park, Empey, George Punk. Fender which the World's Fair marred. They Gordon. Chas uddsboro. Wnt a have no boulevards to speak of. Hamilton, E Harding. Dr E H American Civic Association Hamilton. E Hamer, E A Healy. M I, Harris, John Jones. Mr A Mrs CJanssau. J G NEW PANAMAS. Jones, R W Jones, J A Mr Kessellng. Herr W Kayi-eKimble. FAC Panama hats, cleaned, bleached, Kerr, Gaorga J P blocked and reirimmed. E. L. Hurd, Kaumatoa liouls 2248 Wash. are. Both plumes. leonard, Chas Luly, George 11 Miller, Frank (31 McFarland, Joe ART LIFE IN FLORENCE. Mott, M Miner, Wrn 51 Matthew. M 11 McDonald, Thomas Nelson, L X The art life of Florence has been re- Nikola, Tom Oka, C vivified by the invigorating hreese Xaluraotot R Pm ter, George M brought in upon it by tha appointment Olsen Ed o of the distinguished art scholar, Plyer, Joseph T Purdy. Harry Pierce, 8 P Ricci, to he tha chief director of Parker, John Robins, J W the two local galleries. Tho first and Revere, A E moat important task awaiting him was Raddon A Raddon Roatan, L Robinson, Wm the highly necessary rearrangement of Holland, R C Fbalm, A A Bro the VlF-xi-. Owing to the peculiarities Ruf, William of the rooms of this gallery, the work Bpargo, C R Snyder, Ed could only he carried out very slowly, 8triker, George 3 Stryker George T Saveatrom, H since it was requisite to avoid closing Bettlmo, Duccl numerous sections of the collection Smith, J C 8iagg, Roy for any length of time. Still tha hall Sliest Stephen W Ttlngley. H M of Lorenzo Monaco and that of the Thompson. Holly Truett, C C Birth of Venus tby Battlcellil have Vorturo, FrancearoVnkum, Jnn Wilson, W H been ready for some time. Now the Williams, W R Wallis, Thomia chambers of tha Florentine Quattro- Williams, Ted cento nave experienced at least a pro- Weston, Perry C Wilson, Wtlford WhUler, Grover visional rearrangement. The moat Weston, Warn Whlaler, G G (3 brilliant feature fit this section of the Wilson, Jno Wyatt, D C collection la the spacious and lofty Wilson, Jaa Botlce Ilian room, lighted from the Ladies List disroof, where grf assembled and Mrs Jack Bowman. Mrs Pearl Beams, played to view, the entire wealth of Benaon, May fathers Mrs Jennie the gallery's treasures, executed by Butler. Mrs Lucy Clark, Mrs Belle the master hand of that great exponent Delaney Mrs E (3) Dale, Mias Eulalia of the principles of the early renais- Elton, Mias Lida Frank, Mist Belle sance period. It ia highly Interesting French, Mrs Geo RFrank Miaa Jennie also to sea two works by Signorelli Guculve, Miaa Hill, Emily sa the hanging on tha aama wall Mrs Fre Myers, lra Millie of Michael Hammond, Tondo' Moore, Miu Pearl IMathewa. Mias Ann Angelo, which has hitherto bung In Middleton, Mrs LurXorton Mrs Ada L relaIntellectual tha Tribuna. The Rowan, Mist M L Rekermann Mrs Be tionship between these two great mas- Robb, Mra Frank Shaw, Miaa Rae Tha ters was nevar seen mors clearly. Stalkers, Mrs EmllySandford, Miss A Venetian section ia next to be taken in Tlngley, Mra MolliiVaughn, Mr J C Vehand. In the rooms of the early Vanduzer, Mra J BWHaon, Ellen netian period, the most noteworthy fea- Weaver, Mias Oliv Willard Mrs Wm ture will be the newly acquired work T . H. DAVIS, P. M. which Rlcd, by skillful negotiations, secured for the gallery. It is a hither- THE DAY OF THE WILLOWY GIRL. to quite unknown Madonna'' by JacBellini of the ancestor an Bellini, opo family so notable in the history of Ve- Miaa Kandrick of Boaton a Perfect Type of Sargsnt's Ideal Woman. netian art, and it Is without a doubt the finest Madonna by this master, ao few of whoaa works have been preservWomen associated with athletic ed. Another interring acquisition Is c.ubs and gymnasiums dismissed yeswhich, an organ ornament, the wing of terday with great Internet the opinion opened, shows the Annunciation, and of Dr. Dudley Allen Sargent of liar closed, 2 upright figures of saints. Thera vard, who. in the hall of the board of can he scarcely any doubt that In this education, told tb delegates of the partially incomplete work we have a Physical Training society that women none should aim. not for the production due to the hind of Melns-srugged strength other than the splendidly gifted of their brethren, hut for the alert nexs da Torii. Continental and grace of "a willowy girl. Aa usual after such adiireeaea. the audience tried to pick out someone who would typify the doctor's Ideal. NOTICE WOMENCF WOODCRAFT They struck upon Miss Edith Kendrick of Boston, who probably is as perfect Members of Ogden circle N& 581 are a specimen of "the willowy girl as 1 of can he found. requested to attend the tuners Tho standing of Dr. Sargent seems Neighbor L. Prcece's child. Services at St. Joseph's church Monday, April to assure a tendency on the part of ms 23rd. si 2 p. m. clcty women to cultivate the sinuous, slender form the educator advocates. Mary Beaitmelster, G. X. Mario Critcs, t'krk. There is a belief that hia "willowy girl will become as great a fad as PROTECT PROPRIETARY MEDI- was the "kangaroo girl. CINES. Good form and endeavor to bean-tifthe body and make It healthy Did :t ever occur to you that pro rather than strenuoua should be the prlrtary medicines are a blessing to aim of women who exercise." lir. SarWomen uliould not enmankind genet ally T The good unea gent said. have long continued tale; tho poor gage in the rough, vigorou- - pastimes ones have short life and soon leave that their brothers affect. They should take milder forma of exercise so that the market If wo had to depend entirely upon venilifled woman 'shall not take the of cffcnilulxcd man. physicians and druggists it would be place Dr. Sargent dwelt upon the contenexpensive and very Inconvenient at wonu-should nut aspire to times, esprclsll In the country and tion that muscle and brawn posat night when neither could be con- develop theman. but that she should For nearly forty sessed by veniently reached. exercise to keep her enough Just take German Boschoc's years Syrup has in and yet re- condition, good phy.ical In used families thoubeen and many Uvea of sands of adults and children have been saved by Its use, when it was impossible to retch a physician. German Syrup la tbs best household remedy Mr coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble. It quickly relieves the hacking cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sound and refreshing sleep. Twenty-fivend seventy-fiv- e cents. Get a copy of Green's prise almanac. pot-offle- e new coat if the front ever breaks, and reline the suit if the linings wear out in a year s time. We carry no old stock. Our patterns are fresh from the mill every spring and fall, and we can give you the very latest styles out Union label on all garments. dt ( & r. EDMUND TAILORING CO Cor-red- y e The Improvements that are under PRIVILEGES TO LET ? e o The ceremonies in commemoration of Admiral John Paul Jones, whose body was recently brought, to Annapolis will be held on April 24, when the body will be transferred from tho temporary tomb In the naval academy grounds to a room In Bancroft hall. The French government has sent a fleet, under command of Admiral Campion, to participate In the ceremonies. Addresses will be made by President Roosevelt, M. Jusserand. the French embassador, Secretary Bonaparte and General Hors re Porter. The national convention of the Women's Foreign Missionary aoctrty of the Presbyterian church will be held In Harrisburg, Pa.. April 24 to 2d. The united convention of the United Confederate Veterans' national reunion convenes 1 New Orleans April 25. aJ s. in- world-renowne- d most talk. That the Mil recently reported from the committee on revision of the laws, containing a codification of the criminal lawa of the United Statea may consideration, a proposition la to be advanced .In the near future for night sessions when this hill may be read. Tha measure la a very long one, and its reading will require several hoars. The Olympic games at Athens will continue throughout the week and until May 2. Thirty-twrepresentatives from the United Statea will be among the competitors. la London April 2 will ha held the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Ellen Terry's connection with the stage. The committee having the celebration in charge Includes the leading actor managers, several artists an.1 authors and many other Influential Hiatory, - u-- t Tho hv iiros Siinmaiiitig indui-trbo h the thoo'i and practical NEWS OF THE WORLD Finer ArHII. MtHiXINO, -- Co. He New Bittner it MONDAY ., '' ;a'!gti:. and the bo x.i! p- a- nr ship in .cw. brsurb of tho A GLANCE AHEAD AT oIhsTtheatre UTAH. 4 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION GIUM. IN BEL- In no country in the world docs the government attach more Importance to the Industrial and pipfeselonal education of its people than in Belgium. While some of the Industrial and professional institutions are maintained by the grace of the central government, the majority art subsidised by the provincial or communal administrations. The city of Liege supports one large Industrial school and nine professional schools. The Industrial school Is one of the best In Belgium, and has at present an attendance of 650 pupils. Many of Its graduates have become noted in the Industrial world. The professional schools include one for tailors, where the lectures and practical work of a tailor aa taught In conjunction ate free. The course is five years. The school of horticulture is free, with a course of three yesra. The commercial and consular high school is Intended to offer an advanced education, both theoretical and pno-tical- . and la open to those contemplating the profession of bunking, commerce. industry or a consular career. The Government usually drafts from the graduates the young men wanted In the various consulates throughout the world, where they remain without compensation during a '.preliminary prescribed period. The firearm school was established In 1897 and like the other schools the applicant for admission must have had 2446 Grant Avenue tala the willowy, enl rancing form that plevstea her above th crude, brawny masculine figure. JEFF DAVIS HOME DECAYING. THE W, H. Howard of Montgomery, Emporium, Pa., having to wait here the other day for a train, took a walk about the city. He earn upon an old Ala. Daily April 25th to MADE IN A DAY THE FIRST WHITE BEWINO MACHINE WAB PLACED ON THE MARKET IN 1B7A WE HAVE MANUFACTURED AND BOLD OVER 1,500,000 MACHINES. OUR PRESMANY IMHAVING ENT MODEL IB THE BEST, PROVEMENTS WHICH STAND FOR PERFECTION. CALL AND EXAMINE. , WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. OPERA HOUBI BLOCK, OGDEN. UTAH. They Fear the Light WHO DO THE WRONO OURQ-LARSNEAK THIEVES AND EXCURSION. CITY ABTICLK IB NOT REPUTATION and dilapidated mldenca near a cotton yard and asked what It was, noting oma distinguishing marks. He waa told that It had been tha home of Jefferaon Davis, occupied before tha Confederate rapltal waa moved to He espresaed great surRichmond. prise .and in show hia own Interest wrote the following note to a local paper, sending along with It 3 toward ! the cause: 1 am from Pennsylvania, and being delayed here for some time oaring to my train being late, I took a stroll about your rtty and waa ahowa the old I canresidence of Jeffereon Pavia not understand why the people of the south, and partirularly thnoe of Montgomery, should let tliis house go to min and deray aa they are doing. Why not start a movement for Its preservation? This old house la railed The While honse of the Confederacy ." Mr. Howard's 5 contribution was turned over to the ladies f the White House association. to be used to move the bouse to a lot provided by the city near the cemetery. It la Impossible to buy the lot the house ia on. as it la In litigation, but the house rsn he moved and will be. New York World. MEXICO OF AN May 6th. THAT LIKE. r I Via Union rarlflr, 169.80 round trip. Final limit returning July llat. Stopover, allowed. CALIFORNIA EXCURSION. 2B,'n730. April 26, 27, 5, and 6. , Turn on the Light j 1, 2, 8, 4, May Ogden lo Ran Francisco and ONE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF. LIGHTS OVER ELECTRIC rs- - ALL OTHERS. 130.00 direct) Ogden to Ban Francisco and return tone way via Portland i. 42.50 Ogden lo Ih Angeles and re41.00 turn via Southern Pacific Ogden to Lon Angeles and return. going So. P. and returning 8. P. L. A. A 8. L. RT. tnrn vlci Ogden ( vena 43.00 to I on Angelas and return via O. 8. L. and 8. P- - L A. A -- 8. L. Ry 31.51 to lam Angeles and return lone way via Portland 55.50 and 8an Francisco) Ticket limited returning until Jul t list. Stopovers allowed. Ogden R. A CAMPBELL, General Manager. A W. WADA The late Spring and quiet business makes k necessary to unload our immense stock, so for ten days we make you this great opportunity. $18, $20, $22, $25 and $27 Suits for only $12.50, $13.50, 14.50, $15.50 and $16 Suits for $15-3- 9 .......$12-3- 9 $7.50, $8.i0, $9.50, $10.50 and $11.50 Suits for $7.39 . Boys' and Children's Suits cut in the same proportion. These are New and fresh, just from the factory. all the latest styles and best makes. PUTNAM ONE-PRIC- E CLOTHING HOUSE Agent |