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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 70 sir; but I know ti at a FACTS CONCERNING THE are included twelve dailies; it ha respectful, 210 school houses. Iu 1889 there were horse understands his own business GREAT CITY OF CHICAGO. bui t 7,500 bull Mugs, a fron'age on wnich is handl ug a load on a hit). 1 miles at a cost of was sent up here by my niployer to In ISM there wer built take care of his propel ty, and If ou I ill cresting .Statistic ShOuinj; the fll.510 000. street prefer to be the horse yoursejf I can 11,040 houses, covering a Wonderful I'Yoliut'iit oft lie " fifty-on- e and at a not be respon-iJof miles, rontage Western .Metropolis. replied the professor, "will cost of .f 18,0 )(,000 "I," conon '.he the secoud city Chicago is are the merest outlines assume all ivspju-ihilU)The tinent and the seventh in the world. of whatforegoing Tae driver, u t;ii:iir loatn to witae s constitutes the finest bunt city Its pop u la. ion in 18!'J was 1.208.08W. I in the world. It is the n of the the opeia'ion, took out t .e noise at U opiui 174 I', is best travelled contains square iniles. who has been held him by the bridle; aud the profepersons twenty live feet above t!ie level of lake around the world that a mouth i ssor, getting into the shafts, took Michigan ai d 5J2het above the mean barely sufficient to see Jnlcago as it hold of thtm at the ends. The for- sea level. It i wit! in 850 miles of should bi seen to he appreciated and ward carriage was just descending t. e the nearest point on the Atlan- to keep abreast of i s i mure as and its mil and the hinder one a little over Use Franof San iles within 2,417 tic, aud wonders requires a lifetime. This is summit, wheu the professor trod on a It is the cisco on the Pacific. not a boast but a conclusion that can rolling stone, which caused l.im to In proof ; be called conservative after c ismopolitan city on earth. reading ylunge forward, and increased nis of nationof this the following figures the story of Chicago. Chicago velocity so much that he was forced to alities are given from the oilicial walk taster and exchange the slanting census. position with his shoulders thrown THE OLD PROFESSOR. Americans ..2W2.4U3; Hollanders ..4,1)12 well back and his fet oraced wtich Germans.... 384,i)58 Hungarians. .4,827 he hid at tir.t adopted, for a perpenA TRUK AN I) FUNNY NTOKV. 21.") ,5114 tjwip-2,735 lri.Ii The extent to which theory often dicular one. Sod! he was pushed into B )hemians ..54,209 Rumanians ...4.3r0 fails in practice is furnished by a a run, the carriage going at a fearful 52,750 Canadians.. . .0.1)80 Polish vent rated professor, a most dis- rate. 082 45,877 Bliiu S vedih At the bottom of the hill was a brook , whose tinguished mathematician, 008 Noiwegiaus. 44,015, Greeks in on e.icn s.de preei iious banks. The works are still used as text-boo207 33 785 , Spanish Eigls'n of our institutions, and which profsssor was between Scylla and many 28 12,1)03 E is: Indians French within the cunpass of our Caarybdis, going six feet at a leap. In occu.ed ' 1 1,1127 West Indians.... 37 own Scotch order to cramp the lorwari wheel, he experience. 2,000 Sandwich The Welsh II went to B.thel, Me.; ou his turned suddenly to f.he right. 31 landers.... i.l7T return he spent the Sabbath iu suafts of the lorward caniiige went 0,802 Mongolians... 1,217 Lewistou. Danes Monday morning he was two feet into the bank, breaking both I aliaus 0.021 told the hor?e was sick. N vertheless of them short off; the lashiug of the I s paiks aud boulevards cover 3,200 he started. Tue horse went a few hinder one slipped, and it ran into the anf? acres; of the boulevard system there rods, fell down, aud broke hoih thills. forward one, breaking the fender, are seventy four milts; it has 2,300 He then sent his wife home, aud also both vehicles turned over at the botmiles of streets; sixty-on- e bridges, sent to Brunswick lor uuot. er horse tom t the hill with a tremendous the learned gentleman dt anearly all operated by steam, span the and carnago to take him aud the crash; scribed a parabola one of the favorite river and its two branches; it requires brokeu chaise hnue. When the driver came they lashed fig arcs and landed two iod away. :,7,0C0 lamps to light its streets, and tho-- e do not iuclude the wilderness of the twofvehicies together aud started. He rose from the earth, nis knees electric lamps which are in the All weut well till they came to the skinned, pants torn, a piece ot skin down-towdistrict, and which are be- iirst long, steep hill between Lewnton knocked off his lurehiad, and his best hat flat as a paucake underneath ing extended all over the city; it has and lirunswiciN ; on i:s summit they miks of river frontage; held a consultation. lie professor the hind carriage; and, locking forty-on- e Mr. Cauudler, it is too much around, said, miles of lake frontage; it said twenty-ou- e "Is it possible I could have been so for ttw horse to nolo these two has 1,20:) miles of eiectiic wire on this steep desceLt : take the mica deceived as to rriom'jntu::;.?" first class theatres help Twenty-fo- ur "I don't know anything about to contribute to its amusemeu, and horse out; I will get into the shafts." "Profess jr," replied Chandler, '"the momentum," said Cnandier, "but I soma it them are the fljest in the do know something about horses. United States; in- church architecture breeching is strong. " it has no rival; there are 405 of these "Bat the horse, Mr. Chandler; it is I know it makes a mighty difference places of worship; its hotdsare placed too much for tae horse. Besides, I ou a steep bill whether the nurse at 1,400, and these do not include any know how to take advantage of the has two legs or four, and whether he that are not fully equipped in accord- descent, and CiU manage it much weighs one hundred and seventy five or one thousand two hundred pounds." ance with mr dern ideas; there are 000 better than the horse." trunk-line- s 50 to pay "If the horsj can't hold it, jou It cost the professor restaurants; there are thiry-llv- e the damages. Our Da nib Animals. of railway; there are six union can't." "Do you, sir, intend to place me, in depots and four of these are unequaled in tvery appointment; it has 200 miles point of intelligence aud knowledge ot SALT LAKE CI TV has a popuof street railway; four lines of cable mechanical foice, below a horse? railway;and two elevated roads almost I have made mathematics the study of lation of almost 70,000. The entire state of Nevada has about 10.000, completed. There are published here a lifetime." " I have no intention to be dis and is decreasing 531 newspapers, and in this number yearly. Ex. streets of thi'ty-'ou- r e ". -- Bdl-timo- ie, mi-s- t i s I ks It-Russ- ians ; s'-ree- t n :' cai-ria- ges - .f-3- i |