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Show THE MORNING EXAMINER, JUNK UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, OGDEN', 1JWU. 13, EAOY FOR JULY AND SAVE MONEY BY BUYING EVERYTHING AT THE I Z . 0. Jin aramas Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, - JUNE 25. - - 24, 23, 22, he Great Opportunity of the year to get what you need, get it as , good as it can be made, and TO SAVE MONEY ON EVERY ARTICL. We take great pleaiure in announcing OUR ANNUAL. JUNE CLEARANCE SALE, commencing Wednesday, June 22nd, at S a. m, and continuing until Saturday night, June 25. have years of our existence our patrons This great mercantile eetabliehment waa created and exists to supply the wante of the people in everything, and during the thirty-fiv- e watched us expand and grow, and have vindicated our liberal policy thousande upon thouaanda of tlmea. Always the very beat at the very lowest possible price conaiatent with reliable merchandise.. Courteous treatment, truthful advertising, money refunded on all goods not satisfactory, and prompt deliveries have played important parte In making this the greatest and most pleasant store in all the West in which to trade. And this great annual June Clearance Sale ia an event which will be looked forward to with the most pleaaant anticipations by practically every careful buyer in this city and vicinity. It Is our real CLEARANCE SALE" of the year and our patrona are given the benefit of the buying opportunities which come to an Institution handling over (4.000,000 worth of merchandise per year. Needless to say that our offerings this year are greater and better than aver before that our reductions of 20 to 60 per cent on household necessities are genuine discounts from regular aelling prices and not cuts from inflated prices. Most people have learned that ever? statement wo make is true and In reading the partial liat of Bargalna publish-e- d methods of OGDEN'S herewith, will readily recognize fha fact that nowhere else can such benefits be derived. To thoae who are not acquainted with the reliable modem GREATE8T DEPARTMENT STORE, we aay 'Come and see and ask and know and 8AVEI" Shirt New . .... Waist Styles Handsome Skirts For June Sale Week er present most important Itema nt and pries concessions. The very of the Orest Sale the character of the garments, the season and the in prices very liberal redactions cam for this sals the distinction of being the roost important which our Department has yet presented. Even if yon live miles away it will pay you fh thia to be here and participate grand event. we ele-me- n. 10c. for for for for for for quality quality quality quality quality quality 70s ....'....$125 $1.40 .$2.00 $3.40 for for for l-- 2c . boll,-wort- 20c. Silk Taffeta Ribbon. 8c for 6c quality. Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 5c. for 71-2- c quality. for 10c Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 6 quality. Silk Taffeta Ribbon. 10c. for 15c duality. Silk Taffota Ribbon. 15c. for 25c quality. Kaucy Ribbon! 4 to 6 in. wide. 44c and 20c 43c quality for Indies Co! ton Hose, worth 12 8c for 15c, I lilies1 Codon Hose, worth Wo for Adies Cotton Hose, worth 20c, 1 for Indies Colton Hose, worth 23c Wc for ladies' Lace Lisle Hose, worth 85c 10c, for Ladies Lane Lisle Hose, in colors, 83c. worth 40c, for Childrens Ribbed Cotton Hose. 6 for 8c, worth 12 to 8 Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose for 10c, worth 15c. ................ $3.00 $5.50 $6-7- 25 Per Cent Discount ! on Ladles' Elite Underskirts. 33 Per Cent Discount on Ladies' Dress & Walking Skirts. , Percale Wrappers quality for Quftlity for $l4& qualit y for c. $1.00 i i DOMEST i " if the newOnly the best makes est styles. Values in Laces that would be startling in any other store but this. Torchon Lace and Insertions 5c Kind for 7 1 'Sc Kind for 10c Kind for umi iL2& IC5 1 The opportunity of buying standard and seasonable goods such as this Department contains, at such reduced prices as named in our June Sale, is another feature which win help to make the Z. C. M. I. Annual June Sale . a household word. Vou know you want and need these goods and you see at a glance at the following prices that no one except THE BIO RELIABLE STORE with its great buying fhcll- ttles could make such offers. $1.00 L L. Sheeting, 1$ yards for Thia Is the only store in the whole 7 Hope Bleached, per yard in which you could see such a West , Bleached, per yard ... .7 tonsdale Cambric, per yard ......10c sale, and it is really astonishing to 5c Dress Prines. per yard have these grand offerings come just l-12 Outing Flannels, per yafd S at a time when, every one is demand8 12 and Ginghams, per yard ing them. We have some fine item 12 Percales. per yd. 8 l-lli es of gloves and every famous 12 for LawnsADimitles, per yard 8 named below is a money saver 2, GLOVES l-- 2c l-- l-- 2c Dress Goods The confidence in this store built up through the years that we have given fine values and told the truth about hem and the knowledge that these are Dress . the most desirable Silks and Fabrics today will surely make business brjsk in this Department. 42 in. Etamlnes, 81.00 quality for 65c 65c Voiles, $1.00 quality for n. Etamlnes A Voiles. 65c qual' ity for Grenadines, in Black A 60c Colors. 81.00 quality for Grenadines, In Black A Colors, $2.25 quality for Mohair, Black A Colors, 80c 75c quality for Mohair Suitings, $2.50 for.. $1.75 Albatross, Crepes A Batiste, 40c 60c quality for ' 25c Linen Voiles, 40c quality for Wash Silks for Waists A Suits, in Stripes A Checks Regular 83C . 60c. Now' Fsucy Taffeta. Regular $1.25. Now 79c washable Taffeta, AH Colors, Me Hegtilar $1.00. Now Velours, in Black A Fancies. Regular $1.25. Now ' you. ; Ladies Kid Gloves 4 Shades. All Overseam. 70c worth fl.00 for for.. 95c worth Pique. worth $1.50 French Kid, for worth Real French Kid, $2.00 for $1.00 worth Chamois Gloves, 60,1 for 81-2- 42-l- n. 28-I- Ladies Lls'e Gloves Worth 15c for .., 30-i- n. 42-i- n. Worth 35c for Worth 60c for $1-6- 0 42-l- n. 28-1- n. 30c loc 35c 20c 2ta Kind for 25c Kind for 35c Kind for 40c Kind for t i Great Reductions In Misses and Childrens J Hats Straw r u 75c qualit for $1.00 quality for $1.50 quality for $2.00 N mu E arc the recognised leaders in Boys', and Childrens Clothing and Furnishings, and If there ia a singlo person in the county who has not tested our goods in this line, that person should pick up' some of the following named SNAPS." and we'll lake chances on his being a regular customer forever afterwards. Sue 60c 75.; $1.00 and Worsted Suits 22 $17.00 and $18.00 Goods for $15.00 and $16-0$ 1 350 tlOOdg for $11.00 Good $0.00 (jfiodn largo and varied stock and at. most wonderful Rargain Prices fur the BIG JUNE CLEARANCE SALE ONLY. .. ...... .... (0c for 75c for .. $1.00 for . $L50 for . . . $2.00 for .. .InC 60c 75c ...... ......a,. Regular Regular $3.00 for From 1.75 Washable Belts Ladies' 1 5c (isss s to 50c a Ladies Kid Belts From 40c to 65c Ladles Silk Belts From 25c to ,,...$1.0) Embroidery and Insertion .... 2c 6c quality far 7 10c 12 20c 2vc 35c 4oc 60c 85c quality for ... quality for c quality for .. quality for quality for ....... quality for qualit y for .... . quality for quality for 4c C ................ 12 GEO. ROMNEY. nt c 8c 1 2c ....... luc ...... 20c .... .... 2ec TKc JOS. F SMITH. PresMsnt 23 $12.04 quality fur $10.44 quality for $9.00 quality for $7.50 quality for $ 1 .Oil 1.35 Steel Beaded Bags 50c Regular $1.00 for Regular $2.00 for eu ae$1.2G $2d0 for 10 I.. ... 50c $12.00 Goods for.... 10 50 77sl a imiinii i is MuiMi , i 5c grade for $1.44 grade for $1.25 grade for ...i - $700 C.6o . 76c 1.00 Hosiery Meals 15c Black and Brown Half Hose loc Men's 25c Black and Taa Half 17c Hose Men'a 35c Fancy and Black liall ..... Hose l.J Men's 50c Fancy and Black Half : 35c Hose Men's 65c and 75c Fancy and 50c Black Half Hose . ...... ...... Children's Knee Pants 60c All 75c grade for All $1.00 grade for ..... ...... 80c All $1.25 grade for , 100 Fine Assortment of Neckwear . to .... ...... ...... .....I,. Marked 54c and 75c quality. down to $1.00 and $1.50 quality. $7.64 6.60 6.04 6.00 .... Childrens Suits $4.54 and $5.00 quality $3.60 quality for $3.00 quality for for.... 3.04 2.44 1.75 20c Marked 75c ... ... , down to Do not forget that a reduction has been made on ALL CLOTHING AM) FURNISHING GOODS other than those montioned. in high grade quality. Farming and Garden tools. Granite and Tinware. All direct lowest from Manufacturers and' at prices. DURING SALE WE MAKE MARKED REDUCTIONS IN TIN, GRANITE, WHITE ENAMELED AND GALVAN. IZED WARE. Large Galvanised Wash Tubs, 65c worth $1.00, now Medium Galvanized Wash Tubs, worth S5c, now 75c Worth regularly $1.25. now Small Galvanized Wash Tubs, now Worth regularly $1.50. ....$1.00 Worth regularly $2.50, bow ..., 1.54 14 worth 75c, now quart Galvan ixed Water Palis 12 quart Galvanised Water Pails Mens Worsted and quart Galvanized Waier Pails Casslmer Trousers 10 06 Granits Berlin Kettle $3 00 010 Granite Berlin Kettle ..... $4.50 and $5.00 qualily 2.50 $4.00 quality 22 Granite Sauce Pan 2.25 $3.50 quality ...... ..... 24 Granite Sauce Pan , 2.00 ... $3.04 quality ... 26 Granite Sauce Pan ... H quart Granite Milk Pans .... 17 Inch Galvanized Coal Mods. . 15c. 3 quart 7 in Coffee Pots 20c 2uc Kind for 7 inch Belmont Straight Shears, 50c kind for 20c worth 40c C0c 7uc kind for ( mu inch Belmont Straight Shears, I 8')c $1.00 kini fw M 2oc worth 60c $1.21 kind for seas sm 3 piece Kitchen Carving Sets, $1.o0 kind for l2u 20c worth 40c . 2.00 $2.50 kind for 60c tlalaifi Seeders, worth $1.25 Mrs. Potts Sad Iron Handles .. lUc T. Sacrttery. JOHN WATSON MANAGER. Boys 2 and 3 blade Pocket Knives regnlar price 25c and 35c, now 10c AW CARLSONsTratamr, Nickel Bread Knives, price 50c, SDo now ... ... Boys' Handled Axes, price 75c, . ........ ...., Mens Underwear 25 l.i a wnnt ,.... ........... Me Worth $L50 for. Ladies' Silk Mitts. - kind for kind for kind for kind for $1.00 kind for.. $1.25 kind for. 23c 35c 65c 75c "'?. , t'' A, OGDEN S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE, $1.00 kind, for 7 Sr $2.'u kiLd. for 1.3j listed Knives and Forks, per set. .... now 07 1-- Cream Pilchers, regular 16c each, JSOW I Inch While Plates, regular $1.50 doz., now Decorate! Tea Puls, regular 40c each, now ..... ..... Decorated Tea Pola, regular 30c each, now Plain Tea Pots, regular 30c each, now riain Tea Pols, regular 20c each, now ..... ..... ... Glass Tumblers, regular 60c. doz., ....... ..... now ..... ... ... Ido LOU 2oc 15c 15c 10c 40c Handled Glass Tumblers, regular 10c each, now 05q Glass Sets, regular 40c each, DOW 44b Mens Hats, In Light Colors and Black U While China Teas, regular $1.64 1.00 per doz., now Gold Band China Teas,. regular ..... 1.35 $2.00 per doz., now Gold Baud China Plates, regular . 1.25 $2.00 par doz., now 7 inch Covered Vegetable Dishes, 35c regular 60c each, now 8 Inch Covered Vegetable Dishes, .... 40e regular 75c each, now 5. inch Bakers, regular 10c each, 05o . now 6 inch Bakers, regular 15c each, ..... Mens Black Suits fl.iHi $15,00 Good for iiimmi .00 ! $10,00 Goods for nni Hardware Department 7,u0 $12,00 Goods fur Ilia largest and best assorted sloes Boys Cheviot and of Builders and Shelf Hardware. Worsted Suits Fancy Complete line of Carpenter a. Tools A Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular for for Golf Shirts 60c .. .. .... 26c and r.5o quality. Marked down Men's Cheviot, Casslmer LADIES PURSES AND BAGS Assorted Styles and Colors $1.25 We Meu'e, 2iJc Regular 85c for Regular $1.0(1 for Regular $1.50 fur ..$1.00 Men's Clothing 15c a ...... ..... CORSETS l2c 1S quality for Men's 50c 75c Worth from $1.26 to $2.00 per pair 80c for Lace Cape Collars 350 Ladies Silk Gloves ' Worth 75c. for.. .. 82-I- n. W 13 12c eesOaeae 1 oc Chantilly Cream Lace l-- 2c 2c Kc Black Silk Lace 2c 36-ln- 4c be 7c mm bmh 2$c Kind for 40c Kind for 50c Kind for . l-- 2c l-- 2c Sc J2c Kind for 15c Kind for 20c Kind for 25C Kind for 50c Kind for 2r Ladies' Wash Silk Waists $4.00 quality $7.50 quality $10.00 quality Dressing Combs. Selling prim 10c. lac. Now Hooks and Eyes, lc per Card of 2 dox. box, worth 6c. Hairpins. per bolt, Finishing Braid, 2 worth 5c. per bolt, Roll Skirt Braid, 21-worth 5c. Trimming Braid. 10c per er .90- c- ............... 5e Now n. Ladles' Wash Shirt Waists S1.00 $1.25 11.75 $2.00 $3.00 $3.50 NOTIONS There are few stores in 'America which contain larger stocks of these useful, indispensable goods that Z. C. M. I., and nowhere can you find bet-tgixxls. And now the opportunity Is at hand to lay In a supply at prices which are never made by any one else but us. Take advantage of It and come early for first choice. Dressing Combs, Selling price LACES ind , ... ..... ..... ...... 2oC Glass sots, regular $1.00 each, now ... 54c ..... Glass Sets, regular $1.64 each, ......... now 1 04 Glass Jugs, Gal., regular 35c 25c each, now Glass Jugs, Gal., regular 90c 50c each, now Glass Fruit Dishes, 4 Inrh. regu25c lar 40c each, now ... Glass Fruit Dishes, 7 and 8 inch, regular 36c and 40c each,, now 15c and 20c e French China Dinner $55.04. Sets, regular price now , ... ... ..... . ... 25.0) e bfhuer Sets, regular 6.5A price $10.00. now toilet sets, regular Z.50 price $12.04, now Toilet Seta, Carlsbad Chi12.00 na. $17.60. now Decorated Toilet Sets, . 7.50 $10.00, now Decorated Toilet Sets, 2 100-plec- 104-Piec- e . $6.00, now 4.5:i Decorated Toilet Sets, $3.50, new Fancy Dtcoraled Parlor Lamps, Fancy Decorated Parlor Lamps. Fancy Decorated Parlor Lams, $9.00. now $7.54. now . $5.00, now 2.50 6.04 5.n 3.50 Great reduction in prices in Clocks. Sets Hanging Lamps. China Berry Salad Bowls and Cut Glass. .SHOES One ef the most popular Department. and Us popularity has been earned by the quality of Ihe goods constantly carried In stock. 24 prs. Ladies' Dongola Slippers, 60c regular price $1.00. Now 36 prs. Ladles' Kid Strap Sandals, $1.00 regular price $1.50. Now 86 prs. Ladles' Kid Oxfords, Tegular price $1.26. Now 1 190 e 24 prs. Ladles' Kid Oxfords, regular price $1.75. Now $1.00 12 prs. Ladles' Kid Sandals, regular price $2.00. Now $1.00 12 prs. Ladles' Kid Oxfords, regular price $2.50. Now $1.50 ...... REMEMBER! Thia is only a PARTIAL list of the thousands of Bargains that await veil at the BIG STORE. Reductions will be msde in -- every department. No Deception. No Fake Methods al Ogdeu's Gieaiest Deparluienf Store. Z. C. M. I. Z.C. M. I. |