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Show "AND JACOB KISSED TRUTH RACHEL." The First Really Romantic Kiss of the Scriptures. The Bible that venerable record of the progress of humanity contains the mention of no less than 52 kisses. More than half of these were given and received by men. The first really romantic kiss of the scriptures was an incident in the early life of Jacob. The young Jewish lad had left his fathers house and set out to see the world. As he plods along the dusty highway his eyes suddenly fall upon an entrancing picture. By the edge of a wayside well stands a lovely maiden, the gracious curves of her body outlined against the soft blue of the Palestinian sky. A smile perchance wreathes her lips, while the pure joy of her young life finds vent in song. It is not to be wpndered at that, as the young traveler approaches nearer, fluttering around his heart an emotion that has never been there before. The young man and maiden meet, and the two appear to have very speedily recognized their affinity for each other, for the biblical story of this first meeting ends with the statement, and Jacob kissed Rachel, anil lifted up his voice and wept." he-fee- ls o VARIOUS KINDS OF DAYS Word Said to Have No Real Meaning Without Defining Adjective. Five kinds of day are recognized, and it has been said that the word day" has no real meaning without an adjective defining what kind of a day is meant. There is a civil day, the astronomical day, the apparent solar day, the mean solar day, and the sidereal day. The civil day begins at the midnight preceding mean noon, and consists of twenty-fou- r hours counted after twelve oclock; the astronomical day begins twelve hours after the dvfl day, or at the mean noon of the corresponding civil day. These hours are reckoned from 0 to 24. It will be seen, therefore, that while lOhr. 12min., January 1st astronomical time, is also lOhr. 12min. January 1st civil time, yet 22hr. 12min., January 1st astronomical time, is also lOhr. 12min. a. m., January 2nd civil time. There are many anomalies growing out of this use of the civil day, and there are many arguments in favor of using the astronomical day. It is one of the reforms which undoubtedly will come some time. o DELINQUENT NOTICE. Humboldt Gold Mining Company, a corporation. Principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice: There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment levied August 15th, 1904, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: Cert. Name. . Shares. Amt. 20 21 26 21 25 26 37 Arthur S. Pitts ... .35,000 $17.50 .50 J. W. Pitts 1,000 .25 500 J. W. Pitts .50 J. T. Lovett 1,000 15.00 A. E. Cooper 30,000 .50 James' T. Lovett ..,1,000 .50 Minnie L. Tate ... 1,000 And in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors made August 15tli, 1904, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at the treasurers office, 156 South Main, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 22nd day of October, A. D. 1904, at 1 p. m., to pay delinquent assessments thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. MORRIS SOMMER Secretary. 15 and 8; block 39, fronting on fourth South street, all of lots 1, 2, 3 and ; fronting on Sixth East street, all of ots and 6; fronting on Seventh East, Scottish Chief Mining Company, Prin- all of4 lots 1 and 8; block 40, fronting on cipal place of business. Salt Lake fourth South street, all of lots 1 and 2; City, Utah. fronting 4on Seventh East street, all of and 5; fronting on Eighth East 2, 3, Notice Is hereby given that at a lots street, all of lots 1, 6, 7 and 8; block 41, meeting of the board of directors of fornting on Fourth South street, all of on Eighth East the Scottish Chief Mining Company, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4; fronting 4 of all and lots 5; fronting on held at the companys office in Salt street, South street, all of lots 5, 6, 7 and Third Lake City, Utah, on the 2nd. day of l; fronting on Ninth East street, all of 42, fronting on Ninth August, 1904, an assessment of one ots 1 and 8; block of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; block cent per share (called assessment No. 43,Oast street, all on Ninth East street, all of 2) was levied on the capital stock otsfronting 4 and 5; block 44, fronting on Eighth of the corporation payable immediatly Oast street, all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; front-- n of lots 1, 6, to W. C. Shoup, Secretary of the cor- 7 g on Ninth East street, all on Seventh 8; block 45, fronting and D. B. Hempstead, poration, at room 305 Atlas Block, East street, all of lots 4 and 5; fronting Salt Lake City, Utah. on Eighth East street, all of lots 1 and 8, Attorney, 125 S. Main St block 47, fronting on Sixth East street, assesswhich this stock upon Any of lots 1 and 8; block 48, fronting on ment may remain unpaid on the 7th. all SUMMONS. East street, all of lots 2, 3, 4 and Fourth In the District Court of the Third day of September, 1904, will be de- 6; fronting on Fifth East street, all of 6 and 8 and the south 66 feet of lot Judicial District of the State of Utah, linquent and advertised for sale at 7;ots 1,block 49, fronting on Fourth East public auction, and, unless payment street, all of County of Salt Lake. lot 8; block 60, fronting on Francoise Temoin, Plaintiff, vs. Ed- is made before, will be sold on the Third East street, all of lots 2, 8, 4 and 5; on Fourth East street, all of lots mond Temoin, Defendant. Summons. 24th. day of September, 1904, to pay 1,fronting 7 and 8; block 51, fronting on Fourth 6, assessment together East street, all of lot 4, the .south 148.5 The State of Utah to the said Defend- the delinquent cost of the with advertising and ex- feet and the north 82.5 feet of lot 5; frontant: ing on Fifth East street, all of lots 1 and You are hereby summoned to appear pense of sale. block 62, fornting on Fifth East street, 8; W. C. Shoup, Secretary. within twenty days after the service all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; fronting on Sixth of this summons upon you, if served By order of the Board of Directors, East street, all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; on Fourth East street, all of lots within the county in which this action made on Sept. 7, 1904, the sale of above 1,fronting 7 and 8; block 51, fronting on Fourth 6, not assessments have is brought, otherwise, within thirty stock on which street, all of lot 4, the south 148.5 Oct. 8, East until was been postponed feet and the north 82.5 feet of lot 5; frontpaid days after service, and defend the W. C. SHOUP, ing on Fifth East street, all of lots 1 and above entitled action; and in case of 1904. 8; block 52, fronting on Fifth East street, Secretary. your failure so to do, judgment will be all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 6; fronting on Sixth East rendered against you according to the street, all of lots 1, 6, 7 and 8; block TAX. CITY NOTICE OF SPECIAL 53, fronting on Sixth East street, all of demand of the complaint, of which a lots 4 and 5; fronting on Seventh East To Whom It May Concrn: Notice la street, copy is herewith served upon you. all of lots 1 and 8; block 64, frontfor the hereby given that a aptcial tax on on D. B. HEMPSTEAD, East street, all of lots 2, First 3,ing4 and Seventh purpose, of constructing a sewer on Eighth East street, 5; fronting Plaintiffs Attorney. street, between E and F streets in Sewer 1, 6, 7 and 8; block 55, fronting all lots of conP. O. address: 125 South Main street, District No. 1, has been levied and on Second South street, all of lots 1 and firmed by ordinance dated August 22nd, 4 and Salt Lake City, Utah. the west 16.5 feet of lot 2; fronting 1904. Said tax is levied upon the following on Eighth East street, all of lots 4 and 5; real property in Salt Lake City, on Ninth East street, all of lots fronting NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. The east 140 feet of lot 8, and the west 1 and 8; block 56, fronting on Ninth East 140 140 feet of lot 4, block 9; the west of all 2, 3, 4 and 5; block 67, lots street, 1, and the east 140 feet of lot of lot feet on Ninth East street, all of lots Monster Mining Company of Dutch 2, block 20, Plat D," Salt Lake City sur- fronting 4 and 5; block 58, fronting on Eighth East Mountain, Clifton Mining District, vey, to a depth of. twenty feet back from street, all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; fronting now, and on Ninth East Tooele County, Utah. Principal place said streets, is due and payable street, all of lots 1, 6, 7 on October 22nd, and become will delinquent block 59, fronting on Eighth East 8; of business, Salt Lake Cty, Utah. 1904. all of lots 1 and 8; block 60, frontAil special taxes are payable at my of- street, Notice is hereby given that at a meeton East street, all of lots 1, ing room 102, City and County Building, 6, 7 andSeventh 8; block 62, fronting on Fourth ing of the Board of Directors of the fice, East street, all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; block Monster Mining Co., held at the Com- Salt Lake City. FISHER HARRIS. 63, fronting on Third East street, all of panys office in Salt Lake City, Utah, City Treasurer and Special Tax Collector. lots 4 and 5; fronting on Fourth East , on September 8, Deputy. an as By Geo. H. Wood,Utah. 1904, all of lots 1 and 8, to a depth of street, Lake Salt City, e twenty-fivfeet back from said streets, sessment of one-haof one cent Sewer Extension No. 122. is in three equal Installments, payable per share (called assessment No. 1), become and will delinquent as follows: TAX. CITY NOTICE OF SPECIAL was levied on the outstanding capital Said first Installment on September 22nd; 1904; said second Installment on October stock of the corporation, payable imConcern: Notice is 22nd, 1904; and said third Installment on Whom To It May mediately to H. B. Windsor, secretary hereby given that a special tax for the November 22nd, 1904. of the corporation, at 62 West Second purpose of constructing a cement sideEach of said installments except the sides of all first shall draw interest at the rate of South street. Salt Lake City, Utah. walk six feet wide, on both streets within a district bounded on the 7 per cent per annum from the date of Any stock upon which this assessment north by South Temple street, on the the levy, as aforesaid, and if any or may remain unpaid on the 12th day of south by Fourth 8outh street, on the either of said Installments shall be unby Second East street, and on the paid when they become delinquent, interOctober, 1904, will be delinquent and west east by Ninth East street, in Sidewalk est thereon shall be at the rate of 10 advertised for sale at public auction, Districts Nos. 2, 4, 6, 14, 16, 17, 20, and 22, per cent per annum until such delinquent and unless payment is made before, has been levied by the City Council and Installments are fully paid. will be sold on the 5th day of Novem- confirmed by - ordinance dated August All special taxes are payable at my 1904. Said tax is levied upon the office, room 102, City and County Buildber, 1904, to pay the delinquent as- 22nd, real property in Salt Lake City, ing, Salt Lake City. following sessment, together with the cost of FISHER HARRIS, Plat A Block 87, frofiting on Fourth City Treasurer and Special Tax Collector. advertising and expense of sale. South street, all of lots 6 and 6; block 63, By Geo. H. Wood, Deputy. H. B. WINDSOR. Secretary. on Second East street, all of lots fronting Sidewalk Extension No. 65. 1, 6, 7 and 8; block 54, fronting on Second 1904. the Salt Lake City, Utah, August 27th, East street, the south 64.83 feet and NOTICE OF SPECIAL CITY TAX. north 222.67 feet of lot 4, the south 50 feet NOTICE OF SPECIAL CITY TAX. 174.5 feet, and the south of north the To Whom it May Concern: Notice is 115.5 feet of lot 5; block 55, fronting on hereby given that a special tax for the Second East street, all of lots 2, 8, 4 and To Whom It May Concern: Notice is purpose of constructing a cement sideon Second South street, all of hereby given that a special tax for the fronting walk six feet wide, on the north side of 5; 5 and 6; block .56, fronting on Second puropse of constructing a cement sidelots' North Temple street, between State street, all of lots 1 and 8; block 71, walk six feet wide, on the east side of street and East Temple street, and on Bast all of Sixth East street from Second South fornting6 on 7Second East street, the west side of State street, between lots 74.25 feet of street to Third South street, in Sidewalk south the and and 1, North Temple and First North street, in lot 8; block 72, fronting on Second South District No. 22, has been levied by the Sidewalk Districts Nos. 19 and 27, has all of lots 1, 2, 8 and 4; fronting on City Council and confirmed by ordinance been levied by the City Council and con- street, Second street, the south 281.5 feet dated August 8th, 1904. Said tax is levied firmed by ordinance dated September of lot 4, East north 247.5 feet of lot 5; upon the following real property in Salt and the 23rd, 1904. Said tax is levied upon the on Third East street, all of lots Lake City, following real property in Salt7 Lake 1fronting All of lot 2, the south 97.8 feet of lot 8, 73, fronting on Second East block and 8; All of lots 1, 2, 6, and 8, street, all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; fronting on the north 82.5 feet of lot 6, block 46, Plat City, block 93, plat "A, Salt Lake City Sur- Third East street, all of lots 1 and 6, the B, Salt Lake City Survey, to a depth of feet back south 8.25 feet and the north 86 feet of lot twenty-fiv- e vey, to a depth of twenty-fiv- e feet back from said street, from said streets, is payable in three 7, in three equal Installments and is 33 feet of lot 8. payable north the equal installments, and will become deon Fourth will become delinquent as follows: Said Plat B Block 80, fronting Said first install South linquent as follows: 5 block 81, first Installment on September 8th, 1904; and lots of 6; all street, ment on October 23rd, 1904; said second on all of said second installment on October 8th, South Fourth street, installment on November 23rd, 1904, and fronting No7 82, block 6, 5, and 8; lots fronting on 1904; and said1904.third Installment on said third installment on December 23rd, Fourth install5 and 6; vember 8th, said of Each of lots all South street, 1904. 33, fronting on Fourth South street, ments except the first, shall draw interEach of said Installments, except the block lots 5, 6, 7 and 8; block 84, fronting est at the rate of 7 per cent per annum of all rst, shall draw interest at the rate of on Fourth South street, all of lots 5 and from the date of the levy, as aforesaid, per cent per annum from the date of 6; block 85, fronting on Fourth South and if any or either of said Installments svy, as aforesaid, and if any or either street, all of lots 5, 6, 7 and 8; block 86, shall be unpaid when they become delinf said installments shall be unpaid on Fourth South street, all of quent, Interest thereon shall be at the irhen they become delinquent, interest fronting 2 and the west half of lot 1; frontlnj" rate of 10 per cent per annum until such lot cent on hereon shall be at the rate of 10 per East street, all of lots 6, delinquent Installments are fully paid. ier annum until such delinquent install-nen- ts and Fourth All slpedal taxes are payable at my block 87, fronting on Fourth South 8; are fully paid. All special taxes 2, 8 and 4: fronting on office, room 102, City and County Build1, of all lots street, room 102, re payable at my office, City street, all of lots 4 and 5; ing, Salt Lake City. ,nd County Building. Salt Lake City, Fourth East . FISHER HARRIS, on East street, all of lots Fifth fronting FISHER HARRIS, Jtah. Treasurer on and 88, Fourth 1 block and 8; City Spedal Tax Collector. fronting Jlty Treasurer and Special Tax Collector. South Geo. 1 and 2; frontlm H. lots of Wood, all Deputy. By street, By Geo. H. Wood, Deputy. No. 69. 8 an Sidewalk Extension all of lots 2, on East Fifth street, 72. No. Extension Sidewalk Lake all on 4 Salt Sixth East 1904. Utah, street, City, August 27th, 1904. and 6; fronting Salt Lake City, Utah, October 1st, British Army Conquests. Ours is the only army, says the umdon Telegraph, which has, with the occasional assistance of the marines, fought In all the five continents from the Rhine to the Crimea, from Syria to Pekin, from Hudson bay to Patagonia, from Egypt to the Cape, and in the Australian seas from New Guinea to New Zealand. But the ascent of the Himalayas and the march to Lhassa surpass, in purely picturesque fascination, everything in Brit-ls-h military annals. NOTICE OF A8SE8SMENT. of lots 1, 6, 7 -- to-w- it: . lf - to-w-it: i I to-w- it: to-w- it: |