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Show ALKER BROS, a. FYLER CO The Largest and the Leadin ir-:- I - X ) - & v Dry Goods House in the West. -:- - Sr-- See their new building. 'Pis the best lighted and most magnificently fitted build-in- g in the remtory ot Utah. Go to them for Carpets, Clothing, Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes mm Notions. .! j . r CI) ' O THE P. AUERBAOH & BRO. w Y Grande. Standard Gauge WESTERN Jv p.muav as LEAD RAILWAY! i 0) 5 THROUGH THE . IN- - 09 MY GOODS AflD Lf DIES' WEJR. (!) 3 5 ROCKY MOUNTAINS! .lW'.v F miishin$ Gowls. Chj'ice of Threa stir., t Routes, U AND THE MOST MAGNIFICENT RAILROAD SCENERY Two Fast Express Trains Daily EACH WAY BETWEEN OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR GARS! Proo of" Chnrgo. Direct Connections made in Union Depots. THE M08T THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAY IN THE WEST. D. 0. DODGE, fcenl. J. H. BENNETT, U. F. k I. A. A. E, WELBY, Xgr. Supt. little fortune hare heenmsnvat for us, ly Anna Fage, AtiMin. work "I .1 and .uio. iionn, luieao, num. ,,ut- - Others are doin gas well. hy Sniisr rm n-xn- f MwJfflr Koniefim over 5MM!0 n i c"u do ,,,e worl1 "nd fafinoilt wherever '",,ue' you arc. Even 'ofES KpSaJnX 11 V,IU? 't rr?-WA2,,,- e To11 he- earning from fi to SZyff'nHPniUHy.lireaeasily ages. c mow you now 7 ni 1 1 and start you. Can work in train- lime or all tin- lime. Hip money for worker. Fail n re unknown among th n. Vli'lv nun t oiiiiri i.ur..i .i.. - r..., ii . mi. i arm mm A-(!nMKox HO lortluiid,Muiiie - - n-.f- mm ".Ilallctt (Ail IMPP VfWfW I Sl 1 S3 000 eiiPii-.thi-irow- VEA I ! KINDS Of runo AND MADE TO ORDER Mi ... F?C5 undertake to n teach any fairly intelligent person o( l l sex, mIio can read and write, and industrious will work after instruction, man. linui a .. a. n a a llnllai u 'i ii l ni H TIim. Tknnaai.il t Im aiities.whi n ver they live.I will also fnrn e sitiiHti.m or tniiliiym.nMt w liit-l- vou con earn that ainoui" .vi Hiciu v etshil as ahove. Earily and qnir "iii.-M- , l but one worker Ironi each distrii-- or enmity. liiive flirt'ltilv iniin-lW illi riiiiinn mi in n i.. , " mini iiiitiii-iin.ii.i. r A 1 AND ALL 1 i QEASOMBLE SJlTfSfACTIOfl GUMNTEED. 4Zi IN MIND n in Tin: i ir flt-sir- Exclusive t Practical Furmei in UtW, . - .- w,,, k nd nrL. mnUiug !5' F,,,l ocr IfSOINI n PI! eii eat h. It I Acidn ss ni iiinr r)0ri5 (0., Telephone '207. 1HT K Seeo.ul South Street. J CO |